I given a hearty welcome. Incl-;pRid , dentally, Prince Rupert gained ' Aires' pv in publicity (and it could stand i otw u. 1 K Prince Rupert Daily News LETTERBOxJBlacktoptO it). The member of Skeena had! s st(r. : Wednesday, February 28, 1951 many a question to answer con- cerniiiR the deep sea port in the L vuesl,(jns 01 a., As ! See It ! CI more ray.. Reflects and Reminisces ! I'NITED CHURCH STAM) j Port Edward far northwest. I . .. ly M k, ' LV Trt " '- I Editor, Daily News: L1 i lPr l Kftl. r Prince Rupwt Independent daily newspaper aevoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION ilATES: Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association . A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. II. G. PERRY, Managing Director I 'hava not.?d with interest the Intention of the provincial de- j discussion in you - columns p-o-! pttrtnl(,nt f nubile works is to A urimsoy paper prints pic-:,,"" of js lures ui iiuuuut- cuugni, u s sua- ""'me " yumn.ni.nni !iv,.vp the new se.'Uijn of the h L'h-; Saturday Herman bv Rev. C. 1) i wrv bPt"ten Por Edward and I gested, in some Norwegian fjord One is said to weigh 42 stone which, it can't be denied, ts a no iAN;l:lt Clarke. 'v Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c: Per Year. Is told A London audience II 3.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 as the section between Galloway )h t ... rHin Fxuected to eml- ' sizeable fish. But Prince Rupert out that M CC-arKe is no l.m n'f thP tfnttM r hm-li Ra)kls Rnd Wat Is,and thi;; ' erate this VMr to Canada, 30.000 n take it calmly. Many a local a minister r Published every afternoon except Sunday by Mnce Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. of Canada. I find thai there is """""" ti.l 1 would h. of British mock, vy.ch. !ll.... 1 I... t mmicr started making hi.-, snapshots when little more than u youn.sLer. LAST DAY IN CAIRO CAIRO, EGYPT. This a great c" il of unr-e.-talhtv In comnuim.uL.u., i i,y mr : Uwff b al 1(asl connori the minds of many rs tu h:tt Prince Ruwrt Chamber of Com-1 w Mvrt Ulal there Will be no Now If They Do It (!,, merer -mini n. vv. iw i iimiiu, I nuk honors. is my last article from ree ' ''' :f ,,. . cftlc.al behel of the th uiiui rlilPl eiip,in."er oi me provincial! MOKK NATMtAL, XOMI IIOW Horses in the .service vif the Porni Tn Hieprtvov this r-h,,..i, oi ... dniartnient of nuhlic works 'ii.t wihv amii TIIICM ,01 i u . v. . 1 1 ' " ' ' ...... . - - v, dunlin, oinirr i,ur .riiuiiii . I bpen of I the arterial This will be festival Year In prM P ,..!' ,r eill f.l? I'L I li C J vitol Utal, new-Old 11P. nl,!' Hnd land has na uc(,t! already by some Also highway with- j " 1 . than ISO Hut ,;!" , mh??r mwmmUnm ln ,.. , the cllt limlM ot mOT Ho- EngianU and nis-hties instead of been a real thrill, tor it memi ngalnn the Unli.l pert ifrom the limits on the pyjamas are expected to be jMou n ' '" ; a,ny ,l ; Chuirh, I would be Riateful if highway to the corner of Second lotinti excepiumniiy popular uy ' .. ' . .. ' ,..," ' ' . you fcmild allow me space In Avenue and McBilde Street) Is U.e ladies. Just why no one hu v,,, mi. ..i..ii. I r. I .. I ........ ahiM .. fevuhiin Vel a hit lM 1 "M"' " Y(t wf J ofliclal doctrines of our rhmoii department i.,wm.,i ,in will endeavour .i 'r discreet dinzxniK inlglil neip. .'-. The tyrned out so much ter than I had expected. Tonight I went to the ian parliament. An Egyptian friend had secured a pass for me. Not knowing that I am just a Simple writing newpaper man, 'i-i. ,,r ii.,1,1 ,..inv.-i sal ion ""'"' .v'-'iik nun in a saddle should liol be tieEle::ted, Loy;il mployee.? of l.rt IVenxa cm ah to have the necessary aggregate prdvidvd as ,10011 as possible so that the wotk or hard surfacing may pioceert without delay while the weather is suitable. j cioseu lor wrens, oeiiea Argon rii iiiuii ciiiiiiiihiu " H. The nlily statem-ht of d y: trine Hint hsu been given complete approval by the t)n;tt thl-th li that found In th H.r.h of tliilon. All raiidiila'es to.