JL Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, August 30, 1951 III. DESIGN-OF-THE-MONTH rfloEflsing Cosies I Seaman Turns ' yfco..t4. :r?j-av y tm ijjiiaaww . . . .... ., I I ' j RED HARVEST . . 'HALIFAX (CP) A Red Vt.M blood donor crew reaped s?JtekJ ord ha ve.st. when ih v set unit at Camp Aldershot. tTjtty collected 320 pints of bloofl in ' one dy f.om gervicemen. th largest arm donation Miui n .since the end of the Second World War. , , City Approves 50-Unit Housing Project Here -T " III lllfi) iij ipgj .. -&m I ft K A 1 Vs- . j H". , I -'j I ' I 1 i v- ii f: . at fi If there are 50 families in Prince Rupert who are willing to pay between $00 and $70 a month rent I -for two and three-bedroom modern homes, a rental w V f -' , '""'In , 1 T "" Tin iiir-t'J "" Hi . 1 ( ! ' 'r ' - - 1 ... . J Jr : :: t To Hobby And Stays Ashore WVNIPl'3, (CO-Knut Holmgren, for many years a seaman in the Swedish Merchant Navy, has been a carpente.- since coming f CsrVi throe months npo' but he would like to devote ai! his time to wcod carvirj;. His latest p"ojc;t, which he will do in spare time, is a five-foot' model in Ca 'fia wa:l if - ISth century sailing ship used for car ying wheat from wsi -lia and now a training ship fo Sweden's navy. I Asked why he left the sa . Holmgren said: "I have had erwuu; tf'jvell p--Canada's climate H similar t-that of Sweden. And then there'- Try a Daily News Ca'.sirjrJr., Call 36:r ror, iiETii.it ... ;: Planning -m. ..... Zii'.l Jinn or !lcpclng ,'llt K.. Housing scneme here will go ahead. nuer two years of continued - effort by the city, council at a and from the rentals, the muni-.special sitting last night approv- cipality will recover the cost of ed "irf principal" a concrete of- lands ler by Central Housing Si Mort- Services,' such as installation gage Corporation and the pro- of new roads sewers which are vincial government which can 100 per cent local Improvement ?m i'1B Maght Ior, n0U31g charges, will be recovered from this city. I local improvement taxes the But there are two "contingent city will levy. ,aLi0.rs ' . I Ueneral revenue services casts ,li v.t 1 , i.. Ua. I - j H lirTri"'" c'isUm: 'T ll .30 ! ine lederal government ooit t, waul a Inaii wno is aiwavs I at sea." We've spent onlv ,n of 20 years of ma-ried life to gether." NO RAIN, TOO BAD -The HCAF Plane ' RockcUffe Ice Wagon" was in Vancouver lor ra;n-making experinvonts. But there wasn't a cloud in s.'gl;t. o the crew took a day off on the biach L'ft to light, cpl. Sid I.V.wrs, Cpl. Russ Lanier and LAC Ken Hyatt are j,.incd by Dti'Otliy Mosses on their unexpected vacation. (CP PHOTO) iUcli t& water iiLstaiiaUuns, street lighting, will be recouped from assessed property taxes. TYPES OF HOMES Mr. Pickersglll assured council the homes would be constructed to "minimum or better" standards required under the National Housing Act. wants assurance that there will be a continued demand here for 50 homes size of the proposed project at an approximate SMl-a-month rental level. And construction costs must be low enough so such a project can be entertained. JUST A KITTEN IONDOK, Ont. "Mc -ly a kitten " is the tag given a 25-vear-rld c:it in London. England, bv Mrs. William MallniiEh. Her ROLIJNG rOLES There will be a variety of de- WEYIWIW. Sask. 0" D-iugias jv-How Persian -Scooter" will be Safety Plan Would Skame the MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED "f Itj lilcis & rontraeUirs . Tbat $00 rent is based on Mgns' M sala- Spending oi n tight Der cent of canitai invent. Physical feature.?, some h P'r.ver Corp iration foreman. times She has an-which is 19 will have