Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. January 31. 1A51 SPHERE OF SPORTS '. ovic Centre 25 YEARS AGO January 31, 1926 With shaft severed and pro-pellor gone, CNR steamer Prince John arrived in port this morning in tow of Hecate Straits Towing BASKETBALL CPORT OHOTS Bo-Me-Hi Wins Again I 1 1 ART CI.I'B - ' I Company's' tug Cape Scott. The The Art ciub is starting a more ship's proprllor broke away from Intensive coifrse of Instruction the shaft when landing at the under J. Delaney and will meet dock at Queen Charlotte City, every Thursday evening. The' She goes into dry dock here for topic to be covered this week Ls. repairs, composition and Mr. Delaney is I preparing sketches to illustrate! R. B. Rochester was elected RT Makes It Two Straight Over Wrangell Wolves sumption of regular league play It took those unpredictable with Gordon and Anderson gremlins to get Reg. Lewis, hero meeting Brownwoods in an all- of the 1349-50 English soccer important senior league fixture season, back into the Arsenal The Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers made It two straight over the visiting Wrangell Wolves with a which the shoemen must win if English Football League line-up j different points during his talk. ! chaii man of the school board for CanaMan Whisks Duncan DeKergommeaux wiil , 1926 at the initial meeting of the u.ry aie uj uyeimKe v,o-op m as a regular. A cruel twist of fate 01 lo av victory rust uigm. uiei senior leseue race the sidelinine of hieh-scnrln again wrangell DasKetDaners looked their best In the first ' quarter when they held even INTERMEDIATE Doug Lishman with a broken leg Ihe Thundcrbirds really went brought Lewis' sudden recall. l.o f.num whrm thfiv xinr, t.)fr t.. a. i - t assist him by talking on certain new board yesterday. parts of the subject which he has I studied particularly. There will Aid. W. J. Greer was chosen be no drawing period but sket- president of the Prince Rupert ches brought by club members Liberal Association at the annual with the locals at 15 all. They rrat "J tZ"'-" " pJ,tB F'. "7 0Q3l-r " Served with prides 0 oulolavcd thP Rainmakers in the Y,..l T"Tu .J... u,! 1,1 "is rel,lrn 10 ne nmeivr.i. at. the city hall last T.nnn i,ewis. lor II was a will be displayed and discussed. meetin As composit ion Ls such an impor- j night. t:. nl subject lo photographers as on lliose special occasions , similar bad break mouth ago that shunted him Into the I I -v . I' looming within 4 points of over- everyo,l(. ,m the niUl was thepr. I taking the High School's 11 point lng for lhcm to wm )ast Ill(,ht In the second and fourth ,lead. as lh(.y oame u,rouKh on the J U when only the finest 10 YEARS AGO 11 ef .Ml- ; v: 'M periods the Rainmakers were ,on(J cnd of a 44 to 34 scoie definitely the .superior team and Tmmti(, Yls not only won lh(,ir! When Lewis scored the only wiH6uincej! tney earned tneir . victory witn ,irsl b t v Dudoward two Boals against Liverpool in the well as to those who just wish t.) appreciate art, visitors will be welcome to this meeting as well as to the others in this series of instructive talks. EILEEN CROSS ( Ot'RSE A note to those attending Miss Cross's clanses is that there are more hustle and better ball- h : racked up the highest score of , ''up final at Wembley last spring. January 31, 1941 Tuesday evening 35 Boy Scouts, their futhvrs and guests, numbering 40, sat down to the first father and son banquet held by II I T 1 ' iiaiiuung uiiu siouuhk uuuivy. the season in any of the local he was hailed as a king-pin op- and master ma ksman. j MsChesney was again high ieagues with 33 points. His slioo'.-iman for the winners as he pour- jng was sensational and he earned in 18 points, all of them on ,,c every basket scored. For the For him the future looked par ticularly ' br'ght. But in the first "a ' " u V ': n",Hr"-, Centre for those antici)aling at- Troon. ; field goals, H in a spanning ias ! Weblicr had a good night, practice match ,.,. of the current . twill IJSJp Lord culvert I period exhibition. I with 14. I campaign Lewis was tackled For the lasers Maxand was top EXHIBITION hoavily and had to be carried off scorer of the game with 20 Wrangell Maxand 20, Gund- the field. His injury failed to i points. He was the star of the erson 9, Ferguson, French, Brad- respond to treatment with the i game, if any player can be sin- ley 1, Schwartz 7, Casey, Trior- result he was declared unfit for 3f, tending. All the classes are full , except for the afternoon session The run of herring in Prince of Home Rejuvenation. .Classes Rupert district, already excep- start February 5 for Home Re- tionally late, continues light and juvenation and February C for spotty. Exc-pt for a few small Tailoring and Sewing. and scattered catches around Monday, Wednesday and Fri- Namu, there is no seining in Cm day afternoons will be for those district. taking Home Rejuvenation well as the same evenings. Tues- Dr. Joseph T. Mundy, resident . IW Vi- - S -3 I II I II Tr--i eled out for such an honor quist, Ritchie 2, Cunningham, the opening game of the official season. McChesney 18, young Lishman was called to Letouineau again played fine lotai S9. hjill for thp uhinprs scoring 12 Rainmakers day, Thursday and Saturday af- mining engineer, showed mtm- Ratchford 5, Kristmanson 4, fill the gap and did tire job so Nickerson, Spring 8, Young, thoroughly that the management Biackaby 2, Letourneau 12, Si- declined to disturb a winning monson 2. Total 51. combination when Lewis was ' INTERMEDIATE again ready tor action. Thunclerliirds B. Helin ?., ternoons will be reserved for bers of the Prince Rupert Gyro I tailoring while sewing will be heid Club and guests moving picture ! Tuesday and Thursday nights, scenes of Prince Rupert, which points. j Spring v'-ii gooU for 8, but once again sLowei that he is more at home wiin-the Jet? or Brown-' woods than playing with the less-experienced students. ' The game was a crowd-pleaser and, as usual, the losing team snared in the plaudits of the White 3, Ryan 2, Weils 4, Du There are no classes on Saturday will form part of a Northern B.C. nights. travelogue he is preparing. doward 33, Jeffrey, L. Helin. Faced with the nroblem of not being able to find a place in the I j5Stv 4,.c il5! I'iSSlfe ffy't High School Green Ford 6, first team for one of the out- LONG DORMANT MORE READERS standing players in first division The metal titanium, now rec- Between 1938 and 1950, mem- Biackaby 4, ki"k 8- serve plenty of credit for their .ecke'' Manager Tom Whittaker ognized as a steel substitute, was berslup of public libraries in Satller- Webber 14, Pe- snccer. soccer. Mani I showing .1 Is,' Jviyf, The nlVv :yJ Tood aJ ball llnl for neH." Kheppard 2 Woods. Rhodes, Total offerpd Lew: is a chance to keen first discovered in Britain in New Zealand increased from 93,- -34. ln match practice with the re-: 1789. 000 to 250.000. serves. Reg, however, preferred i ' a, niiijtjui inui iiu,i juiy tj jnjj-tjj in grades 9 to 12, 15 of these being boys, 11 of them on the basketball team. Saturday night sees the re- to act as a reserve with the league team and heln Willi coaching; duties. i RADIO . DIAL CFPR Mutual Life of Canada Leader In Canada In 1950 LVERT DISTILLERS (Canada) LIMITED AMHERSTBURG ONTARIO 1240 Kilocycles t Doctor Flown (Subject lo f'lianse) Despite tempting offers from j several other clubs, tompetlnR for hLs services in a booming transfer market, Lewis stuck to the Gunners with unswering ,1'ivn'tv. Then the sremlins struck ns advertisement is not published or displayed by die Liquor Control lioard or by the Government of Ikitish Columbia. Native Village! Dr. L. P. Charbonneau, direc-l tor of the Indian health service,! and W. B. Bailey .assistant Indian superintendent, left by Claimants ;Aiyansh Native Tobacco and Cigars Higher Ivage Money Council Named I suddenly. Lishman, Improving i with every match and setting a hot pace in the goal-scoring race. skidded on an icy pitch !n a match against Stoke City and ; was carried to the dressing room with a broken ankle. Ars&nal floundered In a six-gamj tail-' spin and dropped from the league leadership. A hurry -call went out i for Lewis and the team started chartered plahe Tuesday for Aiv- ansh for a routine agency med'-cal patrol. Accompanying them (P The Admiralty: Anthony Adams has been elec- OTTAWA Prices on bulk to w . ' "Nv. I - ? 