Wednesday - Thursday - Show$ of 7 .9 I THEY ALSO SERVED Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, February 28, 1951 Film List For March Woman Qlilor jJeaih Colfi fje t MuLE IVllKftU Honor 25,000 British Women Killed in War am J' WINNIPEG miss uu it-i ,,-,! rf with "The Court- J ine I. Forrest, editor 01 ""M of rjurzon Street," the wnstern Municipal News, has J . . been appointed a governor of the Qf pi(.lu,.es l0 the Capi tinivrrsitv of Manitoba. She t lol Theatre here. Among special selections are "Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Malonc," "Breakthrough," "Tripoli" and "King Solomons Mines.", Here Is the list: ' HtHJT WHCOX LONDON (CP) A national Roll of Honor has i been dedicated to the memory of more than 25,000 British women who gave their lives in the service of ; their country during the Second World War. comes the second woman on the 14-niember board. Miss Forrest is herself a graduate of the university, class of 1920. She studied law. Western Municipal Hows, pub- The roll, bound in red morrocco LIGHT UP To Alaska- February 28 and March 1 "The Courtneys of Cur? o n i Street," Anna Ncaglc and Mich-, ael Wilding. March 2 and 3 "Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Maione," Marjorle Main and James Whitmore. J leather, pays special honor to 241 1 " 8in municipal '' ' -s m Uie lne Ihrce lhlte members of the Women's volun-i J? piovinces. tary services, whose names are; prairie her legal training nn it vellum Asked how . Its expertly designed centre pinel to give support where it's needed its powerful leno side panels its up and down elastic satin back prevents "riding up" GRniR HOTEL FRASER HOUSi pages. But it will be handed Highway Takes jj! Ship Traffic saia in an Marcn uins oi u e enduring! Miss Forrest , , down in oosterity as an tribute to th-3 valor, self -sacrifice I view: Anna Dvorak and Lola Lane; useful. Its good bum- -under Nan and Alan Gray and devotion to duty of all Brit-! "Quite Age," ish women who died by enemy ness training for any field. Baxter. 1 Miss Forrest is a strict career March 5 and 6-"Walk Softly. action ,, ' . . 'woman. She lives with two sis- stranger," Joseph Colten and If It's SERVICE YotlU Phone 383 CABS' JUNEAU For the first time1 in history, more people travelled! to Alaska by automobile in 1950' ,,tT ' j a nouse wrlere -we uoni valU feel that ordinary people can be . - "nr. k- than by boat, the Alaska Devel- commemoraleci said the Dow-i Lmnoh rv.viH n,i,m and John I n,i T3 ,,,, ,1 i it flisitrniim fif lll"""J' . , vv.t,., ' opment hsoara reveaieu m rc- leasing its annual compilation of! highway traffic figures. Sold Locally By 5 WALLACES DEPT. STORE am-i i-u, vtuu...b. v- j Her siscr Heh'n is a scnooi Agar. j the organization. j teachor; Mary works in the sup- March 9 and 10-"O You Beau-. "These are the women I work-! , PIKipnt's office of the Bank tifni Doll." Murk Stevens audi The number entering the nor- them Territory by highway last' ed with," she added. "These are. of Montreai here. Two other June Haver. vear was 22 507 while the num- women i "u, slsters are mamec one was March 11 "The Countertelt- ber of visitors oy sea was ii.uv- - . ; ;""'. -ieis, juun ouim aim In outbound passengers, however, those going on the four ship muuiiieu. ncuuiic i" ""'"",scmn leaciiei. . nek "Deputy Mai snai, jon nun of honor will show posterity! Miss porrest belongs to the andVranws Lang ford, I what type of women these were." : poi.tia club, comprised of some March 12, 13 and 14 "Panic. On pages embellished in bur- 20 women lawyers in Winnipeg ln the streets," Richard Wtd-1 nished gold, the names are ar- She is also a mfmber of Uiejmark an(l Pal,i Douglas; "Willie ranged hi territorial order and Canadian Women's Press Club, comes Marching Home," Dan HIRAM WALKERS SPECIAL OLD CANADIAN WHISKY lines regularly serving Alaska 'slightly exceeded those by auto- mobile, 16.971 to 16,623. I The great preponderance of surrounded by the coats of aims Winnipeg branch, and of the , rjajiPy ttntj Corinne Calvert March 15. 16 and 17 "Two and the wild flower representing University women s ciuo. northbound over southbound travellers is accounted for, the Alaskan Development Board says, by the district or county concerned. If you wnm, in sell ;t, udvcrtlst Ji"g?S5sr-"..-ri rrJT.I-T-rS: iwsdassified. SHIPS V WATERFRONT Ladies and Gentlemen in four sets, 200 tons of hr- ........ Ting were taken from Juan Perez " I I k. I Sound, Queen Charlotte Islands, I I lJ I -t , Monday night. Department of L I I N VJ Fisheries said today. Trw? .fish .1 . .1 I will be brought to coast reduc- i he tailor tionPianu. I Two carloads of Ala.ska frozen 22U lilxth St I'lionc 649 haIlbut anri sam0n were un- ! leaded here yesterday from Weeks with Love," Jane Powell , I ; 1.. 