I form, never seep on the streets before And will the postman do stair climbing, or give a whistle? Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It B!0 RA.TV-7Y, '"straiia has a ioh m of ,JWn of t. , railways. 1 w t- Friday. December 14, 1951 ray . . Reflects and Reminisces m: rfk at last Ottawa Is asking that anyene ! thinking he or she has U-en omitted from the census totals Immediately notify the bureau oi statistics. In other words, Ottawa is taking for granted there is an unholy lot of kicking. t I W In independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central Briti.-h Columbia. Member of Canadian "cess Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 0. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ft Cimore PlufjuJt V'V 'A ":-- f 'UK -i i ill rtiUm-j --a By carrier, per week, 20c; per month, 75c; per year, $8 00; by mail, par month, 75c; per year, $8.00. In Aiberta. COO buffalo have teen sh.it for the Christmas market. In li!50. when buffalo w rc hunted from Irii'seback. no one dreamed ol pfiyint; $1 50 a pound. Canadian sailors resi'nt yarns from Canada about their ships not ttoing to si.a us much us they iniulU. And they should fvel Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Happy Valley koi. A.k any Coiiiniuiil.-.ts wliat bO.VItTHIN'G OMUTtU Iluy tliliik-espcctaiiy Huds who How did it feel, unfoldhiK your pvi'i had unyvliinu to do with paper last evenint!. not to see delimiting Koii'an shore butter- everai coiunins oi type oi vary- ie. ',tli ? Each, addressed to ' V . ii ;. -t .- ills leni " Sn t 'I 1!ie edit or, dealt with tlv same f f , . J I '',n subjeci. Last ninht, there wasn't v fiimle epistle not a letter. The hour if: dull, when one misses the customary dash of spice. WHY LAST MIUTE? What Is called a "last minute j snag'' which dues not tell you ! unyUiiiiU, is delaying signing of j the proposed tri-partite iisheries-pact between Canada, United1 States and Japan. The ten thou- i iaii.lni.uk l.,r iir, , I 'Mll li ill 111 II.UII h ili, ut J1 Dome ol l)iMu,y. ,,,,, 1U 22; rciu, Jh-jiIikIi,,,!, , ing iiiiiiiiiiiiiiji. I, ,. ,w ",,iut -u:r bnill, it h. !,,, three li.iii Ml.iMli.niiii.r,,!;),. Iliiinr of St. l'.iul'iCjii,, (;.iil;nli.ill viimrs n tin ft tiv.il ni.iy 111; r M u,n ,ir PENTICTON: It is 26 years since I first stepped off for a look at Kam-loops; and 14 years sim I began the many visits to the Okanagan, which God must surely have intended as the choicest "happy valley." The material progress which has been made here in that time Is truly remarkable. Not only are there Vast numbers of new homes all made possible by the I increased production. But the towns and cities give really striking evidence of progress in the best sense of the word. une folks, in their snir.lhr cities like wisdom, Juneau, say sand mile journey, und the giving Fairbanks or Prince Rupert need , vulmible Ullle to olhtr matters not lear attack because none ure has no should busnu-i nn-an a snaij happening. "'ft """ I""" '..nun PATRIARCH HONORED Cardinal Agagianian, Patriarch of Cilicia and head of Armenian Catholics throughout the world, is shown, left, receiving an honorary Doctor'of Laws degree at St. Kancis Xavler University, Antigonish, N.S. Most. Rev. R. Macdonakl bi.-hop ol Antigunish. presented the deg:ee. Boston Colloge also will honor the Cardinal next month. tCP PHOTO) fml, nl.s, r.iliirs ami ml,,, p.irtv ol tin- 4ll-iiiimiii!n 1 Ionic ui re ni .ilt lim ( Jl.lFl ItillllliilUlM , . , , of sufficient importance. Russia thinks only of Washington, Lon-! don or New York. It's impossible; 1 to make any Pacific Coast town i i feel of small consequence. Tlvy iwiii'ri di'iiike the S'.v"-' m.'ire thu.i ever. I Mail dc'.iv.