.... III " V0$ III Prince Rupert Doiiv iNeWj Tuesday. April 3. 1931 finer i JJefj? lofj dbtntgifcrj c , Increase of Living Cost 1 1 ri . Fl3s- banners and emblems of ' With r-.u .v. the Dominion t Bureau of the order adorned the Armour- I Statistics at Ottawa due to an- ics on Saturday night' nour.ee tomorrow a record new when tne Prm:(. K t BM " - " ; . -i i .' i;.' : f - .. ... V it 41 f . J ..w,. ..,...B iur Club staged a colorful "Virginln Canada, a comparison with the BaU" for the purpose of assi-!-ndices year by year since 1926 ing localJob's Daughters in th,-ir Ir of Interest. The figures U now gthe projeet of ,,,,,, drilI nearlng a mark of almost double to Richmond, vl(ln, tnis sun,. the low depre.ssion year of 1933. ln dpfp ' , ,,'. rV k B,fiT j.K VV. Hei j are the figures: 3? al competition honors. Feature of the evening wo A 654 the attendance of the di-ill t"am ; which won an ovation for the display which it presented. One hundred and fifty couple: lor more attended and spent o i happy time dancing to the I strains of music bv the Four Dukes. W. D. Smith made a i genial maste- f nennonbs. Also attending were members 'of the visiting Pcnticlon ba-'ket- ball team which had .come here 'for the Senior B. "provincial championship finals. They weu j introduced by Shrine Club President, C. A. Berner. I Interest was taken in four raffles. Richard Cordell winn'm;; illwlmiii " pWnh.d or 4,vUfd by SAY THAT AGAINI-Oeorge Cruickshank, Liberal member of Parliament for Fraser Valley, fituck his neck out In the Commons when hp so id that lone-distance telephone operators in the Fraser Valley were the host-looking in the country. Oahls way home for Easter recess, he was met in Witmipi -j, by this quartet of op.-rators; n ow he's not no sure. Upholding Manitoba's honor an', renr, May Mal.chett and Mary Porter; fro n I. Edna Todd uiid Elsie Curran. (CP PHOTO) 3 Eruut iWunuA ... ll,r....e Mitlirw A;.. Vi,.e. Iih T " "Luok, George, I weif.h 110 sil ting down" Black 124(1 Kiiofveles RADIO DIAL wood on (L riil eft CFPR REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RFU'RNS PREPARED R.E. MORTIMER 3,',3 3rd Ave. W. 1935-39 100 1926 121.8 1929 121.7 1933 94.4 1938 102.2 1939 101.5 1940 105 6 1941" ....111.7 1942 ....117.0 1943 118.4 1944 118 9 1945 119.5 1946 u , 123 0 . 1947 135.5 1948 155 0 1949 160.8 1950 ..; 106.5 ' 1919 January' 159 8 February 159.5 March 159.2 April 159.3 May 159 5 June 160 5 July 1621 August 102.8 September 102.3 October 102 2 November .161.7 December. 161.5 1950 January 161.0 February ! 161.6 March . 163.7 Anrii 164.0 May 164.0 June 165.4 July 167.5 August 168 5 September - 169.8 October 170.7 November 170 7 December 171.1 1951 January :. 172.5 February 175.2 (Subject to fliange) By Easley Blackwood Premium Hike Is Protested Six Killed Plunge of in Car Muzzy is always the goat! Don't think that Mr. an electric toaster with No. 2377 and Cliff Abercrombie a ship table lamp with 2124. A sliver cake plate and smoker's set wei'l. unclaimed, the tickets being 22bl and 2290. During the evening delicious refreshments were served. Thh committe? in charge consisted of A. Van Meer, Dr. L. W. Kergin, Alex Mitchell, R. Evans, James Form an tind Georgs Dawes. Dawes. . ' on every deceptive play that comes up. I saw him got j Prince RuDert Chamber of i SHERBROOKE (CP) Six per- JOHN H. Commerce last night added iu S(lns were killed Saturday when voice to the protest at the re-! an automobile in which they cently enacted increase in pro TUESDAY r.M. 4:00 Sunshine Society 4:30 New Zealand Adventures 4:45 Stock Quotations I lit 4:55 CBC News , 5:00-International Comty. 5:!0-Rawh!de j 5:30-T.B.A. H:uo hupper Serenade 6:15 Ben Light 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Jr. Chamber of Com. 7:0U CBC News BULGER a little revenge on today's hand. . A few rubbers earlier in this season, Mr. Dale had caught Mr. Muzzy sound asleep and put over a beautiful swindle which enabled him to rack up an otherwise unmokable game. I Some of the kibitzers razzed pPne(j t0 him. Mr. Mury pretty badly and he The kibitzers roared and Mr. were riJing went out of control and plunged into a swollen stream at nearby St. Denis da Bran.pton. j j Ojtfomcfri.i tucked the play away In his mind Muzzy enjoyed himself so loudly for future reference. that quiet had to be restore! BACKACHE? hen every stiiWn move brings short, limp twinyea it'i time for r. Chane't Ki.lney-I.iver I'llls. 1 liousands find quirk rehel from tiackache, painlul jointi, kidney and liver disorders by taking thit pioven remedy. Bv combining 2 treat, ments in 1 Or. Chase's work on both vincial hospital insurance premiums. The vote was 13 to 7. A resolution will go to the minister of health and welfare and the local MLA voicing objection "in the strongest manner possible." Certain members, after a lengthy communication on the .subject from J. D. McRae, MLA. had been read, cautioned against a "blind protest" without offering any solution. The motion, however, passed. John Bulger Ltd. ' Third Avenue South dearler None vulnerable (Mr. AllH K - K 10 6 4 a ! H 10 H 4 DQ 10 9 C---K 4 (Mr. fl:iU') (1r. Jpi.i) ! S -J 0 8 H-A t( 8 kidneys and liver lor taster relief. 41 JdchasTsI , from the front desk for the sake of the other players in the room. True, Mr. Muzzy gained only an extra trick In a below same t contract but the pleasure he got I out of his fancy play was as I great as if he had made a re-j doubled grand slam. I think it is occasional triumphs like this which encourane Mr. Muzey to continue playing i 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30-They Saw it Happen 8:00 The Commodores I 8:15 The Nation's Business 8:30-Record Album f 9:00 Piano Playhouse ' 9:30 Ray Norris Cmlnttt j 10:00-CBC Newt 10:10-CBC Newa ! 10:15 MLscHlany i 10:30- Nocturne 111:00 -'Veat her jliport jll.lri Sinn Off iTOtMimiiafl i Jiii.i mini I H -J 0 5 2 II 7 ; I) A II 7 4 2 ! - .! 8 3 : 7 C Q J 10 II 3 (Mr. MurW S 7 S H - A K 3 ; vinvim, Packing, Crating Shipping '.id (general l ariajc- ami Storage r.pMe, Hi liable and Emit Service. Al.ni UT-iit for iai!i.iii Liquid Air Co. Ltd. ' Oxysi'it. Acelyleiie and all .(liiiK supplies. INDSAY'S CARTAGE r STORAGE LIMITED ir 2;kI and P.trk Avenues 1910 Ihntics (ill and fij The Traffic Cop Warnings for Mutorists -Observance May Save Life WEDNESDAY a:,. bridge. No matter how badly he ! plays, there always comes a time jwhen he can do something to convince himself (temporarily it 1 least t, that he i.j just as good as Mr. Masters. ! Make a note of this play. If you think the situation is right 7:00 8:00 8:10 8:15 - Musical Cluck -CBC News -Here's Bill Good -Morning Song Police have warned motorists mim' in Prince Rupcit that their 19ol t U K R : I , C-A Kil ' The r.klHliin: 1 ' Hdiilh West Nin-th Kit.it j 1 C Pitsa I H IJiisa I WT All ptiHB j A;;ain.st today's contract of one no trump Mr. Dale opened the jfour of diamonds. The nine went !on from his dummy. Mrs. Keen 'played the jack and Mr. Muzzy j won with the king. He looked 'the situation over very briefly . and then led the three of hearts. Mr. Dale thoughtlessly played and you don't have a natural finesse look for a swindle. Thil advertisement H not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by trie Government o Brittih ColumW. 8:30- Mornins: Devotions B:45-Liltle Concert 9:00-BBC News & Comty. 9:15-Music for Moderns -f 9:30 -Morning Concert 8:59 -Time Signal 10:00-Morning Visit ii . .. -ji .., ii.... 7 i Jail on n (j jar licence strips must appear on the bottom of the plate, covering the words 'British Columbi.i' In future, offende-.s Vill be fined. Don't overstay tim" in a limited parking zone, police say, for such negligence will cost a Popular ftadio Programs Sought 10:15-Rarrv Wood Show FLYING FLYING SAUCER? SAUCER? These These l! I the deuce. When the 10 was pulled j Radio committee of the Prir.1; from the dummy, he reached out Rupert Chamber of Commerce ... v n t -V. ' f fu (, , , ... " i-l At , it. ;t ,7 ' '-- . i '. t . i J'- " I: ' ' I' 5 ' ' - I ,V4ki " .. , - 1 ' 1 1 r,,,i?t! v . i - i 1 i'.f-t .'.'.