Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, December. 14, 1951 I . , . t 4 1 , t 1 ' . J Special Train From Vanderhoof here, h it on night's train for Vandei hool and Ni;chako In con - nection with the movement. Jack Loutit, travelling p a s s e n g e r agent, will accompany the special lrln Ntvv 1 Ilii'Awv 1 NtvV I)Ki hi "p bEHvtCE under way 'fur u p'an tt' of a Bibliotu,,hu,i blUi'ciit' to serve a n " L centrt ben' 1 '. "11;U15 Of rsfo... One hundred other workers from Nechuko will go by regular l'oi I he holiday season. w ccmcix worker 'vicnct mation to ih.. , aiicl Wor- Foreign (,,,., , . pubu. are $ j p .. verumi i i. Three Sisters Cafe Purchased The Three Sisters Cafe on Third Avenue has changed liiriflR Thp nnw nunprs nrp Mr and Mrs. E. H. Hicks who have holiday season. The train, con-bought out Jack Clough and Mn day coaches and a Harry Nelson and have taken diner, will go by way of R.-d The Pass- turning to Vancouver from possession. new proprietors formerly operated the Fraser tliere without goin? to Jasper. It MnnsPHntPi Hirir. has hpen v.U leave Vanderhoof 11 a.m., A T '"i 3 it , s Setting Up of I Dental Clinic I While all returns of question-: naires were not available and in many cases reactions of parents to the proposed Prince Rupert Children's Dental Clinic were disappointing yet the committee, at a meeting on Wednesday evening, decided that there was every good reason to proceed with the setting up of such a scheme Delegates elected a slate of officers to carry on with the inauguration of the plan with the hope that it would be in operation in the New Year. Officers elected, with power to add, were: President J. S. Wilson. Vice-President Mrs. L. M. Greene. Secretary-treasurer Frank Derry. Executive Dr.' Duncan Black and Dr. Munthe. U V S ' I V ' t V It. I K (P , . 0 ffi I T-W I -! l yeMM" r Him! CTB PRESENTATIONS A few nights ago Cub Roy Prystay of Fiitn Prince Rupert (Annunciation) Wolf Cub Pack received, for proficiency, a mounted wolf's head presented by Bill Scuby, local I nil ' fa:' deale.. The picture shows Mr. Scuby making tta presenta-t.on Also seen in the picture are District Commissioner F. E. Anficld, Cub Master James Gorman and Cubs Billy Smith, Billy Saunders, A!ex Erebnrr, Larry Olsen, John LeRoJS, Bobby Good, 8ti Dickjns. Pierre LeRoss and Robert Armstrong. Tne smaller pictuie shows Joe Ward, local boxing mentor, presenting cup to Cub Billy Saunders. Scout Dick Bury and Cub Roy Prysta lollowing a lecent boxing tournament. There are many details to be Mug fi'om diseases, it is unlikely i worked out but, with definite j they will devote much time to- financial backing from some ofi'aid health promotion. Dr. E. the organizations already pro-1 A. McCu.sker (Liberal, Reginai, mised and with 113 favorable re- I parliamentary assistant to the plies from parents on file, It is ' minister of health, described the hoped that a satisfactory plan 'Statement as disgraceful and c;m ue worked out. . one that should be stricken fii.m 1 For the start only pupils in the records. Grades One, .and pre-school children of three years and over of the Prince Rupert Junior can be taken care of. These will Chamber of Commerce for a get the nece?saiy dental treat- radio program will be accepted merits for a year for the sum of and a discussion "over the air" $4 will enlighten thvi public on the The treatments will continue scope of the plan. I RUM ter: EAR-END REVIEW- Christmas Hop To Naas River 'ensions Changes Topped Thii advertisement i not publislird or )Uilycd by tlx Liquor Coalnl Ootid r by the ligveroiorut of Uritub CluMba. Ottawa's 1951 Legislation iai5jr-j ZZ0S By D'ARCY C imiclun Press OTTAWA (CP) changes in Canada's old - 1951 and set its sights on a health-insurance p tn. At sprim and fail sessions, old-age security measures highlighted ttie legislative program. In the spring the government obtained authority to share on a 50-50 basis with the provinres the cost of SlO-a-moiitii pen- ions to needy persons between 05 and 70. The payments will Ion,..,,.,, Ilio nrmi. 