Prince Rupert Daily H and sessions of the council ol the Associated Boards ol TruJtf , of British Columbia. Thursday. March 22 ir, , Black WOO( Organizing Rifle Club ivi , u vns. w. J. Scott and sons are sailing tonight 0:1 '.he Prince Rupert for Vancouver where Mr. Scott, in his capacity as president of the Associated ; Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, will next week attend a highway tourist and travel convention, sponsored by the Vancouver Tourist bureau, By Eoslcy Blackwood Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mitchell and daughter and son are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island. It's good to hold sulid combinations of honois like ;K't-kinLV-(iU'en but it seems they don't come along often enough. When you hold broken seiiiiences t;-T'- km f.v.ifiimmmm.t. mm wwiu m, 1.""u...iw know it is best to like ace-queen or king-jack, you rather than to lead The Prince Runerl Roil and Gun Club last nit.-1 t heard recommended b.y'aws for the Riipert-Rife Cluh t he organized follow-ir.e thi' op niiifi labt week of Wa new rife ranee n Civic Centre basemen;. Some of the main points recommended were: 1. T'hb ?'ub thculJ affiliate with tin Canadian Civilian A .-sOv-::it;i: of MarUsiacn. wah advantage.; of ranee rules, targets. lead up to such combinations from them. awav Follow up Trout Eggs . Further Plantings Deferred Transplant Fresh Water Crabs No trout e?.gs will be ordered bv Prince Rupert's Hod and Uun Club this year, it was decked last at the club's gcn.rui nieetiiii;. Although in the past, sevnal hundred t'.iousaiid rainbow tiout egi's had been plainer.! in streams here, results of inch plant i.e.s had not been dei'iiiitely rtvur-mir.ed, said W. J. "Jim" Ha.vs. "1 move we do net get any until we know what hajipen-, u these 'ey.i'.s. It's a waste of valu-aij:e mal.-riul." Hatching and p'antinn of tioin vges had be",i a subject of much ccn'.rorer-y rr-.d in.uli t.l:i:. ..,:,! President Nornian Chn::Lei' -"!i. Dr. Peter Larkin, Iwpii!-lnont bio o;;. st. weuld be here t hi.; . umnwr to make in vest i' a -linns of the st reams where ihe t"'.'i h.itl been planted and ihe ;.!: : adj.. cent- -Fr!i!hoinme and Rainbow. "Then we will know where we stand." Meanwhile, Corp. Ed Martin, fame ward'.n reminded the club and put in the jack from h r hand. Next another low heart, finessing dummy's queen. A little spade b iiuf'hl forth Mr. Masters' kinR which was killed by Miss Hiiuh's ace. No.v another heart to the ace on the board and the suit broke. Dummy's deuce of hearts furnished a parking place fi.- the six of diamonds in the closed hand. Mi' s H':i h had to e two rhilrc at the end but fortunate fness-in? cave her five-odd on liifl hand. North-South vulnerable South dealer (Mi. imii') s 10 f 4 H A Q J 2 I-7 & 4 C- K 7 6 (Mil Ktvll) (Mr. Misters) S-9 2 S K 11 ii K 9 7 11-111 S 5 D K li 10 9 3 II J 8 2 C Q 10 5 C-,A J 4 3 2 (MNs llnHi) b-A J li 3 h -e 4 3 D A 6 C 8 The LUkiluj;: : - V 1 H, All ' 1 .-''j Thll advertisement ft not publishes or diiplsyed by the Liquor Control SfeS5k DISPLAY I and bulletins advertisinr! rum-Ipi titun;. 11 ;hnulf' a'so' reirssier i v.Ith Dominion Marksmen. I 2. A stilivrvisur .should be so-! pointed o enforc? ru'es and rep,-' u'ations and tn be in ( han'e o! the ranee at all t:mes when I'.oj'.i., is e..; .u d o.j. 3. .''LilV.y 'j.eeauiions should be adhered 'o without vxe-ptitei iii'l each i.i' iii'ur would be re-ip: risible 'r i':s rip lit to passes .mil carry firearms, i 4 ,;-.-ii:'jt r.J.ips would be npe: ; u Cwic Centre and K'l and um .ub mc-mUrs. I The xe u;ive was ru' homed ! 