ies AE TER EATING rhe Tortuies of Dyspepsia ssctad by “Fault-a-tives” Sr, Martin’s, NB. | suffered tortures pepsia. I had av real init j Al ty. i iy ; ueyil : er eating pains , ind back ; and tull often came up but they did not von as I started es’, I began to medicine, made ieved me when 1 MARSHBANK 0), trial size 25c. postpaid by 1, Ottawa, peeeneeeeeet Try Owe Ice Cream ind HOME - MADE CANDY Wholesale and ice Cream Bricks \ s in Stock, We Keep Nothing But the Best. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher } nue, opposite 1 Street. POPPER PLDE®PLOCCPEPODDOPR POOP OOS NOW OPEN PR.CAFE —————===_ Best in Town Second Avenue, a Near Empress Theatre O° MCD OS reeccccccocoooooooes Phon® Green 607 1097 3rd Avenue Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS ind Heavy Con- irs and Alterations ase Work and Finishing Estimates Cheerfully Given RIK AND concrerTé BUILDING CONTRACTORS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Go to beo. Waddell 336 2nd Ave. Phones SLACK 367 —_ QREEN 394 Save Money in Lamps. Meee POR PPG one IOP PDODODPOOOOOD PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS | Stimates furnished. ‘Td Avenue, head 5 cond Street, P.O. Box 274 Hotel Prince Rupert EUROp 1.50 pe EAN PLAN * day and up. F 'RST-CLass care ereeee a Carte, ero; — pp pep pened Te aa Boarding tose | © Dixtt ee Ay enue Rast } HH by Moon OrYdock & Week Ph one Red 246 | | *"*eeneenecccncnenssassannanee MUST PAY IF Returned Men Would Deprive Them of the Franchise. At the meeting of the turned soldiers and that funded on proof of payment bein however, in the The clerk explained that when do was to allow the two dollars. Alderman Mc Meekin seconded by of their votes, FREEMAN LETTERS Marine Department Again. \t the City Council meeting last printed letters received from Hoomes K. Freeman of the launch Narbethong. Some little time was spent in discussing whether they should be read or simply filed. Some of the aldermen had read them, others had not. Finally the clerk was instructed to pro- ceed with the reading. \fter the first had been heard it was decided to lay them on the table for a week in order that aldermen wishing to do so might read them, it being pointed out that they were not addressed to the mayor and council, but were copies of letters sent to others. The letters which were not read were an attack on the steamboat inspectors and the Department of Marine for cancelling the license of the launch Narbethong and granting licenses to the Provin- cial No. 1 and the Nora, neither of which, it was alleged, were equipped according to legal re- quirements. VAUGHAN IS MAKING A QUICK RECOVERY FE. L. Vaughan, the G. T. P. en- loss of his foot when his locomo- tive passed over his leg, is re- ported to be progressing very His robust constitution has held him in good stead in making a swift recovery. As soon as he is able to travel he will go south to fitted. Mrs. Vaughan is at pres- ent in Seattle. WOULD VOTE Proposal to Rebate Road Tax to City Council last night the rinanee Committee pec ommended that the! road tax be not demanded of re.| those Who hay 4 paid the tax have it pec! recommendation that those not paying the two} dollars would be unable to vote. | | WANTED—Furnished room, and a person came to him to register, the law required that he take an| afllidavit that he had paid his tax. Alderman McRae said that the action had been taken because some returned soldiers had ob- jected to paying the two dollars. fhe provincial government had nade them immune from the poll lax of five dollars and it was thought the least the city could moved, Alderman Barrie, that the matter be laid over for a week in order to give the war veterans an opportunity of dis- cussing it. He did not like the idea of the soldiers being deprived BEFORE CITY COUNCIL Captain of Narbethong Gets After night the clerk produced three gineer who recently sustained the favorably at the General Hospital. Seattle to have an artificial limb THE DAILY NEWs THE DAILY NEWs Classified : Advertising. Phone 98 Thie is the Advertising Column that peop's read when they want anything It brings results WANTED. GENTLEMAN WANTS ROOM and board with quiet family. Per- manent. Local references fur- nished, Apply box 306 Dail: News office, 233 — ® | WANTE produced It was pointed out, im r > me bookkeeper, male, and two messengers. Apply personally to G. T. P. Telegraph Co., Third Avenue. tf board, if convenient, in refined private family. Apply box 303, Daily News office. 235 WANTED Smart boy or young man to learn the clothing and furnishing business. Martin O'Reilly. tf STENOGRAPHER WANTS Worl for half day—mornings or af- ternoons. Apply P. O. box 55. WANTED-—Purnished cabin. Ap- ply box 304 Daily News office. WANTED—Four good house ecar- penters. Dalgarno & Watts. WANTED Housemaid. Prince Rupert Hotel. 