Li IT. PHOVlr.'CIAL LisrrAr? lb I CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER k )ISrAT( T HK Published at Canoda'i Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL, No. 68 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS Doily Delivery Phone 81 n ign of WW wrttHii f Jment WW lAIter nmuujio u 14 negotiating ses-re seeking to write fcr the Big Four for- First Day of ! Fighting In Korea Mav Just Cease Lrs' meeting are no agreement on basic , when the sessions Ji h 5. Spring, What? Stronghold of Chunchon Yields Without Struggle TOKYO (CP) An American tank force today rumbled into the former Chinese stronghold of Chunchon. It met only flag-waving Korean civilians. iites niei again w- ., , . rnlI,g a radical shift Fall of Garden itie, even those mosi m Undeclared End May Come in East Conflict It may have been the first day of spring officially but it did not look like It in Prince Rupert today with a wet morning snowfall which, however, showed every sign of turning to rain. . . 1 I lit wan is ratal It tne Sttin nau uv for success. To top off the day, a gale is i Chinese Communists, who made the central Korean MILAN (CP,) A newly-built garden wall toppled over today on a group of 50 children seeking shelter from a sudden 85-mile-a-n-hour wind, killing 13 and Injuring 19 others. forecast but predicted gales d Stop road centre their troop-massing point in South Ko OTTAWA (CP)-Hon. L. B. Pearson, minister of external affairs, said yesterday that there is a possibility fighting in Korea will end with an un-" declared cease-fire. rea, apparently had withdrawn north of the 38th , parallel. Visit Chunchon is 6V2 miles south (CP-Ardent Protest- j, itoked the King to ' ifc proposed courtesy ji ess Elizabeth to the Close Call For Gov't LONDON (CP) The Labor gov of the Red Korean border. It was from Chunchon that the Chinese mounted two massive offensives in January and February against Wonju, deep in central Korea. Preparing To Combat Red Thrust have so often passed Prince Rupert up of late that it was supposed this would do the same. At least, the weather is mild. Provide for North Roads Hart Highway finished by September improvements for Rupert link VANCOUVER (CP) Completion Mrs. Stuart Passes Away Death Comes Suddenly To Pioneer Human Who For Years led IODE Work "It looks at the present time as if the situation in Korea may result In what General Rldge-way, the United Nations commander in Korea, has called a military stalemate," Mr. Pearson said. The minister of external affairs added: "1 would prefer to think of it, not so much as a i avoid "an affront .sentiment." I 0. T. Taylor, see On the western front, South ernment narrowly missed aRnr.. rt .mp,,ra'n the Protestant Alli- snews oi me visu LONDON (CP)-The 12 Atlantic fished around the pact countrle4 are streamlining .ipal propaganda of their ther t treaty , rnachinerv machinery for for ciick quick "VICTORIA Free market for gold would launch the west cMst on the greatest mining boom in its history. Mines Minister R. C. MacDonald told the legislature yesterday. Mac-Donald said that the question of control over gold prices should be investigated, adding that other divisions of British Columbia's mining industry were experiencing the most active and prosperous period in history. The gold price in Canada is now fixed at $35 per ounce. i WHY BUTTER HIGH ' OTTAWA The Dominion Bureau of Statistics had a simple explanation today for the high price of butter. There is simplv not enough butter to go around. BURNED TO DEATH . VANCOUVER Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, aged 81, was burned to death early today as fire destroyed a home in the Dunbar district. Her daughter, Mrs. Mary Diamonds sustained serious burns on hands and arms. it value." action in case of a Communist thrust. major defeat In the House of forces ranging up the nistoric Commons last night ln a foreign of lnvaslon route Korea bumped policy lssue-the new monetary mto biUer Communist resLst-agreement