-Ih ministry of the Unlt"(l Chu'.eh are reputed before ordination to satisfy their examiners that they are in "essential Wtlehof Comox tells 'the Lcsls- ii''UiU,r.ship yesterday and ' " lutnie. should not be In the The communication from Kfr.; railway bu.slness." Just as It we'i McCallum referred to the rilffi-! didn't know it! '! cully of assembling paving equip-1 j Broad way ( so.u:hin; to ninw on! ' iUirnit. salmon raulil off agret nient" with Uih statement nitnt siid obtaining applegate, and accept it as "in substance in the vicinity of Prince Hupeil ! (The city council Monday night Prince Rtipcit make a handsome I &4 approved a proposal t i make i gift and tliafs why the col- 1 Its black topping machinery leagues of J. D, McH.ie, MLA, are j available to the provincial tie- feeling particularly agreeable agret abie to the teaching ot th? Holy Scriptures." The followinj qimti.tions should make clear our aland on the points under discussion: "We Bfflim nnr belief in the Scriptures of the Old and New they ushered me up to the distinguished visitors' gallery and just to make sure that there was no mistake showed me the writing to prove I was really ln the proper place. . . 0O0 THE CHAMBER itself is a better, non-practical building than anything of its kind we have in Canada. That is, it Is more truly functional than that monstrosity that someone built at Ottawa, in phony imitation. The Egyptian Chamber follows the European style. That is, rias the horseshoe shape. It Is carpeted In green, witli light buff walls and there are windows around the dome, which tops the whole, above the second gallery. these blithe spring days. 11 s partineiit of public works. ) thief Enpineer McCalhlm Is expected to visit Prince Rupert pleasant to read about something that does not Involve anxiety-if only for a change. re. laments as the primary Hours; !u kih,i , I shortly ln connection with the DIItM T l-'ltOM RITI RT! For take home ord ers- PlicncI Years ago, when new to Ot-1 ) tawa, Olot Hanson rntertuiiied inBtitution of the season's public Christian faith and life. We ack- nowiedge the reaching ot th, fmM' IvrM creeds of the ancl-mt ; M" ANOI.NJ .MF.!T Church I Although a- (lerinite time for U.P., the Apostle's Creed, the Nicene black-topping, of the Port Ed-Creeds). and and Athanasian We further mainWin i w,ad h,'!'hay lms nrl 'f" Kel-our ' allegiance to the ManuHlcM.i olficlally, Divisional Engineer L. IT'S BEEN a long, long time but it now looks like I we are going to got some real action from the department of public works this year in the way of speeding up the hard surfacing of the highway between the city and the important industrial suburb of Port Edward witli its pulp mill and fish processing plants. Of course, it should have been done a year ago but, nevertheless, it is satisfactory to anticipate that no further time will be lost and we do hope there will be better luck with such further reconstruction as may be necessary than there was with the last. The chief engineer of the department has indicated to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce that the material is to be stockpiled early in the year so there will be no delay once the weather is propitious to carry out the blacktopping. Arrangements are also being made to obtain the city's blacktopping equipment to augment the government's own machinery. We are not convinced that it is the ideal arrangement for the government to be borrowing the city's plant but that, evidently, is the best that can be done and it is better to do that than limp along with the inadequate and insufficient equipment, the difficulty of obtaining which has been held in the past as a handicap to getting work done. We also note with satisfaction that paving of the arterial highway within the city limits is included in this year's program. All this will, at least, be a fair start for this season for the new policy of the government of starting highway hard-surfacing from this end of Highway 10. It is to be hoped that the job now promised will lie actually carried out and that no unforeseen difficulties will have arisen to leave us in potholes and muskeg