ICPi - Tim Bi lU.sli 1 i cura iw (. ..oi .nri ILK) - A LONDON ve Board, lactd If 'u.mica Railway Execu in ui. u-hn tii sueiu. . tjisi roiiirms Kiii'rf Sew School for Crrfc? Prince Rupert Daiiv News Thursday, August 3i), 1951 VA.NCOt'VKK t '1 ' " wants m, riav's holiday at this village hut with a shortage of 30.000 w.:i to"hire a double-decker bus to has offered a bonus of 10 sliii ,...t it. i-i with h iirpn. arana- iuts m any uiuuuit ui mc iiustivT-' i...... children, great-grandchildren who brims n, a recruit. Aimn.ir Urn - Tuxi sl;,usl'? . i i.. t v... r...nn.. ..r Mr iivii Kn lilies ut: uju v.iu u l it -i.. Blackwood on BruL ul 5(1 .... and K-s Kerbt'rt Weston nuni- the r.'ciuit has cump.t.cu iwo $i r curving tiiii;k;... r nionthi' servljc. fcered 51. J vallum L-h.ii-.- By Eosley Blackwood SMALL TALK AT THE DENTIST'S I Mr. Muzzy ytllod with disappointment when the; 'dummy went down in this hand. "We've missed a; 'grand slam, .partner," he announced sadly. Mr. Mas-j ters felt that he would be perfectly satisiicd to un: ;the grand slam bonus. He only hoped Mr. Mu.xy - i v s could somehow manage to mahe six. Miss Brash opened the kin; of ciubs, hoping her partn ' - would be void in the suit. Mr. Muzzy wun with the ace and gave the hand a little itudy. Then he laid down the ace of hearts and followed with the king of hearts. Miss Brash ruffed this l-i,t trick and led a trump. At this point Mr. Muzzy had three losing hearts left in his hand and The Greek villaee of Ajnandero had no school. The initiative was taken by the Danish Society for As in many other places its schoolhouse was Reconstruction in War-Ravagid Countries and the aestroved during the war. Today, thanks to the Danish National Commission for Unesco. Members contributions of Danish school children and of a of the Danish voluntary team cut stone and mix team of Danish workers, a new schoolhouse is batches of mortar for the brand-new school beginning to rise in the war ravaged Creek town, which is expected to open some time this summer. Al.hhhhlihhl'.ii." 'Ko-fcu-Va-tha Juke Is .n me. 1 pulled the wrong tooth . . ." '-'"I "- lit u S.j nth dealer Neither side vulnerable NihIM (Mr. M;l-tiTi) a y 10 a il -!) -i U - 10 7 5 3 C-J S4 1 Wet (M!v Kru-hl (Mr. ( humpUm ) S-. 7 2 8-5 4 H :i H -y J 10 9 4 I K Q J t) a 8 0 4 J c-huj io a o i c v (ir. ln. S A K J 9 6 3 H- A K 7 8 5 D- A C A The bt.lding: LONDuN iCP Three-vear-old i OFF-THE-RACK Barry Jones was dared by a1 SAO PAULO, Brazil (CP) plavmate to stick his head Brazilian males noted for their through an iron raiiin, To hours later the screaming Barry the irst time Reatly-m.ades had was finally freed by policemen previously been limited to with a hacksaw. , 1 ing clothes. BOSAHAN. England (CPJ To pedini-pcd Ayrshire cows were flectroculed here when a short-circuit developed in their electric piilkins machine. Eighteen others in the herd struggled in pain until the current was f.ttiiclieil off. 'only two trumps on the board. There was no getting away froMi jit. He had to lose another heart ; for down one. I "Nice grand slam. Muzzy," said Mr. Champion, grinning happily. Mr. Muzzy glared. "What louy ,luck," he muttered. "Six hearts ! out and five of them In one ihand." j "Of course, after you got the i king of clubs opening," Mr. l.a.l S.irlll Pais b a Si.ulll M sc sc S H , Phms C S All pass UT-OSI KH TIME ID a m. on day of publication) Classified Adveitlsing in payable in advance. Paoau leliam fiom lHe.lumiiiS. CUsalirj, Wuid per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Noucrs Wic. Cuiii cf '1 hanks. Umiu t, Funeral Notices, Mairiuge and Engatu inenl. Annouiin ntuus .'