basements, others 3-' years old Sept.. 4. ether cat, "Minnie," year ; o'd. won t, he said, but would likely ry I r contain a storey-and-a-hall fea- Orlfl UtlVPrC aa, Xak I mi n- owly escaped being crushed to drain when he and 150 hydro P"lcs ior:d off a railway flat en". Fee. sittirc on top of the piled p'l'ps whn they rolled, i'.U'Urrd a broken foot. ment, the return which CH & MC comiders necessary for an "economically sound" rental housing project, T. B. Pickers-Fill, regional supervisor, told council. ture. Combining a conventional exterior appearance with a new plan of interior layout which i iraininj popularity in Canada, thi hand-Home three-bedroom house feature a lai-KH living-dining room comprising the rear half of the entire firm floor. Thia arrange-ment, while adding to the privacy of the living and dining room, permit greater enjoyment of th groundn behind the house. In designing the house, the anhitei-U have taken into con-mderation aeveral important requirement for economical con-atruction a rectangular foundation, unbroken roof lines and concentration of plumbing by locating the kitchen and the bathroom almost dir-ctly above one another. The kitchen, which ia amply lighted by two windows, ia entered from the side service ea-trance or the hall leading from the vestibule. The stairwell Inn been compactly arranged and has landings which, because of safety, are preferable to winding staira. All will be "supplied with el- WL.T E.l. v .il, r..s-i :-..!, li.;.nt heaang units, he said. (CP) A nat:oi.al roai safety cam- r r -n-' Fews Classified. .; e-fflsfflpl!' 'St r i'. Mi ill H I, no iooh :paign, wh.c.i would n ai. u a. Horace to tec. me involve! in! a traliio accidtr.1, has teen pr;-, j;osed by West Bri.mw.c.T uiy (council. . ! SAGE ADVICE LONDON CP - Mrs Franc's V.'atnwrieii' f ays 'he best wav to i About 30 units will be of the two-bedroom type; and the bal-anze, three-bedroom. Mr. Pickersgill also assured council that tne cost of the pro-jci, when bids are submitted, w.d be tuily discussed with the -ity. Both Mr. Brown and Mr I Mr., Pickersglll and J. E. ! Brown, provincial housing representative, flew In from Vancouver yesterday to make the new offer to the city. ! "If the houses cost, say, $9000 a unit to build here, then the rent expected would be $720 a ear, or $60 a month. That's how . i a fcierae la li. kcuv.n as "C,;-hiv3 to a riuc nd ae is "wn k e ati.in I coi. ' in it:A.:y be . a , lnrd. ret married and have 'o's drawn up l:y the Wt I Lr m. .(,-., cli irircn " Mis. Wainwr'fcht, MONTREAL, Aug. 30th In't DENTOCILLlii . what you've been waiting for to h'-lp save your ' ' cliiMrrn's treth (and yours)? It's xhv new trtfi'V powder that pula the power of penicillin to wOrk''': . . . to reduce tooth decay more tlmn h:s ever beep,,-, ptsible before. In a 2-year test among hundred.- . srhool children, Dentoiillm reduced d-Tay 5n(fr' : ; 5 times that reported for amiiumtatrd dentifrirrs Ut u.inn the basic formula of a famous university and''; i.a.u u.-puiu H. u.. nai lust, c irDrated her the rental Plcltersg"1 the city coun- clls and road safety I we have estimated t'za- i io-i!.h birltiday. ha:; a family of ,'I!M, inciidin" an 8'J-vear-old t:-i- i. tus pieosuic mat, nousing in . i. . ... I'rince Kuoert was finally laa-iiiir K'rfuora luvc been j requirements." Mr. Pickersgill aid. like 1 lo en daufrh.er. !un a -delinitc form." Trie bedrooms which are of w are located on the second floor and have good window iUP'jiiate closet space. x '1 feet 11 inrhea by 21 feet 3 inches and for estimating u-n floor area is 672 square feet with a total of 1,144 square pimiicizert in lieader's Digest. And its effect ivene) in no way d pendca on a change in toothbrushing habits. Don't wtnt another day to start your family uing DfOtoeillin. You'll like ita deliclitiul t-.taie , . . tii i way it cleans teeih shining bright. 