0 d:uv,' up the tyla a ?. j Kilt I'uss M111II1 -st North IB ll 2s 4 3 All Mr. and Mrs. L. B Korhonen of Port Es.shmton sailed on the Princess Norati last evening for Vancouver. MANSOS JEWEL LtRS o;.:e CP rfur:.D:.Y service 522 3rd Ave W. SOX 953 For Action Advet : isel m Mr,. UI 'ifer- ,1 1 III'- . I IK I'll that fresh-waler crabs would be sent from. Smithers to test their survival in Priidhonnne lake. It' the crabs survived successfully, "a 1 t of them" would be planted there for trout feeding, he said. Hp also urged club members 10 pet p'-nnission from his office to keep a few small trout and ship heir scales, measurements of lHurth and weieht to the Vancouver fiame Commission where analvs's would show the a;;e an.l "r,;iieni 1 f the fish. ' I i- it I "'1 111! " f ' 1 r v 1 J 5 . ,!,; Tne inmibe- of treks you can win fr.'m ruch broken seiiociist s depends upon which op:jon nt htti uie missing honor honor.;. A ht.klint! of AC.'J2 ill flmnni;. eppesite thr:'e small cards in your hand may win fain: tricks just ttie same as if diinnuy'.s luldinj were AKQJ. It nil depends upen which opponent In the king, and how Ihe .art breaks. ' Tre finesse is the hi: ate ;!c de- vice by which you may win fra 1; with "secondary" honor.; el In position if a hip.her h am: e; iionors is lavcrnble. A finesse is not a f!amb!e. It is an attempt to improve yaur changes of winnini; a trick. A :imi)b? finesse vill win only half tf the time. However, if the finesse is in t taken the trick will be lost very much more or-ten than half of the time. i I want to show you a hand whirh my fortunate friend M: Brash played invoivnif; nn el-melitarjr fineKsini; situation, and 'i fol'owin" aitifies I v'alit tl h; y u some tnore complicated varieties. M;ss Drash seems to have the kind of luck with which th bold ae often blessed. Mrs. Keen opened the kint of diamonds in today's deal and Miss E -"sh won with the .i"". Pe.teiiticllv she had five l'scri in 'he hat'd bnt sw slnrted of v lenrlinT a smnll h'-a-t n-id 1 1 i "1 ROYAL NAVY 'it' SERVE 1 DEMERARA R W f f to 1 rier kh.n Members al: o cndor.'.cd a plan of the rvdit'.ve to cre:n a large aen at city limit,; to welcome tourists to Prince Rupert. On the ;ien w old be names of whom to coidact for infor. nation on hunt-1 ii" ni'1 fishino;. ' MURK MOOS!! I v,. p. t:ini:i said iip had re-e (sl lino-Is that more moose liar, in previous had been ;' en 'm the Uulkley valley this fi'iler, he said. Were also :n 'he unvwinr;. A iecommei'd;l'.! 11; will be forwarded to Jal'vi.3 MeLfod, ag'.iii) , li ated' to the game convention this ytar, that both, bin-: and willow grou.,e Reason open w th 'he derr renson. Other re?uliiltons in force re- 1 Y This advertisement is not published or displayed by f-Conlrol Board or by the Governmenl ol BritiifiCa. 11 "n 1 .1 Thtl dvtrtiltmcnl la not pvfel ihd 01 ditftlayid b iIm Liqitot Cer4rel Biwd e by Omitwi 1 T " I' .. If' . t.: - OAILV NEWS CLASSIF IED ADVERTISEMENTS ERffit (UN Ul-t" -u,- r ... IF Ilnesin dummy's iriek which held. Then rhe led n lc-jp snn'.'e famous since 1750 Kardlng migratory birds anS big !!amp "'ere approved. Th-.' club voted a $25 donation to Hi-' Civic Centre. - D"cau.,e of great interest shown in the club's activity and jud",lm; by ai'endence at the meet:iig Jim H.icon moved that the club hoiit : meeting every month. Classified Advcrti.slni: Is payable in advance. Ph ase refrain from telephoning Ctvtr. word per in ei tioii, minimum charge fl)e. Birth Notices 5Uc. Cards of Thanks, Dew l'lineiul Notici s, Marriage and E lentM-mcnl. Announcements $20(1 tll'KClAI, DISPLAY, IxJtlLI.E PlllCE LONDON DRY (ilN ; j OU) MEDAL - -HIS tH8 i , LOST I I'NtltAL NOTICE I'Olt SALE 4? , i'V . . . 11. i.-i . . j . r-i: 1 r . 