. ml SPECIAL IJISPLAY, 1XJUU1E I HU E. nrinciple involved is tills: If the, IV f m m you enemy cannot be prevented from Champion pointed out. rofe&Aiona t r iiSuicS. ana DOAlil) Al) t(w,: BOATS K)K SALE could have made your bid eas- ruffing, try to arrange your play lly." to that they will ruff your deac-.s "He's right, Muzsy," said Mr. and treys not your 'aces and Masters. "What you had to do kings. was to safety-play the hearts." ! f LUMINAL COUPLE will manage or run on inaies Ot waae . sniau hotel ol' coilec liar, txije.ien.eu. lt.-u. i .VAN'lEl) - licard ar.u : 1.UU t j.t't . ., Jlu, ; b.U K l'.i ii..t hi.uiir It a b in. to uox la. uaiiv ntj. liJJU' HIE fiEPTEMPKK 1 Saturda tun HtVi tviinnn nut iu.ii.iii! a rj; - - "Colussi's Music Store Agents for tire finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 10 41 n St Ph. Black 389 Eddie's Beauty Solon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. rhune lied 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Storu FOR SALE 30 ft. sail boat. 9 ft oeam. oiaws n.. UoO .itiuare 11. oi sans. 4 cviiiuicr mui.iie ciimne. tiieeos mree. Lavutorv. I on stove and tooKnm uien-i aiis. fiMMt cash. Aijuiv ' Four I Winds.' t'rnue Kuucil aciu ; ciuiJ: an $1W)U -40' cabin cruiser "Or-iuie"; tfO universal: coinuleie, uadv lu uo. Moored al Vaclit ' ciuu. Box iVa uaiiv e. I (2UJCI ai iL It! on I IK; Loiunioia in- (u PENT '..'nii-!v lu.ose li.tint V U! KM 1'mji.l' n li. After winning with the ace o! hearts, Mr. Muzzy should have led a small heart not -the kini?. It would make no difference which opponent won the secon 1 heart lead. Whoever it w;is 1 would lead back trump, whica 1 is the best defense. j But Mr. Muzzy would have 1 only two losing hearts instead of three and he would have two .o.,v ll". lie. .vatand. 'lu be sure in earlv luiiu voa Well Chosen Jewels Are Make-up Aid uu.n HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE C F.N F. L CONTR ACTOji 3 BuildihK and Iii-pairs of all ki:'ki.s ROUF: CHIMNEYS (.il ntjRNKiia PHONES: niack 752 Ued' MH I'.O Box 1070 'I ,AU-tl,:, eii.u. Clj titll riij ou ..i. i li.ii. PHONE 18 vour Northland iJ.i.rv. lor dailv delivery -xi i-r.t s,m- dav. llv lookine allrr vour nulk vnnr milk will Ur-'f alter you. Keen it cool. Ail milk tAKS toil SALE R0RIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Bcsner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 FOR SALE--4 Pontiac. Finance I kuhi aiueu. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILD1NQ can be u.rranaea. Phone wy, nlVE lhl f..KS at hme treat i'OK KEVI La:'.' i, uite huniil.ui.' iur u 1I1 alUi i. 41 U-U111VK CAi'.S. t: l i tiojuviiie Cuuu VOH KENT . u,a 1 ooin. oiui- 4j. ! VOH A MEW H'Ttz 1 iiiione 03U. ilus Itiii.. leriace. uet one of our il-'ii: ioiu- nut sale cakes or pies li'.i.x.-rt ' im i Ltd. Phone M3 lor o: '.'- 'Ui trumps on the board to take! LONDON CP' Background tones care of them. The point is that ' in summer fubilcs U've good the king of hearts must not be ' rcope for bright accessories and played until the very end of the ! , wc:r and uwke the ideal corn-hand, after trumps have been ; element to one s individual color-extracted. n ;. Note particularly that in or-!" Tluugh vivid and subt'e coliu-s der to make sure of winning 12 , are popular this year in England, tricks Mr. Muzzy had to give up j h . r.io.t fashionable choice in Al ( Ol STAN IS scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Illock C08, 3rd Ave. W. an. 1 nu Oil Hi-NT a,... t SliPs")"S SPECIALS Kroijiier Sectional Suite, rea. ki.Mt.uU. redueeit to l2t"b0 Clnoine Taole. reu. $35.95. re- dit.