I f Prince Rupert Daily Tn.Vj Tuesday, October 16, 1&6X 4w on the ALLEYS I Morrison to Fight Ratzo The preliminaries are on and b(i!lciing up for the main event. Prince George's Mike Ratzo will get his chance to make good liU challenii,,' against Prince Runert's Billy "Mouse" Morrison, Oolf'fii Oloves middleweight champion. , Trainer and manager Joe, 4 Ru- Miiler Bay 3. Van's Bakery 3 Bome outstanding individual 3- You are building a new home or repairing theild one, it's our business to help you, so come in . . . talk with us and compare our prices with others. Island City Builder's Supply pert Butchers 3. Booth No. One 2, and aggregate team scores feat- ! AT 1 mm ured in last Thursday's meet pf 1. bc Puckers i. Bed iwviis i. Pen-the Mix-d Bowling League, as sum Hobby 2 Harvey Copeland shoved out In r" " . Life 17. 13. Push waiu an 1 sayius muin auoui. ironi wun 304 ior a Single game shea ton's 14. Hill's Shoes Plume Blue 8'?0 overs 13. Wallaces 13, Headpinners Moue, except that hes ' very and a total of 681 for men's high 585 Mi Bride Street For Lumber Sash & Doors It i Plywood Wallboards Asphalt Tile PAINTS Storm Windows Interior Trims PITTSBURGH Let it published L-i iouot Control ooi'a m three. j Ladles' high single was taken ' by Marie Richards with a re-1 doutable scou of 298. High three rI 8M7 was the total earnings of Pearl Dickens. Team, high single of 1239 fell at the hands of the Headpinners, while fashion Footwear nabbed th. team high three of 3, 507. , Latest Mixed League results: Group 1 Canada Life 4. Great West Life 4. Headpinners 3. Pushovers 3, Wallace's 3, Cook's Jewelers 3. P' R PumbiriK 0. Soni ot Nomay kt-n" to meet Ratao, and likely ', that will be towards the end o( thtp moiith. Ward Is awaiting word from! Nick Scheling, Ratzo's maniigcr. j Apparently, Prince George Is ' placing all bets on their favoiltel and according to the latest vdl- tlon of the Prince George Citi-j zen, there is no doubt but that ; Ratzo will emerge victorious from i the five-rcund battle. f Says Ward: "IMh.-y think so! much about Ratzo, let them put.; up a trophy." j - ; '1 11. Fashion Footwear 10. Canada Life 10. Cook's Jewellers 8. Canters 0. P. R. Plumbing 4. Sons of Norway 0. Group 2 Penguin Hobby 17. Miller Bay 16. Red Devils 15. Conrad Seals 10. Rupert Butchers 10. 383 Cabs 10. Booth No. One 6. Hl-Oold 9. Cripples 6. B.C. Packers 6, Van's Bakery 6. Ideal Cleanjrs 1 Thursdays Kcheilnle: First Cripples vs. Van's Bakery. Rupert Butchers vs. Ideal Cleaners, ro d Devils vs Hl-Golds. 383 Cabs vs. Booth No. One. Penguin Hobby vs. Miner Bay. Conrad Beals vs. B.C. packers. Second Sons nf Norway vs. Headpinners. Shenton's vs. Hill's Shoes; Pushovers vs. C.K. Telegraphs. Wallaces vs. P. R. Plumbing. Canada Life vs. Cook's Jewellers. Great West Life vs. Fashion Footwear. r : 0. Fashion Footwear 1. Sheuton's I. M Other fighters from the Prince i huh Bnoes l tanteis 1. George club will be asked as well j Oroup fm Ob. 4, Conrad 8ii 1 tv. 'f.,11 Curling Rink Fund Shy Two Thousand lng Club boys in the proposed , fight card. , Kitwanga, says Wi'rd, has not' answered his invitation so -that! source of competition seems' hopeless at this'time. ! Two other well-known local athletes have entered boxing training here with Ward. They are Bill "Monk'' Sunberg. a'M Don Scherk, both entlnt-instir; i and popular basketball and base- j ball stars. i And both, fays Ward, have the NEW CHIHAWKS Defencemen Clare Martin UefU and Clare Raglan (right) have been added to Chicago Black Hawks as pert of the biggest cash deal In National League history. Now In pie-season training at North