TELKWA GIRL (Continued from pat;e 5 Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, March 21. 1951 TODAY AND THURSDAY Early Chicks Profitable dress, was the pretty little train bearer. The church, decorated with .alone:.;mh,,.,,J( You'd Be Happy rUNIAINt I j 1 fresh spring flowers, resounded rZmC '..oubtoi with orjan musicpyed yV, F H. Prouse of Smithers. Dur greater profit to the poultryman Affair ing the signing of the register, "Because" was beautifully sung v. ho ouys cnicKS eauy nwusii to Bet liinh crk production dur- ms October, November, ueem-and January, slates W. T. ber by Miss Shirley Pritchard ofj Calgary. I The groomsman was Hugh Shirley, twin brother of the groom. The ushers were Neil Rrnrlip hrother of the bride, and Burns, of the Experimental Sta- uon - smuners. This, says Mr. Burns clearly f irur li n points to the need for obtaining Kenneth Shirley, brother of the baby chicks1 in March, one month groom. earlier than present practice in A reception was held at the ihe area, so that pullets .l.oy oe Telkwa Hotel, ,with J. Pritchard well grown and in production proposing the toast to the bride, befoi-j cold weather. The bllne'S m0tner was at- Mr. Burns emphasizes also the tractively gowned in smokey following points for coiioidera- purple with a delicate rose pink tinn in flock management if hat. The groom's mother wore lijiii ur at HOTEL FRASER HOUS n e .-V well grown and in production be-; powder blue with a wine hat! Her new, taster Outfit was bought on Wallace's Convenient Rotating Credit Plan. t Are you temporarily short of an the cu;;li you need? Wallace's Budget Credit Plan permits you ladies to get your Euster Clothes now a reasonable down pay-men' plus pood credit record is all you need. Bring Hubby In Too! fore cold weather pullets will lay , trimmed with an ostrich well throughout the winter; pul- j feather. lets not in production before cold ; Tne brrie rn.sp a tailored RUit weather develop slowly; poony 0 beige-brown with emerald developed birds, if brought into green accessories, for her going-production early will lack sta-;away costume. mina for a long laying period Mr nd Mrs Snlrlpy motored and are likely to moult in mid- j tQ Vancouver where they will wlnter- make their home. Hi,' acceptance of the practice . vecomtors (teligfo ; 'ill AHU I J I I I 1 S It 4 1 I - w 1 I I rVt f the soft, beautiful finish tl "PRMA.FUn on a wider scale, Mr. Burns feels, i would not only compensate for, the higher brooding costs incur Spain Would Assist West red in iviarcn uul wouiu aisu gu i far in correcting the present situation, where large spring surpluses and winter shortages are the general rule. HONOR PRIME MINISTER Highlight of the 150th convocation of the University of Western Ontario was the conferring of the honorary degree of doctor of civil law on Prime Minister St. Laurent. At. left, is Arthur R. Ford, chancellor of the university, while standing behind the prime minister, is Dr. R. A. Allen, university vice-president. (CP PHOTO) I WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Ready to Send Troops In Return for I'S Weapons WASHINGTON, D C. (CP) Spain Interest in TERRACE BRIDE (Continued from page 5) is reported to have told the United States that It will dis SHIPS AND WATERFRONT A. Burt, Mrs. I Benoit, Mrs. D. Tumilson, Mrs. R. Sande, Mrs. patch troops to the defence of western Europe If desired pro vided United States weapons are sent to her forces. Area Mining Boost in Cranium Trice Should Encourage