I Eddie, thi? wise-cracking ele ! BREAK OF COALITION Prince Rupert Daily News vator man, says he's never bee i m.ir iecl but he's raised a lot of ' families. Tuesday, January 30, 1951 ! j STARTS TfwoR l Anseomb Gives Hint Says Too Much Spent ! On Social Services n in&pendent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Iv Carrier, Per Week1, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, 33.00; By Mail. Per Month. 75c; Per Year. $8.00 Published every afternoon except Sunday by VICTORIA. Hon. Herbert Anseomb, minister of finance and leader of the Progressive Conservative party in British Columbia, made a speech kc-t j fc ! -. - r'f-'-w I - l i r 7 V'W' Vv ! 1... .7 . - i night and hinted broadly at the possibility of a break . nMfiHBflK, .... fffi BiTTtR FAST! of the coalition government of which, with i remier B. I. Johnson, he is the co-leader. He called upon the 'thinking" people of the province to join with the Progressive Conservative party. Mr. Anseomb suggested that. JAII.Y NEWS CH-ASSIP-IED AUVKkTIBEMtiNTfc BKlHG' fre would be a change made prrirppnj securities So you see' in the election machinery at the now necessary it is that the! forthcoming session of the Les- financial structure or the gov- j isialure and mentioned the pos- ernment is sound in every way! Ability of the adoption of "the j.. order to inspire the conli.; You tf ill be delighted uitf, this fragrant tea ; F'.ni'e transferable vote-' method dell;e of the money people to ! of electing representatives. male possible the future devel-! AND PROUD Of IT "Scotch to the backbont' 'is Mrs. Isabella Sharow, 111 years old, perhaps the oldest person in Canada. Slip is shown in hospital Jn North Hay, Out., with nurse June Burns, 93 yvars her junior. (CP PHOTO The Conservative leader opm?nt of our province. That; thought it very passible that has been one of my duties, a.; such a change in the election minister of finance, to see that j machinery would mean that the our credit is maintained so that Progressive Conservative party we may be in a position to bor-1 must take its place in the lead row the required millions in or-of the political life of the prov- der that we may keep pace wkli l inre. I the great development th it fre i m if mm Victoria Report Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Defence Program nPJME MINISTER ATTLEE has made an im-l portant statement in Parliament and indicates the Labor government is going a long way towards putting Britain on a war basis. Members will have ten clays before being called upon to speak their minds about it. The general political approach to the subject is that the Opposition will support the, government on defence in so far as they consider its defence plans adequate. While agreeing with the government that the country's defences must be brought as quickly as possible to full strength, the Opposition is ready to attack the government on the means it chooses for re-equipping defences. It will attack the government for its handling of the coal situation on which so much of the industrial effort of the nation dtv pends. It will try to the last moment to held up the nationalization of iron and steel. It will make what :t "can of the failure of the original groundnuts ; ?heme, which was to have produced a vast reserve of vegetable fats from Kenya. And it would watch for any evidence of difficulty in the turnover from a peace economy to one more and more given to the 5'dmg-up of defensive armaments. ' With the balance of the parties as it is at Westminster, there is always a certain amount of speculative talk about what would happen were the government to be defeated one evening. There is, in fact, little expectation just now of that happening. And some Conservatives are so little expectant of seeing it happen that they let themselves be heard supposing that, were they to come to power, they onld ask "some men of goodwill outside the party" to take office. By that, some hold them to mean to h;nt that thev would ask the Liberals to join the government. No Socialists would. Meantime all talk of a possible coalition government is being diligently scotched in all parties. That idea is out. And every- nYa im oil nnvtlou ia it noma frn