with Egypt. ance norlh 0 Seoul The government won by 2ii An American tank patrol on votes to 291. the road to Uijongbu ran into Four mdre opposition votes a heavy mlnefieid. "Small arms would almost certainly have and moH&T fire was s0 intense meant the government's down- lt was impossible for men to fall and a new election. i Ieave tnelr Unkg and remov8 The agreement, which settled mlnes." an onerations officer North Atlantic Treaty Organ :r is Killed thel Brawl One of Prince Ruperts most military stalemate, but as a .. . , , , , ., stabilization of military posi- highly esteemed and public spir- j tion." ited women passed away sudden- CROSSING 38th PARALLEL ly during the night and her I The question of crossing the death Is widely deplored. ,?,8th Parallel came up. Angus . ... . . . Mclnnis, OCF member for Van- The end with came shocking couver East held that the Unlt. suddenness for Mrs. Joan Isa-jed Nations forces should not bella, wife of David C. Stuart, ' cross. Alistalr Stewart, Winnipeg ization officials said today 12 countries had accepted the main points of a Canadian rro- of the John Hart Highway, probably by September, is planned by the provincial government, Hon. E. C. Carson, minister of public wroks announces. He also ICPI One American nosal which would dron at. least Britain's war debt to Egypt, was j said ' sharply tackled not only by, s killed and two three NATO committees and niay in a brothel- vest political control In the wl with a mob ot Atlantic Council proper, now announces that $14,000,000 to be provided in capital funds .for construction and reconstruction North, and Clare Gillis, Cape Breton South, did not share this view. Conservatives and Liberals but' also by some Labor members. I ny Koreans live in made up of allies of 12 foreign I ministers. of highways and bridges and French Strike Is Spreading paving, will enable the public DAY NEEDED pioneer city accountant. Mrs. Stuart had been In somewhat Indifferent health for the past year or so but had been able to be about in her home, 1649 Second Avenue, Westview, with the occasional trip downtown. During recent days she had been suffering from the current Influenza ailment. She had had works department to proceed Iran Still with other highway projects including the northern transpro- To Make New A-Bomb Tests vinclal highway to Prince Rupert Troublous pital Calls for PARIS (CP) A mounting strike wave rolled through France to-. day, threatening to affect almost French Premier Mr. Carson states that it is hoped to complete the highway connecting Prince George with Dawson Creek and Mile O "of the Alaska Highway in the Peace TEHRAN, Iran (CP) -The Shah everyone in the country The ner evening meal, nowever, anai WASHINGTON (CP) The Air retired. Death came suddenly at Force said today three types of her home at 1:10 a.m. bombers will be used in atomic Born December 28, 1880, in tests in the Pacific. proclaimed martial law yester- near-general ranway wamuui day in this terror-ridden, strate-, appeared most alan6- e Local Finance Is Coming Here River country this year. This will gic Middle East country whose oil ..iu rioh. mir hpr nnsiiinn vital in that strikes, all pressing for Edinburgh, Scotland, and mar-, performance records of the provide a 750-mile all-British ried at the Catieton Hotel in the Boeing B-47 Is a secret but It Is Columbia Highway between W demands, "may develop the ast-west cold war. , .m nani crisis Could Cause Closure Vancouver and Dawson Creek, imo a veniaoie aitempi, on me Not Getting; Square Deaf From ' - life oi. the country." Martial law, limited to Tehran and imposed lor two "months. he says came amid a wave of rumors UCIIIS, Claimed The minister says that $10,-700,000 is provided in estimate-3 for maintenance of British Col Most stoppages were aimed directly at the government, by far France's biggest rmployer. Unions of all political alignments are taking part, reflecting wide Auriol To Spend $180,000 on Visit to St. Laurent, Truman