Production, Says Smellers Official Heads of the Consolidated Mining Si Smelting Co. at Trail are enthusiastic about mining prospects in the central and northern E Hish Columbia a.'ta, savs Nely Moore, superintenn- A. Faulsen, Mrs. G. Benoit, Mrs. B. R. Dodds, Mrs. F. Lamblry, Mrs. A. Harrison, Mrs. A. Houli-en, Mrs. R. Perry, Mrs. R. Cooper. Mrs. C. Houlden, Mrs. R. Dye, Mrs. W. Tocp, M s. K. Ean. Norma Perry, Flora Melvin arul nn Tumilson. Responsible oflicials said Monday that this assurance has been given by the Spanish Foreign Office to American Ambassador Stanton Griffls who sounded out the Franco government on his arrival. In Madrid earlier this Ar;iving in pert Monday nignt from Vancouver was the freighter Alaska Prince, Capt. Thomas Garrick, to ulncad heavy lifts before continuing to Watson Is land Tuesday where she discharged machinery for the Columbia Cellulose, as well a a shipment of paper cores from Powell River. Cannery supplies and lumber were left at Nelson ent of exploration for the com- ' month, pany with headquarters in1 These officials said that the CFPR RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles Spanish Foreign Office made these points to Griffis: 1. Under present conditions (Subject to Change) ' Prince Rupert, who returned to the city at the end of the week. Mr. Moore spent a week at Trail following a trip to Toronto lutiprp hp flttpnded ennvpntinrw THERE IS STILL TIME TO EASTER FLOWERS Spain could not move any Spanish troops beyond the Pyrenees Wl of the Prospectors and Develoa- I Mountains to nelp derend wesl-ment Association and the Geo- i rn EllroPe- sP"ln's armV ls. re" logical Association of Canada portea lo De Daoiy in neeu oi ! modern weapons and parts. Speaking of the $1.25 pe Brothers. After discharging he.-. cargo here, the Alaska Prince proceeds to Cumshewa Inlei 1 with logging wires for the Aero and Morgan logging ramps, j I Lumber will be unloaded at 1 Sandspit and general cargo at ! Massett. from where 50 thousand beard feet of lumber will he ; loaded for Vancouver. Lggin ; supplies will also be lef!" to the ; Kelly Logging outfit at Shannon Bay. from whe-e the vessel wHl return to Masset for her sout'.i-; bound load of lumber . TO THE FOLKS AT HOME ! Prince Rupert Florists 2. If the United States sent military supplies to Spain, Spain Here's fresh, new beauty for yout homt B-H "Perma-FIat" is a newly perfected oil piii for interior walls, ceilings and woodwork. if to apply. Dries quickly. . . with a rich, flat surfia Easily washable. Retains its color and brightness Made in ten attractive shades and black it white for today's modern decorating. Write for free B-H booklet, "Color bik pound increase in the price of uranium which was announce'! by the government while he was "uu'u ul """"" Phone 777 in the east, Mr. Moore expressed ! "" "r"-"'"-c j ' Tr.nvlnty Tr.wit.c hpunnrt TVi Pvr.i Box 516 300 -3rd Avenue West the ODinion that this shoul 1 ...w...r v.wjyt, j. enees if desired. The Pyrenees mark the border j between Spain and France. I f 7 Key to Brighter Living." Address to in WFUNESDAY- -P.M. 4:00Jhumy Shields 4 15 Music by Goodman 4:3u ivlaggie Muggins 4;45 Stock Quotations & Int 4:55 CBC News 5 ;00 International Comly. 5.10 Rawhide &:30 Prelude to Dusk 5:45 The Question Box b:0U Supper Serenade i 6:15 Freddy Martin & Orcli. ! 