Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, January 29, 1951 Native Council Robert Taylor's At Metlakatla Umm Ro!e : " V r it :" a Councillors elected by the Mnt AIR PASSENGERS To Vaiicuuver i today i D. G. Little. J. Lindsay, S. Wiedman. To Sandspit (today) L. Fraser To Masset I today i Cst. C. F. A. Winkler To Fort Clements today I Mr. and Mrs. E. Chapman, Mr. F ARE AN i:iL band of Indians last week were Alvin Leask, William Leask, Pete Lriuhton. Cecil Ryan, Matthew Leighton and Robrrt Nelson. A meeting of the council will be held January 31 to clioose the chief councillor. Nominations at Port Simpson were January 25. Elections will be held there February 5. KolH-rt T'jUir, once th? he.irt-Ihroh of sc.?n loinancing. plays an unusual rule of a p-uu.l S'n-shone Indian m an outdo t drama of the early western clay i. 'Devil's Doorway," whiih shows this Monday and Tuesday at the Capitol Theatre. The story ef the p. ,:'.-C'ivil W.v' mm-- &7 f 1 Paula Raymond is a eirl law C Y E N A G ft - i -", ; -sk. yer who undertakes to defend the election at Klncolith was fewer miners A total of 6M,ooo coal !n Britain In 1930 was the i W .,-" v. The 23 but results had not period tells ot the cour.ueotis o-i.. ll;tlljn i,.aur'5 case and ends up hopeless stand of the American l y jai;in jn luvi. Wjth him. the wetw. i , - Indian apainst , k ffgu. ten obtained oy the !0:i figure ol any year since 1st of the Indian Affairs LV- ! 'v f r J- 1: f i V . office FRENCH OUTPOST jinr.'.siu inis morning. rno to the diffi;ultv of trar.s- riil War in fmrt his homp -1 iV " v... - lie fa ADAM HATS The islands of St. Pier,, members of the cast in- a anri fireenville will not be known nhite mm who are not onlv I cludo Marshall Thompson, Jamos "J ' M,.,,.r,,,,,n., j i ,mttl ihe next mail comes from hunarv fnr land hut hold th; Mitchell, James Millican, Edgar ..v.m..,.vJia..u, nave a cons) area of 93 square miles. Buchanan and Spring ByingU.i. there. Indians in contempt. k . . ... (Prince Runert) C. E Mavo. Port Edward: A. V. Ritchie, Wrangell; A. Cardenell, Watrous, Sas's.; Mr. and Mrs. J. ( j J. Barnell, Mr. and Mrs. Gunder-j sor anr1. Mr. and Mrs. J. Steear, i Wrangell; Mr. and Mrs. C. Rothe, I Mr. and Mrs. L. Vanier and G. j Rcid. Rupert ; T. J. Msc-I Donald, Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. I Roberts, Wat.son Island; A. A. ', Cassels, J. H. Lonsdale, G. R. Wilson. R. A. Reid, H. Friedman and J. Kates. Vancouver; Mr. De Blaouiere. Prince George; W. Carson, Watson Island; Dr. H. G. Baker, North Vancouver: W. An-; derson, E. Anderson, E. M. Reid land C. Candy. Lulu Island; Ian . , T a WORLDS LARGIST RFTAH.tR OF MfcN'S HATS RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE iV. 1 y rfv Galloway, Vancouver; Mr. ar.d Mrs. Pilip, Edmonton; Mrs. H. Koch, Terrace. RAISE U.N. FLAG Sgt. Bill Sim of Calgary hoists a U.N. flag tent of the 2nd Battalion. outside the regimental headquarters PPCLI near Miryang, Korea. Following the raising of the flag, commanding officer Lt.-Col. J. R. (Big Jim Stone ordered a general issue of rum. This Canadian Army photo shows, left to right: Sgt Sim; Lt.-Col. Stone; James Pimsol, Australian U.N. representative who presented the flag; and Maj. J- Firth of Skiers Out 20 Brownies Are Enrolled Last Thursday evening, Commissioner Honora Silversides visi njuries Too (CP PHOTO i Toronto. i i A perfect skiing day was mar- rorl voctorrltiv nftprnvin when ted the Third P-nnce Rupert Guide Company and the Second Archie McLeod received an in- Prince Rupert Brownie racn , which reauired his hospital- r en an - . . (Conrad Street Groups' and i'ation. McLeod. one of pnncs Rupert Ski Club's best skiers, sustained a severely bruised hip. Railwayman Is Retiring rolled twenty little girls as 3rownies. ' After each Brownikin had ECIPES' ; The top of Hays Mountain was made her prominse and received aive with new ancj 0id members her pin all the Brownies joined enjoying the bright sunshine and in a "Grand Howl" for the Com- . lne powdery snow, missioner and then a "Grand, The club,s ski tow was useci Howl" fov the new Brownies. I Xtensively by