vcTncrnhrv tViaf tVip enterprise is willing to establish in our part of the world. ; "No doubt these new iiidus-! tries will bring many more peo- p!e to our province, and when i one considers that the popula- i J I SHOH.D BE READY J 'T want to make It quite , clear," said Mr. Anseomb, "that I am not int imating in any way ! that it is the desire of the Con-' servative party to break Coali-! tion, because I am not saying ' anything of the kind. What 1 am saying Is that, in view of the trend of public thought at the , present time, our party must , progress, be vigorous, alive, and I leady for any emergency that PRINTING "yz tion of this province in 1042 was around fiilO.oot) and today is almost I'h niil;ion-an Increase if 42 per cent ni that shoi t period of lime one lei is assured Uu'. we may look ahead to a very brL'ht futi're indeed." ... by J. K. Nesbitt Lone Females but Not Lonely New Faces at Legislature VICTORIA. Could one lone male feel at east' at a dinner party with 50 females? The answer quite definitely is "No!" And yet, where is the lone woman who wouldn't feel at ease with 50 males? Is there one? And if so, where? i - - Highest Quality Sfci PURPOSES P VTA) might develop. U is quite tru that even if the Coalition government actually passes the sin Mrs. Jones was slopping at a hotel and wanted to plu;; in hp new radi.'i. Khe rnMeri the rle-k gle transferable vote legislation Dibb Printing 0 it may not become effective for cl(,rk and fck(.d . Huve you AC some time. I am say that be- or DC current here?" cause nobody knows what situa-; 0 momfnli m(K;um," sa!d ; on may develop during the next 'moment a he re- ! fiw vp:ir hpfnr hp nl ppn- .. .. BESNER BI.OCK PIICNF, t Ray. I are registered.' Now why is this? The answer is evidently only to be found in a deep knowledge of psychology. Are men more courteous to the lone outsider among them? Are women more adaptable? Do wcmen like to . shine? Do men need the aid and comfort of one of their own sex in order to feel at ease? ei Ieminiices Broadway 0! eral election. If the nation .should be at war, then there would be no suggestion, I am sure, on the pari of anybody that the coalition should be disbanded, for the simple reason that it wis formed in ihe first Tt mu turn mil eulH T) ,,,, n T These bewilderin -..aw em thoughts gpringett in Toronto recently. Place to take "re, of just f f . J an on pmprrrpn"u emergency. But Rut u.'o we must must n oe come to mind looking mmr over the that the Stone of Scone was invitation lists to the State Dinners at Government House February 20 and 27. i There are two women mem- sZtS' Mncst Coc STbeWwH SUSS? tu when ouTpariy in'stan, crtn!; V, V alone and for that reason I am Springett 4. is Dominion Commis- thinking P3ople sionero the British-Israel World j th sound of m c to Federation. He declares a now bf,come actl , the assoeia. 1 . . , , . bers of the Legislature Mrs. government is as it has been these past six years a Nancy Hodges and Mrs. TUiy ' Hours: 7 a.m. For take home orders Phone 20C ""'S w uv crowned alter a;tinr, h3VH thm,,h,,, Rriu !went together to ' the Second gref onflict now near and an;isn CoumDi.a So that tr,ey may anciem propnecy wm oe lumneo. takp Dar, themsPlves ln thp for Slate Dinner which is for pri- , vate M L.A.'s. mation of our policies which But last year Mrs. Hodges was If the stone is what he kucc- musl be ecceptable to the puo- when the time elevated to the Speakership and 11 ule me o me llc generally v i v IV 'so she now attends the F.rst u,cr men lam comes for us to place them be- iQMt ninnor ,,r,tii if destination of the Stone is Jivu- f.... o,. ALLACE ""ic iuiiu jcai rv iuic tut- cuimiac i j strictly stag affair. Mrs. Rolston lem Bible open - Kef ; H'- i lh9 conservative party does T riS hi mi I. .I i( iiT i Pharnt little milder maybe since the last general election, bi-f still Socialist. Is Coalition Breaking? h'jSEBERT ANSCOMB, British Columbia Pro-1 gressive Conservative leader, may have sparked th? coalition break-up which has been smouldering fot some time. While making some reservations in deference to the fact that he is the co-leader of the coalition government in this province, Mr. Anseomb, in a CBC speech last night, came pretty