-ry for Prince Rupert Utile i.v heard about the campaign of desti ui'ti:ui li(-;tinst rats, started a few weeks ago, other than that It was launched with u Ice lii.g of great detei niln-ufon. Doubtless, in one way or au'.ithri, many rodents wvre wined out, Vet it, si cms there is sti I ro mi lor continued uction. C:ilt:nl.l is Itic uml,!', , .-Mil il 111 IIIIIllu.tTolliliMwu. ti.il lllitili Mi nu t ij. l1t,1; ,nti. i;ultli.iliy oi (..iii.hIj, I x Alciij, Pail, in 1952'.' Another new unl- Washington Clean-up HERE in the interior of B.C. are I new hotels which are as fine as any you will find in the world. They are well designed, well ! runand, I am proud to say, ! typically Canadian. By that I j mean that they have developed about their presidential possi-j bilitie.s at year's end, the He-publicans are more so. Seven months aay from his party's nominating convention. Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio now looks like the leading candidate in the number of prospective delegates lined up with him. The shadow on that Taft candidacy, however, is that of Clen. spite their claimi, the potentiar Eisenhower candidacy still i.-, ilvidowy lor his rooters. i They are "sure" Eisenhower Is' a Republican. They are "sure" he will seek the nomination. Hut their a.--'iui aiices await public; Corruption Charges To Overshadow Other Issues After The Election TO THK WINNKIiS after yesterday's election we I extend congratulations. They join those who had been already elected by acclamation to carry on the serious affairs of the city. The honor of being accorded the confidence of the people of the city has been conferred. Now it is to assume the responsibilities, fulfil the duty of justifying the confidence md carry out the promises and assurances given. These, as we pointed out so often, are important lays in the task of developing the city to keep pace ith the great industrial and commercial expansion 5f the area radiating for hundreds of miles around. There are many large problems which will require sagacity, initiative and courage to handle. There are indications too that the public is commencing to watch its civic administration more critically and with greater interest than might have been the case in some recent years. We congratulate the mayor-elect. Mis will be the responsibility of leading ami spurring his council. Appreciation is due also the losers who offered their services even if some of them might have been better advised had they sought aldermanie honors instead of the mayoralty so the city might not have lost- their services. The electors have dealt with the referenda and the bylaws and it is for the new council to govern itself accordingly. There should be little difficulty in expediting the fulfilment of the telephone, water and cemetery projects. The council will be expected to see that, now they have the authority, there is no stalling about getting the jobs done as soon as such further formalities as may be necessary are accomplished. The referendum on the power question was anything but decisive and does not give much of a guide to. council. With the present, agreement with the Northern R. C. Tower Co. expiring a little over two irr-tQve iVmvo u nn timr in Iaci in runlrmA. 4-Vw. a type of hotel which is based on the actual needs of the re-; LOOK! NEW for Xmas at McRAE BROS. Dwight D. Eisenhower. And cie- confirmation from the general. ' gion it serves. The equipment i j WASHINGTON APi - Many as modern as tht -best they made i pulilicluaj are givlng the Tru. .in U.S.A. but the management. administration six month. Is as 'homey' and friendly as , house or face a presi-you would find this anywhere n denlul c;impais,n in whicn gt)V. back in earlier days. country enlment corrupUon charges will i overshadow all other issues. Br 0n' ' KCAVtcrcrcs "7 5 yy aocK-HADio WHEN 1 first started to give lectures across Canada 20-odd years ago there was hardly a city fn Canada that had a de- -) i Christmas Gifts for Men & Boys' With 11 