11 Prince Rupert Daily New Wednesday, Ft-b.-uarv 28, JJotef s4rrivati Shoe uppers were unknown in ah,. Pit! ancient times; as ate as Julius tal of the cnif."! Castor's Caesar's Hnv days foot foot fovp-in"B lh miltli 2 fc. ! town r 'Wm were mostly sandals. (Prince Rupert) N. Wigutoff. Ketchikan; Aiiiioi-wm. Masset: Miss J A. B. Mitz- v?nherg, Mrs. R. E. Steffenson. Mr. and Mrs. Alcer and Mrs. C. W. Alger, Terrace; J. Jefferies. Stewart Seeks i Strike Starts it m a: HOME OWNBl TERRACE I OPICS Smithers; Slit, Mutor i-. iwitvay and .1. I.. Pmlcll, Vancouver; E. N. Bitincy, Montreal; Jack Carroll, Wat ei town. Fine Music i At Terrace C'ivir Centre Musiral Group Wins HiKh Praise TERRACE The Civic Cent.iv Concert Orchestra Has been receiving hifeli compliment far v. i v f ine performances on Thurs- man Dy Air Carry out those needed STEWART. Employees of the Silbak-Premier mine, as the re sult, of a vote taken last week Mrs. I. Frank presided at Thursday night's meeting of tl.p Hospital Auxiliary which was held in the Nurses' Lounge of the STEWART. Stewart Board ;I Trade and other organizations here are again making representations to the federal government for the establishment of a weekly air mail service using the facilities of the Queen Char- Ji, P. ui.icntjcrS Outnost Hospital. Mr". G. Mc- or alterations W! This may be done under our EASY PAYMENT Fl T7,..l.l ... A..AtT ill tVW at Premier, are on strike although confirmation will have to come from the headquarters of United Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers' Union, before the strike is pronounced legal by that body. There seems to be some doubt, on the part of some of the The day ana t. " Adams acted as secretary. members decided to ask Tor a auditorium of the Civic Centre, It Ml tfctt 1 have mid,, demonstration of portable radios was -ley for ereat prress m the pat year to decide the most suitable the wards They also decided to and pride In their aecompllsh- ..... .. .iv..,.. - i 1,1. i.t. was felt by many. si weekly service from Prince Ru- p pert on Thursdays at the pres I From Vancouver (Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. W. Tucker, E. M. iBigney, Capt. T. Purtell, SS Qates, WO Mt'KaV, H. Wung, U. iTIiickett, F. E. Bridden, K J. .... i .11 M Xjlutfh ent i t v. i, . .. !-,, Take six, twelve, eighteen or twenty . , , months to pnv v-.. .. t : , .. ... , Sunt U1U uaiiuyinu icu.-. .11 i, u., ,,it.,hlu ... - n:irifiirs ns in u'Mt'Liiei mc i - ine siage 'u ""ii . .. , l. . i ..... K.. . TJVl : Lt ouired "go-ahead will be . given 1 ple.nsh the silverware and china 1,... 11,.. remain, t.hnt. worK fIC. 1 lie Sum OI 3U WU! . ... , ...i. Schultizic with Jioi.iies,j....v,u..o.., the hackcrotind To Vancouver (today I II. U. has ceased at the mine. I to.tl.e Emergency Fund. On this Gavan and Mrs The men are asking for a $2-' month's visiting committee are uorai cu ui, ... 'c ' r-Liv raise. The company has Mrs. D. Little, Mrs. G. McAdams, and spring Uiwers n pe mnt 1 he musk urns we e in offered 55 cents per day as it Mrs. G. May and Mrs. E. S. Laird, the f iu.. o ,.uh fnn evnine dress and theli stands $100.00 to S2OO0.00 PHILPOTT, EVITT&Co in the district which have been developed sufficiently to warrant reopening and further development with a view to shipment. This list will be sent to the member for the riding, E. T. Applewhaite, for attention. , CiailHlS Llltll. UlC J ..... .1,., r...fllotl..II Brett, E. J. Lovick. Geoi ge lullls, Pat. MuldiKin, A D. Vance, E. M. Bailey. To Sanclspit (Uidayl -- Set. Lance Poterton, E. McLimghhin, Lawrence Aiken. W. J- Da vies. To Masset i