235 NOTICE IF YOU ARE PAYING UP ON Government lots, can save you large part on payments. Call at once, Westenhaver Bros. — tf FOR SALE FOR SALE—Smali pleasure boat with new four -cycle 4 h. p inarine engine; or will trade for piano or anything of value Also for sale fishing and hunt- ing boat and one 12 h. p. gas engine cheap. See MeGowan the cycle man. Second Avenue, Near MeBride Street. Phorns Blue 4214. tf TOO MANY AUTOS WRECKED IN CITY Trades and Labor Council Draws Attention of City Council to Matter and Asks for Danger Signs. At the meeting of the City Council last night a letter was re- ceived by George Waddell, sec- retary of the Trades and Labor Council, drawing attention to the large number of automobile wrecks of late and suggesting that there were too many for the pub- lic safety. In some places it was the fault of the road and it was the opinion of the Labor Council that danger signs should a erected at the worst points. The matter was referred to the | Board of Works. DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS: 0 a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue. Phone 454. FOR SALI Owing to ill health, will ell at low figure cabin eruise Murrelet; ‘8 feet by ¥ feet by 3 ft. 6 in.; speed & knot vith 25 h. p. engine in perfeet running order fitted with high tension Bosch Mag- net and coil; Edison storage batlery and dynamo, electrically lighted throughout; sink, toilet, and shipmate stove; cruising radius 400 miles; bull strongly built, and all external metal be- low water heavy phosphor- bronze; three anehors and 40 fathoms of large and small Chain. She is a good sea boat, has made three trips on the Victoria ~- Prince Rupert route and cruised two seasons in the government service. For price and further particulars apply to Mr. J. Hutehinson, phone 494, FOR SALE 28 foot, three quarter cabin laureh with eanopy, 1 h. p. engine. Boat fully equip ped with all aecessories, in cluding leather cushions, stove ete., all in first ¢lass condition Phone 223, tf FOR SALE—A real Heintzman & Co. piano for $240.00. Not new but in good condition. Prince Rupert Musie Store, op- posite the P. O, 235 MONKY AT 8 PER CENT on build- ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W. Nickerson, Secretary. tf FOR SALF Piano, Solid oak buffet and centre table; Wilton rug and other furniture. Phone 105, oe Piano in splendid eondition Phone Blue 530, FOR SALE FOR RENT STORE TO RENT at 141 Secone Avenue. Will be fixed to suit tenant. Can be used for dwell- ing house if so desired. Apply Harry dlanson, the Reliable Plumber, tf LOosT LOST-—Large cloth shopping bag on Saturday night, between 5th Avenue East and Westholme rheatre. Finder please return to Daily News Office. 235 FOUND FOUND—Key ring with Yale and post office box keys. Apply Daily News office. MISCELLANEOUS THE NORTON—The place for e shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp treatment. 210 Fourth Street Open 10 a.m. or by appoint- ment. Phone 493. ti JOE BROWN’S MOTOR TRANS- FER and Passenger Service— stand, Empress Hotel. Phones 176 and Black 334. Let Joe do it. CORSETS MADE TO MEASURE Mrs. Director, phone Blue ¥ FARMS FOR SALE ©. P. R. FARM LAND -— Choice farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al- berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now — they are. going fast. For free booklet and full information write ! G,. Loughran, General Land agent, 744 Hastings St. West Vancouver, B.C, WRIGLEYS C a package before the war C a package during the war C a package NOW THE FLAVOUR LASTS PENSLAR’S LAXATIVE COLD BREAKERS for Colds, Coryza, Influenza, Bronchitis, etc 35c. per Box The Prince Rupert Drug Co. Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. Mail Orders Given ?rampt Attentton PHONES 130 ang 423. — Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. SPRUCE ° Georgetown Lumber Co. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY FIR CEDAR ———— Gene Byrnes Says:—“Thanks ! a —s— (M TIRED OF PAYING THE FIFTEEN DOLLARS & MONTH FOR A COMMUTATION A TICKET— IT KEEPS | i WHAT YOU OUGIT To DO Seng (STO BON A LITTLE FLUNVER- 1D SAVE THAT FIFTEEN : RAILROAD COMPANY \ wy MOMTH AND LOOK AT | \ = ALL THE PLEAS ORE SVYOU could HAVE wry pion? \ THINK OF Tho. _ MYSELF or the Advice / THATS FONNY : — \ CANT ONDER STAND (T — IT WAS GOING ALL RicHT A FEW MUNUTES Aco ; - f \ COvLONT THATLL BE A PRETTY Rover Job _~ > " POSSIBLY REPAIR \T FOR LESS THAN EIGHTY DOLLARS: AN? a va KS CLD FLINY eat —— et | wien! WELL! HOWS LESS | DIDN’ "pur You Wise PO. BOX 215 P. O. BOX 1632