pis PRIBUTORS Dad Avenue - EAVER BOARD FOR WALLS OF JL) If it hasn’t the Beaver 3 trade-mark it isn’t Py Seaver Board ir attic partition the basement—put new Do it with rsummer cot- me, for the club, ce-—Beaver Board. f lath, plaster and better walls and me, More san- rage. | none against your t the gepnine, It ar (Eck eae A.W. EDGE CO. Distributers, Prince Rupert Try Our Ice Cream and OME - MADE CANDY Ice Cream Brieks \lways Stock. WKuco Nothing But the Best. * and Mrs. Christopher 1 Aver opposite Second Street. OW ¥ OPEN Best in Town —_—_—,. Pecond Avenue, tar Empress Theatre Opp pep orooeed Mone " Green 507 1017 Srd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts MILD'RS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs — Heavy Con Staires on — rinishing Estimates Cheert ully Given CK AND CONCREY . -TE BUILoue . CONTRACTORS —_ ; OOM OPO RO Robe OR ELECTRicaL WORK Go to 1. [DGE CO. ‘GEORGE CLOTHIER THE I eS Fe = ye | AY MAKINOT RIVER ‘Rich Siiver-Goid | There From North Fork | Basin. | George Clothie; i } division engi neer for the Proving Ores Produced | F W * ° | Woolworth ‘lal Bureau of Mines, spent part of this week who achieved the remnrlk- xamining the Marmot River sec. able chain of 56 and 10 cent ,tfon, says the Portland Canal News. It was Mr. Clothier's first | a or ee ee Prince Rupert oMcial visit to the section whieh, | iwhile only some four miles dowr | oe rom Stewart, is littl own perhaps because it is tox le lo®e to canal home \ glowering gla } tier mounts guard in the pass ane | this and snowslides | at times have i tended as a handicap to the dis Public works trails do not retarded development Since examinations there improged con- ditions are looked for next vear. First to Ship. The Marmot section is one of whieh out silver.gold The first shipments from this district were from two Marmot properties North Fork Basin, owned by Wi! liam and he Montana, rich ore has been produced. some Fraser associates, and owned by H. ©, Magee and George Bruggie, Lack of transportation facilities made these shipments costly although the properties are only a short distance from tidewater. During this season a number locations along the Mar- mot have been made and the pros- pecting and development that has ‘en done has disclosed ore bodies hich look promising. Some deals are pending according to report and the section generally speak- of new ing has obtained some promin- ence this season. Finish Work up Bear. The government engineer will aiso spend some days finishing the season's work in the Bear River While he quainted with most of the proper. ties, there = are section. which not some weather conditions would ariier in the season. The latter part of his this vicinity will be spept by Mr Clothier in the Salmon River sec tion for visit the discoveries beyond the Fétty Nine on the Noos slope and the he wants to newer! across Missouri glacier. BULGING COATS ARE CAUSE OF SUSPICION This rainy weather a person is ipt to get into trouble by having large parcels under his raincoat. Yesterday a Chinaman with a very looking bulge was taken in tow by the police and accompanied to the police station where he was searched. It was found that he did not have the expected bottle, however, and all suspicious such as roads and! amount to much in| the section and this fact has also Mr. / Clothier has determined to make Is ac-j permit him to examine white here | stay in Supported his wife and ; child—and saved money— , on $10 a week. , At the age of 66, when i he died the Woolworth ’ fortune was estimated at $65 000,000.00—pbullt up originally by systematic saving. 354 Thrift in the average indi- vidual begins the moment ® Bank Account is opened _ UNION BANK OF CANADA The Pioneer Bank of Western Canada | | PRINCE.RUPERT BRANCH A. T. Broderick, Manager eee = JAILY NEWS STENOGRAPHER WANTS Worl for half days mornimes or af ternoons Apply P. O. bow 55. Young man wants position as Cool Apply hox 305 Daily News office, 232 NOTICE \IF YOU ARE PAYING Up ON Government lots, can save you large part on paYments. Gall at once, Westenhaver Bros. tf a ee ee FOR SALE THEM te eae a4 | was \ eae e Tr GLASS ES caste “rr “SIM / cTHROVE s yr OOS : Y YOURE JUST THE SAM THE GUY IM LOCKING FOR- \ HANE TO 6INE A WEDDING a PRESENT- SOMETIME ° oO Ae. QOOLLARS; RANE YOU GOT AN IDEA 5 oF: HAND SCARF seT- SOME a OR Hew aBboeT « EMBROIDERED BOREAL OR A BREAKFAST MANBE THEYD LIKE HAND PAINTED PLATES FoR A DUTCH SHELF is As Ser — —_—_— Se =" ? VA f KS FOR \ THE ADVICE = _* oe . cer 5 ¥.50 7 ‘+ t . or