Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, October 16, 1951 '-- ' ... r , ' iL,'". f -" , A Interior TRAVELS Central .3 filUn 5 . 4 F (Q ttiiat finc Ihim J ZV -. ? k . m. ..r Wallace's DeDt. Store NOW! I PLAYTEX : FAB-LINED GIRDLES Af Nationally J " Advertised Figures 7c95 $8.95 torr (nf 1 BURT LANCASTEf1 r Was commissioned by elderly was on the waterwagon, tcm-lovcr of newspapers to protest porarily,.at least, vehemently to certain news- Had lesson from super-sales-papers of the invariable prac- man. Filled with admiration, tice of putting address labels Felt he could sell fur coat to a upside down and stuck on read- marble statue. In a Dutch home ing matter but NEVER on title met a Hollander who had only of paper, and secondly, of the left homeland a week ago and insult to readers' Intelligence of was shown a beautiful hand-having to turn to another page woven tablecloth, which had to finish an article. ! cost 40 guilders. Find it sur- Found it wasn't true that any-! prising how many of the adult thing that could happen to my , immigrants, even after many feet would be an improvement, i years in the country, find It dif- BICKFORD'PHYLIISTHAXTER Todoy to Wednesday Show 7 . 9 j ' ' VVV . SHOW STARTS 7 Pu LASTCOMPLETE SHOW 15 j, y r h. T TODAY TO WEDNESDAY ........ RAY MILLAND JOHN HOUIAK - NANCY DiVIS LEWIS SIONE ifAN HACLH EXTRA FORREST TUCKER In ROCK ISLAND TRAIL" C7 FAMILY GROUP This informal family portrait was taken in countiy home of Their Majesties. Taken in 194 1. this United photo shows the King, the queen and Princess s-Elinabeth and TOTE ME EXPERTS JJati ... Civic Centre Dining Roc WILL BE CLOSED TODAY OCT. 16 and Tuesday of every week for the winter season. iicult to speak and understand ' I: .1. 1 I iMigiLMi, auu ijiiu it, iieuesuiy to get children to speak for them. Vowing never to visit again at night, visited again at night, and going up two steps, put each toot through space beyond stf"P. I1C above another. Thus , thrown, door opened to reveal raft of open-mouthed children and anxious adults. When extri- cated, inspected damaged shin I ana rumea nyion. uooa one win team up with one salvaged at Telkwa. Gave ug visiting for night. Planer mill on holiday-too for week-end. Retired to hot bath and. bed suffering from shock and tummy trouble which has afflicted visitors. Felt that accusation of paternal paren when I was a child, that 1 would get feet twisted up in a bit of paper tp be justified. To add finishing touches to already shocked system, had tumbler blown out of hand by pressure in pipe, when getting a drink in the middle of night. Flewin Family in AfticlG The Victoria Colonist prints a n ontira nana rinvntpH tit tVio Flewin family of Victoria. This will not be without Interest to ma nM ,imr. nt Vrin B.,r. wno will i.member John Flewin wt. , for all of twenty years was government agent at Port Simp-! son. He was a frequent visitor in Prince Rupert during the early ! days. His father, Thomas Flew-1 in, was one of Victoria's early : pioneers, having come out from' England. The article is written by Jimmy Nesbitt, special writer of Victoria. It contains many In-, tercsting pictures, as well as. data concerning Victoria long ago: Sons and grandsons of John Flewin live in Prince Rupert. ' 1 ' BC Theatres j. 1 May Go Dark Mr MM ill4 1.1 f 4 t . Gillnetter Burns; One i Man Injured . ; One man suffered severe burns :iri'l a fb.hina boat was described a total loss after a fire at 7:30 last night gutted a gillnetter tied , up at Cow Bay floats. i In Prince Rupert General Hos- pitul Is Roger Powell, in good condition. Witnesses said last night that the 32-fou'., gtllr.jtter "blew up" shortly after Powell entered the cabin and the man came staggering out, his clothes burning. An unidentified witness spread th: alarm which was phoned to the lire department by Tommy Anion. 123 Taxi driver. Anton then rushed Powell to hospital. ' Hi? shirt was burned right off r!i Lac!:," the dr.ver said. Owner of the gillnetter is Arch Carat ron. but he was not available last n'Rht. or this morn-lnj;. The vessel was burned to the hull and was taking water. Wh n the blazing boat threat- ! i .. -in .... t uic wi. i.-i .i ir-y it, i My and it s'orage of 10.000 gallons ot gasoline it was cut adrift. Firemen who arrived at the scene were helpless while the boat burned several hundred "feet from the floats. Pat Wilson, with his little yacht Marjoiie. came to aid of the Ii em-n and tnwvd the burning vessel near th" floats where flames were scon brought tinder control by the ho e. remain'r.g vinegar a little at a time. CHILLY MORMMiS There's nothing like a breakfast of pancakes these crisp autumn day.. 