-ed to . . $2995 Marconi Conole Radio, re. SUaOO. reduced to $89. aO 1 1 ic i PUBLIC ACCOUN'I ANI' Income Tax sneclaiust. S. l iuiK. btone liuiidnu. Red din. i2uan oiukm is b'.a k and white, PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 an cnance oi winning is. inures a lesson in that somewhere. luiiel yi-iiltt tlr li. A im-A.c. Wejt. Pi h ire, Rupert. B C. HELEN'S DEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Stn-et Phone 655 P.O. Box '.174. hom" 347 FOR KENT-- Gens-rjj J I.IIM Thus safety play pops up in j all sorts ol guises. The main! .'.oii'iy followed by pewter grey md the natural shacrjs associat- d with tussore and shantung. J ew e's can be selected to flat- ?r and emphasize the shade of ! I.uOr 0ILIIJ. Phiuic liitie M. ri 1 1 II- FOR SALE -One 3-nie?e maroon LOST-Brown and wli.te ouutiv.l 1 White lace w.th oiuaii Mi tut 0:1 lorencad. Male. Phone CitOn l it. i .;iiiu , LOST Lailv'.s b;.;,U ami ehestcrueld suite. Verv aoou CLtidiUon. 3H4 Bmttar Pla"e. j I 1 120431 EOY3 (iABARDINE PANTS-, New .shades- brow n and erev. ! A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell. C A. 325 -41 h Avenue East PO. Box 1247 Phone Red 87a itmisis WATCH hi- PAIRS - I tl. lt. it 11 VI 1-. tjrar- JcAc.Ur. iiat-tiu.., u t il. .he ey.s, hair and make-up, and ;cv. rally to contribute to a dis-nctivc persi nal appearance.' The fashionable hair hits of red sold, corn gold, platinum and ;ght che. tnut are being used as KoiLion ct -uretie tinu nitii i-r . case, liiil.tiii'd. Ui i'o.;t.ii:e. ' Phuiie Bi...k t3J or cal. a; oio. 7Ui West. 1 JMa.' 1 J SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST . Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS a a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo Cook's Jeweller. Ph 212 uood fit. lots of wear. Sizes to 12 vears. Heal bareatn. WE KENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORa CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 now $3 75 to $4 25 pair. B.C. Clothiers. (tlci ffective partner to gold-set WAMI! U.'wclrj, and to such stones as FOR SALE Carntt babv car- davenooi t and bed. Red . WANTED - .35 calibre Wincl.es I lU'it 831. 20du c i ter auununition. ativ uuaMit', Write liox I'M. L).u,v ftews. il-iu: KI.Iil'TKOl.UX Kales and Service . R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue P70 Box 1820 for penuiire p uis and service, phone or write above. NATIONAL! Y KNON NAMES FOR A LASTING SHINE I 111 LP W A.MUI 'wANll-.U Ca .liier. Ek: , lit v Ui.auav t'Jtt MUSIC ItlilioM l)i.l"! I ICH'llltolIt ItlCiiilil I I Otvf.t ln'. ; WAX IK 1) - 'euu 1 1. .i-.un r -s uiii.c.j.. . Li 111. i- i.iitjc: t. bC : t V-eeii, liOlil.s 6 Sti a ii. ! Address auuacjluiti ! itaim-wri.iuii 10 Lu,- l i.iaurer su.ii. ! exoi.lci). cxocriKa i aje. li.iirit.il v-Utis i 10 miI;i:v af;er m '. jvrvice il jMiwacW' MATTSON S UPHOLSTERINO Phone Blue 120. P.O. Box 520 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL im.ia.ds, topazes, amber unci r',re unusual perhaps, but equal-: pleasing to tj amethysts. lor the red-head bla:'s?d wilh a naturally civamy coir.plexi.ui, cr::-rr -colored peals are the c'jviou: choice. Luitr'ous jewe'.ry'naedi lustrous ha'.r and a well-cared (or complexion to look its best, Jewelers say. With pearls it is wise to wear only the finest powder, or their texture and ucucuts shtvn may become impaired. WANTED TOP MAitKKT KiCtrt PAID lor jci.ii) 111.ii. Sleal. Diiu-ij. coboer. jead. ui:. lloiieil Viudm-' I'.OI.IIV. L.IV-meiit made At. a; Iron m Metals Lid.. 2M Prior tt.. Van couver. U. C. Phone l'A'ttic ti'ijl. nl' CASH for yrrtu cast. bras?, cooper, bat'eries and 1 ail.u'u'S. Cleaner Cutting Saw Linu-bei' Hneeqcr snuveis; Cranes: Uralnst A da mi Road Graders: LAHoford Bros. Biaek Too Koad Maintenmre Kauininen'; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Otannles; T L. Smith Concrete Mixers-Clark Forkllft Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders tor Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps; National Draellne Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel Tw mw will cut elmncr, NOTICE OP CANCELLATION OP RESERVE ' NOTICE Is hcn-Oy gi'.'ra that the resi-rve Irum alicnatiun established ur preci.ii-m machine, quick B I ....... - t4 Tl i'h nt. mi call (ili'J 6'h Avei" OU1 HWI rvtoutiied. (tf) West, Citv. 1 , jnirKliiuit to Orrier-m-Cuuiiril No. ( 440. Notice of which whs publishi'1 In the British Columbia Guzt'tte ot ; March 27. 