Today and Tucs RAY REFLECTS (Continued from page 2) Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, March 5. 1951 SHIPS aNd Parliamentary Building This Hats For MP's Year Higher ' women were cf ruggjed build, a:i 1 in early middle We. Many were j .simply, roughly dressed, many , in Mieep skia. WATERFRONT IMIKSOFTIT V 1 I LONDON (CP) A new type of headgear to tee known as the 1 . "Parliamentary Hat'' has been i suggested by Col. L. Ropner, ! Conservative member for Bark-i ston Ash, as a means of speeding j up the business of the British House of Commons. 1 The proposal came when a member sought to raise a point of order during a debate on for-, , elgn affairs. Tradition, dating i back 166 years, decrees that a Prince Rupert building permits for the first two months of 1951 have totalled $32,995 as compared with $16,420 in the first two months of 1950. Permits this February totalled $24,555 as compared with $4,720 in February 1950. j The building list for this February was as follows: E. R. Scott, residence construction, Eleventh Avenue, $2,200. i s((UA!iN(; iiiMst;i.r: St. John's police chief was standing by. an Interfiled observer. In unifoini drcts lie cult a .smart und clficient looking fissure. To the Doukhobors. this represented authority, a n 1, thercfire, all powerful. One was quick tu cross over to where th? chief was standing. He removed his hat, gave what might have passed for a salute, and bowed With Capt. John Boden back in command after an extended vacation. Union steamer Camo-sun arrived in port at 1:15 yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and waypoint.s, sailing at 11 p.m. for Alice Arm, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return nere tomorrow morning to sail at noon on her return south. Second Union liner yesterday, the steamer Chil-cotin, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived In port at 3 p.m. from Masset Inlet points and sailed x Hmff : RUPERT MEN'S AND : BOYS' STORE : Sale Men's & Boys' Wear NOW IN PROGRESS Andrew Kaardal, foundation about as low as he could. nvpmhpi mnv Tint cnpnlc in Q ?snint Ave'West' 200 of order while a division is being l?1'511 I0US '-0$ I rrea tionse, new nouse con-, r. nmiks were not Ions in Jtruction, Fifth Avenue, $8,000. ,own bemg soun aboard the line at 8 p.m. for Vancouver and way- TIE "SSSs?$ R. K. Olsen, chimney construe- o XVaitint cars. A reporter look- poinls tion, 1319 Piggott Ave., $100. ed up Peter Veregin wearing I r taken unleses he is seated and wearing a hat. When proceedings were delayed by a search for appropriate headgear. Col. Ropner asked the Speaker if the rule requiring the use of a hat could not be abolish- Thomas Parkin, northern rep Frank Goertzen, addition of .,,, boots and Wingl-ch whMwr. two bedroom and attic work, $500. The Interview was probably the i J. Ba.sso, repairs to burned out li,- of the kind to take place. resentative of the United Fisher J)cc(an Jcri LIGHT UP men's and Allied Workers will . , FIRST SETTLEMENT The Colonial National Park in Virginia incudes Jamestown Island, first permanent English settlement in America. building, Park Avenue, $675. , following the coming of the ol 1 new construction, low and unknown settlers. Puo- m. iiuguou Benrfil & 'ante "Hats," he said, "are on the I verge of extinction. The hunt leave this Thursday for Van-, couver to attend preliminary ox-i ecutive meetings prior U the! convention. j 1315 6th Ave. East, $6,000. jiir opinion favored them. Those B. S. Bjornson, foundation re- industrious, peace-loving Russ HOTEL FRASER HOUS I A benefit dance for the Ice-1 fr a hat during a division ,i landic Old People s home in Van- hard going. Even if the run ends couver netted over $60 at the in a thc chase is often un-Oddfellows' Hall Saturday night, dignified and sometimes un- ians. suengui aim m uc virtues could mean .so much t) the west, were 'to be welcomed. At any rate so thought the Mari-timers half a century ago. Dancine to Barnev Kristman- , He believed adoption of an of Approximately 