rirct of the Month Specials ¥ hg Soap - Special carton, 80¢ » G Whit ’ : ip & | Mee” Special, 3 lbs. for $1.35 woah Gi j res! . - Special, per lb., 40¢ rises Vege table Soup - . Special, per tin, 10¢ Dominio! : ms Bacon, by the piece - : - Per |b., 60¢ for Preserving =» : - Per Crate, $1.50 a ons : - Special, per dozen, 60¢ Special, per |b., 40c ed Cocoanut Per tin, 50¢ gsical * : sola Oil for c king - - - ° azvie Big Assortment of Apples VLLERS, LTD. Phones 44, 45 and 534 Packin & Ward Electric Co. LIMITED Flectric Engimeers and Contractors line of Blectrie Ranges, Washing Machines Cleaners, Hot Plates, Grills, Irons, roasters, and Fixtures. Hmates furnished on House wiring and Motor installation MARINE DEPARTMENT Agents for Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling ile Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries Mosler Spark Plug ho Plue that was chosen for the Transatlantic flights ce department will help you to plan your Lichting Equipment. A full line of Dynamos Siorage Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cable Lamps, Searchlights, etc. We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat rage Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while yp battery is being charged, we have one at your disposal.- hind Avenue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 125 NDIVIDUALITY! THE MARK OF SUC- SFUL BUSINESS AND SHOWN IN FOOTWEAR IN OTHER THINGS. You can obtain [ndividu- ality and distinction in the SHOES AT OUR STORE. You will be convinced by examining our stock. CARTHUR’S Shoe Store THIRD AVE. tince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WILi. EDMUNDS, Proprietor i “Everything in Music.” ALY LATEST POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, VICTROLAS | AND VICTOR RECORDS ia r} \epairs to Phonegraphs, Violins, Etc. Bows rebaired ome Woodwind instruments repadded and adjusted. MS) KNOWN T Ray Anh” THE WoRLy * Prince Rupert Academy of Music in Connection With the Store. = Lar ; Margest St tock of Pianos and Organs 3 rth of Vancouver ¢ Heintazman & Co. Piano The Weber Piano Thomas Organs "Brade Guaran ‘ All 4) gt teed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. LV AU GHAN "ert Pigne Tuning and Tepairing, Pisyers a Specialty tince Rupert Music Store ppc cee eee H . . EO COLLART, Notary Public ee a = ‘oom house and ‘one room cabin, tn block 25, Mom Ouse, th 4 oe West, $1,800.00. Cash, $800.00. West for $650.00, $360.00 Cash. “On 1, for $800.00. Block o» NSURAN ee aaa Pp CE None Red 69 FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE a Westhoime Theatre Block P.O. Box 1 wp tecegenenns s 0 52 4 National Grocery Co. ‘on, BGETABLES A SPECIALTY " Delivery Prompt Attention THE DAI | RECEPTION T0 RETL -ETURNED MEN | Mr. and Mrs. @. A. Taylor of Port Essington Entertain Retwnne |” Boys of Vitlage and Distriot. On Monday jast the eemmodious home of Mr. and Mims, @. A. Tajfior Was the scene of a wery pleasant evening when the returned boys of Port Essington and surround- ing district were entertained to an evening of musie and cards. The prizes were won by Mesdames Davis and Adams® and Messrs. Morry and Utley. During the evening Mr Taylor in a few well chosen words spoke feelingly of their pride in the boys} who had so gallantly done their part in the Great War, and, now that the lads were home, of their sympathetic desire to help them adapt themselves to the new con- ditions which now confront them in civil life. Mrs. Taylor pre sented each returned man pres LY NEWS tne ATISFIES ent with a handsome souvenir of the evening. The boys were much | moved hy such pitality. The cannery village of Port Es-| sington, removed from the tur-} moil, strife and world-wide un-! rest has an enviable war record, | and are determined to keep active | the splendid spirit that charac-| terized their war work. ANYOX MAN WEDS WHEN IN VANCOUVER Gust. Swanberg and Bride Wil! Live in Smelter Town. generous hos- | pone \ pretty home wedding 0 place at the home of Mr. and Mrs Gus Johnson, 2215 Stephens St.,| Vancouver, on Thursday last! when Miss Minnie Anderson, of! North Branch, Minn., and Gust. Swanberg, of Anyox, were united in marriage by Rey. B, A. Sands The home was tastefully rated with autumn leaves and yellow dahlias. The bride wore a yellow satin dress with a veil of yellow tulle and orange bfbs- soms. The matron of honor, Mrs Gus Johnson, intimate = school chum of the bride, wore blue satin with a corsage bouguet of pink roses, and littl Ruby Johnson acted as Nower girl, carrying a basket of sweet peas. Norman Johnson, as page, carried the ring on a silver tray. Gus Jobnson supported the groom. Mendels- sohns wedding mareh was played by Master Williard Olson. After the ceremony dinner was served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Eric Olson, Williard and Dave Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Paletti, Victor Paletti, Mr. and Mrs. L. Simpson, Mrs. E. B. Bradley, C. H. Thornblade, M and Mrs. Marehese and Miss Louise Marchese, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones and Billy Jones. The bride was the recipient of a number o! beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Swanberg expect to make their home at Anyox. NOTED SINGER TO BE HERE NEXT SUNDAY lo those who have already heard Mrs. D. B. Morkill sing it will be welcome news that they ean have an opportunity of -hear- ing her again vext Sunday even- ing at the Prince Rupert Sym- phony Orchestra concert In the Westholme Theatre. Mrs. Mor- kill is recognized as the leading contralto soloist of British Co- lwobia and she never fails to satisfy and delight her audience. She possesses a contralto voice of rare quality and range—rich, sympathetic, true and powerful. She received her trainime at the Royal Academy of Music in Lon deco. water. parts. 