1947. coverinii ci-i tain lau'ls Brunettes with lair skin will HELP WANTED -Or: lor item 1 a 1 launop ulv in i' r.;un Pioiuer-Canauuti ! H. G. HFLGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES DC. ON VACATION ! on the Taimpsean Feuinp.ula. Is can-! firj Oasollne Hoiits: N-atlonalj Portable Sawmills: National! Rotarv Scr-ens and Convjvors. I Full information from Na- tional Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.U (tf) a combination of coral UIS1NKSS OPI'OItTCMTIKS FOR SALE Furniture rena'.r PRECISION SAW FILING 1 !.') eic;r;oTT PLACE B. x 10'. 1 Station 'B 'At in;.' P"- 'Cfrmlnali Tcirace Bu-ldcrs Supplv make-up and jewelry bccomtiiR,! and err.-.ralds, topazes and tur- 1 d::vt! and unlio!s;erv wiuu Fnllv ', eaiiinncU and doinu excellent , WANTr.D - laxi bu.sine.ss. Fust cess uuuortu- I "2 laxi quciifs will also blend with their. poR SALE Range 5. Coa.st District, It!-Ki.-.lci'cU Plan 3005. Ceo. P. Melroip. j Peputy Minister of Lands-., j Department of Lands and Puri.su, I Victoria. B.C. niece Lovelv 10- WAN I i.U Stfiii"""! fjii-iiine e.nu.uv:i: Kuucit KadiO & l nitv lor rmht oci.-ain. Other inlere.siji reaui:e owner to .sell. Box Vti, Prince Ruuerl. HC. 1 2118c) August 21. 1951. I ltd type cl coloring, aappnire neca a talriy warm maVe-up and kok specially striking when complementing blue eyes and galdvn hai.1. Ths blonde with a fair skip, can impnasize i.er Ivory or I MAIDS ITiitnreJ f black walnut dininn room suite, larue eolden oak library table. I lare upholstered chairs. 3 occasional chairs, larae commercial floor waxer and Doli.sher. Hoover caroet sweener coiunlete with uarU. one laree electric fruit itneer, electri" massaeer and reducer. 4 electric heaters. 1 small Dot Kii..r..- ..11 r.,..na O ...w.H .sit REAL ESTATE laundrv unci NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND LAND RBCOUDINO DISTRICT OF PRlNttK RUPERT TAKE NOTICE that Dudley 3. t uncivil!' sis fa:- THEY PAY OFF IT'S EASY IT'S PROFITABLE To Use nearly pink coloring with tour FOR SALE- Hou.se. T room.! an .1 bulh. Cenlral location. is4 H 'U ( cash. Phone Green o'J. iliuUui Little of Terrace. B.C.. Longer, in- I ntaltnes. garnets or blush pearls, heaters, nice pictures in lOR SALE-lake Kathlvn Aulo ,.e us 10 Piy , " 1 wnile the ohve-sksnrud will find followinK described lands sitniite on 1 the skcena . River, approximately ! p.am old oinainenls very flatter Irames. 4 floor Iannis. 1 tab'e v-aiiiu. nuuiv w oo, n-l-.imo. firenla'-e with ajl too's.l era. B.t. Uj4oi. three-quarters mile srmth of Tnrrace. m B C. and fronting on Lot 5759, R. 5. f'nii'-e RMixit 5 J per maii'il I' fx'. and bna:d .U"',."-.. to Matron M'-f' ".' Hosnilal. Prstiff l" Eneineer : WANTED - lor Mil t ? uauers or stifin-!;' f," so that a ijernti ' steaiii-hi':'tin." n,3r,V (.n be nhtiitiH) . foinmeiicH Sent. W jifler It. it (I dp'. miKe coniuiete cAeic-uisT mi. wu, v,,,.o ,,.. ..,,Ki.,,.ii,,ll Ne h' 1'1''pr 40 eallons of nainU Stnndarit ;s l.vin mbioke brtth bvi w- tvnewriter. 7 lare new French nlof. mirrnrt Black Vn Mr Mr room, one ueu ui nil. wi:r .1 m- hlnation kitchen and ulliiiv DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form (tf) Hirks, L'jndun jewellers say that eye-color, too, can be accentuated ; vv.tn wed-c.iosen jewelry.