"'KaWinl" BASEBALL rTn'iCc Kuperf LAjtiy iew. Friday, June 1. 1951 JlrPc uSSengeri against A&O players, two to Ar- j ney, third baseman, 'which: brought in one run, and one to Jordiano, shortstop. G&A had ; Gordon and Andean Chares-Wakott To Meet July 18 1 PITTSBURGH, Pa. Ezzard (TGA) To Vancouver (Thursday) G. Reynolds, A. McLean, L. Allen. THE ONLY FUR COLD STORAGE VAULT IN NORTHERS B.C. ; Charles signed up last night to P. Robinson, L. Burt. W. M. Scott, defend his' world's heavyweight A. K. Hipp. W. Strickland. A. .t.it.lo hero nn Tniv i ,i!ir,a four errors, two to Marshall, le-t fielder, one to Sunberg, on second and one to shortstop Shier, but no runs came in. Men at bat for the winners numbered 37, and for the losing team, 27. Watson, P. Pierce. J. Bawker, N. ' jersey Joe Walcott, former fllP MISKRATS AND OST HOLD STH.L MYINO I P TO 4.5() FOR roiRAI)E MISKRATS! ,f, unwise to hold Furs been next Winter they would regarded as OLD and .jfth much less than fresh sections. Prevailing HIGH Prices provide an opportunity o wll uur Furs VERY PR-flTABLY F'T 'BEST E-JLITS. ship your MUSKRATS other Fur to "SHt'BEFJT" t!iert yu ar assured KIOH-jgT available Pliers, MORE believe than yoa ran get Bennett, G. Dieff, P. Coney, b. champion. It will be the third Second Effort-Winner Downed Ali and Odowes 7 to 4 Last Evcninjr A ,tory of loaded ba.e.s on walks and a hit to bring in the runs would describe the way Gordon '& Anderson won their second game of the baseball reason playing Abel & Odowes last night. Ending at Mcintosh, R. M. Warren. time the two have met. Abel & Odo To Sandspit (Thursday) A. E ' Wainwright, W. N. Tarbuck. BIG ASSETS 0! From Vancouver (Thursday) Nigeria in British West Africa Pavlikis, cf McHardy, lb Lindsay, If Abel, c Mrs. G. Reig, Fred Rae, Mrs. "Dohaniem, Mrs. Manson, Miss V. 0, 0 oi Is the home of historic and valuable tin and lvad mines. seven innings, trie score stood 7-4. 2 Manson, . D. Little, J. L. Bryant, Mr. Adames, Mr. Johnston, L E. Johnston, Mrs. J. Tindale, IArney, 3b Pope, 2b H 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 AB 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 Losing pitcher Dick Letour o! neao wa in difficulty from the and two away, he struck out Don Lavigne' 2b i lorally or ANYwm.KE. send a shipment soon -HURRY! Dell, rf 0 0 0 0 i ' " ' a- " ,'ordiano, ss 0 1 1 0 ' f l-n"axy- " f c' auL "m?y' Dept. lai, n. d. oiiunnixi 00, Winnipeg- Ship to VAN'COUVER Receiving Of lice. (h) u.l. ma oau was last but It Sharpe, right fielder, on a full lacked control a he walked count to help win the game for lour G&A men in the first two the "young team." Innings and gave up two hits1 In the fifth inning, spectators, to account for the first two runs who paid a little over S40 t0 by Mar-hall aiid Mathews. Le- see the second game of the tourneau held it for two Innings league series, got a thrill as they after that fanning inns; six sia times uiiies but oui watched waicnea Slan Stan Cornweli- Cornweli- man man. D Sharp, rf 0 1 1 . 0 1 UT1al. narao", m nvi- Le-iourneau p 0 0 0 8 son' H- Morrison. J. fiharp 0 0 0 o! Sandspit tThursdayrE. Lftourneau, pitching four and , G"Suiiia, L. Huribun, V. An-a hvilf Innings, six bases on cl( ''. Mm. Smith, balls, three hits, six strike-out, i Vancouver (today) E. Sharp, pitching two and half I ark. C. Corbett, J. H. Penland, innines. four hits, one strike-1 R- Sephton, Y. Sakal, W. J. Johns, A-. Recalma, I. Frost, G. C. QUALITY STORE iPFTTFJNUZZO'S Kl I l l.TOM 8THKET Kave the game away in the fifth a,ter and centre fielder for G&A, with three more free bases, steal home in a terrific burst Manager Alex Bill called him of speed while Letourneau was back to the dugout, young Jack winding up for the pitch Sharpe relieving. i cornweli got a base on four out, no bases on balls.' Gordon & Anderson AB R (Burns, W. E. Drew, M. Mclnnis, E ! C. BeHis. Doug Shier, shortstop and top balls after foulinn off all the 1 D- Shier, ss 4 2 IT'S NEW! IT S EXCITING r STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL ! FORD'S British Built CONSUL See it soon at Bob Parker L td. FORD - MONAttCII DEALERS PrinCe Rupert. E C. THEFT FIRE MOTHS 19 Port Hardy (today) G. Wheeter. To- Sandspit (today) J. A. Eloyrf. D. Lloytf, Mi-s. Lloyd, J. J. Open 8:30 to 10:00 p.m. Sundoys 11 to 10 p.m. McCle?lr.nd. -T SAFETY FURS- H 3 . 1 2 0- 0 0,. 1 1 2 1 or tne batting order for G&A. strikes Letourneau could throw 3- Cornweli, cf 4 1 made a terrilic drive into left at him. He made second on a B Sunberg, 2b 4 0 field for a three-ba.se hit but base hit by Sunberg and reach-1 A Marshall, If 5 1 failed to bring in a run when ed third on a steal. He caught Sherk, 3b 3 1 both Cornweli and Sunberg filed Letourneau off guard and head-; Mathews, 3b 1 0 out and Marshall struck out re- ed home. Letourneau' manager Carelli, c 4 0 tiring the side. 