PROVINCIAL LIB?.A?.I, 113 ICT03IA, B. C. KAt 13 14x1 NS CABS DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA S NEWSPAPER Fublished at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' ., ,SPAT( HKO VJU k No. 242 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1951 PRICE FIV2 CENTS f pper rraser n Prims f Vtting finns msassDDia WW Royal Party Enters West Moslem World In New Crisis Ol'VKR (r - Fisheries s hails as "the ' most ,nl event of the year" BC salmon fisheries ..e arnvel of pink m -measurable quan-n the spawning bed il the Upper Fraser for , time since the disas-,,U'S Gate .slide at 1913. idv(.nt of the pinks on Jfr Fraser means that run of Pnik salmon, at stabilized at around fanes in cycle seasons, ,,. up well over the , mark in future years. Winnipeg Greets Elizabeth People of North Hailed From Kapuskasing RAWALPINDI, Pakis- ' had gathered people from all j 'lonHo in Acnat unrlor. . i"uo tit uvu ,ay.,vt u""-1 : , . . mi T"i "I a. Square Dance. Craze Hits London; Leader's Dilemma LONDON ti The loyal square dance at Ottawa's Government House seems to have started something, . , An orchestra leader called; at London Canadian Pres offices foday with an inquiry about "any Canadian who can act as a caller at square dances." The inquirer said he had been swamped with requests since people saw pictures of Princess Elizabeth square dancing in Canada. com-! tan xrj ine t anisiani WINNlPFnWinnitiPtnolciho standing and goodwill. A ", Government Action on High Prices Demanded OTTAWA (CP) Leaders of three Opposition parties demanded in the House of Commons yesterday that the government take action to stem rising prices. They were told by Prime- Minister L. S. St. Laurent that only one anti-inflationary measure was contemplated at this time but others may develop. George Drew, leader of the i Progressive Conservative partv. dfcvoff tortnv to wpiroe pH.imunlty mosaic." cosmopolitan In Pr? Minister Liaquat Elizabeth and the Duke of me .fA"! Ali Ali Khan, Khun aged amA 56, Kft leader WW pt Ends of the world's largest Moslem state, died to-' night from an assassin's bullets. The gunman, who fired the two shots from a revolver, was killed on the spot. Liaquat was rushed to hospital where an operation was performed but failed to save him. Bullets truck him in the Edinburgh as they entered Can- "'' i""v to UCyC1- ada West. Cool, cloudy weather J Pment of Pvince and Domin-threatening snow, did not detract iion- ,, from the enthusiasm of the occa- .Mayors and reeves from all Sjon . ! cities and municipalities in the The Provmce attended the luncheon. Royal couple arrived by Royal Canadian Air Force plane The Premier presented a at noon from Kapuskasing to be cnek 'or 5W00 'rom the Pro-met at the airport by Lieuten- mc " K'ft of appreciation ant-Governor and Mrs. R F. for wnat Britain had done for McWilllams, Premier and Mrs. i Manitoba during the flood and Douglas Campbell and Mayor: to be used for whatever cause and Mrs. Garnet Coulter. ! "cr R"val Highness deemed Driving through the city, the ' worthy. and M. J. Coldwell, CCF, backed f I 1 1 up their alms with motions I III I fl fl I Art ft Hi C Employment Is Mounting t Rule which technically call for votes of non-confklence In the government. Mr. Brew's motion called for "adequate steps" to "combat in Would Talk With Russia Truman Calls Upon Soviet , For Real Peace Talk to Head Off Atomic "Scourge" Parking Meters ; OTTAWA (CP)Canada's labor .force and the number of per- royal couple came to the Royal , Nine-year-oid Alice Prefor.-; chest. sons with jobs both reached i Alexandra Hotel where a lunch- talne presented the Princess 1 The prime minister was shot flation and deal effectively with; Installation of parking meters the high cost of living." on city streets was called for by Mr. Coldwell went further and 1 AId' H M' Da8ett t special requested price controls and;clty counc'l meeting last night, subsidies to equalize sacrifices I Thts was one of several points which the people are being asked ! brought to attention of the po-to make at this time. Utee and licensing committee. 