'nl('lU "iCCi 1 spending some time in Victoria but is expected back in the city shortly. Is Critical Of Medicos OTTAWA The CCF member for Vancouver East, Angus Mac-Innls, was criticized in the Commons when he declared that, so long as doctors make their llv- It is expected that as details are made known all parents of eligible childien will give the plan their full support. tarns ; .... I, 1 i i . If you arc ir-im year to year once the scheme is in operation and, with successive years, all the children will ultimately be cared for. The expected interest of par- ents in the welfare of their children was shown in several cases where tire fee of $4 was sent with the questionnaire. This is not necessary as parents will be advised when to pay as soon as the details have been worked out by the committee. It is expected that the offer 'Wings ever the intericr' i FLY i fo Terrace daily lo Prince George and Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kifima! end Keraano Doil Except Fridays from TERRACE B.t.. S ivn Crawford Moore. Agent Prince Rupert Terrace Phone Black 907 Phoi.e H3 agreements with the federal ol neig.u rates actoss uie coun-.,i,t An edima'eH 14S - try, financial assistance to the Pre-Chrislmas flight with holiday goods for the Naas River 'village of ASyansh was made Wednesday by Quivn Char- lotte Air Lines Norseman piloted by Norman Germyn. Landing was made on the river which is still tipen and very hish, having ri;en seven feet in three days as result of heavy rants. Yesterday the Norseman made a flight to Stewart and Alice Arm. it took u. E. Robinson as a passenger to Al.;c Arm and brought back c full load of pas-scngers. commission on arts and science, decided to provide an annual parliamentary grant of $5,250,- - for five years. It also voted $7,000,000 in aid to Canadian universities. The Criminal Code was amended to tighten laws covering drunken driving, sex oervert.i and bookmakers. The Canadian Citizenship Act was amended to prevent retention of Canadian citizenship by persons who have auuuntcu uuegiance or snown by their conduct that they are not loyal to Canada. The Indian Act was overhauled to give the 135,000 descendants of Canada's original settlers greater say in the management cf their affairs. At the spring session, a new department was established to handle Canada's $5,000,000,000 defence production program for the next three years. A sum nf $25,000 000 was voted a.s an initial contribution to the Colombo plan for aid to South and Southeast Asia. Canadian National Railways will move a special train from Sunday, carrying 150 Mannix construction worKers on tne Nechako dam project south for the Christmas and New Year and alTlve Van.-ouver 4 p.m. on Monday. j William Cruickshank , general, agent, passenger department' There is still time to wire or crder those Chr stnias and New Year flowe's and plants fo. the folks at home. Prince Rupert Florists Flume 777 rzjfflt Kf 22333S3Ii 1 ! 4-1 I t -. 3 r t inn.: : ' mi " ' , , ft. Jl ;i - 'a j---' ' A. i ,v; ' c-K- r 1 U00 Cinatliiins will be eligib.e. Tn tl.o f.iM irj-inmmit nn proved' payment of $40-a-month oensiofcs to Canadians 70 and over, re'ai'dlfss of means, pro vided tiiev have lived in Canada for at .