'motioned him off the mound. I'-'- arr lD 4 0 ! With four times at bat Shier! Sharpe, pitching the last two R- Spring, rf 4 1 had three hils and one walk, innings for the losers, stood un-i Ciecone, p 3 1 (QCAr To Alice Arm (Thursday) J. (ASH AND f'AKKY iWr- Specialize in Chickpn and Ilulian Foods) Phone 470 A. Forsyth. To Stewart (Thursday) E. IN j BILL SCUBY'S FUR VAULT CLEANING GLAZING REPAIRS REMODELING Phone 974 FHEte PICK-UP SERVICE Out of Town Customers Ship Express Fully Insured Dorixls. From Stewart (Thursday H. Jamieson, Const. Crouch, ,W. Lauchton. i bringing in two runs, one with ruffled. He gave up three hits! Ciecone, pitching six InninVi ! a two-sacker. . j but showed rigid control of his one base on balls, two strike ! Playing defensively to slart ball which was fast and gener- outs, and five hits. Kristman me game, nuei ai odowes chalk- ally through the strike zone. He son,- pitching one inning, two From Alice: Arm (Thursdayl ed up the first double play of credited one strike-out and no bases on balls, two hits, and two ' D 4rJ alrtdon, A. H. Hoy, A. Berg, Forsyth. me evening when Sunberg filed walks. strike-outs. . i. A out to Pavlikis In centre field who whipped the ball in a clean j 4 eri' ft throw to catcher Dave Abel 'CP ' 1 . jWiJiJC PuUlnB ut Shier at the plate. d": mm my Pavlikis, top of the batting -.-?! !HT H A Good I'laco to Slop M Miles to TCLKWA HOTEL Trlkwo, UC. Ju l n Nil e Day's Drive oruer ior me losers, had three trips to the plate and hit oir:e, I a two-bagger deep into right ! field. Ja-jk Lindsay accounted 1 for the only other long hit for ( ' A&O with another two-base drive. j McHardy. left-handed first baseman for A&O and a new-, comer to Prince Rupert, hit once and walked tice, bringing In two" runs. Pope, another new-man to the North, came in whir a run on a base on balls, Pav-' likls brought in his two-ba.se hit to count one In the third inning. Verne Ciecone, ' the winning pitjhe r, chucked five and two- thirds innings of the seven and walked two men, hit one batt"r : -catcher Abel and yielded five lilts. Ciecone only farmed twi.'e,' playing his own field by letting the batters hit high flics frcvii a slow, spinning ball. i " Relieving T pitcher fur fcf&A, I when Ciecone walked off the mound in Ihe bottom of ihe ! liftli inning, was rookie "Pop-' eye'' Ki Lstman.son. He was in j trouble right from the start al- j lowing a run and two walks !;i j the next inning. j In the seventh the tali, rangy j youth brought the crowd to ;ts : leet when, with bases loaded STEAMER Prince Rupert j': -"m v(gii film m$ " "-'TAILfl FOIT t Vancouver j. t Inlermciliale Pofls Each Thursday at I!:l.-i p.m. For KETCHIKAN HNlv.NY .MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost t; vZptefjfa Bedtime Story! . . Here's For Reservations Write or Cull niY or nci'oT OIH1K ITU.NCK H'JI'EUT. lie. fan i ni BBC Sm how Iht ordinary Inner tprlng ., s' ! "hammotkt" under your woight. jufM:A Thon comport Boautyrot't j I s'5t j indtptndant coil springing, giving I , .omplf rol-xollon. IliJiiw- I Years of perfect rest and rekxation are yours when you have the famous "Luxury Comfort" of a Beautyrest Mattress and its matching box spring. They ' form the world's finest sleep comhination scientifically built to give you exactly the right amount ; of support for healthful rest, no matter how you turn. All our yesterdays assure your comfortable tomorrows. Beautyrest, Deepsleep, Ostermoor, Slumter King Mattresses . . space-saving, dual-purpose Hide-A-Bed ' , . . these are examples of the modern products, S37 individually pocketed coll springs Air vnl allow fro circulation of air secret of Beautyrest's "Luxury Comfort" inside the Beautymst Mattress to keep it -give firm, buoyant support to every fresh. Taped handles for convenience body curve. i In handling.' , I I TEA GAGS X Precision "Jiffy-Join" luffing prevent side-sway and sag, and keeps everything m position. They cannot ire fed y th Weeper. developed by 66 years' leadership in the manufacture of sleep equipment, which have made Simmons your sure quality "buy word" for beds and bedding. .' i .x :V7 5 (MOMS PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMIT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 - 4lh Street Box B45 Phone Git'en 3S9 Prince Rupert I ' ki l l ! TORONTO VANCOUVER MONTREAL WINNIPEG .i A. t, v 1; i Be sure to see the many "Anniversary Specials" now en diipoy at your Simmons Dealer's, MODERN PLUMBING h a wise inve tment, in lpf"tsof family heallh and Inline economy. Call Blue 846 PLUMBING SaanicH HEATING li Chop 5ucy - Chow Mein . Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside orders Phona 133 J New Stock Arriving Doily at MANSON'S CUa SHOP Your choice of 16 oatlerns of English Bone China Cups at 97c. " Beautiful Gifts for every occasion. JJ We will continue to give o $3.50 . Flint Bread Knife with every m $3.50 purchase. B ' ; (1Thaij,:X V.jTiiIMi,. iieeTi- hit f ir iiTrfi iHny W a.