4 -The Egyptian Leg-jduy unanimously pas-Ki end the joint rule of , tuypt and Britain, In itam to far held the re. I proclaim d King Fa-be King of Egypt and : It becomes eflective king suns it. WINSTON -SALEM, North ln mla'auusl wnue:. Dy me provin- w , as he rose to speak to a Moslem Carolina o PrP.kinnt Tr,,m V""U. UIlemP!oyment was the ! al government with the Pre-! Crowds which lined the streets Lrowd here near the troutjlecl as Their Royal Highnesses drove jstate 0j Ka.shmlr, crux 0f the v v umj iuwat Kill ICtUI U. llie V 101111115. pointedly called upon Russia yes- Bureau of Statistics reported , PREMIER SPEAKS j by broke police lines and de-, long-stancling dispute between terday to agree upon disarma- 1 yesterday. TiTC premier, in speaking, ex-' laved them or half an hour in ! Pakistan and India Mr. St. Laurent said that the Ald' Don F'n- chairman, said ment terms which would "freet, , nn"aKr'cultural sector of I pressed double tnanksgiving lor "a. , ,g I. , y. Alexanara Arl incensed crowd attacked the world from the scourge of 'e f: "t'n"f occasion-tte accomplish- Hotel luncheon J thfasnr i "Tore him to only anti-Inflationary measure ' , commluee would look care-contemplated would prohibit I , lly lnt0 tne matter ot park- the exiting arrange- atomic wariare . '"- -.1 .."i. t.. um:m:ni oi tne. roval visit and the: " j imDiovempnt irapiovement in in th Uie Kings Kino' a ... visit to trw City Hall alter , r ow Thfi ajwassinatinn hrinirx thn , Tt. - .j , . . "'e agiicuiiurai segmem is re- ' i m D 1 The President again offered to ipfj i P' the coium-ricn tsuoan producers iromN lixing retail mainly by Britain al- prices of their goods. That) Alcl- T- B- Black voiced strong Eivpt Iiad to endorse measure, recommended bv the ! 0 b J e c 1 ' 0 n to "Indiscriminate "sit down with the Soviet Union" : Th 1.1 . c . WI11UI1 OL. OUllllitUC Was VUjILCU 0 - 'hetore arriving at thP Parlia- 1 Moslem world to the brink of a parKing ai over the citv" and ! and other countries' to work nut : i ue fteuuuieiiia 01 m- . "- ,,. - --. " " 1 new kis t a rim hn omnh. i .,,.ioii., h .,lQ,.mnt. . .,, "... u,,u auo.ig nie veen enoea au-1 fection and resDect which had meni Bunaings lor a reception r" " V". " Tr ."Jf:. rnur general. This was combines commission, is not formality. likely to have "very substantial 'effect" on the cost of living. It wrecd" car; parTed'in front "or ! the'-hoTroTorwoTd r"TnS ana : than th V" ostlnmt I "d the vtalt of the King and . T .. , uo aefen es tLre aLtast tha near various cltv earaEes. "provide a basis basis for for durahl durable : ; "ore "l Queen here in 1939 and the ca- " s may. he said, "bring about some lor August 1950. "It's worse than ever now. Peace." changes in resale prices." threat of Communism. Reports, said that the killer, named Khaksaw, evidently be PprSin. Uilhnnt pmnlntimunt Court After pacity for and attention to duty! tonignt a Duuei dinner is which Their Majesties had dem- beln8 Siven in Government House onstrated Premier Camnhell rio- aIter which the Princess and Part leaders SDoke In debate i Some o these wrecks have been He urged Russia to abandon its 1 and seeking worlt .imnnpri f mm longed to an extra-right-wing c,a,d that their daughter had civic TkZ on the, address in reply to the,Parled near private property propaganda and "phony" peace ! 103.000 for August 1950 to 78 000 Speech from the Throne read ! and alone clty streets for j talk. . for August" 1951. ce Chase won the hearts of all Canadians ance in the Auditorium. In expressed dissatisfaction with uciooer w ai tne opening of the I v": "'""""ii "i police should be drawn to this Labor Front fall session. in displaying those same' 01 lne ryal vls"' tnere qualities with which her parents ire no mal1' Dread or mllk de- 1 situation." main Mr. Drew said that, unless the "Liaquat's policy of moderation toward India." 'This sect would have commenced -a "holy war" with India. 1 thruimh the ! the city last night nrnhifm nt infi0n,.n to oi,ih Aid. Fitch agreed but said at had endowed her. Their interest -'ly a,lu a" in this were closed this after- country was deeply ap-jsttores ins a car allegedly .