'i 11 I OI3T from :ar -l tweeu hu.t Oftif uveriuok. Kr5. Taxi. FOR SALE - One G-p!e?e dinette new one end table, uro.ser. coffee table, carpets, Silent Glow oil lanae. Phone It llilllld II (MIDI MI ilS 1 1 1 D 0 I C B I) ljly-fj MOOHEIIOUSE In the city Weanesdav. March 21, Rial. Jonn William, awe ii vears, 4 mouths, beloved hu.sDund ol Mrs. Emily Hordon Moorenouse. lHi jlii Ave. East. Services will be con-dueled at (ji enviiie Court Cliapel at 4:30 p.m. Friday, March 23, with Caiiun Basil a. 1'roekter ofliclat.inK liiLerment Vtt I V K I I (CANADA) UNITED IT y 'l' 20 Gillette BlueBtoJes Ureen t13 any time. HiUpi ' . ice' W0HK HAMt FOR SALE One 6-hole cream lreezer. and one -hole! , .,., a, 9., inttond Dispenser" I A.I wliii.i. P limn R111. HIH ... " UU. Uanv News, I title) (JStD BLADE COMPARTMENT 31iis ailverlisement is not pnljislicj or displayed hy tlie Liquor Conlrol Board Of by the Government of British Columbia. to follow 111 Fairvie Cemetery, yxyn KALE -Cierhard Helntzman No flowers hv reouisst. B. C. U11-. ilirio, $150 Phone Blue 721 dertakers in cliuu'.e ol arram-e- between 5 and 7 p.m. '0c menls. (ltd 1 . j CARS f oil SALE 'wit WANTED - th; Mini Kishrnti -upiwiiiiiiifiii. POKITHW Wv u-anted- Bv f1 m mi w m CAR FOR SALE-1941 Ponliac, radio and heater; low mileage, new motor. Phone 131. l tipi PKUSONA1. u&uteSA cuicl rofedAionct r BARNES In the city Monday. March I'J. 1'Ji.l, LcouUne Mel-uinie Barnes, aee 72 vears. 3 months, of 1425 2nd Ave. West. Rev. L. U. Sieber will conduct .services at C r e n v i 1 1 e Court Chanel at 2:30 pro. Friday, March 23. Interment to follow in Fail view Cemetery. B. C. Undertaker!! in charue of arraime-111e.i1 Is. (ltd Ct"" Xn r. 1 V Atif euced lauv. " us bou.srkHruer' in inotherleys fc-Address home ureferrwi rrulH i Dailv News. S-f, 1 aroiiuU April At (HI PUBI.Tc"ACC0f ! lax slfiliii"1' Hloi.e Buiiau'- MATTSON'S TJI'f!OLr.TI'.RINa Phonr Blue 81iV P.O. Box 520 3:i0 Second Avenue, Prince rinpert, B C. MARGARET McLKOi)) OPTOMEITflRT Room 10 ' vroNE nun.nina HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE nrm-RAIi CONTRACTORS Buildinn arid Repairs of all Kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS r From one idt i)f the I)itpcnfr fou 7l blii he t;illeiie Dlue HLkIcs, unaraiud nil rnil) for ine. Turn the ijipehser nver iml there'. handy enrhpirtrhen! fur ea?v dhpiisd of used Wadei. 20 BLADES CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper batteries and radiators Phone 543 can 02H tith W , City. n" NORTHLAND Dalrv nuns, dellv ered. 24c per quart. Why pa. more? Plione 1H lor daily or liver service iM-29' 'rASTY TEA ROLUS can be obtained todav and every day al Ihe Rupert Bakery Ltd. Plume 043 tor ordeis. Uti BUKNE.t Kfi'lCIALlST' .stove service and repairs. - ii lioiiMio Uluck .10:1 111 vVlTCIl UF.PAIRS-irompt. el flcletit service. Geuixe Couh Jeweller. Sallslactioii nuaiau teed. tout "lilU.DlKS OIL BURNEI ;i t .'.5 .If 1 CARS) OF THANKS We onlv wish we could express In words how much we 'appreciate the kind ael.s. mes-saees of svmpathv and beautiful fiorai tributes bestowed on us duilim our recent sorrow in the loss of our beloved son and brother, Everett (J01. Special thanks are extended to all those who kindly ollered the use of their cars nnd to Caniain and Mis. Poul- iton for their eoml'ortiii! words. iiind to Jos friends who gave their services sis pi llbearers. 1 John. Edith Johan.sen and family. otci PHONE .ULUE m P.O. BOX 11R4 P1.UMB1N0 and!,-Sheet i""fi "fl navel mtJ. VVt.-l PUJi'e ami ' 40 JHAVINOfDGtJ mmmmmY'k PHONES ' Black 732 Red 811 P.O. Box 1(370 HEATERS and AUTOMATIC Fl.OOn FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction en All Services GORDON D. R0NS0N Oil Burner ."specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 I URGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR WIFE AND ! SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. 