-ast 2U years. These pen- .sions, with payments to start In Januaily, will' be administered .ipiv ihv t:v federal povprn- merit jancl will be financed t h r o ;i j h special, earmarked taxi-?.. tAoout 'Oil 00 J Canadians vill bj covered.. The new act replaced legislation milder which pensions of S-id a month were paid to needy persons 70 aud over who had lived m Canada for at least 20 years, rrb.3 federal government paid 75 per cent of the cost and .he provinces the remainder. Expected to cost about $400,-lu&.OOO a year, the new pensions 'or a;C 7t and over will be fi-.aive i under what has become .nowir a., the "2-2-2'' formula. : v.'.l; ,cc;;siit of a two-per-cent evy on pr.sonal iu;cmes, a jer-ccfit tax on corojratior. ' ' ' ", y ... ., Li-.inii..:. un.iugn pe.-.ial itiionj tax will be limned ... S O, a jvii. No increase was . uule iTthe existing sales tax 0 rV.nt. The pension act -'imply earmarked one-fifth of ;iie yaies tax for peiuiaij fund purposes Improve 'tents al-o were made ii pension., for the blind. r STI DV INSI KANt'E Demands were made for a na-.icnul health-lnsurauirp plan to 'ound out the federal govern-iicn's social security pthram. If aith prom- O'DONNELL atari Writer Parliament made major age security program in 1952 study of a national ised to establish a committee at the 1952 session to study national health insurance. But before any national plan can be introduced in Canada, the unanimous consent of the provinces will have to be obtained. Other legislation covered stu'h LIUll&s a iHiuiaiy cuminiuntjma aul UclU. CUI1SLI L1UI1 UI LHU O cut c octtri ttv i cquaiiatiuu publicly-owned CBC, aid to universities, and amendments to t,he Criminal Code the Cana- aldn Citizenship Act, and the Indian Act. raruameni approvea me a;s- Patch of an army brigade to 3C1 ,c ucn. ujjniiiun m Europe. Provision was made to exicna ro uanaaas Dngaae in Korea the benefits granted to veterans after the Second World War. The seaway legislation marked a concrete step by Canada to undertake I h e lnulti-niiilion-dollar project Tithout assistance of the United States. However, the door v. "s left open for the United S'.ai.; u nn in tft aro-ject before '.', , orit nc '.rally siaits. rROTil ACTED Dim fc' Tne fre.sht-raie lec;i.slalion was based cn recomniondatiotii of th2 royal . omnu.'oion on -rar.sp(. rtat.on w '-. i c h studied Canada's transport uion p: ob-i lems for two years. The drive to j eqialie rates is eXi e-.ted to take j '1 h government, .-tin on a xc-miiif ntlaticn oi the Massey I JOHN U. BULGER J Oplametrid ' John Bulger Ltd. Thi-d Avesua And erson Ltd. P fZy ' , , V:' t't t- ftN CZ&X ' ' f i XtWY f - I V ' ' '" 77 -w" i V '':"o2!l. between 17 and 25, the 1 OFFICER ' i i RECRUITING I I.C.S. CHATS vi7 last mailing dale V FOR LOCAL v CMRSSTMAS DELIVERY I mail early lo he sure PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I' mail me, it ithout Mixtion, full jidilimi"' enlhlmvHt miuirtuwuts and openings now in lie R.CS. NAME (I'leasc Print) - - VI Ill.liT ADDKLSS iwjy .ii v.m.iuian iiivy oners l uu a iife of adventure foreign travel .opportunities for advancement good rates of pay-30 days annual leave with pay a pension to be earned! For details, send in this coupon now! Or you can write or see-in person the Recruiting Officer at If Experienced, Up To 29 In Certain Trades H.M.C.S. CHATHAM PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Don't Be a Last-Minu: Shopper for Toys WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF TOYS NOW Make the children's wishes come tru? by selecting choice toys at your leisure l'ROVINC i: I CITY l-OUCATION (by j;rade and province) - j : AGE., ih MMMBI, UmEALW CARDS REQUIRE 2c POSTAGE THIS YEAR! (UP TO TWO OUNCES) CANADA POST OFFICE G. Edouord Rinfrot, K.C., M P., Posmojer Central W. J. Tornbull, Deputy Postmaster General Gordon & Phone 46