close to intimating that the coalition is due to end before so; very long. He said that the single transferable vote, if introduced, might mean the break-up of the coalition and he advised party members to be "ready for any emergency." Then he said : "I think it very attends trie second State Din- i""'Bc mhowu jm-inur not by any means lry l0 dls. ner, the lone woman in a crowd "Her rl-rence. "e-tir- t- rcgard or eliminate the great Stone had an authentic history of men. humanilarlan problems that I it is reported that neither is of 2.500 years. Struggle was com- come with advancing society, de-embarrassed or shy and that the ins and, when it was over, Je. u- c;ared tne minister but it mu.it ' men appeared delighted in hav-, salem would be the capital of the be llefinitcly understood that th- ! ing them. new world order. , conservative party does not The wife of Ihe Lieutenant' -stand for Socialism in any form. Governor never attends a State 1 The iron rings on the Stone -Maybe " hp said "I can ex- NEW BOARD PRESIDENT Ralph D. Baker, new president oi Vancouver Board of Trai'e, Is president and managing-director of "Standard Oil Company of British Columbia Ltd. Dinner becau.se she holds no of- had been worn Ihin when it was press It better by saying that ,- HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9o.m. to? ficlal position. . carnea on me snouiuers 01 tne the Conservative party stands BUY YOUR p H O N E 7 9 i imuieui uiran waiiueiing in ).uk i0r adequate social security for Acting Premier Herb Anseomb wilderness. The rock was sacred the people generally but il doe; doesn't believe much in Ihe to the people of Israel. It was not sianrl for Socialism as it ii gloved hand. He comes right out cracked, and from the crack had : known from a political view-and says what he thinks. He set- flowed the water when Moses point. As a matter of actual fact, dom beats around the bush. struck it with his staff in the I iim not. ton nr th:it. thp srvhil SUNDAYS: rapes possible that the suggested Change in the election For instance, when the Union desert. The present state of Israel security program that we now 12 Noon fc2t 7 p.m. ro9p machinery will mean, should it pass, that our party Wlt Z'ZTl be .nSST . i?? !Z ' mUSt take its proper place ill the lead Of the political 'Plebiscite on daylight savins, . i enough and I am certain that NOW 10 DISCOUNT ON ALL SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVKM-' Mr. AnscomD aian t say pernaps,' it does not take so much to the time is here when we must or maybe, or that the govern-: change a comfortless, miserable give more thought to the tax-ment would take the matter, ?ort 0f hote' into a hostelry payer's pocket before we ad-under advisement. He said "NO" people find themselves pleased vance any further In that re- he doesn't favor a referendum, to natronize. Ontario proprietors, gard. because it's too costly. The only st, a recent convention, were told ; "Out of the total revenue U of the province." t Mr. Anseomb parried the direct responsibility for breaking up the coalition when he stressed that it was not the desire of his party to break coalition. But, in view of the trend of public thought, he added : wme nea iavor a pieDiscne, poA-tnat gooc) coffee and warm beds that the government receives DRAPERY MATERIAL! sin v. wc n hh ;ir. r.np t.iitip n n n- .n . ' j, - - i-h.ii iiiaKr mi ,i p rprpnnp in ! "Oiir party must be ready for any emergency that l general election. But it would be trre worH To Al7ieriran J J ,,...V.. ,, silly, anyway, Mr. Anseomb In- ,n nnrtiflllnr nart.irl!lr ,.,,., liirtillu nAlnrnrl n1nra sisted because it's well-known a to! warra wa,er, instead of honest, tact the vast majority of the God coffee, spoils the day. And, fjfT.jjjie i wain uayiisjm, , wv- hnilt in the migm tieveiop. I In what may surely be regarded as a sort of Progressive Conservative keynote speech which was certainly an open appeal for a rallying of the "thinking- people" to the banner of the Conservative party, .saving. morning, feeling chilled and stiff because of a skimpy mattress and So daylight saving will start P blankets is another unhappy Aoril and finish nt the end of !c,iH, of, way to advertlsie Canada. too