75c for 3 months' supply. .i n "Curiou$er And Cur muter" is the way Alice described her adventures"'" v i..utiiii ii.ciu.uib in,io runic leel 'itmn if Ihf iiiiMT nf the houw illuHtrated chaniriil tho piwii 'im the left Mr of the hnuae to the ri;ht anil, in a. un dorse it. t al e-'-.i 'i.n -;.-ut-U t'.-.at ! the Kin-; bj aski -J ti li oaJ'rs. a me.sac ittriasins ihe imp rt-Pr.ce to the .-a,!;:r of th fro-posed operation wl.i '.i v -il l i; un ci s .ni-m.r.lary lines. Ic.idin;.! mmtiT; ;f the ' -v n-.ent a e fc;ir.;- esked to give their supr.orl t3 the Hon. nlT.irt I,. The whole council was sure : there would bo "no trouble", in ' getting tennants for the 50 homes. "i m sure there will be 100 I ' imnts willing to rent at that i nure," sa.j Actzi.g Mayor Har-io.d Whalen. I Mr. Pickersgill, however, ask-;ed City Clerk R. W. Long to make a check and "sound out appari'nt hcu'lit of the hnuw. has uni'd two im ..f .,i..,,. Thief Fails In Big Try k nn the h.w-r hall anil horizontal wimd si.lmi; on the upper in Wonderland And 1 say tunouser and cunouer if you haven't yet discovered the wonderful time saver you have in JIXL-0 JELLY POWDERS. Nothing could be easier to prepare than a Jell-O dessert and nothing could bring more variety to your family table. Those seven exciting "lockM-in" flavors give fitngy, fruit freh del i-iou-ness to desserts and salads for anf day of the week. Srve Jell-0 often to your family and to your friends. Jell-O costs only about 2c a serving. See the new Walt Disney all cartoon ujonderilm GLASGOW (CP) Thucs who The Royal S .- ' v f Better LH' with t41t raider ihv Lanriston kntw.h nt vonlion of Accidents tins -i.in- the people" for a definite state- the Commercial Bank of Scot- merided the tchem-. It his sr- FREESTONE Wall Dun'f I'ruductions J "A lice in Wonderland" ment of assurance. land went to great pains, bui pe-ied. bjwever, thtt the c?m-; "We'll have that for you," said failed to loot the currency-ladi Paipn shou'.d fce oraa'.ii7,d en a Mr. Long, "and by tomorrow." vault. pu-ely reaioral fcas-.s U v in .TKRMS OF OFFER ! They broke into an office addin3 fu ther strain on poli;? I Terms of the new offer, as above the bank. The linoleum forces, alrea ly b-irdcr. id ; It'j True! Wonder Mary is proud of. her v o u n e !n I a plute of delicious Aunt Jemima i. Paurikkes, jUu. all the trim- , w Ha' ., .,44-cseutcd. by. Mr. Brown and ac-, was ,theiv Un 4tp.uKt . aii. tlfaeMr JFv&UvttL.y.iar lejoiui li. healthiest ties. cepied oy me council, are as drilled in the lljor. Through this nijng.4, c o i s follows ?y'j tiie happiest frWy i ?t only 5c I No, if not done MCI However, .-ouncil :: should go f basis or be tl!e West Ri'jinwir'i '.vdeer.- the riai: t-wfd on' a rnti-.ii'i' ?crR'"?d. PREPARED MUSTARD ever seen. 8hi? with mimirs.. but like thia enes a Jt of gap they inserted an uiiij.U1.i iiii.i was opened so that it would catch Ule plaster as tiio noie was enlarged. The thugs then lowered themselves 20 feet to the floor of ihe bank, taking th.ee large carpeti with them to wrap a:ound thi safe as a muffler for the safe 1. The municipality must share in the capital investment of the housing project to extent of 7'2 per cent. This will be done by the city providing land and installing services, such as sewers, roads, street-lighting and water services. flow-just right for CANNIN J.id Eating Fresh Perfect tea is so easy to make with 