11, n visitors who like the Territory so Thirty-four counties, from Ren- WTrlT CI TMATP I nll.l IviCillllU J.i.'l I t'Oi i . frewshire to Cornwall, are hon- With an average winter day-: March 18 "Barricade." Dane, limn tnmnerai ure of 42 degrees. 1 Clark a nd Raymond M:isrcv; I well they settle down to stay. Alaska's population has increased 77.4 percent, more than any state, in the past ten years. Orowinc importance of the "This Side of the Law." Vlvecaj Victoria, B.C., has the mildef climate of any Canadian eity. ored by the names recorded. . J Each page has a rosemary emblem for remembrance and citations are simple. They tell how ordinary women died doing the evprv-dav tasks that a - nart ;jf Llndfors and Kent Smith. March 19 and 20 - The Dool-i NOTICE j Alaska Highway as a travel ar-terv between the United States the Territory Is illustrated a country's strength in wartime. I and ans of Oklahoma," Randolph ; Scott and George Macready. I i March 21 and 22 "September j Affair," Joan Fontaine and J')-! scph Cotten. I I March 23 and 24 "Tripoli," j I the Sidney, Capt. Osmond Hend j clearly in the 1950 traffic figures. IN HE ESTATE OP LUCY MAUTIN. DKCEAHED TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator, duly appointed ny the court, of tlir estate of Lucy Martin, who dad WAR TRAGEDIES THE OUAUTr WH ¬ She , During the year a total ot lb.- 907 vehicles travelled northbound arc: Typical examples lick.scn, which returned to Ketchikan later in the dav. The Siri-nev is expected back here on I,u,tin(r ,nt nf hnr frnnt rlnnr ... TL.irrutih r.rwii Hrlt. sh ColuaimK. AT A POPUtAlfi October. 14H2. I Maureen O Mara and John Payne the 6th day of for her lit tl bov when both Jiiiirt I r'''""re 1,11 cred't"r8 "d "lh" htt.v- ! March 25-"And Baby Makes , were killed hv bv a V9 V2 frnckrt docket u, , clulm8 awinst tne 8n,a cslale Youiir and Har- and southbound over the wartime-constructed highway. This represents an increase of 4.261 vehicles and 10.683 passengers over 1949, and 8,353 vehicles and Oft AAd rn cunnrrorc nvpr 1 Q4R tl'Ilf- having seen her invalid husband and alt customers iof a public fied. at the address mentioned oemw uaia nun. vuaw vjcii. on or before the loth day of April. March 26 and 27 'Good IIil- 1951. utter which date I shall v" mor Man" Jaclc Carson and Lola The superior quality of "Special Old" i$ not merely a byword. It is a Hiram Walker tradition! ; Moving, I'ai kinc, Crating Shipping and ;enoral Cartage and Storage Complete. Reliable and Efficient Service. Also u tents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all weldinj; supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 flumes and 6 Thursday with more Alaska fish. 1 B. C. Packers' Teco, commanded by Capt. Ray Perry, left port ; far Ske.ena River ea 'ly Tuesday , morning. The 135-ton vessel, which arrived here from the rnuth Monday continued on tT transport supplies to Sunnyside and Cassiar canneries, from where she will return south. While ln Prince Rupert the Teco discharged lumber and general cargo at Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Capt. Perry reported his Albright. ! March 28 to 31 "King Solo-' raon's Mines," Stuart Grainger; and Deborah Kerr. LO uir.ntL.uit; 111c ,.', v.., titled by law. having renard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified And further take notice that all persons Indebted to said estate are traffic house, to safety. Killed by a fic. The total highway blast whne waiting t, 50 on entering Alaska in 1950 amounted duty." "Killed on duty uhilc to 9 733 T vehicles, while 7.174 left the Territory via the Highway. , driving her ambulance. With road improvements con- i One of the more touching tri- cquired to pay tnetr indebtedness w bules to women in general is th'i me forthwith. tinually being made along tnc haniili(in I'm tSTlUERS OF THE FAMOUS MOSTLY FARMERS Albania is an exclusively agricultural and stock raising with a population of inscription: "They rarely wept1 dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this , , ,i , .. 1 27th day ' of ' February. 1951. exceot for ny nr relief. . , ., , Ernest Earl Alien. Started n 1947. the scroll is j Official Administrator, iv, , .,-b- nt mice rial Fmnt a Teleuraph Creek, B.C. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by ib Control Board or by the Government of British COv H-P) Now in Stock ship went through some very rough water Saturday night In Queen Charlotte Sound. member of the voluntary organ-j ization and a founder member of j Canadian ssction bv the Cna-1 dlan government and long stretches of the highway system within Alaska being hard-surfaced by the Alaska Road Commission, substantial increases are anticipated during 1951. LESS TUl'CKING Economic difficulties encountered by Ala.ska Highway truck-in c operations were reflected by the London Society of Scribes and illuminators. One of her major tasks in post-war Britain was the gathering of pages and rols fcr the work. F"lp, how- a large decrease in truck move- ever, came from many parts of i 5 1 I;-'' f ' '' i l'7 , f. '5- -L, V" V the world, including a gift of ink and tools from a friend in the ments. In 1950 a total of 1,4 id trucks moved over the road, compared with 4.C98 in 1919, a decrease of 2,622. Present operators appear to have sufficient capacity to meet current require Unite R Historical significance is added by inscribed pictures depict-' ing typical wartime scenes. QUAKER Oil Ranges Equipped with CREST BURNERS Fan and Air Control and Insulated with Fihrcglass niom: iti.i i: sii SAANICH Plumbing & Heating Chop Suey - Chow Me in HOLLYWOOD CAFE Fur Ou'side Orders Phone 133 Among them are an air-raid also was .shelter in a garden, surrounded a total of by flowers; children fln a station ments of the region. A slight decrease noted in bus traffic. . "... , . ; kp-,. ' ' ' ' - I " . " , V Syj i s. U - l l "i . -C , X. .. i J 212 buses making the trip, Just wagon being pulled to an evacu-22 less than the previous year, ation train by a woman porter; Low-cost roundtrip bus tours to a bombed out family receiving Alaska now being featured should clothing at a rest centre and a ' result in increased traffic during woman surveying the rubble that j the coining year. was once her heme. It r ) ro';- J The popularity of the Alaska tains a glossary of wartime vec-i Highway as a tourist route is nrds and phrases, now almost evidenced by the large increase forgotten. , in vacation travel over it. A total , The roll will soon be on view in of 23 279 persons travelled over London and will then tour the the highwav during the 1950 provinces. Later, if sufficient in-j tourist season, an increase of tcrrst is aroused, it, may be jni'irc Ihan U'.OCO over 1949. The by? shown in other parts of the , peak month was July when 0.331 Empire and the United States. 1 persons moved over the 1,523- . : Attention Fishermen! Highest trade-in allowance on yiiih' nrcscnt murine engine. To savo money and get the h-est, b ; sure your next engine i.i a Kermath Write for Folders HOMEWOOD MARINE I.IMITIO 1733 VV. (icorsia Vancouver, B.C. .V ii. nr r i'lt I; vicc- .Iftlc, '' nn 1ITV1C kit an It l'r W lla. ''i iu aiifj 'finis, 'N S o now 'i. Ls "'ii, !W C ill- t.l, W.lliill i:0!: . 111,. ':, D iiii:i' pi'lii 1 as i Steamer 1 Prince Rupert mile road. I Traffic also was heavy during Women Back on Assembly Lines Plumbing & Heating th" winter months, a total of 8.9fiP. persons moving over tiie highway during the months of January, February, March, November and December. The high 11" II SAILS FOR j Vancouver anil Inlri nirilinle Pori Each Thursday at 1 1 : 1 r p.m. For KETCHIKAN WIIIVVKIHV MIONIGHT EAST HARTFORD, Vt. Twenty five hundred women are back i:i way is open throughout the year Detailed information pertain- overalls on assembly lines here, Ing to personal travel over the producing aircraft engines for highway may be obtained by defence. writing the Alaska Development ; Board, Box 50, Juneau, Alaska. I Use classifieds for HpmiIU. Com I oi l, and Service ti'til lu-.sei Vtii.tuiis Willi- or .VtiII An Important Discovery in the RELIEF OF PAIN MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS CRANE PLUMBING I I I V OH Ife'OT UIHtK PUINCE ItUPEUT, liC. ijjlL.L: Science Progreu"- wchcu.dl!. For 50 years vhite tablets-"')'11 FIXTURES PHONE j74 For Krpsiirs mnl Allerlii Smith SEIkins ltd. PO. Box 274 m50 acia tor rcnci u- 1- . .j. this familiar pain-killn able in..'tormW..hou . disadvantage, of acidity. ubilitv and bluer taite-lUrl DISPRIN, and is here. Science never accepts without question. To science, even what is good exists only to be improved. Now after many years' careful research science presents an important step forward in the relief of common pain. It is called, DISPRIN. DISPRIN is soluhlt and substantially neutral. When taken in water as recommended, it enters the stomach as a true solution and not as undissolved particles. It is therefore less liable to cause, stomach discomfort. DISPRIN is readily absorbed. Decause it definitely dissolves (not merely disintegrates) DISPRIN permits speedy absorption and gives quicker relief. DISPRIN is palatable. Even children will take it readily. Science steps forward with druggisis everyw p' SEEOURDIS- DISPRIN is now available Boulesof 26 Druggist. , P.xtct loW or Handy T 0X 110 M ANSON S J e w e 1 1 e rs SAFE SPEEDY P Lwil.. :- -' - i ) THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE OlVl5lO5i BOX 998 522 3rd Ave. W. ITED. PHARMAC CL'TICM- BY THE MAKERS OF 'DETTOl' ANTISEPTIC ... RECKITT fc COLMAN (CANADA) L1M "It's long distance. Somebody asking will you please turn down the radio."