We Hurry Tasi—Phone 99 (pen Day and Night Management ‘ (Special to Ottawa, October 7. , supplied with adulterated — ar Loads of Stone Found in Pork and Beans The News via 0. T.P harged in Parliament that beans sent tosoldiers by Canadian firm were rotten; Liberal Leader asks for fullest Invest- igation by Government who deny any contract. Telegraphs Allegations that the soldiers at the front | danned food by the Dominion | ners of Hamilton, and Simcoe, were made in the House of | mons yesterday. D. D. MoKenzie, leader of the opposition, she was informed that canned goods, supposedly containing and beans were found to contain rotten beans, a proportion pebbles and no pork at all. .He understood that the aggregate stones found in the canned loads. goods would probably be some | Discussion arose on the presentation of the motion by the) position leader, calling for the production of all papers and Court Martial has demanded of spondence having any bearing on the contracts between the | ‘iermany the extradition of Count ernment and the Dominion Canners, Ltd. Mr. McKenzie asked for the fullest investigation, stating that) understood evidence in support of the charges had been laid | y\.,j¢1¢ the Attorney-General of Ontario, but that no action had pn taken. The Minister of Justice said between the Government and the Dominion Canners, but he derstood that the company had contracted with the British ernment. Dominion Lands Act. A bill to amend the Dominion Lands Act was considered in mittee at the evening sitting. in amendments necessitated by the conclusion of peace. Provisions applicable to returned soldier entries in force by eof the War Measures Act were confirmed in amendments. clause provided that returned soldiers’ entries should have day’s preference over other citizens. Another clause provided the ordinary rule compelling a man to go in residence within months or a year after receiving his patent should not apply med men. The Bill was reported. NASIUM IS AC >OSED FOR QOMING WINTER ittee to Meet Agricultural Association on Friday to Discuss Use of Big Building. rriday ext a committee ited by the Board of Trade h ineet | of the ylltural Association to dis- * With them the possibility of Ng the big exhibition building **ymnasium during the com- Winter, Action was taken by Board of Ty ide because no ‘T organization seamed in- *d to do anything, he directors dea they have is to We the Duilding Pulling in para is and ui wh mrge of thy rar im. permanently shower baths and employing an in- Vill have complete building and will and conduet classes Physical exercises and ge f ir th in hhas Array , pecial via O. T. PP, Telegraphs.) Winnipeg, October 7. Rev. | Wim. ivens, leader in the big strike | early in the summer, was nomi-| nated for mayor at the labor con- vention held here last night. In addition to the nomination | of Ivens the convention put out a} full slate for aldermen and school trustees for all wards. BOYS REPRIMANDED BY THE MAGISTRATE .William Brown was in court this morning on the drunk disorderly charge. This being his third offence he was fined $15. tf | well as property, ees Ss were port today. The Coquitlam arrived ly | been | will spend and | ~| THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., COURT MARTIAL FOR GERMANS Demand Made for Extradition of Count Bismark, Grandson of Famous Chancellor. (Special by G. T.f ) elegrapns.) Paris, October 7.—The Lille Otto Bismark, grandson of the famous chancellor. He is charged With having fourteen villagers of shot “as an example.” Lists of German officials and others to be delivered to the Al- lies for grial are ready for sub- mission to Germany, the former Emperor's name being excluded, as he is to be dealt with separate- ly. UNION BOAT BRINGS FISH TO THIS PORT Two Freighters Arrive with Cargo —One From North, the Other from South. Iwo Union freighters were in about 10:30 with a small quantity ef freight for Prince Rupert, hav- ing discharged the most of her eargo at the way points between here and Vancouver. She left again after noon for Port Edward and Port Essington. The Chilliwack came in about the same time with a full cargo of canned salmon which she has loading at Mill Bay to re- lieve the congestion there. She today and tomorrow TUESDAY, OOTORBER ‘i 1949, ‘WT @Aryepetey Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue : M. H. LARGE | = — — ——_—_—_-— — =e PRICK FIVE Cr Reorganizing the British Railways Motor Transport Service to be run as Adjunct until all Congestion at Dock, Mines and Centres cleared up. LAD DROWNED FROM MARY V. Henry Mason of Metiakatia Miss- ing Since Friday and Body Found Today. THOUGHT TO HAVE FALLEN OVERBOARD The drowning was discovered this morning of a well known In- (Opecte) to The f ° c ‘ ews via 6. T.P. Telegrapnhs.) dian lad of Metlakatla named Henry Mason. The boy, who is London, October 7.