quagmire when another rainy season rolls around. Red Cross Challenge friends to a fish dinner. It scored a hit. Wholesome fare from the North Pacilic u 0O0 I mim uhs in rmng sai 1 11 for men doctrines or the Reformation." , lor men . ..... . ,. nil 1 Up li unit" II uimlit lnt 11 IT IS STRICTLY ouncciMH only, so far. The MP's mostly ('hat ri the , . , l' flo" on as as ni drv y wi Weather auier si sets is In 111. tlp national national badire Daage the me God, on so e b ground o! . Piaiw aiP nw laid to allured , , lne Ip'ieii ooetnenie aim sac.i - . fezz. But a few sat hatless, rii1,1,.imint -hiit tiiv-and tire ot Chl'lsl, pardons' thiwe who , ,nH'1 ,a drpaitment hot -mix about the number and aoout the same same numoer of asphalt plant with rental the wore the Arab gown, with white oy i.tih taitn rerriP receive lllm Him 11 as tnii thP,. P anl- IM,V.. paving mat mPhlnp nine is is Saviour and Lord, thrm 1 accepts ind black turban and black narrow narrow tin pan. ated ror th work. rsMul ,,,, also s s in action, iney iohow auoui Because of long days in the north, Engineer Smith said our own pattern. The first few , l"rm ""i 1" We are expecting another shipnw Austin Sedans and Station I soon. A few ore still unsold, Superior Auto Service STUDBEBAKtR and AUSTIN DEi Third Avenue at Park C ARTICLE XIX. "We believe minutes are taken up with rou-1 tine stuff. Then the fireworks 'that there sha 1 be a rpsu rt -XUm . 11.. . i i of th dead, both of the ful and longer working hours would be implemented to take advantage One mischeflmakine littlest the unluH, Ihrou,!, the po?r " "1- fellow who walked to the sneak-! of ln of G.kI, Who shall 1 let's dais from the left side of I'" Judge lh. living and liie ! the Chamber, did a masterly job dead; that the finaaly impeni-jof stirring things up. Of course,!'!' shall go away into eternal ! as he spoke in Arabic, I could ! punishment and the righteous commit ourselves to Christ in .iff and in death." 45. "To those wiio accept His ledcemin;', love, God gives eternal lite, a life i-f fellowship with not tell what it was really about. 1 i""iai. Him and His people beginning in wiav 1 a'.so quote tr im me United Chu ch Catechism? ' But I got the word "Yugoslavia" i over and over again. this wr.rld and i)e icLed in th.' FISHERMEN . . . 17. "All men have sinned andir.i.i )n ,.mp This fellow was really a gen- IT'S SPRING!' Time to give your home a fresh new coat of paint, both Inside and out. Call on us. We have the top quality paints and workers to inr.ure perfect results nuii kly and reasonably. PHONE KLACK 215 SPENCE & MATUIK jius as a pin-pricker and general core 'nori 01 me gio -y 01 00.1. , 40. who reject His rc- ' rumpus-raiser. He started by1 18. -Man cannot save himself, .ewinlns love shut themselves getting the' pnaXsrot the 'rfackj he needs God's help," tr., . out fvom n,- invmr and fello'v- benchers In the centre of the w urn LU ue .-avea, wp u cf Ood and His people, sins. I Chamber then also succeeded , m rervmt of our anri future dark beyond our power to and then ! I with the rightists, really got a rke out, of the left- j lady with whom I fall In love conceive." REV. P. If MAIXEiT, Knox Un ted Chu ch, Tt r ace, B. C. For complete oerhaul of yout IIi:h Speed Gasoline Enniltv-i, see Rupert Motors Ltd. We have the trained mechanics and specialized equipment, to perform this work for you . . . efficiently und economically. To avoid delay tilts sju Iiir when the rush Is on, let us have that Job now. ist.s, too. I (millions of them), I hope to 0O0- I see this lady again. THERE WAS much more live- j - liness and pep about this Egypt- I ian debate than any. I have seen ; or heard in any Canadian Par- j liament for some years. 1 Rupert Motors Lid Cooking's a SM4P ar The MP's are very 'much the same type as one sees in Canadalook alike, too, apart from the feraes, and their Voice tones are very much like North American ones. But they heckle and give and take more than is the recent custom in our parliaments. Moreover, the session I saw was marked by Very good humor. 