Prince Rupert Umly News Tuesday. April 3, 1951 Wollacc's Dept. Store I t JEAN SIMMONS in "T R I O" T"1)AI -- Big sale now on: Only Railway in North g America Making Money . A Drapery and Slip Covering Plus YARD GOODS , tf ir;4 tL huh: Col. C. E. Reynolds was mate on old Princess May back in 1910 Only railroad on the North American continent to be making any money is owned and operated by Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, a provincial government unit. At least, that is "pretty close" to being true, says Col. C. E. Reynolds, chair- LIGHT UP IV.ii ft I ' man of the commission, who is in Prince Rupert for HOTEL FRASER HOUSE 1 wr'-V? , .".! ; a short visit. ' j In 1950 the rMlroiH. running , r lnc -.73 1 At Great Central Lai;?, Van-: to miles f om North Bay 'amen Bav. had a . r-oss profit of "1,,v" Island, where onj cf 11.50n.W0 cf which it netted B.C.s blspest. lc-rein- eanv-s i M 640ro Thr b" rea:n this operated, Col Reynolds was the of the railroad f-om builder j railroad is operating at a profit, there to Port Albern1. and als id Cel. RevnokK "is the tre- , ! lairi nut thp t.nwnsitp and"". ! 7S6rt?'s Easier, Speedk with Wonderful New Fast Rising Dry Yea mendous tramc wnicn u nan- - , , " i CINNAMON BUNS ! for the camp. In 1929 he left dies. Fervin? an area with a popu the We.?t, after buying rights to 'aMirg into larpr , lnkrwarm watrr, 2 distribute and operate mobile cement-mixers. lation cf 2S0.o:3 it has on its line j ! .- try Nine New Tug Masters Here later! iiiar : Mir mini . "It was ha-d to convince Uie architects and construction p?o- 22 operating gold mines and 10 base-metal mines. Twa pape:-carryir.g carrying trains wains run run every every uay day oi of "IvH. SprinUr mit, i m, ow Klcisrhniaiin's k.ui f. Candidates of the first naviga- j . . . . th "g I'ry Yrasi. I n . J 1 tion class held here in 10 years the week. In recent years agri- cnmes They tallc different, passed their examinations yester- culture has become an important ! now ne chuckled, day without a single default. And development in this area of j In' August, 1944, he Joined the most of the nine men who wrote northern Ontario. ! Northland. That was 40 years for their tickets got a higher At James Bay, which lies on a ., ho first iinvi Canadian certificate than for which they latitude 235 miles north of Ed- , then Raiiway as fireman, worked up to engineer and q'lit ture and itir in 2 wffl-bMin m Stir in 3 c once-u'trd brt b, beat until imonth. Work m it Ofice-nftrd bread tW. Knta w mooth nd eitic; j.Uce le (itr bowl; brush top nh mrjt or shorten inc. Coer tad U warm place, fr from driht ! rue until dnublcd in U ur Throughout the winter months, at 500 busheis to the acre. The Capt. William Koughan, Prince most northern agricultural area Rupert's harbor master, gave lec- knQWn M the Grcat c, BeI; Now he heaas the Stij.txJy.oau operation. AT CHAMBER MEET Col. Chambers was a guest of C. A. Berner, CNR divisional lures 10 tnese men, many ui i i ,.o,.,. f ,,o,i0,io at ana Includes some 16,000,000 said the kuiih it riling, combine MtWi of arable land, - nr. nnolifioH cortiflpntlp acres uar unfitly preutd dowtiji, tround cinnamon, 1 c wirwd i- head. And imme -r' . ti itriynA fr mir nf transportation superintendent, at last night s home-trade steamships under diately north of tne southern dinner of the Prince Rupert 150 tons; the others wanted tug- terminus of the .railway is the ! chamber of Commerce. He ho( miws' tjckpu Rt ves- Little Clay Bait where thro , brought greetings of the North ana kcedlrsi raismi. Pnnch (fcmKh and divide into 2 (quit ttoni; form into imooth lalK i each pice into an oblont V tr and ifa" Irmg; loosen dmijK Br. with melted bitter or mini!' terday when Capt. J. C. Barbour, crops