7 were Reuben Munroe, Jr., who fcrchlng for claimants ted chief councillor for the Naas WEDNESDAY- P.M. 4:00 Jimmy Shields 4:15 Music by Goodman 4:30 :.:ageie Muggins 4:45 Stock Quotations & Int. 4:55CBC News 5:00 International C'omty. 5 ill) Rawhide 5:30 Prelude to Dusk MS The Question Box' 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Freddy Martin & Orch. 0:3o -Musical Varieties 6:45 Saddle Rcckin' Rhythm 7:UU CBC News 7:35 CBC Mews Roundup 7:30 Tribute to George Ben aid Shaw 10:00 Cbc News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 The Comic Strip 10.30 Mary Syme Pianist recently for bacco and cigars have increased was brought in but no change is reported in cig- medical treatment. They expect The Head Office of The Mutual Life of Canada has announced that Richard Sephton of Vancouver led the Company's entire field force in the jale of new life insurance in 1950. For fourteen years, Mr. Sephton has had an outstanding career in life underwriting as a member of the sales staff of the agency under the management of H. C. Webber, vihich is now located at 475 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C. He has consistently been a member of the senior production groups and is at the present time lVt Vice-President of the Quarter Million Club, holding that office for the second year in succession. In 1944 Mr. Sephton was made a Master Builder, a distinction given representatives who have reached a particularly high production standard set by the Company. clicking again. to bring out with them today two ether patients. l ore than 10,000 sal-. River village of Alyansh for the awarded to 120 of-year 1951. Other councillors are men of the Royal Walter McMillan, Roy Adams, ! Abel Derrick, Henry McMillan, sey was awarded for! Reuben Monroe and Joshua ve a cargo valued at Grandison. arettes. Tobacco brands are now around $1 to $1.15 a half pound. Some brands sell at $1.75 a half pound. Fourteen cent cigars have advanced a cent. Sixteen cent :i 2,000.000 (about' village constables are Sidney ci&ars a 'e eighteen. Mail Plane To Naas Popular Until his recall to his old post, 1 , Lewis had played only 45 mm-, ;( utes of first-class soccer this V season and had not kicked a ball , f in a football league match. Lewis, i f however ,is no stranger to the' I whims of the game. At the start , f nf nlay last, season an injury nut fe, him out of action and Arsenal ' lost four of its first five matches. ; irom ine convoy snip eii Godfrey Adams, Sidney Clay- ' torpedoed in 1944 ton and Cecil Morven. mlng through the! rn. The shin was , , ..... ..,, t " ,BW ' ilver bullion worth r""(f'"8 Queen Charlotte Airlines mail 11:00 Veather Report Newspapers Best Medium CHICAGO Preliminary estimates show more national ad- plane for Alyansh left for the , 11:00- Sign Off It may take years Before the KICIIARD SEPHTON ' "Hi an vttll UJ- 'tlier stores. The dis-' 1 was taken in tow beached off B'-n-1 Lewis returned to the lineup and scored nine goals in seven games. Naas River village Tuesday with a full load. The service the only one in the Dominion designed rest of the money is distributed as most of the men left the service long ago and trace of them has been lost. The ie nuum Admir f orlhern Africa. ! especially for native " people is vpri isliiB went to American news-i . .. . v. salvage award orig- Want. Ads, Sure Results! alty will wait seven years for , wiin great approval nom ,vwro .., n nnv .,, OJ tihntever ls then left unted to nearly 19, me villagers concerned, inerei Admiralty assigned nr iu mmm will revert to the al Printers I to the cost of towlnsj treasury. liieg has been an average of two planes a month on the run In addition to dropping of emergency supplies to Greenville. 1 HUKSDAl -A M 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Sal Oood 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com'ty 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 -Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Invitation to the WalU 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 222 Second Ave. Phone 24 a!y 44 applications Britain abolished slavery received Tor a slice of throughout her overseas posscs-' fund, with these sions in 1833. RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE' For Your General Kleetric Radios Phone Blue PACIFIC ELECTRIC medium. Geo. G. Steele, president of the. Newspaper Advertising Executives, says : ' "Don't let anyone tell you that any advertising medium can ever take I he place of newspapers. Everybody who reads, reads a paper. They read it when they want to read it and as long as they want, not just at 4:30 or Canadtan rjC( cnion Caf Hollywood Ptice of Sheriffs Sale 10:30. They want our newspape'-s Bring' 11:15 Roundup Time The Canadian Legion so much that each week they spend $17,000,000 for them." Your Missuf" night at the hall 11:30 Weather Report ' THE KUIM!EM't COURT OP BllITlSH COLUMBIA MJAMH. Plnliitlff, Ant . 