months left before next Ndvemoer's election. Republican political strategists here believe that tax scandals may have more io do with deciding the issue than any other factor. In Wnlnut cent hall to speak in. A few had vast auditoriums, but hardly any had the kind of halls that you splits J f w ' need for an ordinary lecture nln.j nr ."nnfprl On the other hand, Democrats ee' that a nl"h lPvel 01 Now all across Canada there are good halls B.C. is no ex- Perity. Plus claimed popular sup- cent ion We are gettin reallv Port for the over-all objectives 1 good ones nearly everywhere and the ones in the smaller MKN'S SI.IPPt.nS-Leather and plaid .... $2.50 to $5.75 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Plain White, Windsor collars, perfect fit $3.75 , MEN'S SPOUT AM) DKESS SHIRTS Nylons . . . best quality. Big assortment. Priced $.1.95 and $" 0 " -v S of their foreign program, will go a long way toward keeping tilt-in in power. I But Ihey admit privately that unless some dramatic step is taken soon to counteract corruption charges levelled agaUi.st administration ulficials, they will be forced on the political defensive. Democrats say they can make Only towns are better and more plentiful than the ones in Vancouver, for instance. THE RINK is the centre of youthful life in most Cana- dian cities nowadays in winter ! time. Nearly all the interior B.C. i cities now have fine rinks. Some II $5750 It's the new St IS t I - s MEN'S KROADCLOTH SHIRTS For dress. Plain shades. Now MEN'S DRESS Sl'SPEXDI-.RS -Big assortment B5r to S.2.90 '1 PCrtr tm Penticton's and the corruption charges polit.cai- ; of them like RCA V1CTC iy lneiiet'.ive rjy acting soon iu clean thei- own house. But iruist I Kamloops's are really architec- ( ' turnl tietns Clone are the davs ' I when nn could not. see the most I of them believe such anion mil .t arrangements for what is to follow. There will be need for competent and careful negotiation for this is big and important business. We must take no chances in connection with this vital utility on which our whole economy, convenience and comfort party next . exciting bit of play in the hockev be Uken we1 bt'lore tne mat, hwansa unn wr hohinrl ncminating convenlioii.s 3-SPEED It's the wawnty:. (nitri-iinmtDi u Has K( A Vkm-dtisiu- 2-turnnbit' MEN'S HAND MADE TIES Latest patterns for yojnK and ok! S1.S5 ME VS SCARVES Good assortment of patterns S1.5C to S1.95 MEN'S HATS- Fur Felt. Latest si yles and shades. Will give i its of wear Now Only S 1.73 BOYS' SLIPPERS Plaid. Priced to S2.10 BOYS' DRESS AND SPORT SHIRTS l 75 to $2 95 BOYS' PANTS For holiday and school wear .... S2.75 to $6.95 BOYS' SWEAT till IRTS Fancy deUn, long shevt-s ... $1.25 BOYS' I I LLOVER SWEATERS Long sleeves, nice piittcrrs $1.45 HOYS' YVlNDIiREAKERS Pure Wool. All sizes, ' as: one. I patttrns $3.95 to SI. 73 LADIES' TWIN' SET SUTCASKS Beautifully trimmed $16.75 tour that she may have Christmas cards made showing Canadian landscapes, a London newspaper reports. LOVED CANADIAN SCENES LONDON (P Princess Elizabeth was so delighted with Canadian scenery during the royal It wakt you to miisic lulls you n sleep at niht and then hun off. Powerful 5-tiihe radio. Dependable teltiliron clock v.Uh luminous nu-metals and hands'Meep Switch" and autotnatic - huver alarm. In ivory plastic. An ideal gift sea it at McRAE BROS. ea-sit-M of ali p to upvmt. P"'' stjndard bme rjtliu. "(fftldr n Ttir i a big fat pillar which blocked j Ju'y- . . -the view. Nowadays the best n the Democratic side there rinks have arched roof supports ! have been increasing small signs ;and no posts or pillars. itnat President Truman doesn't i Kamloops has another good 1 "tend to run again, idea in its rink. You go in on! Chief Justice t'red Vinson, a ' the ground level and the seats ; cro"y ol the President's, is look-are all below that level. Youd "P n Washington as Tru- ! wali down to your seats, and man's llkely 0110106 for lhe 'you look down on the ice from nomination if he doesn't, run those seats. himself. in other words the whole But there are some Democrats working part of the rink is oe- outside the Truman camp who low ground level. . ! would like to be President. ' Friends aie building up Senator tes Kefauver oi Tennessee, THERE is one feature about life f 1 nead of the 'late c,""e which forme;r sf in the Okanagan Valley investigating committee, as a would amaze Europeans. Most of 1 Potential nominee U the govern-,..-,i.t the homes hereabouts are sub- ffiw ,i ,., o-imcnt aren't infit svtem. 4ie! jbf? m .f'Me blonde at Ml hinder (Oil, Come in and set this sensational vaue in APPRECIATION To the people of Prince Rqoe;t who supported me nt the doIIs yesterday may I express my sincere thanks. Their confidence is appreciated and it "will be my constant endeavour to justify same. H. S. WHALEN " Be Sure You I ARE m j Next To Royal Hotel corruption corruption charge charges really showplaces. But then , silenced. If the Democrats are confused ;.J.i.i.i...i.ii.i.u.5,i.)ij,j,3.;.:j,j.i,iiy). i.;s.s.i. j.i j.5. j s, s. again quite a few are flimsy shacky structures. I was checking with an electrical appliance I ' dealer here in the valley about j those homes. He told me that i 11 Lfl many of them have appliances i inside them which probably ex- ceed the original construction 1 cast of the "shacks" they -are in. ! His nickname for the Okangan i was "Refrigerator Valley." I I DROVE from Kelowna to Pen-ticton with a radio man who I told me the "plot" of a fine 1 novel he has planned, but which he just never got time to write i down. He had it all figured out, i CARD OF THANKS I wish to express appreciation for the confidence of the voters as indicated at the Civic Election polls yesterday. May they rest assured that it will be my earnest endeavour to Justify their trust and to deal with the problems of the city to the utmost of my ability. W. A. ARMSTRONG atcl ' . far- J. tp- hK FP Tilt CoUviirths "'"" ""-"' - m f-ffnn '-gZZ77X. with complete descriptions of the various characters. They ! were excellent. j Why had he not written It j out as it was all so clear in ; 1xxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxff.XTxxxxxxxxr.xxxxxxxxxvxxxxxr: Mrn'i 17 k-wri "SrWintT. cilnw cave, Htel bt lc. Kot.k $34.75 his mind? Too busy. My I gestion was: get a recording machine and ' take Uowrj" parts of the story on the Ung drives between cities which are carl CHRISTMAS RECORDS Hiram Walker's of his daily routine. i j AN OLD friend, Colonel Cross- i $3X75 ley of Kelowna, was telling me of his adventure with two hitchhikers. He picked them up in the early morning, because they looked so cold and tired. All popular Albums, Bing Crosby, etc. Mn' n jpwcl "Srfind". nc tit, sweep iecmid ha ml. luinirwiu ilia I, Kat'rrpnM)!, tryMiil. inmiiloc Velio case, lictl tiick. l,xpinston hiatclrt. He gave them each a quarter j Special Old $63.50 Rupert Radio & Electric I-iA'yy jiiiii m" with which to buy breakfast. Later they stuck a gun in his ribs, tied him up In a shack and "borrowed" ins car. But as he had been such a "good guy" they gave him preferred treatment by gagging him with his clean, spare handkerchief and putting a rug over him to keep him warm. $47.50 CANADIAN WHISK Y I NDKR NEW MANAGEMENT VAfU ILS SEE THESE AND OTHER LOVELY "SEELAND" IN HANDSOME GIET BOXfS Br r xsruuxs reriMtH$ Catmdiwn ffivrnmsxy .l..d Iran, 4J8.50 IO S7S.00 SAVOY HOTEL Prfnce Rupert's only modern rooms with bath Fraser Street Phone 37 MUSICAL POET John Milton, one of the of English poets, was an accomplished organ player. LTD. - JeweNen JOHN BULGER, This advertisement is not published or displayed hy lhe Liquor ( ontrnl Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 1