-m rro- !" ? f" """" "M "- wi Prince Rupert Daily News st()iL ((iicutfj sal Muiiday, January 29, 1 !f 1 u4 MEN'S WEAR BOYS' WEAR COVERAIJ.S goo ouality, IWIMDBREAKF.it? P THE 1 oL ETTERBOX WRONG FISHING SYSTEM Editor, Daily News: i We are killing the British Col- j umbia salmon fish off, by allow-1 ing the wrong fishing system. ; We trollers make our money j As I See It $4.75 ' zipper bti ... from suit !....., ul' ". """wit An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association .AT r"' uaram- DENIMS, 8-oz. Denims, BEIT 1 ,-A,$W . ............ ..... . ti .. CK'anne now (, s.u u.,.. in U. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y Carrier, Per Week. 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year WORK SHIRTS rooiny cut hard wearing ' pant,?, ' ami strong. From S2.0QlPair . . . . - . BiairtiC All 1 1.... .. . .. ' By ELMORE PH1LPOTT $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Fer Year, $8.00 '"v riii nit uui iiruvy we.nt tweeds LAND OF CONTRASTS Sizes from 28. Bef ular S.0f. Now from on the three year old fish. Wha th spawn Ush come in they ar not biting. The spawn fish rush into the ecp lnleU where they wait foi the creeks to rise. LONDON. Here are u few items which tell their hop and 1 The big seiners etwne and cof- I 'ave at ner the spawn fish and scoop them up by millions. Still some of us wonder how we are killinj the salmon off. Cut the seiwrs off for the next four years firm we will pet our .salmon fish back. J K RMElvJON. PRINTING ... . rem own story of Britain in 1951: , 1. The carcass meat ration i to be cut from 10 pence to 8 pence within a month and pes-1 simists say the cut may be to ! pence. 2. The bed shortage in Loii-' don hospitals is so acute that authorities admit that only one! of three emergency cases can j gain admission. (Those excluded I do exactly what tho;;e excluded! do in Vancouver.) ) 3. Fewer babies died in England in the last quarter of 198 than ever before. The infant mortality rate was just 24 for' Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Canada The Peacemaker IF A SETTLEMENT in the Korean situation should I be reached soon it could well be that Canada may be thanked in large measure for its part in the negotiations. As a radio commentator observed yesterday, Canada's diplomats, led by "Smiling Mike" Pearson, have been observing no 40-hour week in their tireless efforts towards bringing an end to the conflict which now threatens to kindle the fires of World War III. Canada may not be large in numbers. Her possibilities of actual war-making may not be great. Her defence ability may be limited, but at the peace table, her ingenuity and leadership are proving of high and effective order. Highest Quality PURPOSES EXCLUSIVE CLUB The Jockey Club, which governs flat racing Iti England, has had a very exclusive membership for 200 years. WINTER HANDIWORK These lace-ime, frost-iauen irees were photographed on Calgary's North Hill. The photo was taken with a two-minute time exposure, the only light being that from a nearby street lump. Photogorapher was Jack Le Lorme. photographer of the Calgary Herald. (CP PHOTO t Dibb Printing Co j CATHOLIC ARCHITECT BESNER BLOCK phone a tect of the magnificent Anglican Cathedral at Liverpool, is a Roman Catholic. every 11)00 babied born. oOo THE MEAT SITUATION here is really grim. Ray . . . Rent Control Lively Issue KrfU an , Do It Letting I You can't really compare the I British ration with what we buy in Canada, for food prices are i subsidised by the government, : just as they were in Canada in 1 World War Two. ; But the broad fact is that the ; British people are getting less George OTTAWA Only three of the Canadian provinces have takn action to keep rental control e nun lice 3 IN s aJive wnen the federal people with .titles Is what meat abandons thvm April SO. Ithan a dime's worth of meat per! we Canada needs more than any-i . fourtli uiovince Newfoui.d- week. It seems to me that in the Brilisn uommonweami crac, .jr un ..v.u. , jano is an exccpiion, sui'-e 11, Should hang our heads in shame English newspaper. There should nad its own rental control? in jat that fact I am not now go- be title.? from coast to toast, efect before It united with Cun-1 ing into all the whys and where- representing busine-ss and Indus- ada ,n ,949 an, sti nas ln,,a in i fores of how we got this way. try. labor and art on a broad and otwration j I But the broad fact Is that Aus- compreheasive scale. Thousands., bv Janalan Press in tralia, New Zealand and Canada deservmg of honors shoald re- r," thal ln militates ic!ltes inut provincu. capita 'pmiifi ceive them. But what' to be he twee n them raise iSh "u, Se ervdone with the peasantry, Z?Z tametyl Tact is the art of showing thatj -ities ultaUv. .0 IT'S THE P1INCE RUPERT should be having skating these lays on the centrally located and already partly piepared