Bay, .Ont., they and four other Red Wing were bought by Chicago Black Hawks for $75.0(K) cash and the right to Black Hawk player Hugh Coflin. , (CP PHOTO) Ten more members and $2000 in cash is -what i yd the. Prince Rupert Curling Club must have and soon if this city is to have a curling rink this makingr. of "real fighters.'' , tv li.ihlt Two "uninterested parties," he said "had each given $100 because How Jamaica Was Hard Hit tv,pv fpit. a curlinc rink would do t Soil Loss Is Costly Hockey Scores a lot for Prince Rupert." j "That's the kind of attitude we like to see. It heartens us a lot." (A feature story of the pro Pacific Coast Edmonton 2, Calgary 1 lOnly games scheduled) A copy of "The Daily Clearer" of Kingston, Jamaica, dateM a few days after the disastrous year. President Neely Moore told an executive meeting of the club last night that 16,000 feet of pipe "is sitting in Vancouver for us to pick up, but it won't sit there forever. It will go tp the first party who lays down $6 000 cash." This pipe is vital irr construction of the curling rink freezing unit, and at present is hard to cbiain anywhere, he said. In two weeks that club members have canvassed for subscription to the rink "trust fund," posed rink site will appear on this page in tomorrow's edition.) (Mill i.llin's (-VCS ,'ti into a nil. itd 4 Mu.H iluy hkI in ike it ;i lu- l.l MU'I Jll.tlif itiriii run; 1 1 sluii l m.ik- ItV ol aluminum n iruiiMc! I IlIHHV llO will i.! IK H ilM l'ir .llll- t hi i!it Look ih.it (I lot this lilit, riKinii: Fin i.il it 1 pi NICOSIA, Cyprus iReutersi The Island of Cyprus, third largest in the Mediterranean, is pre-paiing to wage war on its worst hurricane which caused so much loss of life and damage to that West Indian Island, has recently I been received in this citv. air passengers Vancouver (Monday) R. G. holland R. Lambie. Mrs. H. Le-Hand, Mi. McKee. Mr. Russell, WELFARE WORKER ' TV , nnnnrl n.hinl. t..ll.. MlPtllV Anil Pmcilin I ijuiaii nun ii iiitHiriiiaiiy ...... 1 was established In 18341 coiii al'i-1 Natives of the big British e? pictures of some of the havoc, crown colony have been paying ; Mis. N. Brown, R. L. LeMarquand j wrought by the high winds which a h-avy pi ice for the 400,000 tons ! To Sandspit (Monday) Mrs. 61 new members have contnbu- i . ted in cash $4,000. Thirty more ( Ji mkI iiji. were accompanied by torrential : '" wmeii nature iu uura;, Kaoayan. - !mi0 t, nlerleprl thev will ill l lms tin I switched to Esse service for Fall changeover For yotir Fall changeover needs, protect the investment you have in your car with Marvelube, the Heavy Duty detergent motor oil that meets car manufacturers' specifications for correct lubrication . . . and with Imperial Esso Specialized Lubrication. t which services every point by chart according to manufacturers' requirements. Make a date this week for Fall changeover with your Imperial Esso dealer and his "Care Saves Wear" service. i rains Scenes show ships bluwn ! their Island every year. The price j To Vancouver (toriayi W. F. i oin lne ciub immediate objec-ashore in the harbor, churches.) 