Prince Rupert Doily News Monday, March 5, lf'51 J2ritlci Black woo PHONE 909 For Efficient . Building and Remodelling YOUR I a By Easley Blackwood Vancouver Butter Price Takes Jump j butter has risen from 60 to 63 i cents. Latest indications are that i the produce in this city will VANCOUVER The price of reach higher figure. Fast and furious bidding marked today's deal. East-West vulnerable i f X&ti 1 1 BUI LDERS & CONTRACTORS To Discuss Fish Price To discuss 1951 price demands, a special meeting of the fishermen's local of the United Fishermen's Sr. A!lkd Workers Union, will he held Ihis Sunday In the Mctropole Hall. "A survey Is In from our research department on market, (.rends, and a general picture of the price freeze-up on the ed Stall's market, will be discus-Isf'J," f,aid Thomas Parkin, nor- Ihcrn representative of the U P. & A.W.U. I this holding. He should have led ! his fourth best. But the real 'trouble was that it wa.s not Mr. South dealer. rt h (Mr. Ahel) S Q 10 5 4 l-fr HJ S D J 4 C J 8 2 Uncha Valley Farmer Passes BURNS LAKE Funeral services were held on Thursday at the United Church by Rev. Robert McPhee for Girstav Braaten, who passed away it the W.MS. Hospital after a brief illness. The church was filled with relatives and friends from ail over the Lakes District. The funeral had been held over pending the return of Mrs. Braaten from a visit to North Dakota. Deceased was born in North Dakota in 188G. He came to Saskatchewan in 1910 and thence to the "Central Interior, local -ing in the Uncha Valley in 1923, where he met the famous old Qftfcfcrt ana diiillsei I i n "I Prince Rupert, B.C. ' Muzzy's lead. As usual Mr. Judge, the demon kibitzer, was close at hand, licking his chops 'over the prospect ( Mr. i of practicing his favorite occu Vil ( Mr. 8 K H -i A llUlliHMIl) J K Q t) 8 Broadway Cafe 11 1 Slif I I I! 13 -10 11 2 It - J 7 3 D 7 c a c io 9 a a C- K 7 4 pation settling a dispute at the bridge table. He .said that the lead could be accepted as a correct lead. But if Mr. Dale didn't want to accept it he could require Mr. ftfctjMl &4 Bcst Fo?,d j Muzzy to retract the lead and make the Jack of hearts a pen-il,y c:trd, to be played at the 'first legal opportunity. Or, M". Dale could forbid Mr. Champion i to lead hearts, in which case I Mr. Muzzy could pick up his 'jack. Mr. Dale chose this latter penalty. j Forbidden to lead hearts at vVxS Hncsr Cooking Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. ccr take home orders Phcne 200 Cutting Down On Gov't Staff I VANCOUVER - In Vancouver j there will shortly be effective a 1 substantial reduction in Federal Government payrolls. It wiii i amount to approximtely $37,000 I weekly. National revenue shrinks from a 1.200 complement to 600. Aorangi Due Back April 27 VANCOUVER Following re-wimplion of her trans-Pacific service, the- RMS Aorangi will arrive 'here April 27, from Sydney .Australia. The service had been losing money because of Dili advtrtiiement ii not published or displayed by the Liquor , Control Board or by Uii Government of Britilj Columbia. - trapper and prospector, the bitei Charles D. Haven, with whom ' he formed a partnership, and' developed the bjg farm until It j became the, best in the Uncha I Valley. "Shorty" Haven, as he was' widely known from the Black Hills to the Barren Lands, was free 'to follow his favorite occupations of hunting and prospecting. As he staled on his eightieth birthday, he had spent the best years of his life at the Braaten Home where he was always free to come or go as his fancy might distate. Gus Braaten was highly re all, Mr. Champion led the four of clubs. Mr. Dale ruffed and laid down the ace of spades. He then started the diamonds and poor Mr. Champion had to follow to three rounds. He trumped the fourth round with his king of spades but on this trick Mr. Dale got rid of one of dummy's two losing hearts. Thus he lost only two tricks the king of .spades and one heart. Sr. Hill I Mr. Hale) ' !4 -- A II I) 1 a H 4 2 D -A' K W fl 6 C Nrjne Lilt: Inarliici: N E 8 W . FiiSH 2 C ID 1 H Paa 3 H 2 8 3 C 48 6H 38 4H All Pass 5 8 Dtal. Mr. Muzzy's two-club bid was rather foolish. After his partner had overcalled vulnerable in the heart suit he should have recognized that hearts represented the best spot for his side. lit should have raised at once, suppressing the club suit entirely. Actually a four-heart bid at this point would have been a pretty good call. Now Mr. Dale would have had to come in at the four range if he wanted to show his spade suit. . Mr. Dale thought of doubling the five-heart bid, believing he could set it if his partner open-a club for him to trump. A.s you sec, he was right. Mr. Dale finally decided it was too close to fool with and he felt sure five spades couldn't be set over one or two tricks and might even bo makable. 'Good old Muzzy! As soon -ss the bidding was over he banged down the jack of hearts. Now the Jack Is not the right lead from f -, . post-war operating costs. Under, Announcement Wc are expecting another shipment of Austin Sedans and Station Wagons soon. A few arc still unsold. Superior Auto Service Ltd. STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS Third Avenue of Park Green 217 present an angements there are Australian, New Zealand and Canadian subsidies. spected and known as one of the most successful farmers of the district. Although he had lost his fore-arm in a hunting accident some years ago, he was always the first to have his crops in in the Spring, and safe llic pioneer r-j)ru(j(jisl BACKACHE? Win-n every buiI'Mi nmve liiing short, h:iri twin ii'g limp lr ilr. ( tu't kiifm-y-Livr-r HiHa. 1 IiuumuJh find quirk' frhet ftum bactftfrhf, luuihil joint s, 1 kidney and liver disorders hv takin tint pruvm remedy. By romlmiitiK 2 treat-ntenia in 1 lr. I hase's work on both DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE f'HAM'I.Mt'S STI IUO 210 - 4(,h Sln-i t Box CIS Ihone ( liven 3i!9 Prince Rupert kidneys and liver Iiriu4t?r rebel. 4g JDR. CHASES ly harvested in early fall while those of most of his neighbors were still out in the" fields. Every homesteader in the prolific Uncha Valley attended the funeral, even to the natives from the Uncha Reservation. Mourning his loss are his wife; a son Edwin, at home, a son, Alvin of Vancouver, a ffiSINO IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. if II tt5S Ci, daughter Myrtle, widow of the late Peterson, of South-bank; I a niece, Lillian, now Mrs. Clarence Hickey of Colley-, mount;, many grandchildren HOME OWNERS l 3 'line i irry out those needed repairs and two brothers in the Dakoias. 1 ; Pallbearers were Hume Linton, ! Ed. Stone, Harold Sundin, Mike I j Tetreau, Ernest Howlett and Verne Bennett. j Honorary pallbearers were 'Clarence Hickey, W. Wiley,' Jj Brule Jhre . A quiet wedding uniting a couple from the south wa.s sol-enmnizod by Rev. L. G. Sieber in First United Church Saturday afternoon. Miss. Marilyn Joyce Heaton, Classified Advertising is payable in advanec. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth. Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeial Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Chop Suey - Chow Mein HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 LOST FOR SM.E I'OK SALE or alterations NOW! This may be done under our W PAYMENT FINANCE PLAN 1st East and NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES FOR SALE New and used fur- LOST - Between Verne Taylor and James Hickey, with many volunteers to carry the mass of floral memorials to I the graveside. Lady s wrist I 1 1 i i. it KnendtT Snovels: 1 niiure. naruwure uiin cjuumih t-osi unuu (atipi watch. Phone 884. Craiif.s: Draelines: Adams at the lowest lMssibW prices. , Road Oraders: Litt leford Bros. I . C. Furniture. 3rd Ave. W. Hlac T'ou Road Maintenance i ,.. , T ,..,,, I MALE 11KLP WANTKU dauRhter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Heaton of Victoria, became the bride of Jack Malcolm Mock-ford of Abbotsforri. The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mock ford of Abbots-ford, has been working here for Huuiomeiit: Owen Clamshell , to? oni,c. i u""""" Rifchie, Hucnets and Rock Urauules; Jldkc c.ix, twelve; eighteen or twenty-four WANTED Assistant janitor for Terrace Elementary School. 