of alfalfa can be harvested Bay and Porcupine Chambers of Commerce, of both of which he . Sprinkle with raina mmt Bt( PICTORIAL FRIZE-WINNER This photo oy Herbert L. McDonald of Montreal won tlve McCutcheon Trophy for the best pictorial pho tograph in the print show of the Commercial and Press Photographers Association of Canada. A fine photo of St. John's, Nfld., harbor, it will be on show in Toronto April 4 to 18, along with 125 other entries in 10 classifications. (CP PHOTOi Vancouver, examining officer, in one season. asked them all to take a chanc- , "Oh, we have a pretty busy on the higher ticket, they did little .ailroad," he said proudly, mog at a Umg trite, roll up eath loosely, like a wily roll Cw is an honorary president. j He expressed himself as im-pressed with the interest displayed by the local chamber in I" slices. IJlace juit tourhini h other, a cut-side up, is itwi round layer cake bant (or wteic. and all passed. but added it was not really so The new masters are Carl Ro- little, since it was the third lar REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT (Continued from page 2) low pant). Or ra tops. Coer let rise until dnuhM m bulb L. , sed and authorized the supple-mentary estimates for the year ending March 31, 1951, and voted sang, Arthur Johnston, Harold Childs. Henrv Lindseth, Frank gest railway in Canada. ALL DIESEL In moderate oven, 2D 2j miw;-i Serve hot," or reheated. "Born to be Bad'1 Absorbing Drama Gale, George Graham, Ray Fos- Following an all-out "dieseli- affairs of the province. An active Chamber of Commerce is a good sign In a community," he said. i Col. Chambers will be the speaker tomorrow at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert I sum, Hans Petersen and Robert ' son and others enjoy his broad-1 interim supply of about one-sixth casts and of the fight we had; of the amount needed for the made to net it. He was very! year ending March 31, 1952. We zaticn program the Northland Bradley. hopes to operate 22 diesel-elec- No more ukini; chaiKts wii The last class was held 10 years perihahle yeasi cakes thithjmJ tnc locomotives by September. ago by the late Capt. J. R. Elfert. "And within the next three Rotary Club. (heir lcavemnfE ptwer! New 1 ItUihmaiin'i last DRY Yrw The story of a selfish beauty pleased to hear of his fans at have passed 89 private bills (of and the havoc she creates in that distance and sent his best; which 83 are divorces, perhaps getting her own way "Born to wishes to all. I sincerely hope j they should not be entered on the tnat next wlnter a11 lowns on the Credit Sld6K We haV6 PaSd Be Be Bad Bad" co-stars co stars Joan Joan Fontaine Fontaine, . CNR wm be m& tn mending acts relalive to For- Robert Ryan and. Zachery Scott, -Hnrkpv Nieht. in Canada." eign Exchange Control, the Can yeast; ii kps full strength and actm x ill 'DRY years we hope to be all diesel 47 engines in all." Cost of one ot LETTERBOX i the itreamlined, silent-vunnlng (Cont.nued from page 2) engines is $220,000 and their ex 1 1 ! l ACTs.:l,..!"iM, ni!' (ill the moment you use it Ntt NO refriKeraiion keep) uiti in your cupboard. Try i martr results in your next baking. finRnnN smith i adian Wheat Board, and Farm Improvement loans; and the nansnn nrnzram rails lor ex- v.""'"v "'"'"o ..s.. .i ,.. oro top featured. The Picture shows .i ,i ,(.i., ,J , nnHiip. nt Sf1! Il.lll YD QQlH buiuc kij nice c..v - - c """" " ap hav hppn niissfd neUine'iin : ally, nis Wednesday ana lnursaay Toronto we ran into Rev. Gordon . " r;(m;"ri the Department of Defence Pi o-. ainno . n, Cmiih ,.,h ,,CpH i hp ot Rai Hecently, Toronto Globe .V.fffl?" " " Order a month 's sufip. tnt;l "r ". t J, 5 X". ! .iT. u.. duction, and conferring emer- gency