Page 6 THE BAILY NEWS 7 - . — ae G.H. Arnold - _- Notary Public || Extra Special ! al owe a | Fr Outdoor Work in Mn ll Weath calles : 67 for Taxi. zo.| We recommend the shoe here : offer Just Arrived oe _jreal chrome tanned hides, has le: __.S MaCe fre, Lot u Block 44, Section 7 200 Boxes < e : morning. oe double leather soles right throug! to the ner boven : a bit of fibre in its whole make. NAS rot Cc New Fit-Rite Shoes for men Keut é 7 : A fine level lot on Eighth Avenue, midway between 1» Ghoe Store: tf Dry Dock and Cold Storage, for ee 4 ‘ ' : Mixes Kate Shaw arrived home \ % $300 00 from the south this morning , a t Box, $3.50 - oe. I a” " : , $ Father MeDonald was an arri- ' os 5 See 5 ea val by this morning s steame! Y = LGERS on rr H. G. HEL ON, LTD. Upe qd e UPPiy 0. New lines in Dorothy Pte I ee Shoes for women. Family Shoe i Insurance Real Estate Bonds PHONES 211, 212 tore. tf i ' . . . / A | Miss Gladys Kemp returned to Y j Q 5 ¢ HOLDING he city on the Prince Rupert t a! | Ue Ve norning a, j SUNDAY SERVICES nis 't0 a ; Major Cowper Young, late | i nce | AP f i ( BT ' —_ I British Air Ministry, arriv $01/0 ' The International Bible Stu- rom the south this morning LEATHEs i LIMITED ents Association have made a a as " j e inzements to hold services each +. M. Simpson, cornet ifth i Vessels of any size Docked Senne ee taaeicat.o. Balreh ite! ak MONEE, for bheo repeitian | evening at 8 clock Visitors| First class work guaranteed. tf i 9 Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. i) be eosin welcomed if ey tae a a Several boats can te docked together on one small re ae dial J, H. Johnson, proprietor | of ) - section, making fees light. Large stock of repair METHODIST CHURCH the Alexandra Hotel at Prince I “a materiéis is being laid in. a rcorge, left for the interior by ‘ — The Interdenomimational Fo: the train. - < -_. rd yaign will be augural oo ga ™ . ff 2 Foundry Work ” i ef ar M - 4 ; iu hy . 8. M. Simpson, formerly of AtL Z. I aes ed at re ethodis uret : i ‘ seins 7 ’ I a Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at morro: The pelither at Ot vson, has op ned > ae 1 ; ‘ LEATHER HEELS . " q Reasonable Prices. evening service will be the Rev 2 aa” Oop cornel itth a Y ‘ , Martin White of Kimberley, South — s ‘ . I , ae Machine aud Boiler Work of all kinds Africa. For the first time, th Captain Saunders, superintend x A wr new ‘andes dane aie will Te ént o the Digby Island Marin ‘ TOUGH SOL/O LEATHER 5\ } oF . - . " sed, a fact that wi e APPTC-l aration arrived fron ” soutl Oovseere s : ‘ | Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries tation, arrived from the it Business of industria Prenits, 06 s, Mills and Canneri disad by aff lovers. of goed musth) ete OUT AND /NSOLES \ ries} , s ind singing, A hearty welcome EY ty I Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. S eteliied to alt ie) Muteets end Sinitian broth J PO/IN TS J PSI Pig rs are invited to attend a social . ° ; ame -_ oo — — --jithere will be Sunday School atithe K. of P. Hall. 233 THE PERFECT NUMBER- a = »:30 p.m. and services at 3:06 . . . -. . ‘ ‘ ° Se ee ee ee . p.m. in St. Peter’s Church, Se H. Somerville, a Seattle mining r * TU SUBSCRIBERS @| love These services will be heid[man,. is in town on his way to We Sell This Shoe We have Everythi ve: * — @| ‘very Sunday in the future it} Alice Arm where he is interested ae everything e ~ Subscribers to The News * nae tnioahstninamnteacrntaseeeiinatase n mining properties. at ba =) FOOtWems. i ial Agent 2)* “°¢ asked to pay the de- #/ Satin and kid pumps just in A ; of Notary Public _Fissacial 8 * livery boys each month = 4&/ Family Shoe Store tf EI iy Bare, prope — os Oe * when they call, except &| ones . alley Hotel at res O where payment has been ‘| oo ee ey oF - a ace t Lots 3 and 4 * made fer the year in ad- *# ° Smithers on the train. e ° e ae k , re a ae. Baptist Church Wm. Bey vi we adie “i fron 7 a Bloc 8 collecting carry official re- * S . Vane aii oie ao | Pe — eS : : ervices ancouver this morning on a S "i 1 |* ceipts which should al- #| busir trip. Mr. Beveridge w S$ ws ; |% SUNDAY, OCTOBER S, Conducted by pUSINCSS . me. Deveriase Was - ection © ways be preserved. a Pastor J. Bavin Rowell formerly an alderman of this city SCHOO! DAYS - Opposite Besner Apartments j See eR eT eee . i Subject, “imparted Pasne has cat north of Tre areg! “ . 