THE DAILY NEWS —--- ---- — - — --——_- ~-— | er Extra Special ! Local News Notes Ome ee ees es — ee ee G. H. Arnold Notary Public Just Arrived : : rit-Rite Shoes for men ily Shoe Store. i! 200 Boxes a. New lines in Dorothy wodd McINTOSH pues for women, Famuly 7 RED APPLES 9),..i hie ee We offer Lot 7, Block 44, Seciion 7 A fine level lot on Eighth Avenue, midway between Dry Dock and Cold Storage, for Sweet as a Smile A smile of satisfac- tion from radiant youth and beauty— wearers of clothes arrival on last night's train. washed with Sun- $300.00 per Box, ees - light because the i laid }. M. Simpson, corner Fifth \ garments cleansed ind MeBride, for shoe repairing with H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Insurance Real Estate Bonds Aupert Table Supply Go. ||! =" secon S Magistrate MceMordie wore the hite gloves this morning, there being no cases in the police court ‘Suniight Soap retain all the “charm of their newness’’—the preservation of fabrics in their PHONES 211, 212 Dees es re rs TES P { recent fire in Prinee (reorge . In the Letter Box completely destroyed the upper storey of the wellknown Corry Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering C0.\°—sicr caw comeane "| mans ZA = eas TTS SS LSS Pditor The News: BB. M. Simpson, formerly of \\ original freshness \ Py LIMITED What is the city goin® to do wson, has opened a shoe re \ \ and smart appear- : itbout that can company? Some]|pairing shop corner Fifth and \\ ance, Vessels of any size Docked inducements might be offered cBride. tf \\ Insist om getting the ; — ; -00d teel them to locate here. Perhaps the = F YY Seap you ask for— Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. enmittes will be able to arrange Indian Agent Perry and Do- \ SUNLIGHT. cht Several boats can te docked together on one small Re a tink we may have}minion Constable Watkinson were WY — section, making fees light. Large stock of repaie lisbon working right dame. passengers up-river by this morn- \ a“ materisis is being laid in. fri. is the centre 6t-4he ean-|ine’s (rain. » Ys ning. business, but so*vi# Ketchi- ba Founcry Work kan, If the company can gel. Att Knights and visitieg broth etter treatment at Ketchikan|“'* ®°° invited to attend s social Yy Castings in fron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at . ei here ' vill wes ti evening on Monday. October 6. in QO S Reasonable Prices. ee SS Ore Be ee the K. of P. Hall 233) SX. e that place. That seems to be the : ae ee = SO U from your aceount of Dance Wednesday night. Octo em Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds «fj tne Boara of Trade mecting..— |ner etm St, Aadras’s Mall, com. Shh Yip Yj rr 1 cars Now what I say is, show these] mencing at 9 p.m. Harvey's or-| SSS i ii a Wt | ! Cig Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries people we want them here. Give] onhoestra, four pieces. 235 i ut iy | Mb Pr Solicited. them some inducement to come, : i258 i ia I Hk : a Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. Make them welcome and turn Mr. Hearne, the government acini ‘ sa Hi ti a i ii fa. business their way. If we do this}agent at Prinee George, arrived LIMITED, Brey 4 Hi mI f : ay we ire helping ourselves. I]by last night’s train from the| TORONTO iW : y ee aS eae hink we ought to be willing to]east and went south to Victoria UA —— sacrifice a little at first so that . 2 mame ~ The Princess Mary is due from| ¥¢ Might have another permanent Rehearsal of the Prince Rupert 1 industry in old Rupert. Musical Society tonight in the . the north late this aftérnoon. The : d ’ definite time of her arrival is not SOURDOUGH. Presbyterian Church Hall. All c Motep ens yet known as no wireless advices Mneaapantna neinbers are requested to attend. Be Prepared! SCHOG! DAYS ~ ARE HERE: wee wee 3 ee ee ee ‘pane Agest - yet come in on her position. TRAIL SOLD BONDS: A new postofiice end customs steamer will bring south a vilding is to be built at Prince ee ma % large number of passengers from AT GOOD PRICE George by the Dominion Covern- f the Yukon and Central Alaska. T a ‘ws 3 and 4 a While for the mc most part Cana- venanie ‘on SS aan hate Outfit Your Boys and G ; ‘ a ‘ : re s @ -ely ade. ys t riti B. c. ‘Undertakers. Phone 41./ dian municipalities find the mar- quate, Block 8 bie eenceeeseoess ea Ss aieaildl \ © TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY oe ene enna deal, B.C. [wise Jennie Sipila became the RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOES Section 1 See eeeeeeseeecess arrange local sales, Trail, B.C... pride of Anthony Roepel at Smith- ‘0 eevee has been suecessful #n placing . , aw tha i WANTED — Housemaid. Prince : ; ers on Tuesday last, the wedding Opposite Besner Apartments an issue in the United States.) eremony being performed by the € tupert Hotel. 2351 — " ; ——— =| This issue of $15,500, 7 per cent.