1 less food for an increasing Tarbuck, George Jones, Mrs. ; tive is 100 members, or $10 000 in ' ti-hocls. hotels and other build- . Populace. I Jones, Mrs. J. Hardin, K. Buchan- ; n jriires t6 000 of which must be mil jxmn )I,-inii rs lit tun Ft r m p V! uirn nil 111 ( ont-uda, Ud. (Alum). on, mrirctor n. micncocK. , ,lt.v, hiss sicLiiru. uiciuuiog u roor A out iiiirooucea recently House and penitentiary. iotanospii uodayi Mis. F. i Membership subscriptions are '. seeks authority to launch an anti-erosion campaign on a larg- I Samuels. $100, payable over a time period. . tire ei s?ale than ever attempted. ; The club has been given To the Island s perspiring in- allowed to continue at its present assurance by Doug Frizzell, local habitants the Gazette notice of ; rate, Cyprus in 50 years time will aulo dearer, that a building he ths bill came as a shock. It told ! face possible famine or -economic i owns at Seal Cove is at the club' s them that Cyprus, whose main 'disaster. j dlsppsal. problem is shortage of water, At the outset, the war on oro-llDKAL SET-IP was suffering ci mlly lrom toojsion fa-es three main difficul- ' This Is the ideal set-up. The much water. ' " lies. The island's experts al e ill- building is just what we need for Unless one actually watches I armed with cash, equipment, and ' a rink and we can have it for the erosion taking place whvn vital statistics. The dliector of $3000. w ith nothing down and rain pelts down on agricultural ' agriculture has stated that Cy-; pay for it out of profits Over 150 lives were lost on the ! island, a great number injured and an estimated 25,000 persons made homeless by the huuici.iie. Serious damage was done to the airport and all line.! of communication with the island w ere put out of commission eaily in the storm. Credit for contact with the outside world Is given to a group ! ot five radio amateurs who pooled their equipment and estub- ; lished a radio station in a local garage and a day after the trug- , edy were able to contact Cuba and Puerto Rico as well as Quito (Ecuadori giving cletaiis ot the ; disaster and asking for help to i be sent, j The Cuban Red Cross lmme-jdlately dispatched a plane with 10.000 pounds of food while Puerto R!co sent a plane with What more can we ask for? believe j prus at present has only 24 trac- land, it is difficult to that with an average annual tors used in anti-erosion mvas- the sign that says rainfall of only 12 to 30 inches so "res. much erosion can be possible. A full-scale campain may easily Extensive surveys by water de- ! cost $2,500,000 or more, but farm- "Little things count" "Although ocial work kepps me bu8y, I find time to adviiie my daughters, even on little things like getting their clothej really white. 'Just swish Reckilt's Blue through the rinse,' X tell them, 'and out of the blue coihes the whitest wash. Yeg, Reckitt' prevents yellow tinge. Marvelous for rinsing white hair, tool" (Ssso) to stop for Now it's up to use," declared Mr. Moore. IONDON t Mrs. Jessica Fuller obtained a job wrapping candy at her home. But she gave most of it to her three children and was afraid to take the rest back. She was fined 5 for stealing 211 pounds of candy. partment engine s have re-! ers in Cyprus have never been jtcalfd the alarming rate of rich and in the present economic !e:i;'i n in .he main forest and crisis, it it doubtful whether their agricultural lands and vineyard contribution towards costs could : area- of Cyprus. ' be anything but nominal. , j i-riRE FAMINE THREAT j As an alternative, agriculture j TIk grim fact which experts experts in Cyprus think an appeal now face is that, while the popu-: might be made to, for example, DAILY NEWS CLASSIFISH AHVERTlSlSMENTS BRING RESULTS T medical supplies and other ar k extra W WE HANDY WTTE tides to the Jamaican branch of ' lation of Cyprus has increased : tne food and agricultural organ-tthc Red Cross bv ibout 170.000 persons in the Nation of the United Nations for I 't quarter of a century, the technical assistance in the anti-werr Two ships of the Rovai Navy mnl oved distribution food 1 1: lancl ! y producing hardly erosion campaign. how much car can you buy to! more food crops than 25 bu'lding stores and water, etc., strlrk-Pn nrPn u-hi.