'Ingredients: six cups sifted flour; one egg; one-half teaspoon salt; 2'j teaspoons baking soda; one quart buttermilk. Sift the dty ingredients and add well-beaten egg and buttermilk. Drop Into hot greased pan. When full of bubbles and brown on one side, turn over. pends upon coal and railway BROADSTAIRS Ei transport. There now are fewer Authorities appruvw than 700,000 men working in the to transform tht pit, and l10th of that total Castle Hotel, a fanx, moves out yearly. Only half of this Kent town, that wantage is due to old age . mem.-;. A snrAr tor kor incapacity the rest find recently carried oat i- Everything you enjoy about the -Playt.-x" Living Girdle . . . hut now with a cloud-soft fabric lining! It's bone-Irs". seamless . . . with the lining fused to a sheath of smooth "Latex." Gives you ."omplcte freeuom of action, wa.-hes and pats dry in sjconds. : WALLACE'S EDEPT. STORE . The Place to (io for the Brands You Know Moving, I'ackins. Crating Shippinc and General Cartaee and Storage Complete, lteliable" and Effi-u nt Service Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all wvld. 'g supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE, & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. -!nd and Park Avenues Es' .910. Phones 60 and 68 I -'Wings over the Interior' Io Terrace daily Io Prince George nnd Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly Io Kirimaf and Kemano Daily Exceot Fridays from TERRACE BA-. LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent Prince Rupert Terrace Phono Black A07 Fhone 133 a:oveptisino in the daily I WORK FOR more comiortaDie jobs. To replace the loss of 70.000 men the mines are eettinn onlv 10,000 to 15,000 newcomers an-( ntially. ! The nationalized railways arc equally hard-hit. They need 25.000 more men, mainly shunters and footplate stokers and engineers. Few youngsters are taking on these Jobs, Aircraft manufacturers aro seeking 150.000 recruits in the next three years, but although pay and working conditions or generally good, the chances of finding the needed recruit 1 220 Sixth St, without some government action L - the garden at Sandringham, Kingdom Information Office Margaret. (CP PIIOTOi B.C. El&ctric Disclaimed VANCOUVER-Vancouver city (council will endeavor to disprove the claim of the British Colum-I bia Eiectiic Co. that It, needs higher rates to provide funds for '"'the. expansion. An expert, so lar unnamed, will be presented by the city to show that the company has already sufficient capital required. i Direction I ! Of Labor j ! t ! Is Coming 1 , By MICHAEL NEWMAItCH LONDON I APi Whoever wins the October 25 general election, one of the first acts of the ew government may be a swipe ul -"e "uc'lv ol the working "'an. There is growing specul-atl .m that critleal manpower short ages are forcing Britain to some form of modified state direction of labor. Both Labor and the Conservatives have been opposed to the government arming Itself with wartime power to draft labor where It is needed most. But the lafk of men on the job ln such vital .services as coal mines, railways and aircratt factories is threatening the whole of Britain's rearmament effort. That's why the new government, despite party viewpoints, is expected to try to force workers out of comfortable chairs Into the mines and essential war planus. The working population is bigger today than ever before-2JJ.000 out of some 5U.000.OOj Britons. There are plenty of anomal-areies In the way woike.'A are distributed. In the last tnree years employment in candy and confectionary factories from 58.500 to more ! At- the same time employees have been drifting away from industries and public services vital to tiie existence of the country. The whole life of Britain de- Headache?. . By KAY REX Cttimdlan Prrsi, Matt Wntrr CAULIFLOWER AND CABBAGE Did you know they were related? The cauliflower in lact ir described in the dictionary as "a cabbaf,j with a large, fleshy, flower head." No matler its ancestry, the point is that this vegetable may !be served ln a vr'rtV of wa's; mute wtiva num ine uvrui;;.- 'housewife possibly realizes. While 11 s Sea:""1 nl toi the home-grown vai rety, nn- Ported cau'lower can be bought Prac,lcy the year round, Cauliflower with cream sauce or just with a pat of butter on ; top these are the two most: wid.-ly ways of serving. But cauliflower French-fried or fried and sauted with fine herbs, also makes a tasty dish The experts recommend cook- , ing the cauliflower, i. avps ;md all. In etfect, this gives two vegetables, the white curd to- gcther with the greens. It is or. vegetable that should be cooked in the shortest posvble tithe, in an uncovered vessel, and in a large amount of water, If the head Is whole allow 25 minutv-s; if separated, 10 to 15 minutes. NO TRIMMINGS wiiii- 1111P p,., i;i k: wo :rn.- sp jons vinegar; one-quarto tna- riysop mustard; three-quarters teaspoon salt; one-eighth teaspoon pepper; one cup salad oil. Beat egg yolk and add one tablespoon vir.egar. Add mustard, salt and p.