5api Empire B.uber Slum. Wages, Union Are Discussed Substantial wage increase and union hiring for all packers were months to pay. You may finance any amount from $100.00 to $2000.00 tha past two months with til"; Columbia Cellulose Company. He w;is raised in Abbotsford. The; 1 . Ij. Hintlli Concrete Mixers; Clark Furklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket 'waders lor Stockuile and (Snow Removal: Rice Portable CeiUnfuual Puinos: Na-, lional Drayline Scraoeis and . Buckets; National All Steel O a so line Hoists: National; Portable Sawmills: National Kotarv Screens and Conveyors Full inlormation trom Na- FOR SALE - Babv bugsy. as new pearl trev and chrome. . Phone Red 217. ( arte I OOLICIIAN grease - Best ouality. For sale at B.C. Furniture. (10 j PERSONAL I Attention Fishermen! Mil-liexf trade-in allowance on your present marine online. To savo money and Ret the l sl, b" sure your next is a Kermath Write for Folders HOMEWOOD MARINE iiMinn W. (irnrein Viinemiver, B.C. : subjects discussed at the fishermen's local meeting of the Unit- i Full time emplovment, salary ! $200.00 per month. State as-e 1 and previous experience if j anv. References are desirable, i Applical ions must be in the ! School Board office not laler than March 17th. Duties will commence Monday, March 2(th. Address all applications to C W Alger. Secretary-Treasurer School District Nn. 53, Terrace. B.C. (58c) ACrOI NTAI TH bride attended school in Victoria, working in the civil service there before her marriage. IILP0TT, EVITT & Co. Ltd. Attendants at the weddlngj tlonal Machinerv Co. Limited. ' DID YOU KNOW that McRae Bios, sell all appliances at the ttl) Vancouver. B.C. ' ed Fishermen's and Allied Work- vis Union in the Mctropole Hall. William Machura was elected ! delegate from the local for .the : convention to be held the week beginning March 19 in Vancou -Mill Ave W. Phone CM were Kathlyeen Carson, bridesmaid, and T. Underwood, ' iimi'.i i! in ii.niNG sri'Pi.iKs coal same price a.s Vancouver? No freiuht is added. Did vou . know that vou can buv name : brand appliances on the budget ,54l!) I SAILINGS to New Zealand and Australia bv "Aorangi'' lo be ; WE HAVE a few select pieces of custom built furniture at bar-earn prices such as Cedar Chests individual Clolhes Cupboards, Chairs, End Tables, Record Cabinets, Oak typewriter desk. Be sure and see CHRISTIE WOODBUILT PRODUCTS before buvins. 1st. and McBridc. Phone Blue ver. Agreement 'of the tendermrn decided at the meeting will be made public upon ratification of soul horn locals. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist,. S. G Furk Stone Building. Red 593. i2nmy UIILDEKS & CONTRACTORS PLUMBING and HEATING Sheet iiP-lal work. Tar and piavel rooliiH' Call B'.!! 0th West Plune 543. lrtourneiiu and Ko is 'tfl resumed applications I ilea with us now will receive preference. DYBHAVN & HANSOM LTD. ( 55c I e&Siona ZD. DOi: i ! PLEASE return, to Broadwav TYPEWRITER CLEARANCE All Standard models, regular I Cale, change muse with kev and knife attached taken from back booth Friday afternoon ( 55c I fJer3 WANTM HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE 1-MiKT MfLl',01) 'PTOMKTRIST Room m MATTSON'S , UPHOLSTERING Phone Bine 818. ' P.O. Box 020 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. price to $223.00, ro Clear $39.50. Later models with all features $49.50 each. Excellent condition guaranteed. Also Portables and Adding Machines. Write Capitol Equipment Co.. 2098 St. Catherine St. W.. Montreal 25, Quebec. , .. ' 1551 FOR SALE Chrome dinette WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, .si eel. brass copper, lead. etc. Honest h railing Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron Si Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St