- fa, min. ri,, .. H .ri,' 1 present the police committee owner's consent lci7eJ some credit restricUoas j had no machinery to deal with Compensation Bd. Is in Session Here preciated. I-' The Premier recalled that this! Prmcess Elizabeth spoke to the territory (Manitoba! had been PePle of the Canadian North- Port Simpson Indian mmKpri h th Doornm. nH i these parking problems. He sug- ' EAT HER pu.ire court today. ; called for repeal of Increases I Impounding of such vio- nd until this after- last spring m the sales and ex- latlns vehicles, following a us Dennis, 18, was ar- else taxes 1 warning to owners, might stop in a car with which Mr r,rf ... .,j 'the practice "but we haven't got claimed for the British in 1612 land last 'ven,nB flom Kap is-and ever since had been part of kasm6. addressing a crowd from the balconv of the Empire or Commonwealth Since Kapuskasing; it had become a nrnvinr.. tt hrt I"n- she conveyed a greeting of Synopsis Cold air lies over the Interior ol the province and there is The Workmen's Compensation Board will be ln session at Prince f ed collider! forced the 7,,'" the '""Chinery to do it." shown admlraUon to the pioneer com progress equalling that of the ""P""4 ueraj Hospital Novem- munities. expressing reffret that 1 some slight' seepage of this air 0 "",t,- a inllation to "run wild." The' " ' v",ber 8 to Interview workers with 1 rltrhl. . nf , taxi , stands tn limp mnrp I vw iuibcis vnii any other part of this country. The greatest resource of a she would be able to visit more ' down the coastal valleys. Teni- Trade Pact With Indies ! Canadian government had ln- ' " " forTarkine compenaation problems. aLsu charged stituted a policy of "rationing ' i'a""e car .sPaCe .'Jfi A letter read at the last meet- However." : P-'natures varied widely over the i'.h Prince its citizens and here In Manitoba he assured, "you are always In Pwlnce overnight. oy purse,'' pricing many Cana- i wanted to know if taxis were!"1"' "'f """" "na Dur George reported 11 degrees . j , uur iiiuugiiLa. I vuuiicu asMyi au mose wisning xicittctl. i diana right out of the consumer ails screamed and commodity market. I charged for parking. j "Is that always ' adhere to?' ipjuiiii in fright as the' an niLcivitw to notny ine board's head office In Vancouver before October 9. j HALIFAX. Increased trade j between Canada and the British asked an alderman. f cruiiv aloirn Third I above; Quesnei 21; Penticton 39, land Cianbrook 26. On the coast j temperatures were in the mid-: thirties although Vancouver reported a low of 32. There was UjBht frost at many points on the lower mainland for the first time this season. There will be frost again tonight at many Cease Fire Line Firm IN Wants It Along Present Battleline Ready To Keep on Fighting atxmt 7.20 p.m. of the err is Jack Col-f ..iy Di'iinis took the iw Uie King George 1! s parwd. 'and a Siwt and Third ul.ldcd with a car Another matter of importance ""V""'' " " ' to workers discussed was a let-if1 !rom an agreement details ter from Attorney General Wis- !0'w.?,ch 'm"'tan w U fbe an""nced mer stating that unions will be ; inf(rm "fwa, Lo"on and notified of coroners' inquesis Jr,mdad fory-into ' d here es-union industrial accidents, if a hwas f member is Involved. Union ! iray J'. 9 Majorl C' African Plane Kills Seventeen I JOHANNESBURG (f Seventeen persons were killed when a 1 South African Airways DC-3 Lines v Drawn For Election LONDON (P The flag dropped last night for the general election in Britain as the deadline passed for nominations for October 25 polling. Closing of the lists of candi- "No," said City Cierk ft. W. Long, "but they are allowed one car space." 1 ' "Definitely not. Often five or .'ix cabs are parked in front of one stand," answered another. Aid. Daggett also pointed out to the board of works committee that Cotton Street beween j points. , vu 11m I Laurt-n-c Van Pyk- prior to opportunity to give evidence and 11 spinning sailing aboard the Canadian Na- i TOKYO (CP) General Mat- -tra nave -. "i-i. ' burnrd'afler crashing Into 7.5O0-! Fifth and Sixth Avenues and examine, cross-examine examine witnesses. i tional Steamships liner Lady i thew B. Ridgwav yesterday said 1 The weather will continue unsettled with variable cloudiness, along the coast. There were a few showers over the Charlottes this morning and these will likely spread to the south coast tomorrow. The interior weather will be mainly clear and cold. Forecast that the United Nations will ; dates found seventy-seven wom- Nelson for Trinidad P"liie constable along ',Jot lne" Mountain, 90 miles! Young Street between Fourth Nar the Totem The sou,h 01 Durban. and Fifth Avenues were in "de- Nii'iiiK car narrnuiCi Two children were among the plorable condition" and action