2. Provincial govern ment blasting job. bears J7"2 per cent of the cast Two explosions rocked ! the of housing; Central Housing & district and brought police and Mortgage Corporation, 75 per a large crowd "of curious to the the'eredift fo that gnnd 5 Minute ' C REAM OF Will-AT-a very iniportunt rart of Iuh ihef f For h Minute' ''Cream of Wheat," provides Iron ior good red blood, and Calcium and I'liospjiorus for diets deficient in the- element. And, mother! jut, live minutes of boiling and 5 Minute ''Cream of Wheat"' i:i cooked to baby-ready digestibility tempting and flavoured and brimful of good things babies nerd to le ptrnnji V sturdy. Your whole f:uuily will enjoy "Cream of Wheat' ... so why not order some today? for baby and for a regular, family breakfast treat ! 3 Aunt Jemima Pancakes -3c Corn Syrup lc Butter or Margarine lc ' ALL FOR 5c 1 . And Aunt Jemimas taste 90 good ' at breakfast, lunch or supper. That's why I consider ATNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLO UK the "money-jsavingest"' item in my pantry! What's more, Aunt Jemima ''Secret -Recipe' Pancakes arc ca-sy as 1---3 to fix. Jut add water or miik, stir and pop 'em on the griddle! M-mm-mm . . . olf they come in a jiffy - golden-brown and dee-licioual cent. ecene. Toda. a CH At MC eneineer The safe-blowers had van-j but without a penny of! arrives by plane to piss on the ished building sites and types of con-,1 ob struction, building lots will be approved In a joint meeting of , the authorities and a housing : committee appointed last night. Want To Keep Coat? Then take TEBi BAGS BURY, England (CP) A compensation cheque for 11,5.00 has been presented to factory worker George Scott-Inglis, . 53 Hj last both hands when they were caught in a forge. IT'S BC. PEACH PRESERVING TIME AGAIN! . . . tnd tfni year there will be plenty of B.C. Freestone Peaches available. 8 C. Freestone Peaches ere now arriving daily el your favorite store and they're at the peak of their joodnets ... so NOW IS THE TIME TO DO YOUR B.C. PEACH PRESERVING! Cl Then tenders will be called for. "and they will be adver my tip and make an intimate friend of your shower I Nothing like it on a sticky, hot morning or after the .day's work. And I mean erery day . . . for if you are m tised far and wide." promised Mr. Pickersgill. adding that the lowest bid wuold likely be successful "If it's reasonable." As soon as a contract has been let for the project, a Feel like Srring "Thank Million' iti the Hhi-Jny folks for giyiniE ua wonderful I'lienuhurH. It's the greatest s-i-ntilic discQV ery in years for people who suffer from coma and calluses . . . and Blue-Jay huve put it in their new liLl'fc-JAY Corn nnd Cnli:; J 'lusters to give us all ''happy1" feet. It tunk 10 yen re of Bcienitbfl rest-arch for Wue-Jny to devrp t li is w oni ler-working medic a IMP-Now actual lentitic tests pmwc that it ends 95' "r of all corns tsml calluses in record time ... . quicker t han any other t ria ( mc n ff Ak your druggist today for Blue-Jay Coin Plasters with Fkenyliumj" a true modern, you've learned the secret of TAMPAX aanitary protection that's worn intt rmlly . , . and a shower, a stinbaih or a beach party make no difference, even on your "calendar" day?! Designed by a doctor for women's monihly use, Tampax relieves you from pin, belt or bulge worries when you wear skimpy play-togs. With Tampax, you avoid air risk of odour or dialing. It comes in 3 absorbencies. Regular, Super, Junior. As'k for Tampax at your favourite drug or notion counter. or r ' : "housing authority" will be ap-' pointed here to administrate maintenance, collection of rents