4 We Specialize in DISHES rr NELSON. KAt'lj PMITH ml HOMRO P. OOUI.OMHE. Saturday night was a great sue-i 11:31 Messarre Period cess with a large attendance. The' -11:33-Recorded Interlude program was impromptu. Master 11 :45 Scandinavian Melodies of Ceremonies Vic Duncan called 1 12:00 Mid-Day Merodit for entertainers from the gather-; P ing and many talented persons' t2: 15 CBC News FRAMES! FRAMES! Come in and choose one for that Christmas Photo. We. carry a large line of I'p-To-Date Mouldingi WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing 320 Third Ave. W. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN stepped forward, it was arranged by the entertainment commit mii,: "n busings n) ifihhacR MiMlIKU CO., Hiul the sulci TEKKACE LUMHKU CO. Dcfonilnnts IN THE OOUNTV COURT OP PRINCE nill'EIlT IIOI.DKN AT PRINCE RUPfcRT WonKMEH'3 COMPENSATION nOARD Plaintiff, And WITH, ROME') COCLOMBE mid ORVII.I.E McKEE. Bnd lEHIIACK IjUMtlRK CO.. Defendants. nml by virtue rr a Writ of Fieri Facias Issued from the :,Hrt Of nritKh Ci. !in WQ rtH n Wnmnt nf ITvorUt.lfin lSed i 12:25 Program Resume 1 12:30 B. C .Farm Broadcast tee of the Canadian Legion OPEN FROM 7:30 r.M. to 3:30 A.M. Assistlne at th nnrrv wn ., 1 12:55 Rec. Int. I mmmio.. rji. ... i 1:00 1 119 Concert Hour ii i ii 1 1 it 1 1 vwiiuuhi,cc iiuiii toe ijuuitra Auxiliary as follows: Mrs. G. V. Han- 1:30 Musical Program ('i'ny Court of Fr'nee Runert. and to me directed annlnst FISHERMEN . . ley, Mrs. Dot Keehn, Mrs. Rose! Morrow and Mrs. Graham. I An hour of dancing topped off! the enioyable evening. 1 I' VllO llhnvrt vifiit.B.I ,lnla,,HnntB TnrrnCA l.limtuir C(l. I 1:45 Deeds That Live, Comty. 2:00 B.C. School Bdct. 2:30 Records at. Random 2:45 At Home With Your Daughter 3:00 -The Music Box fwmm known ns T,rrnee Lumner co. unwmlll. sltunte nenr the iee Rupert. HiKhv,.iy, about 24 miles enr.terly Irom the vlllai;e lerriifw Ponino , ...ii. nil mafhtimrv f is and equipment therein and thereabout, and together with In net I CAME PREPARED TORQUAY, Eng. if A boy here took his pet pigeon on his first day at a new school. At lunch recess the boy tried a school meal but didn't finish it Bottles represent money in your basement. For the balance of this month only, we will help convert them into cosh. Phone 13 2, a n d our truck will call for quantities of not less than 1 dozen Coke and North Star Brand. North Star Bottling Works Telephone 132 For complete overhnul of your High Speed Gasoline Engines, sec Rupert Motors Ltd. Wo have the trained mechanics and specialized equipment to perform this work for you . . . efficiently and economically. To avoid delay this spring when the rush is on, let us have that job now. He released the pigeon with the products, finished and unfinished. Including logs and "iifiictnreii hinilxT or jn process of mBnitfiieluie. White pnW(.r unH i (stored at Terrace Transfer. Terrace), 1 Ineh by n ft boom chains (stored at Terrace Transfer), a tnn clmin blm (stored at Terrare Transfer), '"itson ic.isoiino piicinr, No. 11147:14 (stored at Terrace Trann- Rr n Ciiterpniar (rnrtor, serial No. aiia7a7RP (stored at Ter-nruKe & Machlr.c Bhop, Ternu-e), '1 toll Korit t,i,nt. .r.,. .... .... , Un,-lnl fftltl message: "ijoivt like the stew. Coming home." 654 See l's For Your BABIES' SHOES Wee Softies Felt tShoes Jumping Jacks Blue 010 303-3rd Ave. W. THE STORK SHOPPE STOPPED EVICTION WOO0QREEN. Middlesex, Eng. I, " v, nitu 1UIKII! iiwm, riluilir ito, oii;mm, Rupert Motors Limited ,,t"7T"h't ,!'-17 ronne, pni;lne No. 1M7W2. Serlnl No. 7 1 22700fiH0 ' lnrM, f'nrine & Miieblne Shop). , "' l,'l'a Kediin. enr.llie No. 118(148, Serial No. 02nrt!ll2l01, 1 licence (store! at Terrace Oarage &. Machine Shop), 'wis and pniihm... CP1 The local housing committee 1 refused to evict Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter when they heard that a woman friend was staying with them. The friend is Mrs. Foster, aged 1(K. Ihn (JiMIHIMM II not ufalinG diipliftd by t i 1 th Liquor lonlrol ooam w oy im viownnwm I ol Cotb.. -MIUHSIlv ' "i. vikj uiinicrun:, up in'-mcm, k hi i Ul,! ll'st dnV of l-'EHHUARY, 11)61, at the hour of u"-',,'ll0"n. fitlsh i my office In the Court House. Prime r i I mil lot ""''lla' 1 will offer lor sale by Public Auction ull the fc; . r'St lh", " 'endunts In tlie alxive gixids anil chattels. OP ti',,1 MimAinp'aCy,',l'Tn,,1 tlllR snl" wiu " ""''J'0' to 1hP 8"11 "l T,i,NrE IUIIKTiT, B.C., 'this fifteenth day of January, lOfil. I' M M STEPHENS. Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. Use "W EVERYBODY JLSE TOES