PARIS (CP) President Auriol sailed last night to spend 11 days and make 30 speeches none about politics and preside at 18 official meals in Canada and the United States! The trip to see Prime Minister L." St. Laurent of Canada and President H. S. Truman of the that new terrcHsm had taken the lives of Iranian officials. One rumor, unconfirmed here, ns of Prince Rupert soon may be paying Scottish capital April 27, 1910,' reported to be the fastest A-Mrs. Stuart and her husband bomber m the -world with a came Immediately to Canada. ' speed of more than 600 miles an After a short time in Vancouver, hour they arrived in Prince Rupert. An A,p Force spokesman said he in June and she on July 4, Lhat ,n addltlon to the B-47, 191- , , tests will employ older B-29 Su- In the very early days they j perf ortresses and tne m0derniz-resided in a cottage, long since ed verslon known as B.50. The disappeared, on the western i Spokesrnan said the Air Force is shore of Hays Creek s mouth. ,ntrpstpd ln eUp(.t of atomic umbia's 22.000 miles of highways. s on their property. City council will be was that Governor-General Man- spread discontent with rapidly- (1 for a m-anr nf SKfl flfti! tr trio linnitil ouchar Egbal of Azarbajain Province on the Soviet border had been slain along with his pro Lining up fupert Hospital Association decided last United States will cost France Mrs. Stuart was a graduate of all of explosions on types planes '-the annual meeting. i C. G. Ham, In his irising prices ond the cabinet's hesitancy to raise wages. Strikes affected railways, gas, electricity, subways and buses in Paris, as well as auto factories and funeral parlors. Strikers defied a broadcast appeal by Queuille to stay on the lob. 1 Edinburgh Ladies' College and d D0Ssiblv fighters would be a50"1 $180,000. of Edinburgh University and lncluded ln the based on i The president leaves his coun- (was always Interested in affairs Eniwetok Island, in the Marshall try at an awkward moment when t, told the meeting ;; of $129,000 was f .te requirement for heating plan or we may be forced to close the hospital." cultural ana ariisiic. rnn strikes of eas. Dower and trans "The high steam pressure u was not long after arrival fh Columbia Hospital vincial police chief. Even as the proclamation had been broadcast, the Iranian Senate completed on the application for nationalization of the Anglo-American Oil Co., focus of nationalist anger which has been generating public tension in Iran. Presentation of the martial law proclamation to the Shah was the first action of the new cabinet formed by Hussein Aia, Pact Army PARIS (CP) In addition to Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery as deputy commander of the Atlantic Pact army. General Dwight Eisenhower has appointed eight other high-ranking f frvice had alreadv , from the new unit we could use here that deceased became ac- port workers have thrown the : capital into a crisis. i Should the trouble result in a ir approval for con-'for Instrument sterilization and ve in the affairs oi rlrst Pres TheWeather Wj.OOO as their share. he . tf,ASA nM UVLCIittll VUUIVII Ul niliUI downfall of Premier Henri Que- 4 government has , " , was one of the early members.! ullle's week-old cabinet, Auriol Peron Takes OverlaPrensa for a $30,000 Erant r'eclnc DU1S' su,u she served as president of the' GALE WARNING must pick Queuille's successor. officers to his staff. r'ti. of the Old Land , . , Traditions . m, . rt, orn timt within in hours vpstt.rdav to Immediate approval of the as- 11 up to the people of pro-western Premier, appointed after the assassination of his predecessor two weeks ago. The broadcast proclamation as Bert tr. sianri fnr tv, soclat.lon fnr the monev bv-law were maintained Dy associdiiuii .nosgl ,0tPc strnnir nnrth. riisniu t,ho .strilros urhich are Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Saunders Is air deputy and "If the need becomes appaient," a headquarters spokesman said, a senior naval officer