Tuesday i - D. Scott, II. Marshal, Const. Gibson. Jimmy Wong, his wife and newiy uecoiuu:u. x.... " felt that no effort had bwn spai -rived baby son who just recently ar- from China, returnvd to ed to present, a ii.st class enlci-Terraee at the week-end. Jimmy la'imient. would make it impossible lor the mine to continue operations. What effect this will have on the proposed reopening of the HHI Zml Ave. MM HI. It r.i ii ni(. sri'ri.irs AnVKRTuSJNC A Otcheslra coiumcuu, nn Indian mine, which awaits only , operates tile Silver Tip Cafe. IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. ' j completion of the tramline com-j w ,,,.,, ,jn!, purty is being given mcuced last year, is not known lh n,.wconieis in Hie IOOK and .speculation on this point Is h;lj j,yituy .-veiling. rile here at present. . I (iavau, expressed ureal piciisiu at, the success of tine entci'lain-ment. t: J. N'irrint;ton, master of ecrenmiiies, spoke of the cultural HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE Judging li'om the experience J Th(, sl;v w.!ls ns,)ow on Tuesday 1 for THE mm of the last .strike at the Hlltxin-Premier, many of the families will be hard liitr. Managing D1-. rector Dale L. Pitt spoke to the men the evening before the vote was taken and outlined the portion of the company. IB evening with Hie flames of the coinli'inned dwelling place behind Harold .Smith's garagv which had formerly been occupied by the Turner family. Mrs. Turner passed away before Christmas, leaving a family of lour children. The volunteer fire brigade .superintended the burn lug of the building. activities of the Civic Centre, naming the drama group, the choral group and the concert or-chestia. Expert leadership," he said, "on the part of Mr. Gavan, loyal co-operation and hard work on the part of the orchestra, has given the town this fine entertainment "I good music." i During an intermission, Peter 0T .Seagrams w Hinges Bolts Lines --jir Glues Tools Lacks Clothes Solder Terrace Guides-Scouts Display "83" Scao-ram's "V.O." . Maarctnrs I VanStolk presented Mrs. Gavan Darrall Collins left on Tuesday with a bouquet of flowers In Prince Rupert on legal bnsi- ,)re,.iauon of the sandwiches and ncss. coffee which she served the or- ichestra each night they prac- TERRACE "Boy Scout and Girl Guide Week" concluded in Scaotrcim's Crotim Royal Seagram's Kittys Plate Scacircims Scciil OV The immediate friends of Pete .1 Terrace at the week-end with a Parnienter surpris-ed him on Sat- yfflW-g:... - ffTim firm tised at her home also for her work in decorating the stage, etc. The orchestra, again through Peter VanStolk, presented Fran Gavan with a gift as token of Thil idveitisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Bwidor bytheCoveriuiealtii grand rally in the auonoiiuin oi urctuy evening when they the Civic Centre on Saturday sente(j him with a birthday pre-tvning and Church parade on sent 0 a lighter at a party held .Sunday morning. at the home of Denis de Ker- There was a good turn-out of gommeaux. A birthday cake the parents on Saturday night with 20 candles was the main and appreciation of the work of feature of the refreshments the leaders with the youngsters which were served later by the their regard. Thanks were tendered by Mr. Gavan and he also thanked everyone who had helped with the arrangements, not forgetting the stage manager, Brock Norberg. At the close of the final per mm k 'was demonstrated: Dy an. mi. young nosi, jouowing wnicn ' Groom, president of the Group music and Canasta were played Committee and Mrs. Wold, presi- by the party. Thos-e present were1 dent of the