Vancouver, B. C. Phone Pacific 6357. HD CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper batteries and radiators Phone 543 -call (29 (ith W , . City. (ID NORTHLAND Dairv milk delivered 24c per (itiart. Why pay more? Phone 18 for dailv deliver' service (M-291 .fcrnrrrn!! HOl'SE WANTED GF.NFRAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all ' kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 752 Red B!)4 P.O. Box 1G70 To Vancouver ( today i Miss Ann Whiting. J. H. Tustln, S. Mc-Clav, Miss E. Cross, J. C. Oilkcr, D. A. Careless, T. Sherry, T. Kaardal, Ounnar Solvig, R. E. Powell, D. Small, W. Anderson, L. C. Merrill, O. Nob'e and Don McColl. To Sandspit J. P. McDonald From Vancouver (Saturday I Mrs. E. Timmerslpir, R. Rodman, Miss N. Magee, C. Mclntyre, A. D. Vance, J. H. Davies, R. Johnson and Miss D. Batemnn. From Sandspit D. McColl, H. Ei ickson and H. Lilling. suite, china cabinet to match; Hammond walnut bedroom suite Airsming mattress and pillows; Champion vacuum cleaner. All new condition. Wearever set. 101 5th Ave. Green 955 evenings utter 6. 54pi WANTED -4 to 6-roomed house bv fJclanese worker furnished preferred. Phone 178. 162c I FOR RENT nuiE .193 po. nnx iii!4 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all it.s branches 204 4th Slreet. Phone fl!)5 ',1 " B i . j 654 N'KY CONICK FOR RENT Furnished apts. private bath, including dishes, wnshin machine etc. Only clean ouiet people need annlv. Box 47. Dailv News. (54pl FOR RENT 4 rnnm unfurnished sul! with bath (central'. Rnx 48. Dailv News. 55p 'I'TOMKTlil.ST TASTY TEA ROLLS can be obtained todav and every day at the Rupert Bakery Ltd. Phone 643 fur orders. ttl I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Complete home furnishings. Living room suite, bedroom suite, kitchenette suite, oil slovo. refrigerator, radio, vacuum cleaner, dishes and bedding. Manv other household ai t ides. Phone Red 217. (57c i FIVR-ROOM buncalow, nfsn 2 room cabin full price $30,00. Terms. This property i.s at 1153-lllh ave. Inspect and .submit offers to Geof'e Wallace 821) Seymour St. Vancouver. BC This properl-v must be sold at once. . (55c i I1'1'1'' Vi.Mial AnalvdQ i ?'H''ll'K 1HU1K.S "OOVEnNMKNT I.IOtlOn ACT" (Hen Ion as l SSc ptt dozen pfttd lo tmplics. Pltf Kiv nWm rdy vfhen tit driver card. II. C. III'XCERSON LIMITED PEAL ESTATE INSURANCE Phone On Evenings Black 8:19 NEW LUMBER PLANERS, 4" X( 13" four side, round heads, i ball bearings, all frame.-l fast feeds, very reasonable, i Marathon Machinery Co., 3842 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, B.C. . (55pi ' FOR SALE Late 19-ft) Austin' van. good condition, only 700(11 miles. Selling account need I larger car. Full price $1295.00 1 rash. Apply 724 Alfred 81. evenings (Sfipi FOR SAI.E-2 White trucks, tan- I F Ul" lo fi pill. EI.EC-TROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Plione nine 970 Box lf.'.ifi For genuine parts and service jihone or wrile above. 80(1 Fraser St. (54 ill ROOM for rent Black (S15. 's Jew,. ,.r. pi, 212 Tint advcrtiicmcm it no, publiintd or displyd by ike tiqiMW Contre4 Board 0 by th CovmitMr4 ol BiKiik Colwmbra. : Phone 41. t' It-DRIVE CARS 71 1 (irenville Court. i t ' !- ; ' 1 1 I '.' for rent, rhone "Ai:i)N'i-:ii& co. fiUKlt AccotlNTANTS :m 1. iM.-i i ... P'nck (54 pi ROOM 890. dein dual drive 9(10 rubber. 214 u-h...lh-i W.ii-L-.xl nwmllxi. i FOR rent T.ieht honsekeenin room. 221 5lh Ave. E. (55c) Terms. Aoplv Albert Houston! I FOR A''E Wartime ; four near Daw.son Creek, B.C. (3pi ! McPride. ood rendition new- I;Y HIIANI). C.A. i KCCOO.I A - QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Hevls and Worn Soles nox 774 Second Ave. MAC , SHOE HOSPITAL -I iv necoiaicn, .siorin wmmin March Possession end FOR SALE Model O. D. John of suite 33 . (55pi FOR RENT-6 7th West. l'hone PR Phone Black 191. (59p) M. J. SAUNDERS CiENERAL , CONTBACTOliS son 10 h.p. outboard motor. In !iod condition. Phone Green 620. i Slip i FOR RENT - Two rooms. heiied, (55m NOTICR OK Al'l'l.ll'ATION Will CONSENT TO TKANM'KU (1.1111 I.K'KNHE 'It) OTilUFl PliKM-1SKS. NOTICE Is hereby Rlvrn tlint on the rxplritlion of this utlvt't'U.