0:3U VaneUes , 6:45 Saddle Rockin' Rhylhm ! :00 CBC News 7:10 St. Mathew Passion :0:0U CBu Nets 10:10 CBC News Round-up 10:15 Reminiscing -10:30 Canadian Concert Garden 11:00 -Weather Report 1 1:06 --Sign Off HIURKDA1-AM 7.00 Musical Clock 8.0(1 - ChC News 8:10 -Here's Good 8:15 -Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert jti,P. aSSenaeri USED CAR VALUES M, Station E, Montreal. B-H Paints, Varnishes and Enamtli cover more area . . . last longer ... stimulate both mining and prospecting for this key defen e metal. Present prices of uranium are ranging from $4 to $5 per pound, according to grade. Mos' of Canada's uranium is now produced in the Lake Athabask area. While making his trip east by air, Mr. Neely ran Into the recent prairie snowstorms. He was delayed for a day at Vancouver on the way east and for a day at Winnipeg on the way west. Mr. Moore will be the speaker at the luncheon of the Gyro Club next week when he will tell something about his -trip oast and on mining (n this area. save you uiuntj; a l For thm Bel Points, Varni$ht and Enamth BUY WHERE YOU SEE THE SIGN i . . fhof' wher you'll find friendly jervice and htlpfvl advka. From Vancouver ( Tuesday i G. Gardner, J. Crellin. B. H. Me-Donald, J. O. Branc, Miss W.. Taylor. N. McDonald. J. Slurp, Mrs. Graham, K. Vandersluys, B. H Smith, Si McClay, Lt. Cmd. J. W. Golby. Frni Sandsnit. (Tuesday! W. Fdwards, A. S. Royls. To Vancou"er ( today i Miss Barbara Tene. T. r. Stockda'e, R. .T. Ho'mes Dr. BaM, W. S. Bale, Frank Zuz'ck, W. J. Fa'ls. B. Foster. J. L. Henderson, K-'n Nilson, D. Collinson. George 1350 ( I1KVKOI.KT PKM XE SEDAN. New car guar- . antee, 4000 miles. Airconditionaire, Undercoated, etc $2i5.0'l 13)8 dlEVROI FT S! DAN. PrWa'c owner. Heater, n-frnster. Radio, Undercoated with PUC $ll(i(l.0(l ' l!ir. VAIXIIAIX 6 Cylinder SEDAN. Heater, de- froi tvr. Leather Upholstery. New car guarantee $1580.0(1 ( 1317 PONTIAC SEDAN. Private owner, low mileage. Heater aiv D'-f rosier. In excellent condition $1315.0(1 IIVH'K SEDAN. In running order, a good buy. $ 410.00 CIIKVROI.KT SEDAN. Heater and Defroster, uiidrrccated. ets. Private owner. In good condilinn S1225.00 IT1 CHEVROLET SEDAN. ForVheap transportation it's buv , $ 325.00 1M3 ( III VKOI.ET COITE. Private owner. 11 000 mil's, in very uoort condition, heater, PUC, -etc.. . $1785.00 1318 DODGE SEDAN. In good condition, heatcj-. etc. $1215.0(1 COLORFUL SHOW NIAGARA FALLS, Out. (CP) A riot of color is ready for East- HO ROOM FOR GLOOM! Does your room look gloomy? Let us put. a smile on Its face with paint! Remember, paint protects as well as beautifies. Call us today! Phone Black 21 5 SPENCE 6c MATUIK Brown. F. C. Underhill, O CUiire, B. Roberts. Me-'er visitors to the Niagara parks I greenhouses where hundreds of ! potted plants in all colors of the rainbow have been prepared. NOTICE They surround the Italian ma'-ble fountain in the main IN KK KHTATE OF LUCY MARTIN, DKCF.AKED TAKE NOTICE that as A'lmlntstru- 9:00 -BBC Nows and Com'ty j 9:15--Mu.-.ic for Moderns ' 9:30 -Morning Concert I 9:59 -Time Signal j 10:00 -Morning Visit i 10:15 - Morning Melodies 10:30 - Melody Time j 10:45 -Invitation to the Waltz j 11:00-Kindergarten of the Air 1 1 :1a Roundup Time ! ll:30-Weather Report il:31--Messana Period i 11:33 - Recorded Interlude i 11:45 -Scandinavian Melodies ; 12:uu -M:U; ' iJay Mciod:. I j 2 15 CHC Ni'WS i2: !5 -Program Resume I tar. duly appointed by the court, of Want Ads. Sure Results! NOW!! FRENCH FRY AUTOMATICALLY with o the estate of Lucy Martin, who died j at Telegraph Creek. British Columbia. : on the 5th day of October. 