0O0 IN THE EGYPTIAN Chamber the residing officer (the one we call Speaker! is dresed 4n ordinary civilian clothes. He is much more informal than is the cus- if it's Be Who . . BUY N Electric! GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS $) With pump , torn with our fellows. Time and again he interjected some lively 'comments ion keeping order 1. Once he roared with laughter at his own joke. GENERAL ELECTRIC DELUXE REFRIGERATORS GENERAL ELECTRIC DELUXE RANGES OURS is the opportunity to show what kind of people live in Prince Rupert. Before us has been placed a challenge. We have been asked for co-operation. Let us support the irovel campaign of our local Red Cross unit to reach our objective of $5000 -not in one month, but in one night. This plan has many advantages. It will bring to a head quickly what otherwise could be a long, drawn-out affair with something hanging over our beads until it becomes an evading issue. '. It will alleviate greatly the work of our Red Cross canvassers, whose services too often are unsung; whose weary feet too often are not comforted by kind words or a smile. And to know that on a certain night a Red Cross agent will call' on us will be most convenient like an appointment at our home. In 10 minutes or less we will have given our donation generously and cheerfully. We will have time to smile. and say: "Thank you. We're so glad you called." Work of Mercy Never Ends DURING the past year, DISASTER, minor and . major, struck various parts of Canada without warning. ; In Winnipeg, Rimouski and Cabano was left a tragic wake of dead, injured and homeless. It can happen anywhere here and if disaster strikes, trained personnel, food, medicine and Shelter are available through Red Cross. ; This is possible only because people give their dollars to the Red Cross. When a mill worker, factory employee, logger, fisherman or the man or woman on the street is injured, suffering loss of blood, a transfusion is waiting to save that life. This, too, has been made possible only through our given dollars. And throughout the isolated northern areas there are hospitals where help is waiting always, because we gave our dollars to the Red Cross. Again this year $5,000,000 is needed to carry on the work of mercy in Canada. Our share Is only small, but it's as vital as the whole. Let us make sure the work of mercy never ends! Jmpect the Usually he tapped for order with an impatient pencil end. But when the boys really got boiled over he rang a sort of gong. 0O0 I WAS SORRY I could not stay for the whole evening. But just as 1 was hurrying back to the hotel to keep a dinner engagement with an Armenian family who have a daughter In Vancouver, it began to rain. That taught me that these Egyptians have a lot in common with all Pacific Coasters, from NOW ON DISPLAY AT Northern B.C. Potf beautiful new models- riinne 210 I'rlnce Itupcit Hollywood to Ala-ska that is, they are just whopping liars. They'll delight the heart of any woman who cooks ... so many conveniences! You'll want to try new recipes for the sheet excitement of finding what your new range W ALLACE Phan will do. Economical to operate and they make food both tasiier and more Drop in tomorrow, They told me It "practically never rained," and here was I without even a raincoat. But the combined Egyptian police force and aimy took me ln hand. When they learned 1 was from Canada they thought the rain was a great joke, and one kept repeating in a gruff voice: "Just like Canada just like Canada." He called it Can-Ah-Dah. Five cops, one boy and I all crowded Into a supposed one-man sentry box. In the box another cop tried out his English. He said:: "You Canada me Egypt. Me your friend." They ran arouhd getting me HOUR WEEK DAYS: 9o.t' P H O N E 7 0 SUNDAYS: l2Noo,,ii a taxi (naturally they're scarce! 1 in a Cairo rain). And they tucked me in as If I had been a prince. So now you know Why I lust ifpw Scripture f-a&sacje for Joifay "And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins." 1 Cor. 15:17. .. .vt.w could not help falling in love 81X111 STItrKT ANI j with Egypt. And, like every other