2,000 tons of herring have been caught in Juan Perez Sound, Queen Charlotte Islands, since fishing opened in that part of the district, accord- 1 ing to word received at the i week-end. son's accordion and Al. Terno pairs, 440 8th Ave. East, $130. Ethel Sladie, altering shed for living quarters, 800 Alfred Street, $400. W. H. Koughan, new house construction, Fourth Ave. East. $5,000. R. E. Mortimer, concrete foun- j ' dation and repairs, demolishing and rebuilding chimeny, 508 4th Ave. East, $1,000. T. N. Rowe, building sheds for NO MOKE TITAMCS On screen and paper and over the air we follow the movements voy's guitar, 100 persons enjoyed the regular monthly dance of the Icelandic committee. I Headed by Mrs. J. H. Pritchard, ficial Parliamentary Hat would solve the problem. To roars of laughter he suggested that for the sake of neutrality such colors as red, pink, blue or yellow should be avoided. But once the members agreed on the type of of ships all kinds of ships ) except the strong little sea-goin,; l enough. In other words, Ihev tugs away up in the North At- object to being trimmed, liintic. They are hardly heard I $350. head covering, it should be kept ming, 935 McNicoll Street, "in close custody" by, the Ser-1 of. But their importance r"ca ri.KAS.wr TO ISI'.IIOI.K not be minimized. They arc on The age of stately homes i. on the dance committee were Mrs. A. Mclver, Mrs. A. mun.son, Mrs, E. Johnson, Mrs. B. Christmanson. They also served refreshments. At the door were D. Bjarnson, Arne Eyolfson and Arthur patrol to keep check on a merci- .said to be passing because the "Hospitolity and Good Food" That is Our First Aim riiiinc 17 fur Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe ' gcant-at -arms for use when re-I quired. Tire Speaker urged the House to give careful consideration to i the proposal before acceding to lit. less menace - mon.sU"- iceberg? drifting from the Arctic int'i passenger liner channels. Mines Inspector Is Transferred Sail V PEAS & CARROTS are so few owners who can afford to maintain " them. Some, perhaps, see in this a new 'redistribution of wealth in 'the shape of a mechanical tax system, less effective and trvsom": Yet to 'think ol beautifully cultivated acres handsome homes richness and culture coming to an end is close to absurdity. This Is tint yet .o sorry a world. Til lit AI.I- KKI I, IT Friends of President Truman .viv.s he scowls and is l-rilah!- wh-re tie used to be sociable and liked to smile. How could he be any other way. after an attempt, on his life and the size of Korean casualties? Ev.crv President is miri'-r a strain. But some, mnr 'Mian others. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX UliTUitNS I'HKl Al'KU canon TEMPLETON'S Prince Rupert Citizens Answer a Question Interviewer VESTA A. DOUOLAS, Conrad Street School T-R-C'S E. A.'i. R. 2nd Mortimer i Near Cl'I'Ul 3'!4 Victoria Victoria i U doing dmng he- .!( best oesi ( F. J. Hemsworth, inspector of mines in Prince Rupert, has been transferred to-Crunbrook, effective some time in April. He will be replaced by J. H Bennetl, Victoria, who arrives here .by train Tuesday. M: Hemsworth will accompany Mr. Bennett on a northern district tour which will l;st through the mm-Ul- month. Recenl'v Recenl'y, to to take lake rare care of of in- increased mining activity in the Kootcnays, the district there h:i-; been divided into two sections, East and West Kootcnays. Mr. Hemsworth will take charge of the raslern section. Nelson, formerly headquarters for the district, will remain base for the western section. The northern tour is expected Of P JchootS. f f ? , NrURmc ,R,HRii.C PAIM t I If I CftMMED ItAHntUrUUU) FOODS I become become incapable incapable of of getting getting use use. I 1 to tbs dollar hair r-ul. Alreadv, barbers report f"we;- customers Citizens are saying 75 ennts is i.h.l .,lk milONS iOLD V .0 M Wl I-t-Ck Kc-HJS. ivttr YtA 00 JOHN H. matcly sltf hours u day to teach By CHIC BLONDIE BULGER ilrhl the necessary educational suo- jects. E. Victor