stand firm " on 011 its its utuianu demand for ior a a en en and arm some some 1,300 i.juu men iiren ready reaay to The agi agreement cement was was negotiat R G Moore nrinciDal of King' negoua;-i'u ed Dy representatives of Canada, i cease-fire along the Korean bat- : fight what has been described Dro-1 Edward Iwurd School School, outlined outlined a a pro 1'1't-uu ui thpuirp. t-'venteen, including crew of should be taken Immediately to the British West Indies and the tlellne. jBiitain s most important post- 1 have dangerous holes filled. , loui. who were killed. United Kingdom in London last ! Despite efforts to resume truce war election. inive ihr,, ., u . . The plane was flying from Port dffl"8' Durban' posal to organize a Citizenship Council in Prince Rupert. William Brett was named as the TLLC rep rescntta tive; H. M. Daggett, as alternative representa- Ten Dead in Blast May with a view to further lib-j talks, the supreme allied com- Prime Minister Clement Attlee's j North coast region Variable eralization of trade between the", mander promised that United ' Labor Party and Winston! cloudiness today and Wednes-dollar and sterling countries, j Nations forces would continue Churchill's Conservative party : day. A few showers over - the Mr. Major said that a previ- j their offensive in Korea, their have named candidates for all ; Charlottes spreading to northern ous agreement resulted in great- ; goal being to take as much but a few of the 625 seats in the Vancouver Island this eveninc. MORGANTOWN, Virginia (CP) i tive. ;'W"S iwu motor cars, ; ' Gordon's Hurd- Pyk.stra and the of-;' forced Dennis to was along. Twentv-flve dollars was voted ier trade and still further bene- I ground as possible. 1 House of Commons Mii,. Jennie Brcptzcn. elderly P01 1 Simpson woman, was brought aboard the Coquitlam today to Prince Rupert for hospitalization. She was stricken suddenly yesterday. Contmuing cool. Light winds. Lows tonight and highs tomor for the Prince Rupert General ! nts are hoped for when the new j "Within our capability we There are only about 100 Lib-Hosnital Modernization Fund i P'an is made public in the near 1 want ground that we can de- eral candidates as enmnared with rowat Port Hardy - and Sand I future. j fend," Ridgway said at one of over 400 in the last general elec-( spit 38 and 50; Prince Rupert 36 Legion Poppy Day and the 1o- j On his way back to Trinidad j his rare press conferences. He tion land 48 Death toll in the gas explosion which occurred in a colliery here yesterday has been increased to ten. The men were about to start for the surface when the entire crew was wiped out by the blast. They were working in a section 2!-2 miles underground from the entrance of the Trotter Coal Co.'s bunker mine,-' 10 miles northwest of here. . Thirty more miners, working in other sections of the mine. fal Homes Building Ren in Ai Wniflmiflf TODAY'S STOCKS MHMMtCourtniy H. 1. Johnston Ca Lti). cai drive 01 the Canadian Na-iaiier a six-month visit to Can- aaaeo: ' in principle we want a tional Institute for the Blind j ada, Mr. Major said he was tre- cease-fire line more or less along were endorsed and will be fiuan-i.mendously impressed with the the present battleline. The pur-cially supported. development in all sections of j purpose of the Eighth Army is Reports of unions from Van-! Canada from Newfoundland to still to repel aggression." couver and New Westminster j British Columbia since he last j The location of the cease-fire showed that very few members j toured the country three years ; line is the issue that snagged were unemployed. ago. "Everything there seems to Korean truce talks for weeks be- Presldent J. S. Black was in 1 be expansion and prosperity,"' ! August 23. -0-lliiit rental housino- m-mopf in I'n'nco were not affected. the chair. I fore the Reds broke them off he said. - ... - , j..JW -""inn i1(,gln N0Vemrjer 1( A( George Hills; council last night. And final action before j itucatioo Worse Egyptian I 1 tne housing agreement was completed bv I J J'tw will be Fifth and Sixth Avenues East,! I Avenue in Westview and Eleventh Avenue. ft ,!ypo of home, to I m the different " lot l uvod u,ti, . . from flat-roof style to steep-1 691 iferf British with basements and with- 1 ronti out, have been submitted to ; Egyptian newspapers report activities of the "resistance movement" In which locomotive engineers were refusing to run British military trains and taxi drivers were turning away Brit- F MM: Soldiers in in III Canal VUIIUI faVIIV Zone Sled tint. w tv, MIG's Down CHMC and were studied by councl mlembers last night.. 