Gyro Ball Park site at Sixth Avenue and McBride if there was just the leadership to get the small amount of remaining preparatory work done. As a mater of fact, a fine week-end was missed when weather conditions were ideal for ice-making. Nobody took advantage of the offer of the civic public works department to, make the necessary tools and equipment available. Ambitious ideas have been expressed during recent days about the desirability of a skating and curling arena in Prince Rujert. It is not a very good testimonial, however, of the active support that might be expected when there is not even enough initiative or energy to get this outdoor venue ready when condition were propitious. The trouble is that, in many things like this, there is a tendency to "let George do it." But sometimes there's not the "George," you aon i ciwiiiKe a person as. v I necessary for good health. I Other provinces either muh as you do. Ex. nave that ouo 1 i WHY SHOULD Britain have to no Intention of entering 'rt.rn.nH n heef from the Areen-' Prince Rupert has been prom- n,.M rr npw5. t fF2 fn 1 v.Jreo I tsed by no less an authority than see whether the federal govern- 1 j It's a long story but In the the postmaster general the early ment might decide to extend the end it comes down to this: ucu,tlJ. "l me 01 its controls. However, authorities have Kiv-I en no indication they plan to seek continuation of their ceilings, despite the inflationary pressures building up in the waKej At the beginning of this cen- same time comes announcement I tury the British flag flew over that, to cut expenses, deliveries I about a fifth of the people of in Canada will be once daily, in-i the human race who occupied stead of three times. If other j at least one-fifth of the land cities protest, this one won't. surface of the earth and a most 1 fertile fifth at that. I 11 was wnen lne volce of Aki- Notwithstanding the world Kirkpatrick was first heard in iwars of the first half-century,1 Prince Rupert that the userul- January 1, 1951, saw the British ness and necessity of a ladles 01 tne country s expuuuniK l-"" gram of preparedness. NOT THE THIN CIRCLE j A typical aUll, Bikini In the world kinedom slil covering lm- rcsv ruum vny nd wo Aneurin Bevan's Job like Candy, capable vocated. That s a long time ago. -of mense areas, m and a 1..M .on squa doubling, tripling or even Ihe ac:ommodation, a great quadrupling basic food produc-, convenience then, should be tion. Look what we did in the even more so today. To what Second World War, when we 'extent has it been mainl .me LIVERISH bargain It's obvious there are mo.e tired- made a cut-and-dried TrMlU f aM(-lhtT Bf, with Britain luomng mouiers ana mure irjuits so ukc Dr. t l.asr Kulury-I.ivrr Hill Yet the Englishman of 1951- In carriages and In arms than in the ever before in thus man's town. who, of ail people world.; and jft two treatment in onr! Thu j ptoveii rriuedy lHjm you let I tx-ff 1 iuvttr iM-cau-w it rrlw-vii Utth liver and kultify (Jfwif t1t-r a i m.I llir Ui ka he and I tinhil mihiIh wliti h nut often rrwuH- IH beef-eater cannot get; rnKi he,.f rr week to There are more Prince Ru- 1 was a ! enough THAT COUNTS CliMtp a nuim torl'-tietHioO. M put in one eye. "ZZrZWZZ; ,h n DR.CHASE'S ! THE SHORT RANGE cause of one thinks. The wood, it seems. hnfflTiTrKl PftiU t (the near meat famine in BriUin which is covered with rubber jh.3 i' Ihl t Iim III i. th hr.Qirrtnn in the meat has lasting qualities and should "It's not how much your income it . , , it'j bo! us u." That is one of the chief points nude the B of M't bright liitlc Nioklet on PtnuiiM Plm . negotiations with Argentina. be of cedar. But ascending stairs In the old days, meat moved is not so easy. Neither is danc-I across the oceans of the world ing so graceful. t IMPACT of rearmament on British life is THE illustrated at the political level by the changes in the Attlee cabinet's "backfield." The most significant is that which puts Aneurin Iievan in the Ministry of Labor and National Service Labor for short. Mr. Bevan since 1915 has been minister of health, heading an immense experiment in social welfare. In Britain, as in other lands, the need to recreate a military balance of power as between East and West has forced hard choices upon the people. One of these is the choice between a rising standard of living and social benefits on the one hand and arms on the other the old choice between guns and butter. British labor must now face sacrifices and tolerate direction by government somewhat as it did during wartime. Mr. Bevan is the man most likely to succeed in making sacrifices palatable, since he is popular with the workers. He himself has had to become reconciled to the demands of rearmament. ;uy your I according to the law of supply 1 hanks to our ancestors who. No matter what you earn $25 '"' 1 1 0,000 a year this new, practual