i .and screening of applicants, Mr. Brown said. The body would be appointed subject to approval of j the senior government and the! lieutenant-governor. Ft IJTIIKR DETAILS j City also agreed that anyj .losses or profits of the project "would be shared on a 12'i per icent basis. Provincial govern-, yXJ. 14 w w da., rree-slone Peaches 'e jrmd ten fresh too . . . eniov I'jifli IIS W. tf SIS Ho tou Long lor A Piciurn Window in your room-with-a-vicw va'w . . . them often in tempting peach shortceltf . . . cooling teladt , , . peach pic . . , end delicioua peaches tnd cream. When you buy Peaches, be sure you gel the best , , . insist on B.C. Peaches. (iu .jou womlrr 11 U will create a clortniiig ( roKlcm? Well, eo rmlit alicad with your pirtiire ninJow plan.! Thore's the most marvelous product culled Wl.NDKX to help you clean your windows 111 a jtjjy! Yea, I mean it! Just spray it on and wipe it orT, and how your windows s:.;trkle! No smears, streaks or oily film not I I I ment shares In 1 2 V a per cent, ' and the federal body, in 75 per I cent. I Lands for the project will be put up by the city at the as-1 Yessed value as part of the 7Vi per cent share of the munlcl- 1 ii illty. To complete Its obligation, city agreed to Install ail necessary services. All taxes," however, will be paid to the city, with Wimlix'a clnar, active anlulion. W mdex-rleineil win.lnw . diii-'n'-sniudc-free, it's almost like livinK ouuluora! And when you eloan with index, there's no fu.-'S with rublmie, mtiiIIiiik or pails of duty water. Eennnmienl, too! 1 always choose the 20-ounec refill bottle . and use it sparingly lor best results Time Ao To Think About Pirkling all tlnwe luscious swmner fruits I f Vvv.'" Si. : air' ?r?i 4vw'- an.i vecclaliles. Hut bclore you bi ijin, Id lik U toll you how to Lie truly thiillv when you're HiK your pickluut vinegar. Buy HEINZ WHITS VlNIAlAR in Uic bui gullun jug instead of- in smaller eontaint rs and save'2'e on every curful of pickling viueuar! Heinz Vinegar is the very-best buy for full-bodied flavour and uniform m Fire-Resistant Lasting Colourful Available in many Styles trentk. too. And no wonder for Hcini White Vineitar ia packed by the linn who made picklee t'lioie it's Rood because it' Heinz! Another nielthn famous . . . you help is tint giatid FHKB RECII'K BOOKI.KT Pirl-ln.n sr-' If the ration jug you buy doein't hat it allarlird limply Kriu to me for if-Barbara Blent, 1411 C'eseeut St., Montreal, P.Ql "Summertime . . . And The tiring Isn't Easy!" Favdon me if I make iesides Asphali Shingles your Barrett Dealer has a complete line of rooting, insulation end weatherproofing materials. iitp w-nn me t ..-rshwin song, out vnh pnees getting eo high t-.nd mighty, things just aren't eas-y any more even in summertime. Kilit about now is when I really appreciate ihe adv.miages oi Pc-mnml i'hn-ni,he HANK OF MONTREAL way of inakuie t'.xlayV. .'ollar (ri almost as far as the liM-fasluoned kin. I. ';iv ba. k in JVnuary when my budget was (how in-.' .sign? of going into a tiMtn. I bnttin Per. id SCIL Buy TRADi TC. THE BARRETT COMPANY, lIMITED 9250 Oak Street, Vancouver, B.C. Rd Trd Murk t"'il ' in Now I In better off financially than I've been for yc!ft even it ray ineomo d !nt shoot up with the insl-ot-living in.i.-. There's runner in my bank account . . . and I'm adihng to it regularly. Why not try Pi;son-J -.01,1,17 yours-lf? You'll be (Mightnl with tlie rcu)'s once you g,-i .town to it. Just a-k for voui fiee copy of the book. Vet 'TEUiONAL PLANNING'' mt youi neiglib-hoo.l B of M hnmeT." "ertise for Best Results i Take your building problems to your Barrett Dealer - MMff