Whiting Let us reflect upon the fact that our young ones spend less than thirty per cent of their wakeful hours under school guidance and the remainder of their time under the jurisdiction of the parents. Do we always give the school authority full spport or do we too often assume that everyone is but of step but Willie? It is axiomatic that the good child comes from a good home and if wo expect the school influence to iohn Bulger Ltd. I ill: ,1 Avi um to begin Thursday, when the two inspectors plan to leave for Alice Arm. The trip will carry them to Stewart, Tulscquah, Atlin und tlrj interior, which will be made by plane, boat and train. top ..-jJ 0m$m W. I Woods This is a broad question. Actually, the schools arc doing a good job and people often fail to appreciate the fact. Ituss Cameron Yes, people arc more education conscious today and expect morn knowledge per grade han we had. The first recmislte 's home training of hich standard, v Itoy Collinsoii Yes we do. .Home i.s the basis of all training and .school is simply an ad'lil-ion. Mrs. I)., A. .lolmslon Yes. Preschool hub't.s formed linger with a cliild. Satisfactory home, life would mean no probrom for the schoo!. Blame placed upon teachers is simply a weak parental excuse. Lyilfa Thorn Yes. the majority of modern parents are prone to oxpect the school to supplant instead of supplement the honie. Jean Cameron In many ways, ves. The responsibility of teaching children manners and health rules svems to be expected of I teachers who have only approx - circumvent uic resuus oi ou J. P. MacDonald of the local T;'?7 ' iJ i U Y :V,' Ki ri' Forest Branch left on today's iP L N 1 V-l'J W'i A '"W U plane for a trip to Queen Char-i ,l ' 4 "C, "-; -fNiV11 ' -' J' i ' t'r''?A l-l If ' lottc City to inspect progress of j s 'fU"'."- -f5 . AlTl 'j ' 1 -if 1 -- h. J construction of a ranger's cot- t'-'-i. H -IZll ' 45?, tage. He will return tomorrow. 0.,, ,?'',;;, - ' if own deficiencies in the matter oi bringing up our unruly offspring, we r'o exnect too much. VIEW-MASTER REELS Reduced 50c each WRATHALL'S riioto I' inishinir 32(1 Third Ave. W. Churches Hear Special Speaker I Value Plus! ?39 FORD Twdor .947 FORD Sedan I Hev. Maurice wiur;hy,. lnic from Vaivtouv;'r o". Inlcr-deno-! ni'iiat ional Christian fellowship,1 j gave .'dlfying discourses in city : cliorches Sunday. , He spoke at the regular hit- vice of First Presbyterian Church in the morning and at First I United Church in the evenin ;. Tuesday evening he will be hea d at St. Paul's Lutheran Chinch. . Mr. Muroliy was we" received , by interested rongrcgat'on:; a! : the two churches yesterday. In his addresses, he Id no to ' Coupe ?43 DFjOTO Custom Scion ;"!9 CHcV. Ssdan Two tons 950 FORD Cuitoni Forc'or Bob Parker Ltd. iVU - M(INi:i II DK.AI.I ItS . ! tJ,,,,'l'l It " !:' I '. . lP'l7?lk r. ' i i'....-,,,-: .. i '.-1 ;.-.'.., lfj 'ac v-i' -r'n S 'r!' j ''S'f'f . I V S ' Ckof beyond-. 4 V.'Tf1 A, r.....-,lw.lpwJ WiUili, J...J ! (ul;i(isf opening mcclim; tomorrow nigh-, at St. Paul's Lutheran Chun ii which will be the highlight of his visit. While Mr. Murphy is here. h is the gulst of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Huark, 415, 5'.h Ae. E''.. He return'; ' i. Vancouver on ; the Princess Norah Wednesday 1 afternoon. Plumbing & Heating 1 LMtaW f-rcshijlvrh ill 111 'A own Well over 80 cakes were sold tit the Prcsbyteriun home cooking sale af McRae Bros, store Saturday afternoon. Committee of the women's auxiliarv in charge consisted ol Mrs. John McLcori. Mrs. John McLeod. Mrs. William Bremner and Mrs. Svd. Hunter. MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS CRANE PLUMBING FIXTURES I , J ' . CANADIAN RED CROSS t Jis.iecJeJ to supped Red Cross service? lor Disaster, Veterans, tree Blood Translu-uon.OulpostHospitalsaiid Civil Dei:e 1 raining. . PHONE 'ir Iti'iiairs anil Alterations Smith SEIkins Ltd. for a quicker, nicer, blacker thine! u NORTHERN 'B.C. POWER CO. Phone 210 P.O. Box 1129 Third Avenue and Third Street PC). Box 274 J