Girl Guide Associa- Pete Parmenter, Denis de Ker- formance on Friday evening the i Classified Advertising Ls payable in advance. Pl'.ase refrain from telephoning. & word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Tliwtt . orchestra and some of the wives were the guests of Mrs. E. Head for refreshments. The personnel of the orcflestra included: Piano Miss E. Head and Miss Lorna Melvin. Violins- George Grant, P. Van Funeial Notices, Marriage ana fcigagemem ninu.u..........f SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE Lion each had a few words to say gommeaux. Vim Appledorn. Da-and refreshments were served to vid Benoit, Irene and Pearl parents and children by the Haugland. Joan Atwood and members of the Guide Associa-j Barbara Stewart. ' lion. ; Darral Collins wa the an-1 Mrs. V. Giraud, Mrs. E. Louden, iiotincer. Gold bars were presented by J I Acroivri FOR SUE rJit' -inflect' t)ru(jcjisl com nndiHUHIJCACCOe pnR RAt E Tax slk-i'iaM 1HKTII NOTICE EBY-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ebv in the Prince Rupert General Hosnital. February 27, a daughter. Carrie Eileen. 6 lbs., 5 OA. dtp I An interesting display was giv-; Mrs. Kennedy to Mary Wilson, Heek, G. Wilson. SUilie timWlUt en by the Brownies, their )ead-Myrna Hippsley, Sheila McColl,. Cello P. VanStolk. DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 Claudia Philip. Barbara Hagen. String Bass S. G. Lang. Clarinets J. SvhulUic and wooxl range in a-i conoiuon. Phone Black 408 after 6 p.m. (tf-nci FOR SALE-New and used furniture hardware and clothing at the lowest possible ur'ees. n C JPiirnit nrp 3rrt Ave. W. Itl II.IIHIS li I PU!MB!NG and ers being Mrs. I. Kennedy, Mrs. Bertha Gavan, Mrs. H. Philip, For action use News classifieds. Vallee. Kill SAI.K Next came the Cubs who were I very good in the Snake Dance'. .'Leaders here were J. Haaland,' H. Rainsford, H. Engelchke and Sliect ni't'l ' Flute R. Koch. Trumpets G. West and NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES P. LinR-belt Soeeder Shovels; FOR SALE Smith corona noi - pi-avel rum! West I'hJ'if ami so.u. I Mr. Harper. i Koch. Cranes: Drammes: A u a m s , ab'e typewriter in good romii- rne uuides gave a nrst-aiOj saxaphones m. t-eexe voui. : demonstration and Mary Ann John de Kergommeaux, T. Brue. HOT I Jftroe&dional Koad uraiters: Littieiorn un.i tion, $05,00. Phone ureen 010 Ulact Ton Head Maintenance! after 5 pm (52p Kiuitonient: Owen Clamshell - Buckets and Kock Granules; I OOLICHAN grease-Best duality. T L ainlih Concrete Mixers; For sale at B.C. Furniture. ttl ClarK Forklift Trucks: Nelson I Bucket 'waders for Stockpile ; FOR SALE National cash reg-and Snow Removal: Rice Port- ister. Phone Red t8G. liOPi iiMiicM ana Drums W. E. Skillicorn. Tlw program: "O Canada" March Semper Fidelis (Sou sal , Hrandis recited the Guide Law. The Guide leaders are Mrs, Clifford, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. G i May and Mrs. S. Lang. I Last came the Scouts with Ro- WANTED - PH1CES PAID steel, brw Honest era ment marie. Metals W conver, B. ttoie UentrilUKal rum us; rvx-tional Draaline Scraoers and j PERSONAL Buckets: National All stee tlasoltne Hoists: National HANDYMAN ' HOME SERVICE DID YOU KNOW that McRae Hrm sll all minliances at the W same price as Vancouver? No freii.hl is added O. l-'Hl Did VOU VOL also ui.i"l MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 81S. P.O. Box 021) 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. bin Edwards in charge. A dem-i In a Monastery Garden (A. (lustration of fust aid, in which Ketelby) . the boys carried the "patient" f "La