11)42, I j require all creditors and others hav-; liiK claims analnst .the said estate ; Kf'iid the same to me. properly verl- i I fieri, at the address mentioned below ' i no or before the KHh day of April. I i 1151. arter which dal I shall proceed j i to distribute the estate to those en- titled by law, having regard only to 1 such claims of which I shall then I have been notified. i j And further take notice that all persons Indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to I Eat whole wheat. Here'j whole wheat in its most delicious form, crisp, thin wafers. And Vita-Weat includes the 1318 FORI) ,-T(N PIC K-I P TRI CK. Private owner, low mikane. 'n excellent, condition, heater, etc. $1335.00 13li (i.M.C. 1-TON PANEL TRICK, in good condition. This is a good buy for cheap transportation $ 750.00 131ti CHEVROLET 2'i-TON TRICK, equipped with Steel Dumo Box and Hoist. n very good condition. Guaranteed for 30 davs $1185.00 1351 CHEVROLET TRl'CKS in V2-ton and' Vton Pick-ups and P-incls for immediate delivery. SEE AltO I T m il C.MAC Bl'fKiKT PLAN FOR ' FINANCING REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES Long Motors Ltd. THIRD AUM K AT SEVEN I II STREET me forthwith. , DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 1 27th day of February. 1:151. I $3495 12:.I0-B. C .Farm Broadcast 12:55-Rec. Int 1 :00 Concert Hour 1 :3il-Musical Program 1 :4f Yen and Fashion Cumty. 2:?0 Listening 2:30. .R(.emd. at, Random 2:45 -At heme in your Rarden 3:00 - The Music Box 3:15 Western Five " 3:30 Listener's Choice FltyHYTE" Just one control to set and your . Ernest Earl Alien, oniclal Administrator. Telegraph , Creek, B C. (H-P) PEEK FRIAN'J VITA-WEAT WHOlt WHEAT CRISPaBEAO If LOW M CALORIES 25 I OZ. fACKET uny food to perfpctlon. NOW ON DISPLAY AT For Action Advertise! Northern B.C. Power Co 'OOVEKNMENT LIQUOH ACT" (Section 251 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TliANHFEIt Cl.VB I,lr:EN8E TO OTHER PREMISES. NOTICE ls hereby (jlven that on the expiration of this advertisement, the undersigned intends to apply to Ak Mr. frwn f ... Ste"1 PEEK FREAN'S I'riiicejtupcrt S--'0 ' BLONDIE It's a Dog's Life! . " i tne Liquor control Board for consent t to transfer Club Licence No. 2108 ' KMied In respect of certain premises situate at the corner of 2nd Aveirie West and 3rd Street. In the City ot I Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, upon lands des- ! rwuvc c-ccj -V WIUNT BRING THE X . I HAwg ppAMUK 1 '" j1 I such good pups j meat,andwehave);v " beams and ! THAT I BOUGHT J -5, NOTHING FOR OUR 1 6 C, . ! VOU SOME SUPPER TONIGHT ) -7 J$$k SS V nlS I for vour suppep )J:rJ . WA TVJf I sVt V S0R L 4-A 1. .':' " 0 Seagrams Sure $cag,ram's "V.O." Seagram's "83" Scatjvam's Crown Royal . Scatiram'5 King's Plate Scaciram's Special Olf erlbed as Lots 1 and 2. Block 20. Section 1. Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District. to certain premises sll'uate at 312 Thud Avenue West. In the City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon Innds described as Lot No. 16, Block No. 20. Sectllon 1. Map 9'n. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, In the Province of British Columbia DATED at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, this 1st day ot Murclt 1951. THE PRINCE RUPERT CI.UI! LIMITED (By Arthur Bruce Brown Secretar -1 (771 fc . u. J ' rK- x f rrv.y'r'",'tiui"-i. i -'ii A. "yT in n U; i" v-t'- ' t. r i s f This idverllsement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia For Aclion Advertise!