1 0 the weather. lr" Voted t, K,.l.,, u. Action 1V IIVI I Jsurvev Klpvonth DAflflFTT APPItOVKS F1FTH AIR FORCE, Korea CP) ish Army passengers. m Mcciymont Park, Aid. H. M. Daggett, a carpen- VANCOUVER American Standard 32 'i B R X 05 Cariboo Quartz 1.50 Congress .09 Giant Mascot 1.00 Indian Mines 26i'2 Fend Oreille 10 50 Pioneer 2.20 Premier Border 34 Privateer 11 Vb Reeves McDonald 6.25 R?no 03 12 Sheep Creek 170 Silbak Premier .63 Vananda ,18'a Spud Valley 28 Silver Standard 2.70 Western Uranium 5.85 Cronin Babine 59 Oils-Anglo Canadian .OO A P Con 55 Calmont 1.50 C & E 14.00 Central Leduc 2.65 Home Oil '. 16.75 Mercury 32 ' Okalta 2.80 Pacific Pete ? 10.75 Royal Canadian 18','2 Royalite 20.00 . TORONTO ' Athona .13 Aumaque 27 Bevcourt : 67 Consol. Smelters 183.00 Conwest 3.75 Eldona 21 East Sullivan 9 40 Giant Yellowknife 11.25 Hardrock : 16 Harricana ' .09"i Heva HVj Joliet Quebec 51 Little Long Lac 88 Madsen Red Lake 2.25 McKenzie Red Lake .. .51 Noranda 88 00 Louvicoiirt 45 ' Fickle Crow 1 62 Senator Rouyn 19 Sherrit Gordon 3.8 Steep Rock 7.85 Silver Miller 1.42 Upper Canada 1.62 . Golden Manitou 7.70 Imperial Army Veteran Dies Edward J. Maloney. 65-year- i old bachelor who lived in retirement at 101 Wantage Road, died Sunday ln Prince Rupert General Hospital. Formerly a fisherman, Maloney was born in London, England. He was a veteran of Imperial Army in the First Work! War. He had no relatives here. funeral arrangements, in charge of B.C. Undertakers, will be announced later. United States sabres today des- j ' . " I The F01 ;ign Office said today troyed eight Russian-built MIG's CAIRO (CP) British tl'OOps Went into action: the British will' reinforce their and damaged five in history's today in Ismailia, Suez Canal zone, to quell disorders ' troops in tne Caoal Zune- as a deadliest jet plane fightt. ; after an arm canteen had been set on fire today. The : "ecefsatry Prec"ut,n- -u said Another jet was shot down In, , .. , . , , "', , i this action was decided on as a fi.,h ,it..r t,,Ha xhe 1" Irst battalion of Lancashire Fusiliers was brouglit result of a sents or incidents in Ifc'ler, u in 1 v ter by trade, said he thought the '-lashin' Called f0:' Plans were Kood. I an ,L h 1 Proposed "I think they're excellent," he '4u 'naie ot total told council. i housfnn ud t0 the Clty Clerk R- W' t0ld 'l HousiM au.tnorUv and council members that tenders tUn ' g Mortgage for the project would not be the zone and the action taken by into action. total was nine Red planes F-'is. rmii.n called before a final meeting; I Vancouver Gets Egyptian authorities ln denying certain facilities to British forces there. Ine had on a here tween council and the I'jvinchi 1 W it J' E' two Boverninent housing repre-f while in115,',"6 rppre" aentatlves; Mr. Brown, provin- One sabre jet was destroyed. ... . The large battle began at 4 5nOW Warning p.m. and ranged over five hund-J VANCOUVER . The Weather A spokesman said the situation ln the Canal Zone has deteriorated. He said an Egyptian mob had set fire to and looted an Army post exchange and "Egyptian police, instead of trying to prevent this, actually helped the looters." said the v1,'couver clal, and T. B. Plckersgill, CHMC. h Mxious anxii...... gvernnt Such a meeting Was expected in TIDES - - l" get the the near future. Urted. of the Tenders for slashing a8reement, Wednesday, October 17, 1951 High 2:32 20.0 feet 14:23 22 0 feet he proposed lots are to be f ' v.U.J V. building UUUUUlg "W1 " v - rA, be in red square miles. Man has warned Vancouver to Thirty-three American Jets expect its first snow of the sea-clashed with one hundred swift son. The'temperature was down enemy planes In the fight that , to 38 at the airport. The Lions ranged from 30,000 feet down to ; got their first new snow yester-tiec-top level. day. ,. British troops are now operat- FiUitKi' ""c nanos of in the hands of the'eity clerk fl IHW flidtro ing the railroads in the Canal ; Low 8:18 6 5 fwt by 5 p.m. next Monday, date of :lmt U of Zont, a spokesman said. 20:56 3.0 feetj regular council meeting.