-pper. Mix well. D. op oil a teaspounful at a time into the egg -mixture. Beat constantly until four tablespoons of oi' have been added. Then add cl' in la'ger quantities, beating thoroughly alk.T each addition. A:; the mixture thickens add the 3 4 V Got up to ankles in thick mud, when visiting at night. Air holes in shoes distributed mud evenly over feet. Returned to hotel and washed feet and nylons all in one. While drvine had interesting talk with sick American who had to stay home from hunting ! trip. Was told that Ketchikan, j Alaska, had 14 liquor stores, 14 bars and 14 restaurants, and a DODulation of five thousand, What are the liquor laws?" I asked.. "I guess there are none, Just drink when you are ready." There's a new pulp plant going up, which will mean an all the year round payroll, instead of just seasonal occupations. Spent fascinating hour studying school map of B.C., re-living trips, and tracing new Alcan road from Francois Lake to Houston, and planned Forestry road into tract of timber south of Houston. Conversation turned to the use, in certain quarters, of washing machines in the making of homebrew and the excellent examples of deep carv ing of the totem poles at Kit wancool, 15 miles north of Kit wanp.i Repaired to cafe to hear vorite westerns. Ruminated on unfathomable behavior of year-olds and the habit of viding toothpicks, not so widely met since visits to continent many moons ago. ' Had interesting talk with old-timer drinking milk. From "cat-in-the-pantry" look, gathered he till "Hospitality and Good Fodd" That is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cale brings results. BOOTS MEN Handsome outdoor styles for storm and outside work. Leather and Rubber Phone Block 69 a lAMors mm largest hotel, Hit Or, loruui Ladies ondGer i LINO the ta! For action use Sev STEAMER Prince & BAILS F Vanwc and Inlfrari- Each Thm t nil-Fcr KETCH; u).n::5Iiiv t LUX1.7 al For 8 cm oi IBM Science Prod" For 50 r"",h""i labWr-""1'1" -.lorr.toMi'"1' ronwn. v 0. form,"" "i; . . l .liidirr. r """ I ml It sole whers. OISPUN' il 'Ibk" of U rabler. folds'i ol Did you Know that the canh-VANCOUVER Many theatres flower may also be eaten law? in British Columbia may daiken ' separate the head into flow-their doors following a vote yes- p1T- ot reasonable size Drain, terday of projectionists to strike Remove imperfections Sprinkle if their wage demands are not wilh sait. Chill one-half hour in met. However, another meeting lct watP, . D;an ImpaiP n of Famous Players Canadian toothpicks and serve with may-Corpo.ation with the pro jvction- 0i naisc. ist' union is being held. ' . . b 1 .u i The mayonnaise may be made i, w, J Pi than 80.000; workers in you want to It. advertise tlve trades increased by 120.000. Ti i ;1 ffll are not bright. 1 Pi ;:mij 654 tti.i wfcw ik. iriimt WW.. Tkii rfvciiiiniMfli n net puolnkt 4 4nAr4 W LkjuO. CentrW Bor4 . by lit 0.fMnA1 ii 1 A take a Disprin " SAFE SPEEDY PLEASANT r'5X - .in- aoivniK an increase of 50c n hour but the company has slated it will go no fu.tnei than 28c. 'Eolh Prince Rupert theatres Cap tol and Ti:,.m are Fam-cu- P'aye s Canadian Corpjra-t or houses i. 9 1950 HILLMAN MINX l.uw mileage Like new 1947 PONTIAC COACH Privately owned i 1943 DeSOTO CLUB COUPE Low mileage "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" 1937 Graham 4-door sedan $300.00 RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED 2ml Avenue at 1st Street Phone 866 and 566 Ilou want to sell It, adver'Jse I it. News classified. -M i ff ' I , TM 'A it, News classified -.' i t " -A't il All :- ' U (1 S '" ..-3. a.. i v . i tCP from NFBi --1 j I " -.I i, bar '-Mfi Mi Why DISPRIN? Becouie DISPRIN it loubte and tubtlanliallr imilral. When lakon In water as recommended, it enter i the rtomach as a true solution and not as undissolved particles. It is therefore less liable to cause stomach discomfort. DISPRIN is readily absorbed. Because It definitely dissolves (not merely disinlegrotes) DISPRIN permits speedy absorption and gives quicker relief. DISPRIN is palatable. Even children will take it readily. Geo. Hill & Sons LIMITED ROYAL LANDOWNER As the Prince of Wales Edward VIII, now Duke of Winn r r. made several visits .to Canada, touring the country from coast to coast and visiting his ranch ln Alberta. This 1927 photo of him was taken on Parliament Hill in Ottawa following the dedication ceremonies of the Memorial Chamber In thj Peace Tower. The top-hatted man beside him is Oen. Trotter, his aide and companion for many years;- In uniform is Major Willis O'Connor aide-de-eamn to many Canadian tavernors- DISPRIN Box 737 23E ...FOR PAIN RELIIF I'VTHI Maki fj,f. ntTtoi-AMrisi p-ric: general. rk KiTairoi r a nap v tiMiTrP. phaRMA;