Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, January 30. 1951 BIO SUPPLY MARITIME GIANT XT1 water line carries Cape ' Breton's famous giant, I The SPHERE SPORTS An 82-mile Copenhai-t . OF 100.000 Darreis oi water uany iu Angus ihoismu wnu u"-u ,n second only to t new ou rennery mu-s ui iniri,n--,i)iu otw.i .....v v wisest air traffic la I weighed 425 pounds. Europe. ! Receives Heap! Much Wampum; INTERNATIONAL HOOP GAME- THEY PAY OFF jPrince Rupert Has Win Over Wrangell IT'S EASY IT'S PROFIT To Use CLEVELAND O-Pitcher Bob; Feller yesterday regained his old; place as the Cleveland Indian earning the most wampum. sJE ,i: Bo-Me-IIi iu-mr-, Rainmakers namuMKUiS DOUBLE OiSTILLEQ DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED AD Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form 1 won won the me first rsi j-aiw cam1 m i ; The 32-year-old rx-ftreballer their tw in series with the Wrangell Hith School i signed a one vear contract be-; Wolves, last night by a 40 to 37 score. Precision pa- JZZ jing and superior speed paid off with a well-earncl j s oot to win for the locals who cot soine- in the second quarter!, Af'f sisn;ng to hurl his thh--' I , . , , ;,',,, , season with Cleveland.- ;and outpaced wrangell for the balance of - the gairv. teller beaked: ; Blackaby and Letoumeau i "I've not been forced to accept j played outstanding ball for vhe called just 10 fouls on the win- ,a cut I m happy about the c.n-l winners as they worked the tiers and 6 on the lasers in a viry f act and hope for a good year." You'll enjoy the in.ilure perfect inn fur vliii li tlus .minus Canadian live Wlii-kv has traditionally !Cen noli'il ... a iirrfitlMiii rciugni.iil liv I lie of clean contest. Individual scoring: Junior League RUPERT HOTEL McFarlar.e 2. Mcintosh 6. Smith 2, Parntll. Sankey 2. McKay 10. Helin 2. Donaldson, Leighton. Total 2. COOK JEWELLERS Siewart Eirikson, Hodpkinson 5. Jeffrey 1, Scdgewick. Findlay 2. Black. Wing. Total 12. Exhibition WRAfJCEI.I- Maxand 12. Gun-dcrton 1C, Ferguson 1, French, Sharta 0, Brablv 1. Casey 2. Thorouist. Ritchie 2, Cunningham. Total 37. RAINMAKERS McChesney 19. Ratehford 2, Spring 8. Nitkcrson 2. KrLstmanson 2. MorrLson. people nf H.I". hi) aiir- I? f fc";-!?..-'-"'. ci.ite tin- riill-l.i.ilir.1 (fif4t'fif- "-"' our ami in ll..u richness , 1 j ; sphere into the scoring zone on 'smart passing and fine bail-handling. McChesney was high scorer for the game with a big 19 points, but Y.j had a tendency to take too many shots, when other teammates were in better posi tion to shoot. Spring, the floor captain for the locals, didn't show as well as usual, the rest of the team not bciiiK Bccusiomvd to him in regu-'l::r league play and failing to take advantage of his precision ; shooting. Neither loam controlled the backboard rebounds and there was many a tussle under the basket with Referees Comadina and Ciccone calling 17 personal fouls on the visitors and 24 on the locals as they scrambled for th . free balis. of B.C. IIMillcil. THE BRITISH COLUMDIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. NEW WESTMINSTER, B C. This advertisement is nut or di-.pla.vcil hv Die I.iiiior ( out k.I ISnanl or liy the (.iivcriiiiii nt of Kritish I ulumliia. DAILY N'EVwS CI ASSlFiKD AI'VKKTlSh'AlKNTS BRING RKSULTi c i " r;. r ' ''.the home of Mrs. Number of Times . Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.q. Number of words 25; cost, 75; insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Name t Address Phone No. Hill Both teams were off in their j foul shootmg. Wrangell getting Kifwonga Has just 13 of 30 and the Rainmakers T , . ? 