-u'ment. the m(ln-fii?iHKl iutemU to apply lo 'he l.Uii,r Comr,)l UiMirtl for ronsrnl to trnnxfrr Club Licence No. 211IB, issuotl In vespcet tf ernaln premisr.s situate ut the corner of 'Mni Avenn,' West nnrt .iiil Street. In the City ol "finer Htitcl'l. in the province, of British Colunibhi. upon hinds (les-llbeil iih Uils 1 unci a, Block SO. Hee-II. hi 1. Map ira. Prince Rupert I Iteuistrnt.lon lllstriet. to certtiin pienii.seH situate at 31'J Third Avenue West. In the City of Prince Rupert. 1'rovlnc of HritlKh Columhtft. upon 'iiiuIm described as Lot. No. 1. lilock No. 20. Sectllon 1. Map tm. Prince lliipert Land Het.',istration District. In tile l'roviuce of Uritish Columbia. flAI'KU at Prlnoo Rupert. British r:iihuuhia. thia lt day of March, liiSI. THE PRINCE RUPERT CM'IJ LIMlTBll. (ny Arthur Bruce Brown. Secretary!. (71 close in. Blue 409. ROOM AND HOARD FOt su.K Viftini" four good condition. $3500 00 cash or $30011 (Hi lerms. Principals only. Apply 724 Alfred St., evenings. (5lii). FOR SALE Commercial type, electric refrigerator 20 cubic feet, eood condition. Phone! Green 157 after fi p.m. (Stipi j FOR SALE I EL. chain saw.! 3' blade. 5 h o. Perfect condi- 1 inn. Suitable for falling or FOR RA.I T or RENT - Adiolnin" farms Kitwanga. B.C. Good eoii h'ifUns ami eouipment. Box 495 Prince Rupert (59p Rock and Concrete Work rhone Blue 939 T O. Box 711 rrince Rupert FOR RENT Board ind room for working man. Black C!0 (ID FOR PENT Rnnm nnd hoard md table-boarders. 620 Fniser St. 60pi BOYS WANTED coLiissrs MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 -41 h St.. Ph. Black 3119 tl;S and AUTOMATIC 'OR FUHNACES iR WlKNElm I "n(,iililionai ':f of Kal.isfan.iort I"1 AM Service I). UONSON t Avf- W. nia,.k sns bucking. 555 Taxi. (54pl FOR SALE Wick oil burners' pished or unfurnished. 2H00 comoletf wilh coil. One 6x8 1 down hilan"e s rent. Phone 198. Biack 008 after 5 pin. 5.'rl call tent. Phone Red (54p) i FOR SAT E Wartitno four in-su'nted. Good ronditinn Pi"-tiU Ave Aoo'v rriuco Riuv-rt Really CD. 55c VANC()i;Vi:it VICTOK1A Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcolin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun MICE ARM, STKWAUT AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOU NORTH Ql'KUN CIIAKI.OTTK ISLANDS s Chilcolin March 2, 18 and 30 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUKKN CHAUIiOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilrotln, March 9 and 23 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert. Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 FOR SAI,E -'41 Plymouth, radio. li.-d.U-r. $S75 oi best offer. Apply float house. Sourdough irifini If3 HOW TO RllltVI COLDS nnnuruiTK 'tTT McT.API.t RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 3(17 P.O. Box 130 Fire ond Frost Proof Storage for Rent Centra! Location Phone 422 A "ood onnorlnnltw for vnnti" ifids with hlcelen riellverin DaHv New routes. Phnvie "MR or 'ill at. the Dailv News office and le-ive vonr name. a" Rnd ntiop number (tfl REPAIRS , WATCH REPAIRS -Prompt efficient service George Cook .lewelicr. Satisfaction guaranteed. OH. BURNER SPECIALIST Stove service and reoalrs. O. D. Konson. Black 5iU, (Ul Apply worm oil trwlr Jt la ntck and chtil. tub f ' - ' 'FOR SALE-Four room wartime FOR SALE Babv bugcv $15.00. ! house, full cement b-isement. Ciood condition Phone Green ; nnd giraive 144,1 8th F-st 404. (55p j Phone Green 608. (53p FOR SALE 3 piece chesterfield ! FOR SALE -House for removal suite Excellent condition. An-j or demolition. Phone BW'k plv 1348 Piggot-t Ave. (54cJ 801. ,."!) FOR SALE 1940 Chev: right-, FOR PAT.E-Seven room house, hand drive. $395 Room 11, 1 813 9th West. Call after 5 Kine George Hotel. (54p) I (58pl FHRi) ACCOUNTANT I!""'k C"-3r,IAve:w. T'W Rim, I i m- i in tim MflllDOfl n. 5T-4 J 317 'D'' ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. Box 374 i