—The railways are not yel running full nineteen years of age, left his|>ervices, but it is hoped to have a practically complete resump- home on his gasoline boat, the ion tomorrow. In the meantime it is announeéd that the Govern- M ast Frids , . . . at. Vey ad Friday » Paar 4 ment transport service, which greatly helped to save the situation ' no a ely was e abou > . ikea — : as : ; ; lb until! yesterday.’ Then eome during the strike, be continued as an adjuoet to the railways unt'| of his friends became worried|*!! congestion at the docks, the mines and the manufacturing centres have been removed. \n important sequel to the strike will be the elimination of congestion of the British docks and railways, which since the war igh the bay Gite. Gamiieee to evi. |" ive been the subject of serious public complaint and have been dence. A search party in the | !eld largely respousible for the failure of proper distribution to then began to fear that|“ealers of foodstuffs. he had been drowned, so dragging The Board of Trade committee has recommended the im- operations were commenced with | mediate creation of a supreme traffic koard for the London dis- the result that his body was found} jpjo¢, empowered to control, co-ordinate and take the initiative some little distance away and was | , ; : brought to town about 11 o’clock,.'! “!! matters of transport, as the only remedy for the present The omy explanation for his|iMtolerable condition. death is that he must have fallen! A scheme for the reform of the freight traffic in London seems) which has been under discussion, contemplates the replacement over his prolonged absence and a search was instituted. This’ morning his boat was found anchored near Seal Cove, Loon” overboard, although _ if a eo a “a et the existing 74 freight depots in London by one central clear- ored. e re no e : lates Povey thé mater will be! ing house. An outstanding feature of the settlement of the rai!- gone into and arrangements made | W@®ymen’s strike is the fact that it leaves no bitterness behind. for his burial, as his friends seem| ——s—CS™ to be in a quandary as to what} peoeedure to take with the ar-} rangements. MUCH FISH cwors or pms ATCINCINNAT! SOLD HERE HOLD SOCIAL EVENING supporters of Reds Great Expec- Number of Boats Arrive With aaa i tation of Winning Final Their Catches and Sell at Wiusic and Speeches Pass Time” Game Today. . Good Prices. - Pleasantly for Members. | os } - nt, BS October .7.—-Great| The boats which sold at today’s Over forty members were pres-|Xcitement prevailed here all | fish sale reported fine weather on ent last night at a social given by| /"orning and early this afternoon} the banks but local officials say the Knights of Pythias to mem-|in expectation that the home team /that last night was pretty bad bers and vistting brethren, this| ould make their’ fifth win today/aund that if the present south. being the first of a series planned|and cinch the pennant in the/easter keeps up it will drive in for the winter. There were a/ World series of baseball games. a large number in the next day number of musical and literary; Crowds began to gather al day-/or so. features and a number of short #reak at Redland Field. An hour! ‘The price paid at the Exchange | later several thousand were IN this morning for halibut is. still Knight Cobb sang, Knight Har-|line. Only unreserved seats and higher than it was: on Sunday, Cincmnati, addresses were given. morning discharging the fish at No. 3 shed for trans-shipment| east. Some new Snappy’ Invictus hoes for men. Family Shoe Store. | vey played the violin and Knights | standing room was left for sale. which is quite a record, The fol- Green and Burken gave recita-| Yesterday's game was the last! owing are the names and prices tions, while speeches were made | in which the players participate ‘his’ morning: Commander Leek,|in the receipts. Approximately, |. 5.4. 