8 for 18. i Typhoid Fever Wrangell looked good in the TwQ MSM f f.rst quarter as they came out or. whirn ori2jnated Ki,wanttA. top 1 Oto 9 and demonstrated in are the HaZelton Hospital. Dr. some good pattern plays. They Rvnham has guested resident 3 were not able, however, to keep o Hzeiton district to boil drink-on with tha faster Rupert team, ing waler as a necessary precau-although they slowed them up't:on considerably in the third quarter, j For the visitors floor captain j Preliminary hearing of Harold Ritchie played a good game but Ryan, charged with the murder could only find the hooo once. ' of Loraine Tait at Port Simpson He left the floor in the final , December 23, was further re-period on five personals as did manded for eight days yesterday teammate Brably and Rainmak-jin magistrate's court. ers McChesney and Ratehford. j . i Maxsand was top scorer for , ANCIENT DYKE the Wolves with 12. followed by, CLASS mi. JU Jlic j-i oncer DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Class, word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Dr Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE FOR SALE FOR SALE 7 tube Westiiuhouse VANCOUVER firm ci.ii.ioie radio, excellent condl-- lor ioral aaies v lion. SC0.00. Phone Blue 34'.; , to sell exclusive l after fi n.m (27o less steel watf: - . ... r : utensils. ABUiV ihmim am bomui , News. Organizations' Not Persons' Ninety-nine "organizations" not 99 "persons," as stated in obvious error yesterday, used the Civic. Centre duruig the year 1950. II m ooJe J-nLfii Hi 'J i i ommtffee Mrs. G. Robinson was chairman at the Women of Moo publicity committee meeting at i T. Glenn last; right. Plat.:, for a bazaar wcej discussed. Following the short business ! meeting the seven meniuers! settled down for a game of whist. ' First prize was won by Mrs. P.I Dvorneck, while Mrs. G. Robin-1 son took the consolation prize. Refreshments were served by the hostess to bring to a successful close the useful and plea.sant meeting. Present w?re Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. O. Tweed. Miss S. Johni:in, Mrs. J. Taylor. Mrs. A. Hamilton, ' Mrs. Dvorneck and Mrs Glen. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY- FOR SALE In Prince Rupert-Ladies' and children's wear business". Lona term lease. 5300 square feet of floor space available. Excellent opportunities tor itu'ieana oiesent turnover. ($10,000.00 will handle, i Other business Interests f rce this sale. AddIv Box 71. Prince Rupert. B.C. (29ci 1 up the rowdy party". PORTRAITS Films IKvelnxd and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STl'DIO 210 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Given 3!!9 Prince Rupert FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING 1 Call 363 I ! MITCHELL 1 & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors r-jf r tjfynttjfjhf Professional MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE lJUII.DINO PHONE nr.UE ens P.O. BOX 11E4 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS &. AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 F.I.KCTROI.UX Sale.-, and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Rox 1(120 For genuine parts and service phone or write above HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds HOOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS v PHONES Black 334 Red R14 P.O. Box 1070 Train Schedule For the Fast Mondays, Wednesday and Fri days. 8 p.m. From the Fast Tuesday's Thursdays and Sat urdays, 10; 15 p.m. CARD OF THANKS I wish to tender most grateful thanks to the manv friends of the late Keith iBobi McKinven.' Particularly ii:mt:iin HnneiLsnn and Mrs. Robertson and the crew, of the Essington. the Canadian! Legion and the nurses of the General Hospital. Ina Laugliiniton. Utpi FOR SALE CLEARANCE SALE OF CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE Mr. and Mrs. 6-drawer chests. 4-drawer cliesls 3-drawer chests 2 only coffee tables. 2 only end tables. 4 inaole oriice chairs. I china cabinet 2 night stands, 2 6-drawer oak office desks (usedi. These are all real bargains. See CHRISTIE WOOD-BUILT . 