Cinquantaine" Gabriel away on an improvised stretcher, Marie was very good. i "Night in June" it. L. King Carl Philip gave a demonstra-j Old Favorites (arranged by J. tion of signalling a message S. Seredyt which was decoded by Roy Clif-' "Heroic March" (F. Schubert MARGARET, MeLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 3TONK nUILDlNQ ,. . ih! ta know that vou can buv nai, 'r"; a blld- at JllnlW l.rnnH nnnlhni-M nn the uet olan? 15"' Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Screens and Conveyors Full inloinuitioii from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.C. 'tu ATTENTION to Fishermen. Steel situation critical. Cannot guarantee delivery date except for small tanks ur to-50 gallons and larne tanks in the 316 and '4 plate size. Thorn Sheet Metal. Black 884. (52c) GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS Fmder pi office. ' Flit ford. String Quartette. An exhibition of tumbline was "1 11 See You Again" from "Bit-1 GIVE MOTHER a treat, Take her home a fre.shlv baked cake or a riandv pie from tlp.R,"" pert Bakerv Ltd. Phone M3 fm orders. CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop given by some of the boys with ter Sweet" (Noel Coward) mu? RKNT- rilONE BLUE rm "No. No, Nanette (musical com Mr. H. Noak.es m charge. ill nnvw 4 ! edyi Youmans. PHONES Black 752 Red 'J4 P.O. Box 1010 fdr RAt.Iif Comnlete trolling HELEN'S beauty siror Permanent Waving - Beauty Culture in all it.s branches 204 4th Street. Phone 155 West, W" V.O. BOX 11114 gear for small boat. 4 spools new Lemco gurdies poles, blocks, leads, etc. $150.00. 4 h o clutch and reverse gear, also converted auto transmission Blue 924. evenings. t53p March, "Under the Double j Eagle" (J. F. Wagner i j "Melody in F'" (A. Rubin-1 stein i ' Piano Solo "Dream of Olwen" 1 Vfict. T A,1.'wl. Horse Killed in Rcmo Log Camp per batteries and rauruw; .- Phone 543 -call 029 6th W., City. ,u' VORTHLAND Dairv milk delivered 24c per quart. Why pa more? Phone 18 for dallv deliver service tM-J rssTV tv pm.I.s run lW ob FOR RENT- 48, Pailv' for Rirl. lb' nooM ff r Black hl5. 41 U-IffllW.l 711 Ore'1"" PLANERS. 4" X ? , ...,, . new LUMBER LUMBER 1 SIDNEY G0NICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis v ! .3 i V: I i I ... . I ji heads Slipping while passing through Clarinet attet - itn street, fo ue Yl)unli II. G. IIELCERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE rhono.Vi Evrnings Black 8!)9 i.st frame. deep snow, a horse owned by a1 Clarinets J. ScmiHzic and L. ball bearings, all tained to'dav and every dav at the Ruoert Bakerv Ltd. Phone fust feeds, verv reasonable. 043 for orders. JJJj Agent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Thone Black 7R7 3ll Second Ave. W. OFFICE HOURS !) a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. Marathon Machinery Co., 342 Commercial Drive. Vancouver B.C. I55p) 212 R'cmo logging operator was fatal-1 "Moonlight Madonna' (Zdon-ly ininred last week. The logger, ko Fibich) is W. W. Robinson. The horse j String quartette "Waltz Schu- iell on a protruding snag, ripping bert" Schubert its stomach so badly it died be-, Tannhauscr" (Richard Wag- REAL ESTATE ?OR SALE Five room modern furnished house, hKe new i litiiiit.liiilp DOS- FOR W. room. ' "' K0"M)1 ion rent-;1 for W"ir,-,' 140 oi ff" '' foie Robinson could bring help;ncr "The Parade of the Wooden from Terrace. Soldiers" L. Jess-el. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL FOR SALE 27-foot boat witl lots or cabin space, powered with 45 hp. Simplex maiint engine. Plume Green 447 between 6 p m. and 8 p.m. l51pi FOR SALE 2 While trucks, tandem dual drive 900 rubber. 