48 000 Ibs.; Eastern Point Hart, C. O. Rowe, | the winning team will divide Mayflower, 4,500, sold to ee ; ~ | 2,000; Sp dae the: tapers Gees $87,-' the cold storage at 17.2c and 8e. It is estimated that each| jonor, 13,000; Bringold, 6,000. by Chancellor Knights F. W. W. W. Wright. | averages a little over $5,000 and | GEN fe defeated club members, $3,-| ond 8e nu en SC CU}! PREMIER AND PEOPLE AT VICTORIA '".\*:"sssi (Special to The News via GT, P. Telegraphs.' October 7.—-General Sm Arthur /K. CG. M. G., and Lady Currie were welcomed home yesterday with public demonstrations at the wharf, a provincial reception at the Parliament Buildings and @ civic reception at the Victoria Library. Victoria, Sir Arthur was presented wi jsilver tray by Premier Oliver on behalf of the people of British | Columbia, and an address by Mayor Porter on behal? of the citi- He was made a member of the Victoria branch zens of Victoria. of the There was a half holiday for /they turned out in great crowds. FIRST PRIZE WINNER a SHOULD RECEIVE SAO ess asec arsuen | | | | | i i } } 4 competitor who gets to wor and who works hard may easily make over to the Daily News 8400, The first prize winner Bt ito that there is subseriptions are secured |during the first week. In addition to the above ever |together and it is easily seen the least $400 and the second thing is to start at once and keep secured either in the city or OF ithen call or write Christmas 1s coming and a at that time is worth having. G. W. V. A. and presented with an address from them. the extra bonus of $400 if 100 fully paid yearly and $10 if ten new ones are secured every competitor gets one dollar for y ten collected on new subscriptions, Add all these amounts | and third may get a goodly sum, The | rupert Hotel, Be sure to read carefully the instructions and | and get receipt books. few hundred dollars extra to spend : : er : a . member of the winning team Caygeon, 6,000, sold to Pacifie San Juan) Fisheries at 184¢ 400. The lineup today was: ~ > = ™ Chicago—J. Collins r.f., E. Col- Cape Baralome, 9,000; Gjoa, ‘ins 2nd, Weaver 3rd, Jackson 1.f.,| 11,04", and Atli, 4,000, sold to 'Atlin Fisheries at 18.fe and 8c. ist, Risburg, " 4 Tatoosh, 17,000, and Lincoln, 8,000, sold to Booth Fisheries at 18.1¢ and 8e. Teton, 400 Ibs. sold to Royal Umpires: Evans of the Ameri- Fisheries at {7.4e and 11.6e, can Eagle, plate: Quigley, Na-! Marguerite sold 5,000 Ibs. to tional League, 1b.; Nallin,,Ameri.|'%¢ Cold storage plant yesterday can, 2b, Rigler, National, 3b. for 16¢, and 8c. Batteries: Chicago, Kerr rhe cold storage boat Sumner Schalk; Cincinnati, Reuther arrived yesterday morning with Raridan 19,000 Ibs. for the company. 8.5. Cincinnati—Rath 2nd, Daubert ist, Groh 3rd, Roush ¢.f., Dunean K. G. B.,/ 4st, Kohf, s.s., Neale rf, Currie, th an address and an engraved seul and |FACTS ABOUT FOREIGNERS IN CANADA. 1 in 5 of the male population |in British Columbia is an Oriental. | 4 in 42 of the population in Saskatchewan is Ruthenian. 1 in 10 of the population of To- ronto is a foreigner. of the population of all the ‘citizens of Victoria and HIGH SCHOOL SAYS MANAGER GLEASON (Special via G.T.P. Telegrapds.) Cincinnati, Oct. 7,—Manager Gleason of the White Sox says ¢dhat he is sick at heart and can- explain why his team has numbered} fallen down, “The bunch IT have now could not beat a high school” Canada has, it is he remarked. 130,000 Jews. In beating Chicago yesterday, Chinese immigration to Canada, ! Cincinnati took five runs for four 1905-1918, based on head tax,| hits, while Chicago had no runs 29,667; exempt admissions, 4,-/and three hits and made three O41—total of 34,068. errors. Canada's immigration tables; The total attendance previous reveal over 50 nationalities. ito today numbered 158,089. The total receipts for the same time amounted to $482,129. The play- ers’ share is $260,349.96, clubs’ having arrived in|phare, $173,566.10, and the Na- Subscriptions may be;town yesterday afternoon. tional Commission gets $48,212... ——<—$—— 94. Go to the Grandview Hotel for 237 from 1900 to 1918, $845,966. k at once securing subscriptions estimated, ts a prize of $200, In addition William Beynon, of Port Simp- registered at the Prince first prize winner should get at! a son, 8 working. itsidey The prices are set out} Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf Phone |Ladysmith Coal. The best. Prince Rupert Coal Company, Phone 15. ‘rooms, Spirella Black 257, Corsetiere, * What’ * x? ++ fan voy, 4*