mayfte named later. Meanwhile the French cabinet announced that General Alphone BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (CP) Followers of President Juan D. Peron last night formally took over control of La Prensa, Argentina's largest independent serted that "gangster elements have been trying tq upset the I'd. adding that ap-! appeal wlth tl?e ol.St" Andrew's Socie ty west windg wUj develop 0ver the making up one of the worst ;ity council will be -Manv citizens have the WL, ? Wom,en . .,,Uj y .remainder of the coast during waves of labor unrest since the '4 a plebiscite ' fdea se WS ldentlf led- 'the U required wrong about hospitals to- w,c morning and early after- I war. issuance of de- y"gMr Hamsaid: They think VeVrlZ Ruper't f00"' Cl0,Udy U?fttled The Cabi"et t0 ! 'V 1 f0l?r I 13 the U'tion and the government, with hospital PZl over Provlnc.e t.0" striking public utilty security of Teheran. 'T house and a com-' insurance, is looklne after the f."v, T; ..' .V. .?: V' aay wlln e exception of tne transport workers if necessary. This is' from the civilian draft Iheatinir niant Juin, commander of France's armed forces, has been made available to Eisenhower to serve The martial law proclamation i newspaper, which has been clos-is, apparently, aimed at quelling j ed 54 days by strikes and boy-any possible new acts such as the cotts of government-approved killing March 7 of the American- unions. f. supported Premier All Razmara' Five Peronlsta members of a hosnltals nospiiais todav today, This inis is is not noi so so. " 11 was w . . Z Kootenays where it is sunny Responsibility of supporting , order, .' Daughters of the Em- f and na mlld mlla- J0 Mnr. shower ,hnwpr aotlvitv activity wnere became Decame most mosl plre' the honnital lav with the sne, is expected over the province municipality it served he said actlve and Pmlnent. She was today with clearing skies ex- a Past rent of ueen My pected over the coastal sections ana d hoped nopea toe me people peopie would woum . . ri f nnmpmus vpnrs l . , which makes workers subject to fines and imprisonment if thsy stay off the Job. as ground troops commander in the pact arrr-y. and the attempted assassination realize this and support the ap- ; " " ,;r" , nhor :,UU1"'B ",b u "ours- special congressional committee, chosen to intervene in the newspaper's management and investigate its affairs, strode through a crowd of loyal La Prensa employees and into the office of peal wholeheartedly. this Monday of Dr. Abdul Zang-aneh. deputy chancellor of Tehran University, who was critically wounded. Premier Ala presented his new TODAY'S STOCKS SEEK RADIOLOGIST i-b-"" ...v....., . , Almost to the end she continued; Forecast Region- Gale as one of the most valued lead- warnlng (CourteKf 8. 1. Johnston Co. cabinet to the Shah yesterday Business Manager Manuel con 4 immediate" n cost of $95,000. Other e'needs were comple-"tl's' residence, $21,-!;liD and furnish west major alterations h'ital (sewing room, r'':c . S2000; new op- equipment and re- $4000. hPital has prided lt-'fi'ig in the black ;,J seldom found else-f'f president went on. re was no money at al expenditures. tJf U1SIS 1 fitting piant at the ai3- and,-. with some posts still vacant be-'stenla VANCOUVER American Standard .. .30 catise politicians apparently are There they signed the articles fearful of the threat of terror I of possession and received keys hanging over them. to the front door. Bralorne 6.50 Beattle 56 Bevcourt 44 Bob jo 14 Buffalo Canadian 23 Consol. Smelters 139.75 Conwest 2.35 plores the failure of British Co-, era"' w.t, ih. v, frequent showers along the of the lumbla Hospital Insurance to' fshe wasalnso amer mainland and over the ridges provide services of a radiologist wm,;n s "i; today wlth variable cloudiness Mr. for the patients using the facili- ctBes def the, wr' is. elsewhere. cloudy tonight, ties of the Prince Rupert Gen- tuar !s '""i'60 ,n clearing Thursday morning. Literal Mrs. Bruce (Sheila) , Hospital