6. 1919 THE DAILY NEWs Ms. Wealler ci Has ail (08d rite ither says that ; We has tried gives faction in eustards. You never men- and J like it pacific Milk Co. Limited ke Cream HOME - MADE CANDY ee Crea Wholesale and Ice Cream Bricks Always in Stock. We Keep Nothing But the Best. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher 1 Avenue, opposite second Street. NOW OPEN P.R.CAFE ———— Best in Town cond Avenue, ‘ar Empress Theatre on Green GOT 1017 Srd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts ‘WILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Retinaten niaing. Given Alterations Work and PRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS a FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Go to eo. Waddell 336 2nd Ave. Phones BLACK 367 GREEN 394 Save Money in Lamps. MM MCC eee of SMITH & MALLETT | PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Add; a8 ess, ird Avenue, head of Sey ond Street Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 . ter oponnoongooogs orerooonecooooonan Wel Price Rape EUROP: ca EAN PLaN ™ PSP day and up. FIRST.OLags CAFe® af arte, Te Sant Boarding House “8 Sixth Avenue Ea t n 2 45 \ Neg Board by a4, “ar Drydock "ELh ; Or Week Phone Red 245 game. It is over thirty years since a big series game was ‘played there. LAUNCHES SUNK AND J. Myhill-Jones and Tom Both Find Their Boats Under Water. Apparently George | rigzell wins under the wharf near the Marine ways in orde1 that they might be of the rain. The Jaunches got locked together and the tide coming up swamped them both. boat has been raised but Myhill No. 1 was this morning still at the bottom. Rupert out Hooper's The race had been arranged this week for the purpose of testing once and for all which was the fastest boat in the harbor Now it is understood it has been indefinitely postponed. DOUBLE FEATURE AT WESTHOLME THEATRE. Bryant Washburn is the Star in “Skinner's Bubble” at the Empress. Phere is a double feature at the Westholme tonight “The Girl Who Did Not Care,” looks like a winner and Alice Howell in her laughing success, “The Cabbage Queen,” is a picture that will keep #verybody happy for a while. Those who saw “Skinner's Baby” at the Empress will be glad to know that another of the series is to be seen tonight. This time it is “Skinner's Bubble.” It is a first rate funny play and with Bryant Washburn as star will be sure to be popular. i— De ee | A billiard tournament is being arranged for the coming winter evenings by the St. Andrew's So. ciety. Already there are about) twenty entered for the competi- tions and the Society wishes that many more come in. The tourna- ment is open to all members of the St. Andrew's Society. Final arrangements will be made to- | night. | . . . | Fred. Gilhuly has offered a cup | competition in a basketball | series to be held this winter. So} there .are no teams entered, but it is understood there are some good aggregations in town and no doubt the offer will be taken up before long. . >. “Dutch” Reuther who has been doing such heavy hitting in the World series seems to have lost none of his old-time Northwest- ern League batting style. His presence with the Red Legs has made them the big favorites with British Columbians. > > . The White Sox started 8 to 5 favorites with eastern _ betters. They now have a 2 to 4 actual | chance of winning. Some betters | must be getting worried by now. | . . Cincinnati now holds the record} for gate receipts at a world series | SPEED RACE IS OFF Hooper | the speed boat race by default His opponents have gone under,| Yasterday J. MyhillJones and Tommy Hooper put their boats Sport Briefs ) | quarter eccenteamassiaali STENOGRAPHER WANTS WORT for half day nornings or af. ua er ternoonse Apply P. O. box 55. Brand ni i YOU ARE PAYING UP ON | Is Pure ; Government lots, can save you } large part on payments. Gall at once, Westenhaver Bros. tf It is made in British CGo- il FOR SALE lumbia, Thee knows our FOR SALE—Small pleasure boat strawberries are very fine With new .four ~ecyele 4 h. p and full of flavor. marine engine; or will trade for piano or anything of value It is also pure — only Also for sale fishing and hunt- strawberries and sugar. ng boat and one 42 h. p. gas : eng : . *f - See Met t Thee would not like