| Rey, W. 8, A. Larter of Smithers w=e\half yearly, 20 years for civic im-| Roth bride and groom are resi- Buy them from the provements, was sold to the Spo- lents of Houston. ‘Th | f] kane and Eastern Trust Company £ . | e n uenza of Spokane, Wash., at a price ol rhe big barge North Bend ar- 4 , E id ° 99 100.22 and accrued interest. Fol-| rived in the harbor. last evening | 1 e lowing is a list of tenders re-[loaded with a cargo of shingles | | TAB p mic Seer | from Swanson Bay.. The shingles GEO. HI E. R. i ABRUM From Oet., 1918, to May Spokane & East. Trust .. 100.22]are being unloaded at No. 2 shed The Practical Shoemen senme 30" 1919, the Dominion Accident &. 7%, Carrothers... oo... 98.75}/and transferred to a waiting "91 ¢ and See ee ae Dad Cee Tee Garth Ga sutshec VO ft. fe Wenehinnedi per, SEYLE AND. QUALITY GUARANTEED wT +e eo —_—_—— The two for c $1000 cash Taxes adjusted to October 1, 1919 3 M. M. Stephens ‘ LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE in Claims resulting 7 east. “4 from Infiuenza, Pleurisy and National Bond Co. ...... 90.10 ea ai “ Pneumonia. jiuitall sneenpinialiitiiiies J. E. Dyer’s motor truck was ~ 7 Phese fizures should carry When en lyvKation is sent - ee eee Oe or pee ee , conviction. 5 should be on a natty card. We|slippery streets on Saturday when You've read about have the very latest in gild deckl: | it went over the side of the street 9 " edge just like they use in New|The local drivers seem to have S — ° York — Daily News Job Depart-|charmed lives because they al- a enemas: : hilli LonUarne cCaffery, Gibbons }\ eee The G.T , is ‘Till k The New Coats at 2 ‘avorite Mexi e * ec. 2. P. boa HIAMOOK ar. The at : Agents * TO sussonisens . tived during the night from Nothing like them has ever beet dish. Plane (4 « Sed Avenne EI® © -Guboribers to The News ¢ ae on 2 a anome $ that price. In materials and colo: tw | i es a lait * are asked to pay the de. | *°"C@ Salmon. Fhe filamook an sain ie = s, $20.0 Try it To . i | Insuran¢ . oe al Estate * aoe "ac an at 4 the Prince Albert are cleaning up the weather. All ee Le s. es i a P the big pa@tk in the north and the nigh * when tbey call, except 4 ~ busty flings as am : i ; : No. 3 shed is being *kly filled at the | eae ES where payment has beer # = Gab orien t quickly e Another Bias in Classy Coats at = i * made for the year in ad- # ae ie CHILLI PARLOUR } Joe Brown’s F adie . ee ee George Frizzell’s new butcher Made in velour cloths --- choker ss collecting carry official re. ‘ f ning, 835 Second Ave. ) M T > éitete ee ee . shop at the corner of Third Ave. pockets, fancy or covered buttor % " — ‘ i ; é P é yy ope “ . *— ; 2 DD rgund t otor ransfer and * ways be preserved. o|. t, yon ne vat: wpened belted or not; ‘here of Brown, G * “ 7 on Saturday with a publie recep- and Gr y Sj acial val ‘ } } Pp Se . $eeeeseeasecs Lion. Music was provided for the an ey. yecia! Valu **# #* : | assenger rvice = - ™ occasion by the Edmunds Orches- : : a = = — a. — a | een eee tra, much to the enjoyment of the Special Prices in Millinery This Week guests present. _ * — { Phones 176, Black 334 j\| WESTHOLME ai em ar iE 3 —— An ofe L TONIGHT “Dad” Self, who returned from Sanka ae COME AND SEE aoe SEND FOR JOE — his ranch at Remo recently, re- AMES MORRIS ports that he is becom a regu- , : Paper rercercoeoron ed J and ON lar ee He tat gy $e ae — Mal Op LOUISE VALE and reaped his own crops this 2 7 In -— year and says that next to the (¢ | bnywhere JamesF.Marten ‘The Gir} Who Did kam alley inthe ae Ormes Lim if ed He or she likes. But all SIGNWRITING Mr. and Mrs, Jas. M. McNeill of the same it sometimes PAINTING ” Sitka left on the train this’ morn. makes a difference where ing for a tour of the eastern ; ” you 0, DECORATING ALICE HOWE —, MeNeill is the man- omedic> We have thought and LL ager of the Booth Fisheries’ big worked to accurately sup | Phones 544 and Black 507 in her laughing success plant at Sitka , Alaska, and is well ply your wants at every P.O. Box 514 7 = point of the jewelry busi Workshop: 329 Third Avenue “The Cabbage Queen” known all over the north. Mr.{ if ness and Mrs. McNeill are aceom yanied Fone: Soiien® iralbenls. ts OOOO POPLOPODD DODD ODO 4 Gaumont Gazette by their three little abilieie V Oo a diamonds we strivé§ to ~ Admission, 35c and 1 Sc wo . e a e a am mm. ore make our atore perfect. es » mTbis ls our invitation to Phones 41 and Red 391 Dunden Brown, who was for. nts. merly in the elee trical busine ‘38, to suit your special requireme you to see it We do not For Hire by the Hour, Empress a Tonight s back he ) ; ir ! size. » dn diageetag ete meen: Full range from Vest Pocket to Post C a ask that you buy anything, D ; : ay or Week You'll Qad pleasure in just the summer on th ——— Bryant Washburn Mr. B See eens banka. IN r, Brown since leaving Prinee JOHNBULGER ||| {i Launch Alice B, j} sximmer’s suscree [yer Me Boon soar oat Everything in Kodak Supplies nomial oa A" treal last year when the call went The Store, of Worth and Pienie and Fishing Parties GALE HENERY out for men to build and fit up p.O. Box 1600 rem Trips round Harbor “The Slavey’ the temporary houses after the Phones 82 and 200 Store J MYHILL-JONES eS y” cei big explosion Mr. Brown is re. 3rd Avenue and 6th Stree’ . Admiss.on 15 and 30 cents turning to bis home in Vancouver —a 8 OPEL OP ORDO SE © tee reerrecorcooced in a short time. ] —_—_ er