powers on the Governor- government-owned railway R POPULM i Hon u" under the richest Uacks in the coun- las purchased from an Edmon-,uon a nalve exlellor. the permanent RCAF chaplaincy m-councu. Ana we nave aaoru- try," and prior to his leaving for Pretty Miss Fontaine comes to cd the iahs 01 ,or lon seed house and was asserted scrvice and u at plsent station- ,Ilew mis ccaiit, Col. Keynoios said a by them to have been the only I work in the office of her uncle, ed at Trenton, Out. I s!,"vanUi anc1 s)lne oln r B)VPrn- reporter from Time magazine in- corn ever matured in Sweden, a D00ic publisher, and ostensibly At this sort of "half way point" "1pnt cniployce.s. terviewed him for an extensive ' to the agricultural fair at Prince i , . k th t k . in the session, it might be of in- SEE OUR DISPLAY OF iRuDert and was awarded first leature article. leresi 10 consiaer wnai nas oeen done so far and what is left to ; do .1 think more than half the! wnrlr nf thp .wisinn iw Kt.ill In hp private secretary, Joan Leslie, who is leaving to marry wealthy Zachary Scott. , 'prize for the best fodder corn grown in Northern B.C. that year. It stood over six feet high, ears were well developed and MANS0N Col. Reynolds is staying with hL wife in a private car, near the Canadian National Railways station. 'lney are here to help celebrate .the birthday of Mrs. C. E. Noble, 343 hasl fcighth Avenue, who is JEWELLER THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVH would have matured before frost and already wre being eaten as roasting ears. That was at Masset it was grown and the grower had pre- 522 3rd Ave H A60- BOX 998 GREEN 884 von WELDING OF ALL TYPES Industrial Welding COMPANY Although she is intrigued by a done committees, notably those rising young novelist, Robert on pUDiic accounts and on rail-! Ryan, she never loses sight of her waySi canals and telegraph lines! goal, and she deftly breaks up have stui the heavy work on1 the engagement and maneuvers tnPir agendas to do. Many, very Scott into marrying her instead. many questions will be asked and But despite her new social status, answered. The budget and the she still is not willing to give up majn estimates are still to come, wealth and position for romance Such legislation as the Indian and schemes to keep them both. ; Art and tne amendments to the Mrs. Reynolds' mother, and also This advertisement H not published o displayed by (he Liquor Control Board o the mother of Mrs, WiUiani ' viously had failures from other Doumont, of the city. The last time Col Reynolds saw Prince Rupert was as second mate on SS Princess May, standard varieties in a garden I not 300 yards away. 1 The corn belt is estimated to be moving northward at an average rate of 1 Vi miles per How tne two men simultaneously discover her motives and react II slow motion but to them is seen in the absorbing year. That Is va the adaptability I climax of the film. proves rather Citizenship Act, will take up much time. We don't know yet whether the Dominion-Provincial agreements on such subjects as Old Age Security will be brought down or not. 1 On the credit side we have pas- PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed - PROMPT SERVICE niANni.Ht S STI'OIO 216 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert ace PHARMAC with the celebrated Capt John McLcod on her run from Victoria to Skagway. That was in 1910. The colonel spent three years with the B.C. Coast Steamship Service until he n i of the corn than a change in Miss Fontaine wears a ravish-climate. ing series of specially designed We can get along without hot modern costumes, climate products for a while at ft least or we can buy them In the HOURS: 5U WEEK DAYS: 0, 9 a.m. to 9 p a luxury market. ' Now that we have an efficient root maggot control chemical,' we can produce all the plants of the mustard family a few of these are cabbage, cauliflower,1 turnip, raddish, etc. of far su- S perior quality to those grown in 1 hot climates. 