- ; , NOTICE OP APPLICATION KOIt A CROWN PETROLEUM AND , NATURAL OAS PERMIT I UNDER THE "PETROLEUM AND ! NATURAL OAS ACT" CD., CommeacliiK at a post planted at the Qouth-East corner of lt 5759. R. 6. CD, thence South 280 taut; thence S 21 W 700 feet: thence West 1720 feet; thence North 570 feet more or less to shore-line: thence Easterly along shore-line 20H5 feet more or less to point of commencement, and containing 20 acres more or lesi.. for room already finished. Lot ited on two level lots clow to Conrad School Onlv S2UIK) don. Full nrice $4a00. AKMHTKONO AGENCIES Phone 342 or Black 197 (eves.) t2U4ri a,,,,',. i, S'."'",1, FOR SALE Three niece bedroom suile. reasonable. Plume Green 4()4 2(Kn( FOR SALE 1939 Ford Coune. 1008 6lh Ave. East. (205u) ,'C A f.:t I'lvr retarv. FOR SALE New 3-rooni cotti'e the purpo.se of durEOn nrfivei. DUDLEY G. LITTLE. H. B. Cotton, Agent. Cated 20th August. 1951. (A30.S6.13.2OI In the Land Hecordiug District of i i Prince Rupert and situate on the j north west coast of Graham Island In the vicinity of Tlan Bay. I Take notice that Brydone Lome Ttnuley. of Victoria. BC. occupation.! BOYS OR At Lakelse Lake Good I icrt -tion. Call at Polke's Mill or write Urban Embieton. Terrace. B.C. 2114 1 FOR SALE Two-Diece chesterfield suite. $50; limed oak din-e'te set $4!: two i-sue beds. $15 each with surines. 544A 9th Ave. West, or call 791. 204p) NOTU'h Openlttt's for """ on Pally New; J various uarts ol APPLY AT OFT. FOR SALE Household f urnl-. ture chesterfield, wash Inn machine. 2 bedroom suite, end tables etc Green R87 after 6 D.m. (207dI Fisherman, has applied for a Crown petroleum and natural gas permit on the location dee.ribed as follows: Lots 2435, 2436. 2437. 2438. 276S. 2770. 2771, 2772. 2773. 2774. 27110. 9791. ?712. 2703. Queen charlotte Land District, and containing 8,672 acres, more or less. Date ol application, 27th day of August. A D. 1951. Dated at Victoria, tills 28th day of August. A D. 1951. BRYDONE LORNE TINOI V.Y Snccial BoH Notice la hereby given that on the 12th day of September next the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence Number Ht)96. issued In respect of premises ieing part of a building known as Belmont Hotel situate at 725 and 727 Third Avenue We.st, Prince Rupert. British Columbia, upon the lands described as LjOts 5 and 6. Block 32. Section 1. Map 923. Prince- Rupert . for Good Scr FOR SALE-Wartlme Four with laundiv room. Newlv decorated Furniture included Prl-iO vm. $22"iO down ba!an.-e stin.OO moitthlv at b. 804. 207t) FOR SAI "I T.ar"e furnished home with sp'f-rnnta'nert fur-: nished ftoarl infnt Must seM Immpdin'elv. $3ri()(l nr best of-j fer handles as down nivment. . In"omp from nintinenl malces navments 107K 7,- Ave. East, or Dhone Black 298 evenin.rs. (2().)i)t MINE PBOW' Applicant. (A3O.S0 1 FOR SALE New and used household furniture. SHehtlv used Kitchen Sets. Bedroom Suites. Chesterfields. Bovs' Bicveles Bedside Runs. Cribs. Studio Couches etc.. sellin ft the lowest n"ssib' nrices B.C. Furniture Co. Phone Blaek 324. (tf) Land Registration District, of the Province of British Columbia, from John Hosklns to Belrupert Hotel Limited of 404 Randall Building. 535 If you want io sen it. advertise H Mews clnsRifieiln Canadian mi" . metals valueil at years apo. " Cv chic voi BLONDIE Just a Bunch of Cannibals. West oeorgla btreet, Vancouver. Brltl.h Columbia, the transferee. Dated this 11th day of August. AD. 11)51. BELRUPERT HOTEL LIMITED. (211) Number of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 75c. Six JOHN H. BULGER insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) I cm GET INTO BED Js, IrViVi, v A Bcf r' without waking ) yX "trJv &l l , S-jtZZZ, -J V"":' ..c". lii - Y.y uJix' Arist Name .... Address Phone No. John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue I