Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Evsru I. Monday, March 5. 151 Report from Kar,,amentj Jte P THE ETTERBOX APPROVES EDITORIAL L Fisheries Council to Meet Telecommunication Coming Up Independent dally newspaper Devoted to the unbuilding of Prince ' Ruptit and Northern and Central British Columbia. i SUBSCRIPTION KATES: ' :ember of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations ; Canadian Dai'y Newspaper Association j A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director i I in ore CSm .... Editor, Daily News: Your late ediiorial t'Are We All VICTORIA Legislative ses-! sional entertaining goes on apace. This Wednesday Mrs. E. T. Ken-ney of Terrace, wife of the minister of lands and forests, and Mrs. Harry Bowman, Prince George, wife of the minister of agriculture, will entertain at a j coffee party at the .Oak Bay! Beach Hotel. Of particular interest to Prince Rupert and PUrou Mi '". 5 apropos generally. There is ' others ' along the Coast will be the announcement Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, 53.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 S5i that the sixth annual meeting of the Fisheries Coun oil of Canada will be held in Ottawa's Chateau Laur- Published every afternoon except Sunday by 3rince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. Uritish Columbia and we m icok fo-' revived v:;;or.. ier, March 19, 20 antl 21, under the chairmanship of Frcsident J. H. MacKiYhan of Halifax. The program will feature (lis- Another section is to Canada. cussions n export trade, re- search conservation, inspect! m permit, I lie employment on radio nations in Canada of radio and other pertinent subjects, Monday afternoon, March li), operators who are not British ,iii i, .i..v,,i(.fi im vi.f.fiMiive.1 subjects and are not residents A REMINDER TO EMPLOYERS V Last Day First Day DELHI, INDIA During my brief visit to Pakistan I naturally heard plenty about the red hot question of Kashmir. Pakistan is very . 'Kashmir conscious." So far as I could find out, the relationship between India and Pakistan is liie most Important state concern in Pakistan; and su far as Pakistan leaders are concerned, a settle l Janan wants huge quantities of wheat and can pay for it W. C. MoNamara, assistant, chip;' 'commissioner of the Canadian Wheat Euard. xavs :hat. the chief problem in sclliii" wheat, to ij.-.pan is .Retting the grain to Vancouver of the boxes' ; slio luge. The naturul jut:-t for wl'nio from liv; Peace River and Edmonton areas s via Prince Rupert. There is market and we could more than double our output of lumber f om Central Bri! - timni mi viii-inns nhases of of Canada, but hold Canadian or the industry - cannlnu. salt. certificates of of proficiency proficiency Education Week EDUCATION IS truly "everybody's business," a special observance of Canadian Education Week is endeavouring to impress. However, it is a business which the most of citizens are inclined to neglect, possibly taking il too much for granted and something that does not require a great deal of their attention. That we can take it for granted that our educational affairs are being well attended to without much thought or effort of our own may be a good testimonial to those who are entrusted with the ad-n-.iriLtiatioi! ;:wl carrvii: out. of our educational their equivalent, in cases where reciprocal pel mission is KluliU J to Cailudiun citizens. The Prime Minister has tabled an Order in Council translei-ring all powers, duties and functions relating to civil defence fresh and frozen, and byproducts. How the fisheries industry in the United States is eo-(i)cratin with government to work under controls affecting wai;es, manpower, materials and prices will be outlined and the control and supervision bv C. ("Charlie") E. Jackson me ijei.vMlliri I'iMh xi i i-u i-;.,,,,..,! t .i (j i, u i W-.ti,,iTi Fisheries IiLsUlule, Wushiiut.on, I therewit h from the Minister ol National Deience to the lie-newins who is looking forward to re- i acquaintance with many 'partmei.t of National lleal'h Canadian Iriends. It is antici- !am1 Welfare. that graduation time at Canadian Universities is tost approaching ' i Thvj demand fur univesliy traduates is busk i due M) the impact of defence pi'mJucuun on an buoyant econumy. In addition, the numlitr o g, seekiiiK employ ment ts smaller than duriiiR the pM; Employers who have not yet pluml their onlirr , Exeeutive und 1'rofes.sional pivisinii of tile N:ti ii.n.,; ( nu-iit Servire tould lie advl.d to rn so without The National Employment Servire provides lilt of jiii;inK tof. ther graduates und employers ufumr by loii distances. N E.S. offleerK arc cxpin icncfil liis, applirants accoi'din!! to your n.'eds. EuiployerK mav also he aide to find tho t employ.'i'S they need from among the si vml ; undert'.rad nates now seekinR Kiiimner eniploynimi l,t llu ir local Eniployinent Olflee. 1 want to innsii tins rexiri May-1 Vi-1 nli a few remarks about the pated that the Hon. R. W hew, federal Minister of ment ui me n-usmiui qurauwilsn Columbia had we .sumsielif. is what loggers in Canada ruilway boxcars. Your wheat would call the "Key loK" in the ; ,.!'vali,r could bo kept busy an.i jam which is holding up a ready :lll(J l)1xcprg. in :c'n niii'i, loai over-all settlement of Hie dif-ilH) wiLj, umr..r. The dlsl.ane ferences. which are gravely m-jal)d cot (houkl be evil-Jurious to both nations. fnt t our Onad'Ti Nutm: From the highest statesmen. Railway people. Shipping time as liom humble people, like woid be conserved. (Would the Muhuuntd, liie ueaier no ; f n n r.-iinh'M naKcu on me in my hotel, I ; Under separate cover I am got the Pakistani side ot the SPnding yon a copy of a Colorado argument. 'mining daily, which as- a spe?:- But I made up my mind not ,H miin. jnt-rest you. "Sprat's to write about that ticklish and siulls" ,s of:cn quit.-) good, question unless and until I could The T.uiy News js S), ,,. get the Indian side of the story, worth whjU T t,)llk j ,;;lau too; and, if possible, the story soml a ,,0)y u, tl)p Ediln,. nf this of the Kashmiri people who are . T;11 . Hvcord." proposed new Department of ueience Produ. t.ion, the bill for which is now before us, having passed the resolution stage. Mr. St. Laurent introduced thus measure and Howard Green acted as official spokesman for the Opposition. The new Department was first announced in the Speech from the Throne, eries, will be on hand on Tuesday morning to welcome the delegates and also to address the luncheon gathering on the .same day. Arrangements are being made for other special speakers. Turning from fish to radio: a bill has reached us from the Senate makinu certain amend still on the spot. i WALTFR Wlf.B'lN. Mr. St. Laurent did not ments to the Kadio Act, includ-; aml Burns Lake. have to lake up much time to net the bill Introduced as all ing a new and all-embracing definition of the word tele- coininiinicufion." This bill has I "arlies nan said tney would not. a section to emixiwer the Gov-! its int roduction. On Feb-ernni-in (Niiim il lo ni'cede In ;mv riluy . i" the debate oil the The N F S. is a Cnmmnnitv W olio I GOOD LUCK, PLUS A lively I young lady, was certainly on my I side, for no sooner hart I fin-' isheu my lirst bieakiast in in-j dia than Helen Bridle (origin-: ally from Preston, Ontario j turned up with a car. A tiny i inside page item in the. paper said that "Sheik Abdullah, the Premier of Kashmir, arrived In New Delhi Saturday" and was lOonunucu on page 3 ray.. Reflects and Reminisces Use Your Local Office j inlernatioiial convention in the whole field of telecommunication. It, also has a section whose purpose is to amend the exemption from licensing requirements, now given to tourists, to radio equipment in other classes of stations, including installations in uircraft, trains and motor vehicles temporarily in Itch... Itch... Itch I Was Nearly Crazy Until I diMutiN lr. O. H Immiiii iuiliilflF ui four li n. t etf-(iitiion u.,nj h, Hilar, II. It Hire. pih.IIiik, li,lil iiimIIi ll,.u kutj ruu.foit rruiii t-riwl II, lilu tmuiiHl t tlil.l.lei, fiMii, Mll.lrlK loot (.(! oilier lull Iruui,!,- 'Irul t,ili'f. iJ l.ic-Hi I U'l uiw i l.f ikw l'l It, li or UI..IW, l.ik ek drudfl t l,rf I' " ' i'labiilflluM Iwidiuatf v u urtHlU. DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR expected to leave again Monday. . I Could I see him, without prior appointment? We drove through the old bazaar, and also the cattle market, where cows are sold right on the street, and Mrs. Paul Bridle popped into the Kashmir headquarters. Yetl, the Bheik MII.TON F. OltEfJO Minl.'der A. Mad; Iiuh ununain-e ot responsibility of education to our school administrators and our teachers, good and efficient as they may be. After all, their responsibilities are only for the aspects of education involved in the schools and education is even more in the home and in the hands of the parents directly as it is in the schools. However, it is fitting that, as Education Week-opens, we should stress the importance and desirability of the co-operation and interest of the citizens, in general, and the parents, in particular, in the work that goes on within the schools. We all take a direct interest in such assets and material things as our money, our concrete possessions, our jobs and such things. Maybe we do not always realize that our greatest and. most worthy asset is our children and our young people and that education is the function of developing and shaping those assets. What our country is tomorrow depends upon what the people of tomorrow will make it-r-and the children of today are those people of tomorrow. Therefore their education be it in the school, the home, the church, the street is something. of the greatest importance in the developing of citizenship and the building of the nation which is merely collective citizenship. Yes, education is "everybody's business" and migjity important business at that. If Education Week can incite a fuller and more active interest in matters educational, it will be -worthwhile. It is desirable, too, that the interest, which this week may develop on education should be a sustained and continued interest. When Prince Rupert woke ii Sunday it was to see no snow storm bul, to feel. Instead, a vigorous hreoze cold enough to have a ''ile. There were frozen pools. Some hastening earlv birds g'dng out to buy breakfast first rubbed one ear and then the oth.'r. The FISHERMEN . i would see the visiting newspap- ,sity was bright and clear. Kvery-j erman from Canada. one talked weather. olio t No one could sav definitely THE NET UPSHOT IS THAT I whal Uw temWralui was ex-have a date to visit Kashmir p,,, lllat mosi of thfin thomrht and get, w murii a.s possible of a wus sev,.n pove. I But I'm not saying it's offi cial'' would come as a remind-. - "How about the water in y'ocr house?" inquired a neighbor uu-easdv. - The o'her fellow confessed be was not worrying. That is, hi: For complete oerhai.l of your Iliih KM-rd Gasoline Engine, see K(l-i t Motors Ltd. We have the trained mechan-li's und siiecialied e(iiipment to perform this work for you . . .' efficiently and economically. To avoid delay this sprint; when, the rush is on, let us liae thai, job now. .;.. .C!. 'I the on-tne-spoi leet oi ine pej-ple. ..... ' I took a great lijung to Premier Abdullah as soon as I met him took the liberty of kidding him. a bit about the number ot times he had been in jail. Was it six or seven? "Seven times." The last sentence was for nine years not for committing any crime, but merely for advocating '.s2 . tL j wasn't, wlien last there. But how 'could he, standing there talking, tell him the latest? I Rupert Motors Limiti the kind of step-by-step de-' SINGING AND STAKING I mocracy which we have long A tvv years aUer Ulf; ,. (,r j enjoyeo. in Canadabut for ad- lhe ,.niury, the first Doukho-i vocating which Nehru had to lo ,,ver set foot in Canada, spend half his adult life in jail, fil,,d a.snir(. al sand Point, i'l 1 & Wise.. as did Abdullah In Kashmir. ( We! t L L J( New Brunswick. 0,10 1 As the CPR liner neared th.'! doct; SO I WILL LINK THIS piece .,n w(,, (,rk, dngii-ao l about my last day in Pakistan .tng. Who' lev - -and first day in India, without rPany a prayer of gratitude for for the mix-up and the apology llavlni5 Pfe!v :ro'.. d a miii'.n.v flash-backs. ncean. 'I here were onlv a f-w For better or worse, either as hur.clrfJ, if that many. Men and (Continued on page 3 I (ConUnuc;; on Dane fli BUY NO For Fast Starts 1 switched to SS0 Gasolines Fill your tank with "up-to-date" Psso or Essn Extra, Take your car nut on the road. See for yourself its better all-round performance. Fsso and F'sso Extra are continually being improved to give the best balanced combination of fast starting, good acceleration, power and mileage. Switch to Esso Gasolines and you're always ahead! Might Be Worse JUDGED BY present day standards, soldiers and sailors years ago (flying was unknown) were miserably jaid. But today, the young fellow with an eye on the future can do a lot worse than get into a uniform and stay there. And this goes for all ranks. He will have no unemployment or maintenance problems, draw a decent income, dress well, see a lot of the world and have leisure when still youhg enough to enjoy it and, if the worst comes to tlie worst, lie has wonpons to protect himself. USED CAR VALUES GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS MVL With pump :. 1V GENERAL ELECTRIC W DELUXE REFRIGERATORS GENERAL ELECTRIC $381 v DELUXE RANGES NOW ON DISPLAY AT Northern B.C. Power 0 the sign that says IMPCRIAlN (sso) 7 I . r l"r to stop for 1948 CHEVROLET Stylemaster Sedan, Mileage 18,600. Heater, radio, etc. Excellent condition $1505.00 19J0 VAl'XHALL Sedan. New car condition. Heater, etc. New car warranty. Mileage 207 $1585.00 1949 ACSTIN 2-door Sedan. Heater, etc. Good condition. Privately owner) $900.00 1947 PONTIAC Sedan. Very good condition. Heater, 'Be not dfcehed: evil coinmuiiicatlons corrupt good S manners."! Cor. 15:33. gimamred tire lifr with liie (jiiiotis Adas Vt'rtr-trn iuaf jnlec that" reserve capacity, $rt-in power and limpet lilc with Adas Hjttenti. SI'"' defroster, low milvane 30,400. Private owner $1395.00 Home 210 Prince It u pert J. C. Gilker, assistant manager Stan McClay, who has been a of tlje B.C. Packers, left on to- visitor in the city on contracting day's plane for a week's business business, left by today's plane trip s Vancouver. on his return to Vancouver. honored hy over 3H,(M)0 dt-ilfrs in Canada snd the U.S. Atlas Written iuaranttrt is the most liberal ottered motorists. 1939 BVlt'K Sedan. Heater and defroster, in good running condition. Privately owned $115.00 1939 MERCl'RV Sedan. New motor. Heater and defroster, etc - SCOO.OO engine protection with Mdfvoluhe the pre-niium motor oil nf tlie services you want, Unp in at the tsso sin any time to have radia 1941 OI.SMOBII h Sedan. Out, of town owner, in w running order. Healer, etc. . ; SKK5.00 ALLACE tor ami tire prenure checked or any other services you need. 1948 C HEVROLET Sedan. Very good condition. meets all car nunulao lurers specifications lor correct luhri-cation. fully determent, it not only lubricates but tlejnii Heater, defroster, undercoatwd and other extras $l;!50.OO Pliant 1950 PONTIAC 25 Series 2-Door Svdan. Heater, defroster; undercoated, etc $2050.00 1947 PONTIAC 25 Series 4-iloor Sedan. Heater, new tires. Mileage 17,120. Private owner $1010.00 GLASSWARE HOURS: 1950 INTERNATIONAL '2-ton pickup, with box cover, '51 license. Mileage 7,540 $1045.00 1946 PONTIAC Sedan. Nw motor. Heater and defroster, etc $1175.00 WEEK DAYS: ICeep your Credit Record Good i Whatever your needs of the Season may be, a convenisnt means of making your purchases is by using a Charge Account. A good credit rating obtained by i meeting obligations promptly entitles you to this privilege. Keep your credit record 'prompt' by paying your charge accounts in lull by the TENTH of each month, and 'contract purchases on due date. Prince Rupert Retail Credit Grantors Association 9a PYREX WARE MIXING BOWLS CUPS & SAUCERS DRINKING GLASSES MEASURING CUPS p H O N E 7 9 SUNDAYS: 2f 12 Noon 1951 CHEVROLET and CMC TittC'KS, 'i-ton and 3i-ton in Pickup and Panel models for Imnie-. dlute delivery. We have a'so listed privately owned ears anil trucks at owner's nricrs for immediate sale We finuntitt private hales under our G.M.A.C. Finance PLAN SEE OCR BUDGET PLAN FOR FINANCING REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES Long Motors Ltd. to'f 7 p "- AVr.SlK SIXTH STREET AND TIHKO THIRD AVENUE AT SEVENTH STREET WMZL iUiffi '.rttril DAU'1' CLASSIFIED ADVEUTIbiNO- IN