great a sum is used to carry on all these social service problems. It is out of proportion to the amount that the government spends on the development of the natural resources of British Columbia and it is not able to spend siiflicicnt on these resources because of Ihe tremendous cost of social services. I nless basic industries are developed in a more rapid way than the social costs increase, then finally we will come to the end of the road and there will not be sufficient revenue to take care of these social costs. "You have heard of the enor- nfrov u fnvlhvio-ht nnti.SnpialisHc 'September, There will be a lot of new Correspondents in Korea, and the expression "hordes" have faces sitting among the elect of 'thei ra-ted ccmnany. For month, in British Columbia when nt-iiriy every uespatcn some House opens February 20. The ""'It l' p J I ' t where, there -"in- declaration, also suggested that British Columbia's social security had gone "too far it certainly has gone far enough." He was in his usual candor when he'said that "out of the total revenue that the government receives, too great a sum is used to carry on all these social sei"vice problems." neilf I leilionnnt nnmnr nf was U1WUVS a ' "hnrHo " n t . . t course Hon r nn Wa lan. I "- a i.u:i. ur iiui Winters Here Again if-6 i Censorship watched out for it will get the most attention. and now. latest from the front ant Governor Hon C h a H e "s' ars to be more rehab e i hs " , development planned by Bankf aft ot'lfer P-e. mmunist tral British Columbia. We real may be good-sized but are not Don't SKID Yoursel two ex-Lieutenant Governors, to be described as a rabble. The Ice Arena Poll BE SURE you state your opinions on the question . of artificial ice for Trince Rupert on the ballot that is being published in The Daily News. i?,e, naturally, that this will be a great thing for the province but, at the same time, it will take a large sum of money to take care of alj the people who will be required to live in that area. All that, of course, is capi Hon. Eric Hamber and Hon. W. C. Woodward. There will be a new United States consul-general for British Columbia, Hon. Robert Smyth, and a new Pacific Coast naval commander-in-chief, Rear Admiral Wallace B. Daily Health Hint YOU CAN GET STUCK TWO WAYS IF YOU BUY THE WRONG TIRE CHAIN Let us help you select the kind of tire protection)'" based on your car . . . your tires . . . y"r Come in today! tal development, which means ICreery. jureery. There mere -will -will be be a a new new .n. wigt &IUUF ii.lrno,uic in (.ilj if health i t h m.uj the money has to be borrowed are ready to put a great deal Of effort (in fact they 'Justice or the 'Supreme Court ;and protected, periodic medical j from someone in the first place 1 1 11 1 . i 1 v Hon. j. v. Clyne, iiyue, and anu a a new new,anri , anH dental dental examlnntinn nmi.,11... ami , hAfnr before t the h work wnrt run . h he nnrler. nave aireaciy uone so) into a i uik project providing ;Cabinei minister, Hon. Douglas fflm( n.,.,. t, ,., 1 r,H 1 1,1,. ... Your AUSTIN ond STUDEBAKER SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY iTurnbull of Health and Wel-jbeen neglecting this important! you here that unless our credit the public in Prince Rupert favors such a plan. As !v-r ver, His h Z Worship h , i Fred J ancou-1 maintenance factor, '. call ' your is mo8npv good nobody will lend us their Hume; a do,,.,r nnf, ripnHct Nobov haa to ,pnri thpir Sale for One Week Only Superior Auto & Body Sei "l" J 1 ,1, 111 ,1 1 1 OI.11IUU Ui it t. W A rt fV. n..Avn.AM4 - . Westminster, Rt. Rev. Godfrey P. Gower. Then there was that timid 1 low rate 01 interest when they a public service td the community, The Daily News invites co-operation in filling in the questionnaire, clipping it and returning it to the office. j The questionnaire will be found on page one of this issue of The Daily News. young man who asked the trirl 11 1 can either go into business them an. GORDON & ANDERSON Third and Park Avenues he could kiss her hand and she ' selves or lend other businesses said he could although It would money at a much greater rate If you want to sell it, advertlsf It. News classifieds. pe quite out of place. ,01 return man tney get on gov