( 1 1 4 : ' 4 : i . ii"' , it X it i 5 .t ' 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Robin Hood's Musical Kitchen transgressor $5. Most avenues have on3 &ic!e i to take the trick. But Mrs. Keen will again be a.sked to check the Jiliei and Gentlemen LING the tailor played the seven spot and then possibility of popular sponsor mysterious remains of a rice-paper balloon were termed a flying saucer by workers who saw it flying about 300 feet over Burnaby, a Vancouver suburb. Alex Young examines the object after it crashed into 11:00 Kindergarten of the Ah Mr. Dale knew what had hap- national network programs be- j it :ij Roundup Time only for parking. In many cases parking lights must be left on at night. Stopping and looking may I 1 M"n-U" . n:30-Weather Report save life. (CP PHOTO) a tree. Sixth St . Phone 649 i iiiit.tr nuclei L. The matter was brought up by H. J. Young who asked if th Chamber was contented that high line charges make it prohibitive for national advertisers to have the programs broadcast from here. He suggested there Funeral of Ok Strand After a Masonic meeting in the Temple, the funeral service for Ole Strand, 57, who died m n umccr rufjgiM This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup 11:31 Message Period 1:33- Recurded Interlude 1:45 Scandinavian Melodies F M 12:00 Mid-Dav Melodies 12:15 CBC Newp 12:35 Program Resume 12:30 B .C. Farm Broadcast 12:55-Rec. Int. 1:00 -The Concert Hour 1:30- Musical Program 1:45 My Own Mother Comty. 2:00 B.C. S-hool Broadcast 2:30 Records at Random . 3-45Tnday's Guest .. . March 30 in hospital, was held .. vV,0H u, , ,. I Cl..ttl,,llChnn.httlr. -i"." t"'5" DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 1IUU1 runt, viiittrti vjimi.i. jvu,.v day afternoon. Rev. L. G. Sieber officiated. of local circumstances. T. N. Youngs felt that, with the establishment of rep?ater stations between Prince George and Prlnc Rupert, the case for Tin- hymns were "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," and "Abide ft MHHi:iuUTOKlA wun Me, io uie "Oia.i u...:u..i-. h(lvin the, ,-,a!.am. nv adv Uiiii Our CjfaSMvarc 2)y. ! laid down here, released from ' p.m., Chileotin 1w-clay, 12 Noon (iinmi.-iii Prince Rupert might be further! I emu mws 3:00 Music Box ' 3: 15 -Don Messer'and Kis Islanders 3:30 3:30 Listener's Listener's Choice Choice "E AI1M, S 1 1 H AItT AND strengthened. Competitive tariffs for Ion? mileage also ente d into th mntle-. It was evnluhied. "OUT VIMKllu j 1 Want Ads. Sure Results! I j CUPS and SAUCERS TEA POTS DRINKING TUMBLERS PYREX WARE paiuiui'iit, oi rtii a. wiuiutii otini.ii. Pallbearers were Oeorge Dawes, Thomas Dalile, Alex McLean, G.'orge Oeddes, R. Kelday and Thor Sol lien. Deceased was a member of the Tyee Lodge, A.F. & A.M., under the auspices of which the funeral took place, with internwnt in Fairview Cemetery. Ole Strand is survived by his widow and two children a son, John, and a daughter, Olive. B.C. Undertakers were in charge of arrangements. '' NOICTII ((I I I N "AKi.oiTK islands ss. ChilcoUn Al"'l 13 and 27 9 p.m. p,"i SOUTH QIII.EN ''HltldTTK ISLANDS u,ll'!in, April A and 20 9 p.m. "UNK j. SK1NNEK Prin Rnnert Af BLONDIE And Fleos! ""By CHIC YOUNG I EjlpnimiL I '"lijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii" lip1 " 1 1 T r-i ! ( HAIC? 13 GETTING Thin ) ). THICK, GlOSsV COAT A V .1 N Xfl - HOW I'LL LOOK 1 AND LIFELESS ( OF HAIR, DON'T YOU ?) & Jl WITH A ThiCkVmn' flm- f frffll,r i.anh r"t NOTICF OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Lund Kercinllni! District ot PRINCE RUPERT nnrt sltunte nt Secret Cove, Pore her Island, brltlsh Columbia Take notice Hint Armour BulvnRC (1940) Ltd. of Prince Hupert. n body enronrnte Intends to (tpply tor a lease of the following described lands: Commenclnn at a post planted near the south-west corner of Lot i 1B83. RanKC 5, Coast District thence ; north 30 degrees east 22 chains to ! shore thence southward and west-j ward alonK shore to point of com-! mencement and containlni! 20 acres. ! more or less, for the purpose of i gravel removal. jTlif E BEST M QUALITY k g printing! , ARMOUR SALVAGE UH) LT1J. by ".lames M. Fields" agent Dated March ldth. 1HS1 (M 20. 27, A 3. 10) CORDUROY LONGS Hard Wearing, Heavy American wttsmanthin AGRICULTURAL LIME Now is the time to give your garden and lawn a coat of lime. 9 Prevents Acid Soil O Promotes Growth Larger Vegetables 9 More Beautiful Flowers 1 sack delivered $1.75 per sack Up to 5 socks delivered $1.69 per sock Over 5 socks delivered $1.50 per sock PHILPOTT, EVITT & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 BUILDING SUPPLIES - LUMBER - COAL ,n Type... Let II. c Corduroy n Wine Brown. Green and Navy Sizes 8 to 18 years ur Print! in9 Problems pII(NE 2M 'rinling Co. aune L " Nlt BLOCK Thl3 advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of 1 British Columbia. i