1o r pa, Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 II, G. IIELflERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone Oil Evrnlngs Dlack Ri)9 A fu"r or sum- " ui nv n'u NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES LlniT-belt Soeeder Shovels:1 Cranes- Dmi'lines: A dam 51 Road Orader.s: Littleton! Hros.i Black Ton Koad Maintenance Eaulpmenl: Owen Clamsliell 1 Buckets and Rock (ii aople.s; 1 T. I.. Smit h Concrete Mixers; ! Al..itl HIJ FOR SALE House near Mc-Hride Street. Lartte bedroom living room and kitchen. Bathroom Basement with hm air heater. Price for cash, $32Uu.OO. Prince Rupert Realty Co. ' tacl Ji'OR SALE 5 room house full basement, 2 lots fenced in hi-uiitllnl burdens. Newly re- W A N L"J PAID 1" ilecoinled inside and out. A. T. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. " ROY SHAND, C A. 3r,3 3rd Ave. V. Box 203 Phone fl3 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 60(1 -3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, E C. Phone 347 P.O Box 374 (I'lAl lTY RKI'AIRH For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 771 Second Ave MAC. SHOE HOSPITAL f'laiK Forkhfl. Trucks: Nelson Bucket waders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrlfunal I'uiiios: National Llraclliie Scraoers and Buckets: National All Steel Oasollne Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Apply ' ( i 1 Ready to move into. 7th East. (Cipi incut '"-25tr.; .1. 1 td . Mei 4 room furnished FOR SALE RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE tiA.S AN!) IfXTItIC: It AN), EH Phone Blue IMI'J PACIFIC ELECTRIC all modern conveni- house. ttolitrv Screens rtiul Convevors 1 ences. DuilV News Box S (73pl Full Inlorn-illon from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.C. ""ti'r.Tj RATTf-T.nt nn,i cabin ill FOR RALE -New and used fur- Lake Kathlvn For. particulars FJITERFIIISE LAGER cuiivei. M- --'' WANTED TO,,,,,,,, room 1Mwjii p. nitiire it lt, J15 p.m. '" ,1 co.ulltlon oioins uiwii write Box 91. Smithers, M.c (721 JoKKing boot.s. National cash I RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besuer Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S . BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all it.s branch's 204 4th Street. Phmie 055 COLUSSPR MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 41 h St. Ph. Black :!t:i WJ:. .,0A !:n:iM..ll; IFOR SALE -Eicht room house luena unu stui ui uioei ui - 1133 6th' East. SU600.00 cash. ticle at very low prices. Is C t Hwnltu Co Furniture, 3rd Avenue W. (tfi 71c) Enterprise Brewery Ltd. Reyelstcke, B.C. this adveflitement is not pubtuhed or diiplaed by tt Liquor Control Boaid or by th Cort fntnl ol Bfitoh Columbia FOR SALE One while enamel ; iriraALI.lfoiiRP rooms and on ranie Willi Keninuc Dlower 1 i,ih ,,iIWB in prince Rim'T' tvoe burner. like new. Sli(). Realtv Co ' 71cl Moving, Paekinr;, Crating Shipping r.,n (iineral C.irt.ig a and Storage Complete, Reliable find Efficient Service. Ali atrent-s for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. ' LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1010 Phones and fi Phone Green 6. 5J5 or 807 after I (74c I j FOR RENT 41 TT-nRTVP prh Phone 41 Fire and Frost Proof Storage for Rent ' Central Location Phone 422 ELECTROLUX Sales ana Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1020 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. FOR SALE One Folev automatic saw filer complete: electric or hand power. Box 9. ERNIE SINCLAIR PAINTINO AND PAI'ERHANGINO Phone Blue W1 Box 1810 241 West. 51 h Avenue I 711 Orenvllle Court. (tf) rhone For Results ADVERTISE Burns take. B.C. (77c) .for RENT Garane. (llwn fi98- FOR SAf.E Dinlnit table, ehalra. (72pi p.m. WANTBjJft- furiusnro pic bv vo'"18 Box or. oil ran"e, bathroom cabinet. 1 BEDROOMS to rent. Breakfast "acn oL (7Up) ' optional. 2101 Atlin Ave. (iu