1 Where summers are hot, tur SUNDAYS: 12 Noon to it 7 p.m. to 9 p "Hospitality and Good Food" That is Our Fir:,t Aim t'lioiic 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe Chop 5ucy - Chow Mein HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 ; Illume 79 : SIXTH STREET AM) THIKI AVENl'E nips must be planted quite late in summer and in the fall or they are bitterly strong. Edible cabbage are grown throughout the summer but they are "strong." Radish beyond the bunching size become too hot. Our potato crops are, on the average, superior in yield and quality to those grown in hot climate and that superiority continues throughout the full Mammoth Auction Sale HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE On Thursday, April 5th, at 2:00 p.m. On the premises at 719 Second Avenue West (Opposite new Government Liquor Store) Ta close several estates I will sell by Auction to the hiuhest bidder the following articles, consisting of: 1 Crosslcv Refrigerator 3-piece Chesterfield Suite (in Maroon) One 4-piece Waterfall Bedroom Suite 4 End Tables One Wardrobe One large Enamel coal and wood range with electric elements 2 only Dining Room Suites (Walnut) 2 Standard Lamps Bvd Cushions 3 large Carpets 2 Arm Chairs One Tank Vacuum Sweeper Kitchen Table and Chairs -One Table Lamn and Shade One Bleached Coffee Table Or.;- Dinner Wagon and Tray One Trilight Lamp One set of Silver (cutlery) 2 only Metal Armv Cots One large Framed Minor 1 large Lino Ru? Porch Curtains, Living Room Drapes, with maiquieselle curtains Lots of Pictures, Pots and Pans and Dishes, etc. Lawn Mower and Garden Tools 2 Bed Springs and Mattress. Other articles too numerous to mention. HtVf, ua ZERO Cold Worer SOAP For All Woollens ! THE STORK SHOPPE ZZZ223 Hi list of our garden products and applies to our hush fruits. But then, we do grow weeds! If own is not careful they hide the cultivated crops and they can't be found the crops, I mean. There Is usually work available here for those who are short of means so there would be no particular reason why set-, tiers cannot get a grubstake. Even the Public Works has to I i; Men! Here is wliut you look tor in shoes . . . Top comfort, quality and value! ... We have a wide selection of business and casual styles. bring in men to fill their quota of qualified machine operatives! If it's homes you want, we have them in the raw. W. N. GIEGERICH. Tiell, Q.C.I. SAFE BUYS 1950 Monarch Sport Sedan 1950 Ford Custom Fo'dor 1950 Chevrolet Sedan Al .('omlilin Immaculate throughout TRUCK SPECIAL 1950 Ford Va-ton Pick-up , Bob Parker Ltd. I'ORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert. B.C. Drop in Today! VIEW-MASTER REELS Reduced 50c ccch WRATHALL'S v Photo Finishinc ' -320 Third Ave. W. mmjj "PUG" MEETS PUG Ethel (Pug i Wells, American Airlines stewardess, was greeted by this friendly bulldog pup when she arrived In Toronto. The 27-year-old Miss from Clarksdale, Miss., achieved a molicum of fame when a Hollywood studio based a film (Three Guys Named Mike) on some of her stories about life as a stewardess. Ethel's friend here is Nugget My Valet II, though probably he will be thought of as Pug from now on. (CP PHOTO) rz -yjv iW I Fashion 4 Must Be Sold. Phone GEORGE J DAIRYMEN'S LAMENT SLYHAM, Suffolk, England (CP) Dairymen here complain that housewives use empty milk bottles for shampoos and as rolling pins and vases Instead of Terms: Cash or Cheques DAWES, THE AUCTIONEER 79c Foot Wear J Red 127. Green 810 returning them.