214 wheelbase. Worked 3 months Terms Aonlv Albert Houston Dawson Creek. B.C. (63p) FOR SALE General Electri. A. P. GARDNKR & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. and ROY SHAND, C.A. 324 Second Avenue Box 2I0 Phone 88 Want Ads. Sure Results! ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1020 For genuine parts and service phone or write- above. for wert.' session. Piione (..reeii " bet ween 4 and (1:30 p.m.(5Jpi FOR SALE 80 acres timber iani divided in eii'lit 10-acre blocks, located in 643 one mile from Port Edward (Wolf Creek). Inquire Daily News. (JiP' 'OR SALE Furnished duplex house. Lower floor rented, lm-mediate occunancv. 233 'in West. Phone Blue 828. J51p) ?OR SALE 4 room warflme house, full cement baseman- ntlri Itayaaa. 144li 8th E'ISt washing machine, pnone MiacK 287 or call at 1372 First Over look. 50pi FOR SALE 3 piece chesterfield suite Excellent condition. Ap-plv 1348 Piggott Ave. (54c) FOR SALE Late '40 Meteor cus colussi's music store Agents for the finest lr. Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th SI. Ph. Black 3R0 volve " ;' 4, 53l Plume Green 608. M. J. SAUNDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. ROKSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 51 h Ave. W. Black 503 X)R SALE Wartime four. Jr" nivhed or unfurnished, W w down bTlanre as rent. Pnotie Black 608 after 5 p.m. w( ' tom club coupe, fullv eniim-ned radio, heater, whitevvalls 2-tone naint low mileage Anplv 830 Summit, or phone Blue 698 after 5:30 p.m. (50pi tai 'it" enre 10- J , n, , nice Cleik EI)V? R0RIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 Rock and Concrete Work Phone Blue 83!) P.O. Box 711 Prince Rupert FOR SALE 1P48 Chev four-door sedan, good condition, new ' rubber. Can be seen at Lon? Motors. (50c I FOR RATE '49. Dod"e deluxe Best offer takes. Radio, heater, trimmings, etc. Phone Red 292. (Ill FOR RALE House for removal or demolition. Phone Bla 80L ,l. SWAP FOR EXcITangE i'have a furnished, four-room biinea-low in North Vancouver w.n ; . I would like to exchansre foi similar home, or hireer m Prince Runei-t. House i-42n, VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.p., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QI'EF.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin March 2, 10 and 30 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Feb, 23 .. 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Trince Rupert Agent FOR SALE '41 Plymouth, radio, heater $075 or best offer. An- nlv float house. Sourdouh ..TU.rt Bav (Seal cove). (bsp) to .... r-r. .-.-. r. , o Train Schedule For the Fast-Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, 8 p.m. ' from the Fast Tuesday's Thursdays and Saturdays, 10:15 put. Want Ads, Sure Results! furnace, and Is located on a laree corner lot In a rinven lent district. It is close to P Roval shonpinK centre an m ter-oltv buses. Larue liv room includes a i'n'nl',,: m ti,...0 ta nMiii.1 lworaled. 1 i.iti"' ,,. i r ok, isALrj ijy i tvmouin senan, ...!v'v", .xM- 500. Anplv James Ritchie, PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Oreen 339 Prince Rupert tern. V" f'r- - li Empire Barber Shot). (55p scott mclaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Lai Ihil (Jvrtiif men ti not publithed at ditpttyt J by tht Liquor Control Boitd Of by th Government I Brituh Colymbia. FOR SALE 103R Chev. Redan with heater Oood running condition. Also good - rubber. Phone Blue 721. (51p) 'D,H Third Avenue Phone 568 side nnd out. and of solic iron struct ion For further Jm. matlon. please phone 748. i'