all club members. VANCOUVER Colleagues if M. T, "M'.ke" Abrahamson, hon-' ored him at a presentation cere -1 mony in the CNR station here, MINTED ICE CREAM 2 teaspoons plain gelatin V2 cups apricot whole fruit nectar Vi cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange rind The Brownies 'enrolled were , wn0 consider its use make e pos . . .. s-.tiirHfi; nn the occasion of his actual SKting - . . roadmasler of I Canadian National Lines be-; Gail Davidson. Diana Davidson, 1 sible double the Verna Robinson, Ruth Chandler, time. Geordna Goldbv. Audrey Bar- ! tween Vancouver and Boston Bar. ! The beloved veteran, a native of I Norway, was employed by tna railway and one of its early i j builders, during the past 45 yeurs. j I During his long career, "Big ' iMike.'' as he is popularly known, Cold Snap Continues ton, Yvonne Smith, Shanon Reliant, Jacqueline Halliwell, Sharon Klizs, Ann McDonald, Patsy Pearson, Diana Perch, Carol La-violettte, Marie Dvornak, Barbara Doid. Carol Judd. Lorraine Smith. Sharon Peket and Blanche V2 cup orange juice IV2 cups table cream 3 to 4 drops mint extract Soften gelatin in 2 cup nectar and over hot water. Blend in remaining ingredients. Pour In refrigerator tray, plac?; in freezing compartment with controi set at lowest temperature, and freeze until firm. Turn into chilled bowl and beat with rotary beater until light and Saturday morning's low of 15.5 has had some tough experitnc- ; remains the low temperature for ces, particularly when nature the season. and weather were at their worst. Last night the thermometer at He has, with his men, won some Digby Island weather station hit grim battles, an outstanding ex- fluffy. Return to freezing compartment and freeze to desired a low of 18 degrees. Lowest point, ample com" ine nerr Guradette. Following the investiture, two Sixers took leave of the pack in b. very interestitng ceremony.' B'own Owl, in a few simple words, wished the Brownies suc-iss as they left the pack to join Hie Guide Company. The Pack fave their Sixers a "Grand f'owl" then Heather Stevens and Pvnevieve Powers walked to the OniHe Cnmnanv where thev were which blocked the Fraser Can reached Saturday night and Sun consistency. Reset temperature control to normal, Make.T about 1 quart. dav was also 16 degrees. The highest point readied by the mercury over the week-end was 35.9 at 4 p.m. yesterday. fill f,'J TV SIM rue yon for 10 days last winter. ! Starting out as a section iabor- , et, at age 17. with the Canadian I j Northern at Warroad. Minrcsol ' . j Mr. Abrahamson later worked in Manitoba and Saskatchewan on various jo'os, including extra gan j foreman and relieving roadmas- i welcomed as new members. News Oasfifieiis Mike Sales .hi s REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Study Skagway Aluminum ter. He moved to E C. in 1913 ( with construction forces build-! ing the main line through to Vancouver, completed in 1915. He has been roadmasler at CNR R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd A (Near C'FPU) WASHINGTON 1 API -A hous?i necessity of getting Canadian ji'diciary subcommittee, study- j perm is ion to divert a portion of k.-. (u rr fr ov'thn Vnknn river waters from the I ! main line points in B.C. since and northern Riding" the nation's aluminum 1 Yukon territory production, will be asked to loo British Columbia. Sundborg said 1 1926, taking over the Vancouver-bUO possible development of tin 'any agreement for the purchase Boston Bar section in 1944. laiva aluminum project near tf Canadian aluminum should b; j . . AERO-ENGINE, INSTRUMENT, RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE For Your General Electric Radios Phnne Blue !U PACIFIC ELECTRIC There are immediate openings in the UM. for men to train as: Cornel It Jkagway, Alaska.' ' I preceded by an agreement guar- " The request will be made by , antecing the necessary water I Representative Tollefson (R- tights to make the Taiya project Wash) and Delegate Bartlctt of j possible. Alaska ta the group headed by! Representative Cellar (D - NY. Frank Walerhouse freighter This committee is inquiring int j ! isiand King is clue in port tonight AIRFRAME and inn T1)C need is great the ppcrtu nitics arc great for young men to train as skilled Aircraft Technicians! Join the R.C.A.F today! You serve your country by helping, to keep Canada's Air Force flying: you learn a specialized trade in aviation that will always be valuable to you! I RADAR TECHNICIANS with two logging trucks for Co Ihe possible monopolistic ten- If you arc between 17 and 0, arc physically fit and have a Grade 8 cduuoon or better, act now! Find out where you fit in the Air Force nam! Imd out about the permanent emplnymcnt, fine rates of pay, pulsion and other benefit of a career in the R.C.A.F.! Cjoocl lumbia Cellulose Company, six Hillman automobiles and an Austin truck. She will also off load 75 tons of freight. The Island King will then proceed to Watson Island to deliver 8.000 sacks of cement and other building supplies. From there she goes to Alice Arm with supplies and to I Stewart to pick up her full load lot 300 tons of zinc concentrate Havp d I Good Meal! 5 CITY CAFE j FULL COURSE MEALS I I Phone Blue 92 FOP. TAKE OCT ORDI'IIS i cli-nies in the cxpan-ion pro-' tram and specifically into a r?-' '' 'ed agreement vwlt- whi"hj ''- country w ii'kl he!? increar; j finadar'? aluminum prnductlor.. ; " The laiya hydroelectric pro-irrt would :ost atnut 300 mil'io i ' il!a--. iro'.'.r? mMliin lbs. ! 5ri r nluminuri annur.'ly and sup-j I - I. n cnmmunl.v, of possibW '"lO persons, officials have ia!d. JVPlVt ltVC"TlNNFXS - It involve-' tar.nin? the hc? l-tU"s ct the Yukon river tv -nns of tvo tunnels, fcorcl through the coa-t ran"e "f I untairs to em.ny into trn Tiiya valley in outheatPr i and 400 tons of lead concentrates. nf the Up'teri N'liion declaration of human rights is incorporated in Indonesia's new- constitution. YOU CAN GET IT Luxury Stcomer ) I BULGERS ACT NOW! R.C.A.F. RECRUITING UNIT, WALLACE BLDG., 0t'21 . 101 A AVENUE, EDMONTON, ALBERTA. PHONE: 42658 Pin mail mi, will I "'. " frlinUn rtf'l '"'"' mint rifninmiMii J fiiB mw intbhli i ' K.CA-F NAME (PltiU Prim) STREET ADDRESS CITY rROV'NCE EDUCATION (by Ilc nd province) Jciiioi'UHJ or Prince George see we enteen counsiuor at you kiakist Maybe it's Sterling Silver Tableware! ? C.A.r. MOtmiNG CiHiRl OR MA'l THIS COUPON f'-rlr-i where the rlr-r.t wcvia w wablished. - ' Th" Alasltn d"velopmert N)nl j In a l"tter to the two con"rs-- -'airt th" project's rossibi'.l-tti ' fiave be.n unde" corsidc "-v'ion bv th? Aluminum Compan-' - fner:ca since 1947. f Tlic board said it has lerrn-d v-t A'coa h prerarc to nnd""-'i-e the rrotsct "if grantej -"'.rnmentil ass'stanre comra - r'" to that whi-h Is sue-iest-xl ''miH be given the Aluminum ,'rpwanv of Canada" in cni.--"-tHii with if '-iposcd drvoi--xint at Kitunaat. Brif.s.i "r'-'mbia. "NTKArT WITH l'.S. Al CJ Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor We carry many patterns at well known prices By CHICHI SAILS FOR Vancouver j and Intermediate Hons Each Thursdoy Hi 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN VI '.nVKSHAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Kesi i va uuus I BLONDIc Remember it, Dogwood! Maybe an extra perfect I 'hone 619 zm fiixih f-:t Engagement Ring! . nr advi-ed." wrote P ! I r..rlV-r,riT htiard C'TS'lhallt. th"t! II Ui-llt. nr . u 1 We carry only, perfect stones , All through our stock you'll find the finest quality ! Wi i t;iTV ou iyvif j V OKFKK rniv thini that mtk -ossi-h'n the construction of Kitimaat V'- "Vv.iiinit l a -on' "-.. -!-t41v re"nt!"t'H C. J BT-?v PKJNt.K 1? I'H 1 I Cnnadinn M'nlst"- ef j tl DC. MoviiiR. Pacliin!;, Crating Shipping anil Clciieral Callage and Storage Complete. Reliable and Effi-r.- .STvire A'sn appiits for Canadian Liquid A;r Co. Lid. for Oxyaen. Acetylene and a'.l wckt'ns supplies. ' LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED fo" ("ncl and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones GO and 61 T -ir- and Commr.-". "'i fwvnr. 1TR. Kf-ff r- ..mnp f-,r 'n- fnhir" nu"-r-.,- hv 0"r "nvernmert. rf tUHon pounds of f-i'nt.tnff out that one hit " - - i fia the Taiya development is tho 1 1