it t} ee ~ oe le ¢ycle man. Second Avenue were anything else added. Near McBride Street. Phon: Thee must try it, sSlue 421. tf FOR SALE—28 foot, three quarter Dominion cabin launch with canopy, 1! Canners, h. : ices Boat fully equip ped with a accessories, in B.C., Ltd. cluding leather cushions, stove ete.,Wil in first class condition. Phone 223, tf AUTO ACCIDENT | Prince Rupert Table Supply Car} Struck Sand Pile and Went Over on to Muskeg. Another automobile accident occurred on Saturday evening when the Prince Rupert Table Supply motor delivery car t&k to the muskeg on Eighth Avenue near the Seventh Avenue junction. The car was making fair speed when it struck a sandpile,. the steering gear locked, and the car. skidding from one side of the street to the other, went over the side of the plank roadway. As the car did not turn over, fortu- nately, no one was hurt. | Three of the wheels of the Ford were broken and the car generally | Shaken up, but it is expected that it will be on the road again today. The accident occurred at about jthe same spot where No. 1 fire truck went over the side some years ago, when Mrs. Geo. Kerr's father was killed and another: man badly injured. We have a few nice gilt edged invitation cards that are different from the ordinary. Daily News Office. tf THE DAILY NEWS i Classified : Advertising Plone 98 This is the Advertising Column that people read whea they want anything 't brings results WANTED. GENTLEMAN WANTS ROOM and board with quiet family. Per- manent. Local references fur-|, nished. Apply box 306 Daily News office. 237 WANTED—One bookkeeper, male, and two messengers. personally to G. 'P. P. Telegraph Co., Third Avenue. tf WANTED — Smart boy or young man to learn the clothing and furnishing business. Martin O'Reilly. tf — + WANTED—Furnished cabin, Ap- ply box 304 Daily News office. WANTED Four good house car- MISCELLANEOUS THE NORTON—The place for a shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp treatment. 210 Fourth Street Open 10 a.m. or by. appoint- ment. Phone 493. tf JOE BROWN'’S MOTOR TRANS- 176 and Black 334. Apply |©- FOR SALE Co. A real Heintzman & piano for 8240.00. Not but in good condition. Prince Rupert Music Store, op- the P. O. 235 new posite MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build. ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W Nickerson, Secretary. tf FOR SALI Piano, Solid oak buffet and centre table; Wilton rug and other furniture Phone 105. “f rO SALI Piano in sple idid condition. Phone Blue 530, FOR RENT STORE TO RENT at 141 Second \venue Will be fixed to suil tenant. Can be used for dwell- ing house if so desired. Apply Harry Hanson, the Reliable Plumber, tf LosT Large cloth shopping bag on Saturday night, between 5th Avenue East and Westholme Theatre. Finder please return to Daily News Office. 235 LOST Page & WRIGLEYS C a package before the war C a package during the war C a package THE FLAVOUR LASTS NOW FOUND FOUND—Key ring with Yale and post office box Keys. Apply Daily News office. FER and Passenger Service— stand, Empress Hotel. Phones Let Joe do it. TO MEASURE phone Blue 92 FARMS FOR SALE ORSETS MADE Mrs. Director, PENSLAR’S LAXATIVE COLD ae for Colds, Coryza, Influenza, Bronchitis, etc 35c. per Box The Prince Rupert Drug Co. Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attentton PHONE 134 BREAKERS P.O. BOX 215 P. R. FARM LAND -— Choice farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al- berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now — they are going fast. For free booklet and full information write IH. G. Loughran, General Land agent, 744 Hastings St. West, penters. Dalgarno & Watts. — Vancouver, B,C, — _ — Georgetown La PHONES 130 ang 423. mber Co. P. 0. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. ©. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR Consuit Us. EEE —— CEDAR - Gene Byrnes Says:—“It’s a Great Life If You Don’t Weaken.” : — UT ITS WorTH IT- ws 1 CAN READ FOR AM HOUR OR TWO ENERM NIGHT AND CULTIVATE MY MIND - IM A LITTLE TIRED To-NIGHT So NLL START THE Goop WORK “"To-MORROW ts 7 yeaa “a AND Hi2a.50 FOR im ALL WARDLY eur READING LAMP eta a yo KEEP \ dort. oer INYERESTE! Lh Bit in THIS BOOK a -e#e # AE fF; ot: 26 . eo 1. Baw 7 >. tations if ej *