7. S " 7 om eee bets he Prince Rupert report g very =: ARE HERE « oo The two for ‘“ 7.30 P.M Lesaaaill teen sul smooth trip Yesterday was a _ en + if} h The Influenza ect The Second Coming of J . nost gorgeous day in Queen ee Pi $1000 cas . er ) COME AND WELCOME Caeerane Spune, Sane yin Outfit Your Boys and Gir! . . Taxes adjusted to October ], 1919 Epidemic ve Chas. Harrison, of Massett, was | an arrival by this morning’s boat RELIABLE SCHO SCHOOL SHOES A From Oct., 1918, to May He will take Monday's train for & M. M. Stephens 1919, the Dominion Aceident the east en route for England t | 4 and Sickness Co. paid $58,- join Mrs. Harrison who is already a LOANS - RENTALS v INSURANCE 907.47 in claims resulting SAVE YOUR SIGHT there. | é from Influenza, Pleurisy and : p a ye re Buy them from the Pneumonia. seen - “ F. W. Moerseh left for Salvus Thess figures should carrs this morning where he will spens T . f ee notion in the baggage room at : EE he dock this morning cuused by two baby pups imprisoned in a . louble box, ‘They arrived on the The Guarantee behind the Label WESTHOLME |i. Fal he eer ae ate Passenger Service Stand, Empress tctel Phones 176, Black 334 SEND FOR JOE am == ss OO Lew OT OO wwe POP ORO me Dr. and Mrs. Broe, of Anyo» were arrivals on the Prinee Ry ay ~ ° . > ori u pe) pert this morning. Mrs. Broe has | HE high cost of a coat is not the price 7° : Anyone The Twe Brides Reon holidaying at her family for it. It altogether depencs upo” what you i LINA CAVALIERI IN ; Anywhere JamesF. Marten os eee eee ne ene get for your money. If the cloth doe not wea, ‘ , ne it * je good at any price FATTY ARBUCKLE iss Elliott, who will spend the nor give good service, it Is nO 5° oat DY being f SIGNWRITING poo a inter at Anyox. They proceed You can reduce the cost of youl ond u spel. He or she likes. But all “LOVE” » Anyox on the boat tonight. the same it sometimes PAINTING ° particular about what you get for what y‘ makes a difference where a eee sia | iramophone needles—. nae cents iar intent arrivals of | adies’ and Girls Coa f you go. DECORATIN ; We have thought and " Admission, 35c d a hundred, Singer Shop, t44 3rd } : rc offers YOU | worked to accurately sup Phones 544 and Black 507 » and 1Se Avenue. 232 T'weeds, Velours, Plush and Velvet ‘ ng ply your wants at every P.O. Box 514 copies on & tunit f bein atticular and keepine | point of the jewelry busi Workshop: 329 Third Avenue E T . B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. pportunity oO g Ppé | T aiedi ani ; mpress - onight yen oe, —_-_--- down the ultimate cost. rom collar buttons to a eases want Cee SCC eRe ee ee @eene diamonds we _ strive to > ur store perfect * Too LA % — make pert Phores 41 and Red 391 EMMY WEHLEN ve vO GAmery ¢ ——— rhis is our invitation to SPREE ERR etme ' House of Gold vane ae Jabour Bros., Ltd. ing house if so desired. Apply B JOHN BULGER Launch Alice B. | ws to cre Oe. Rallis —e you to see it. We do not For Hire by the Hour, ask that you buy anything ‘ You'll find pleasure in just Day or Week seeing; and we in showing Jeweler The Great HOUDINI tf 2s 7 “sre ot Picnic and Fishing Parties al ie GENTLEMAN WANTS ROOM and = eaaty. Trips round Harbor ¥ ‘The Master Mystery” manent U ea . or eS Ta . Cal references fur. J. MYHILL-JONES ~ Admission 1 aN) sient” "2 Advertise in “The Daily New!