while charging daughter. Ue change temperature. the residents of northern B.C. Wilson in Prince Rupert and a wlnds northwest (55), decreas-a hospital Insurance fee equal James, at present in nos-i,ng tQ northwest (30) by noon to the residents of southern Ptal in Vancouver. Grandsons and northwest (20) by tonlght. nr ,v,n h,Q. omii.hio in hos- are David and John Wilson and rnmlt anA v,(h .mr. 44 B R X .52 .23 Donalda Eldona pita'is of comparable size such a granddaughter, Alyson Stuart , rowAt Port Hardy, Sandspit East Sullivan 8.35 Giant Yellowknife 7.00 - i.uiocinjffcr all of Prince Rupert. years old, and "Is a service." i and Prince Rupert, 35 and 46. APPRECIATION Th mniinn ,o. nnanimniixlv The iunerai win lane piace afternoon from First approved by the meeting. Saturday t0 breakdown any arned. Extensive engineers had been 'l the rwnmm.. Dr. Greene, who made the .w. .38 .23 .11 .11 .06 .05 God's Lake Hardrock Harricana Heva Hosco Jacknife motion, said the medical staff was in full agreement that I unit be replaced fwlth two 75-horse- ?;To Cross or radiologist was of greatest 1m Irs TideS , Thursday, March 22, 1951 High 0:50 19.7 feet 12:55 20.6 feet i Low 6:52 5.2 feet j 19:09 3.1 feet with facilities for Joliet Quebec 64 portance to a hospital, and "we f futun Lapaska e requirements. are being discriminated against" bv not having such a service. Hwn, .05 .81 '.15 Little Long Lac t 1 a member of the !, wanted to vu unuw km.w Not to Cross Lynx ii 0. . . out Because sucn a service Cariboo Quartz 126 Congress 07 Hedley Mascot 60 Pend OrpU!e 7 80 Pioneer 2.50 Premier Border Privateer 08 Reno 07 Sheep Creek 160 SUbak Premier 32 Taku River 6Vi Vananda 15 Salmon Gold 03 Spud Valley 4V4 Silver Standard 2.55 Western Uranium 175 Indian Mines -22 Oils-Anglo Canadian 6.30 A P Con 43 Atlantic 3.00 Calmont 1.28 C ft. E 12.25 Central Lcduc 2.45 Home Oil 17.50 Mercury 15'4 Okalta 2.75 Princess 150 Royal Canadian 10 Vi TORONTO Athona 8',2 Aumaque . .20 Madsen Red Lake 2.20 nil at 'ess cast could not be carried at the pres- We extend our thanks and appreciation to the Prince Rupert Fire Department for their prompt and efficient action in our recent warehouse fire. Also to the management and staff of Albert ' & McCaffery Ltd.. for their valuable help. And to all others who offered and gave assistance. lent Per dlem rate at the h0S WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) As! hockey scores pital $8 request for sucn a president Truman aubnorizea service would be. useless, ."un- General Douglas MacArthur to less we can up the rates, and cross the thirty-eighth parallel j this lies with the government," if he wants to and the air wa? t m of h dlrectors the recom- ? rmHlee' "We rst h i l.he un"s were PACIFIC COAST (Seml-Final) Portland 4. Victoria 3 (first saia Aaminisiraior u. oiev- tense wim expecvauun ui a suu dr-n turn of eventa in the Korean game best of seven series). . enson. McKenzie Red Lake 46 McLeod Cockshutt 3.00 Moneta .33 Negus 90 Noranda 79.00 Louvlcourt 21 Pickle Crow 166 Regcourt 4'2 San Antonio 2.46 Senator Rouyn 21 Sherrit Gordon 3.40 Steep Rock 8 65 Silver Miller 1.53 Upper Canada 175 Golden Manttou 6.90 "We should be operating here situation. Secretary of State on a $10-a-day rate, in order Dean Acheson said today that to provide necessary facilities, the United States wants a corn-Even at the present rate we are mon point of view with its allies losing a lot of money," he said, on the 38th parallel problem. the old boundary between north and south Korea. Acheson told a press confer 4nrtv,r c needed," , 2 '"tieations I heXpanslon a"d 4 te rp:esent unit W recent kp h addi- hospital, -there is fay out." e M the new ilivartl oCijUett oCtcl. ence that the United States gov indicating that in the last two Mr. Acheson said no new auth- eminent Is consulting with months the hospital had been orlty was required for United other nations having troops in operating at a deficit of $7500. Nations military lorces to cross the area