appn: mtmry management can help you get llkt wnnh ut value fur every dollar yuu it" 1 and demand. Every country s I money was changeable into for countless centuries, ate generously, when they could get it other country's money. There's no monev maaic to it it can 1 S But now trade is done on a of beef, mutton, bread, butter, !bulk buying basis-government, eggs , pork and other food which $2,000 a, far 13,000 but it cm jp f rapes NOW 10 tasted good to them, we have all I to government, not man to man. cfmiplete mastery over your own .. h..M. ik nnirw for Amer-i inherited sufficient strength and i leans to cry: "Aha, we told you h,l,ami"a, stand present day iso-thafs what you get under dietetic fad for. a while anyway. I this socialism." For the arch- -Dublin Opinion. ' WHAT PEOPLE ARE ' SATING ABOUT . . . and put the facilities of a great u institution at your service in attaw"1!" Ptttimal PltinHiHg is a completely ft' thing. You will he the architect-"'' assist from the Bank of Montreal V i capitalist U.S.A. has probably I done more than the mildly So-1 For Action. r.Certlse! DISCOUNT ON ALL cialistic Britain to upset the old tailor your plan to fit yni" i"'" 1 channels of trade on a truly DRAPERY MATERIAL! your hopes, yowr dreams. 1 he ow His main concern in the past has been to avoid in- . free basis. The Marshall Plan . . . . . , . 1 was only one of the devices tor will he strictly up w r roads on the britlSh social program. lNOW nis mam ; achieving this result. Stockpiling Decide right now to find out V Persnual Planuiue can be your blutp1 of rubber wool, cotton is bv now concern must be to direct British labor for a maximum rearmament effort. ! an old American custom not to mention such things as buying for a briu,hie, mote assured fui"1 Ask for the introductory booklet ren Planning fr Successful Home-mik"1 your nearest branch of MY i"- Sr. ijfure Passage for Ootlaij . potatoes from U.S. farmer and 1 then selling those same pota- toes, dyed blue, for less than one j cent on the dollar of cost, I oOo TODAY IN FRONT of a London jewelry shop I saw a big There's no obligation . . . txetpt to ;"' The B of M featured fersonol Planning in a icm are recently. Here are a few of the-commenti volunteered by t'erMmal Planners (here: "... a very workable budget. Your ervice i muth appreciated.' "...ureal prospect fur Kiw-itioime-bracket familie." "... up-to-date and practkat for present living conditions. ' . . . have budgeted for years, but found Perwnai Planning interesting and different.' ""thank you so much for showing ut rhe way to make a budget work. Have tried for year with mi success, but now I think we can really live and save with Personal Planning." "... a wonderful guide." . . . appreciate cojnmomenw method of handling money." "Very helpful in planning a budget, , feigned words "Through covetousness shall they with make merchandise of you." 2 Peter 2:3. yes- mm L A i -iA i Mi i ,j I?- til I fiign reading: "We pay 69 shil- Rev. E. A. Wright. D.D.. left minster into the pastorate ol the ymgs for sovereigns." last night on the Chllcotin for First Presbyterian Church here n0Wi as everyone knows, there ancouvei . where he will be in- Thf service will take place Wed- are 20 shillings in the British duited by the presbytery of West- nesday afternoon. I pound, and a "sovereign" was a i gold piece worth one pound. I The sign really means that the i value of money has been debased 1 to less than one-third Its sup AM fOR YOUR COPY TODAY AT YOUR NEAREST I of M BRANCH! posed worth. When kings debased the coinage in the old days, their wrathful subjects sometimes rose in revolt. Now the same trick is done In such a slick way that most people uon't even know that there was a trick. Enjuj the excellent ipuiut-netu, tha 4tlielus food, md th eurtiia service PRINCE RUPERT. SAILINGS SOLTIIBOl'NI) Wednesday, February 7 Wednesday, Feb. 21 Wednesday, March 7 Bank: of Montreal GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Z FIRST WAR LOAN BONDS Du February 1st, 1948-52 BEARING CALL LETTER 'D' ONLY HAVE BEEN DRAWN FOR PAYMENT February 1, 1951 AT $100.50 FOR EACH $100. Boodi of Ihii issue bearing the call letter jhown should be presented for redemption on February 1, 1951 or as soon thereafter as possible with all coupons of later date attached. These bonds wiM not earn interest after February 1, 1951. Daily Health Hint SEE OUR WINDOW For information and reservations Prince Rupert Branch: O. R. S. BLACKABY, Mannttcr Stewart Branch: - MELVILLE Q. GENOE, Manager contact J. I. Mcintosh, General Agent 3rd Ave. West Immunization is the first line of defence against such communicable diseases as diphther DISPLAY Sale for One Week Only GORDON & ANDERSON $ I H C t ia, whooping cough and smallpox.' WORIING WITH CANAf. I ANS IN t V E R V WAIK OF LIFE Parents and guardians should not neglect thfir children in this respect.