-h roiiM not. i years ago. This is true despite i recent aavances in mecnamzea i jiww i he vpflrhpr! Vw minis thilt. u-prp I In -tfl MJ III Id (or blocked by fallen ttees and de- j cultivation and harvesting. Mallation of more irrigation FOR SALE SAWMILL As going concern. Capacity. 15 000 daily Mill, camp, tractor. 3-ton truck only five months old. Timber. $18,000 E. T. KENNEY LTD. Real Estate - Insurance Terroce, B.C. 220 works, and a substantial increase In the amounts of fertilizer used for cereals. By the turn of the present century, the population of Cyprus, now 49C.000. will reach an estimated 1. 000,000. If soil erosion is i ! super keen ue Blades give M.must refrtsh- cfTfXTTTTiTi a ft- evtr. and with lnie Dispenser iic Hades quick brl.. Army" trucks were a!so pressed into service for similur duties. Orders for 5000 tents and lurfte quantities of food and building supplies were the first to bo given consideration. A food shortage was threatened in the ai"U where bauxite min-ng operations are in progress. Bauxite tiom this area will, it is expected, te used by the Alcan project at Kitlmat when. hi operation. Damage to the banana areas on the south and northcust of 'the island is estimated at 100"i and-overnl! damage to the whole Island (which Includes cocoanut, citrus fruits and other ciopsi Is believed to be in the Vicinity of ninety per cent. Serious damage was also suffered by the water ' supply system of the island. Many merchants have given up their advertising space in the , paper to extend their sympathy) to sufferers and to make an- i pounce nients regarding damage j Lik-save. time I s. lwavs use k Klue Blades. jpp made lor your affecting the usual operation of their businesses. P.M R. Kaior. UO-Blode Gillttte i With Handy Used- l.tOKt.E DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone ireen 810 and Red 17 Comwrtment NOTICE n tun EXTRA FEATURES Htltmin CJR CR. CR 1. Lugtst tngine opacity V 2. Steefing column fesrshift 3. Opticurvt windshield V 4. Full 371 headroom V 5. Unitary const r action V 6. Air conditioning heatat 7. Extra low pressure lifts V V 8. Full widHi iron) seats V V V 9. Independent coil sp&ng rf j 10. Most modern styling V 11. All doors doubia sealed V 12. Four point jacking V 13. Canadian sealed beam lights V 14. Furl wrap-around bumpers V Iti'lH When you buy a Hillmon, you get a f"'J dollar's worth of driving pleasure nd long-lotting satisfaction for very dollar you spend. And you get 14 extras that makes your Hillman dollar the best British car buy you ever made I 4i em 4 1 1 Ii." )- 4 - t ,. ' '' 'nil I -77 JJ f vikm 11 S3. ?(IlicL iae We regret thai' we will have to advance the price of milk 3c per auart on Oct. 17th, 1951. ' We have received word from Vancouver triat the prt.-e of milk has advanced 3c per quart effective, Oct. 13th, 1951. This increase also affects the milk we get from the Bulkley Valley. We have also been advised that our freight rates will be increased 10 very shortly. One of the brighter aspects of the situation Is that tlve Fraser Valley Milk Producers' Association has assured us that Prince Rupert will not be short of milk as they will see to it that we get adequate supplies. Any tickets now in the hands of our customers will be honced at the old price. Toi'llfttlul 3)(U'W rld. KNITWEAR mm) j 'In-- 'frV HILLMAN -minx A Rootes Group Product Rootai Motor (Canada) Limited "Montreal 'Toronto 'Vancouver Concessionaires for the Rootes Group and Rover Products fiTit.'. rrn7 iTTA .iTrnvi7rmfrn