1 PRODUCTS corner 1st Ave. and McBride. Phone Blue 720 I2(ici NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Lins-belt Soeeder Shovels: Cranes: Draglines: Adams. Dnarl ln.,.. f n ! Blac' Tod Read Maintenance Eauiomcnt: Owen Clamshell Buctets and Rock Granules; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Furklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket .oade's for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumus: National Dragline Scraners and Backets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National ! Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors Full intormatlon from Na-i t onal Machinerv Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. !" FOR SALE New cnest.erfield I beds: beds complete : un Minted chest of drawers: sewine machine; kitchen stoves: heal-1 ers; hardware: coffee tables.! end tables: bedroom suites: i Romney Marsh, rich sheep pasture area in Kent, Is protect- ecl from tne sea by a huge em- bankment centuries old. TV r,-, v -....i.., . ,. "All right, let's break Vancouver was known as "Granville" or "Gastown" oct'ie its incorporation as a city in 188G. 9 r ynti know v .11 run now lircluis, Ui-iluy'H M:H s III IIAI.11 tiwlay? JOVKS MWS STWII Pupcr nre tinwn ir -J-. My by CP A. SACRIFICE SALE Of 3& JUSTIN! A DAISY! Like New! Whot o Buy! Whot a Volue ! 1948 Custom DeSoto Sedan Fluid drive, spotless Interior. Not-a-scratch finish. Winterized, air conditioner. Must be seen to he appreciated Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. 1IFJ.P WA REPAID WATCH REPAIRS iK'leill SC1VHT. l! Jev.eiler. talis:ar teed. OIL BURNER Stove service aw U. Koii.soil. BlJii TEMlF TENDERS will bf rt undersigned una ruarv 12 19j1. r of the old Kins f building dunii! t, Julv and Aiimw.-to be left clean J. the siirroumtui: The lowest or at not ne'.-es.'? THUSTIW School Disi Prince Kurr BOYS WAV A good oppori-youiiff 'attsn. delivering V. routes. Phone at the Dailv and leave yo and phone nul1 WAVI'f'1 WANTED Tf PRICES PAW sleel, brass. ('; Honest gradiiw ' nient made. . Metals Ltd.. 2. couver. B. t" 63. . wanted" T" 2f room accoiim f i v of three a nf city. Wriif News. ' WANTED-852. -Livins WANTED TO REM 0- ed house. or location WrW, Frw. Port Jd a d 3 Mo or board tn"' .home. Box 3' WANTED-Wor'j housework i v room tn nrivatf Dailv Nf18- . WANTED TOBff. house bv vo'"-L 410. da vt ime PI.UMBINO .snd Sheet metj r West PHnc and Sons. Gunderson with 10. and Shartz with 9 ! The series finLshes tonight with the Wrangell team 9 points dow u in the two-game total po:nt &cr ies However, thev are familiar , I with the local f'oor now and should give the locals a tough run. KEI.IMIVARY Ruocrt Hotel came tip to v iih in a single game of High School in the Junior League as they won ! by a 23 to 12 score over the thu d nlace Cooks. High Juniors now have 8 wins and 1 loss while the hotel boys are breathing hotly down their necks with a like number of wins, but two losses. Rupert Hotel outclassed Cooks in the first half which they won 17 to 5 but Cooks came back .trong in the third and fourth ouarters to hold the winners down to 6 Doints while outsconnc them with 9. McKay was high man for the fam and the winning team as he scored 10 points. Cook's had some good opportunities but failed to get the b;il away aft-?n enough, choosing to dribble when a pass would have brought them into shooting position. It was a good game to watch and Referees Davidson and Teng CPORT OHOTS r President Clarence S. Campbell Saturday suspended and 1 fined two National Hockey ! League players for engaging in a high-slicking and fist-throwing ; fi:;ht last Thursday In Detroit Bill Einicki of Boston Bruins and high-scoring Ted Lindsay of the league-leading Detroit Red Wings were fined $309 eacii' and suspended without pay for the next three games against each ot her. The suspension went into effect immediately and neither player will dress for Saturday night's Bruins-Red Wings ! game at the Boston Garden. In imposing the stiffest penalty he ever handed out. Camo- bell emphasized that "the clubs are not to pay the fines if they do. the clubs will be faced with very heavy fines." Campbe'l reminded hotkey writers "in the ( spring of 1949 there was a mild I 1 Mhree epidemic of match penal- j I ties. Owners discussed it anil lo dererl thnt. It. h cnntrnllurt I i action today is in keeping with I that policy." At the private ! hearing Campbell held were the I two plavers. coaches Lynn Pat-1 rick of Boston and Tommy Ivan jof Detroit: referee Georges G"u- " vel and referee-in-chief Carl Voss. Business and SIDNEY GONICK oitot:etkist CompleUs Visual 'Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Goo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 H. G. HELGERSON LTD. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90 Eveninss Black 899 A. P. GARDNER & CO I CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. Resident Partner 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Cull tire in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone R5S QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. VV. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Agent VANCOUVER . DAILY PROVINCE Phone Black 787 311 Second Ave. W. MATTSON'S UrilOLSTERINO Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. ROOM AND BOARD for working iitan. I'noiie mactc null. iti FOR KENT FOR RENT Room and board for ime inuii in private noine. Red 110. t29pl FOR KENT FOR RENT- Sleeping room close in. Blue 433. (27ci ROOM FOR RENT- For working girl. Apply Daily News Box 2ti. 20)i WORK WANTKIJ WORK WANTED Schoolgirl re-rjuires part-time iob immedl-utelv. Daily News. Box 24. (25p) REAL ESTATE SEE THIS Large 4 wartime with Part basement, concrete foundations, patent roof, all on well cultivated lot. Full price. $4000; half down. Tor inspect ion see Armstrong Agencies Phone 342 (Green 297 eves. 1 Realtors. (2tici FOR SALE OR RENT Five room furnished house, fully modern, Good location. Immediate pos- session Call between 4 and :30. 333 8th Ave. East. (30p. FOR SALE Four-room house w ith utility room. In good condition. 929 Tenth Avenue. Phone Blue 804. (2ici is me time as sieei sttpoiv very short and n'lceK expected to rise, sharplv. Thorn Sheet Metal. Black 884. (U) ered 21c per ouart. Why pay iiiorer l-none in tor uailv ae- nverv service. (M-29) ACCOUNTANTS PTTTJT TO innniimium KUine Building. Red 503 brand new carpets. Axmiiister, I FOR SALE OR RENT 2-room sues 2' x 41,; scores of other j float house, partially furnish-tiseful furniture at lowest C(t at Inverness. Write L. See B.C. Furniture. laker. General Delivery, City. Black 324. (tf) , or call 1271 Water Street, af- TORSALEot71Sr75rj -Ur-6 Dm' ..J88'1' 28 ft. troller. Includes pales, j FOR SALE 4 room wartime new gurdies. lines, blocks andj house fullv furnished Apply leads, etc., $150 00. Also auto; 1348 Piagott Ave between 6 transmission. 2 Chrysler ti-voit I and 9 n.m (27ci starters 12-volt generator. ! : Also medium size not burner PERSONAL oil stove $15.00. Phone Blue 924 Saturday or evenings. 'WILL THE person who took t28p) J wronp coat and gloves bv mis- cXrT- . 1 t:,ke from Hollywood Cafe Fri- FOR pnn BALE DuoTherm oil 11 heat-1 day nleht please return same er and electric ranee, both as to Hollywood (25cl new. Also washum machine.! -.. Snap for cash. Phone Blue , IF YOU are contemplating get-607. ( 25c 1 tinii a furnace we suygest now FOR SALE Firewood and kindling. Kaien Transfer. Red 9f2. (363) 9.wSALEt 0np ?air mpn,si TASTY, freshly baked pies with ti?& 8lat,,f- V? &JT on'v biscuil and buns are now being f?.,0.318 7"h A.vfe' E sold at the Rupert Bakery Ltd. after 5.30 p.m. (tf-no j Phone 643 for orders. FOR SALE One medium" Cary j iM2) 'au'a mt- K"'SL CASH for scrp cast. triuw. eop-r hTLA nt $25?oCH l aer batteries and radiators. .cL2IElonLtd: i25cM Phone 543 call 629 6lh W.. FOR SALE Small Astral fridge"! -Clty' (U) $95.00. Green 137 after 5:30 NORTTir nun nir (30pi . BABY BUGGY hieh chair, toilet chair and plnvpen. All in good ! condition. Cheap for ouirkl j sale. I'none Oreen 511. (2Gpi FOR ! bin burner range. Phone BlueJO?, I after 6. lw (20m)