310 Granville Street PUUUUDDREERS CEL CCU ERESEEO UU EEDEUEEREUOE UU OD Ga cad EUUA EER Se ETE a practical and proven machine, peculiarly adapted for the rapid - and accurate cutting of wood under any conditions, on land or With equal facility and proportionate rapidity it will eut the small or large log up to seven feet in diameier, green or dry logs, 20 to 30 cords of wood a day. So light is its weight it can easily be carried from one point to another. One man can move it on the log and ‘two men from log to log seconds, a 4-foot log in 3 minutes and a 6-foot log in 6 minutes. gasoline, oi! and grease is approximately 4 cents a cord, _ Full operating instructions are furnished with each machine, and its mechanism is so simple it can be operated and kept in order by any person. ¢lts power can be harnessed to the feed cutter, the pump, the circular saw, the churn or the separator. We carry in stock at all times in our Vancouver Warehouses’ a full line of service In case of emergency there is no long wait for delivery. Write For Our New Illustrated Folder. Sent Free If You Mention This Paper. WEE MacGREGOR SAW MANUFACTURING CO. Page 5 ee TO : | SERS “Wee Macbregor” DRAG SAW THE ORIGINAL LIGHT’ WEIGHT PORTABLE, GASOLINE OPERATED DRAG SAW & POWER PLANT (Frequently imitated Never Equalled) The ‘‘WEE MacGREGOR” Drag Saw is an inexpensive | Dependimg upon size and character it will cut from either It has sawn a 2-foot log in 50 Its operating cost for The “Wee MacGregor” Drag Saw has been adopted by the Domin- ion of Canada in the Fisheries and Agricul- tural Branches, and by the B. C. Government Forestry Service and Vancouver, B.C. Provincial Farm. | E = = E E E STEWART James Nesbitt who with And Archie owns the Prince Joh property, brought out some very fine specimens of copper ore a few days ago. rhe property is under bond to Vancouver peopte. * >» ’ Interest is again being taken in the Bear River district. K. P. Matheson had received some as says of samples showing about . ounces of silver and nearly 69 per cent lead. M. Birmingham had the mis- fortune to lose a finger at the Premier Mine sawmill a few days ago. A. J. Matheson, late of the R. A. M.C., arrived at Port Essington on Wednesday's train to spend a few weeks with his brother, A. D. Matheson, manager of the North- ern B.C, Fisheries, Limited, can- nery. > >. > W.-Cram, of Prinee Rupert, ar- rived on the Royal George at Halifax September 29 and is on his way west, * . . J. Boyd Affleck, the Surveyor, Hazelton night | arrived in town last Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service go to |THE SAVOY HOTEL F. T. BOWNESS, Manager | Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. | Home Cooking Running Het and Cold Water 586 - Phone - 586 The goods on our shelves are all priced in large plain figures to aid you in your shopping. LINZEY’S GROCERY The Smeeton Tea Rooms 309 SECOND AVENUE The Business Man’s Restauran* REAL HOME COOKING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH Home Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. We sell Frisbie Engines Complete and ready to install. doen and from celebrated conti- she has appeared as a singer in every large city of Great Baitain and | anada, always winning the highest applause and popularity. Mrs. Morkill’s repertoire is of extraordinary variety and she 1s equally at ber ease with sacred or secular compositions of the most exacting character.’ She has the true artiste, while the beauty of her voice and perfection of enun ciation seem to leave nothing more to be desired. It van be confidently asserted that a treat is in store for those who attend the concert next Sun day night Advertise in the Daily News. nental teachers of singing, and} method and the manner of the| acoessible in a few seconds. An your hardest teste. Frisbie Motors give long, uninterrupted service with practically no repairs except occasional grinding of vaives. Vaives in cages; “all muscle” construction throughout, every part designed for hard work. Overhead valves, opening directly into combustion chambers. ,No pockets or Lipsett Cunningham Co., Ltd. FRISBIE the friendly motor 5 Horse Power, $450 crevices to gather carbon, and waste fuel. This type of con- struction effects a gain of 7 ” ” $600 15 to 20 per cent. more power 10 $700 than is possible with L or T-Head designs. intake and exhaust ” ? manifolds are cast integral with the oylinder; miles ahead of the old, leaky, bolted-on manifolds. Large valves insure full 16 $900 charge on the intake and a complete, clean exhaust. ” ”? 1 to 6 CYLINDERS—-5 to 75 HORSEPOWER Friebie Motors are made in following sizes: t-cyl., 6 and 7 H. P.; 25 ” 9”? $1400 2-cyl,, 10 and 16 H.P.; 3 cyl, 18 and 26 H.P.; 4-oyl., 30 and 40 H.P.; G-oyl.,, 560 and 76 H.P.—Bore and Stroke, 4%" « 6” and 6” «@". For work or play, the Friebie will measure up to Ask the Man who has used one me ata? 5. s * & Zz - -¥ = ev *- Abi - 7 r- = ee ae ek eo i LW EB aE ae” Oe ee ed . aa oe Zé iw &e