V Prince Rupert Doily Nlevi "- 1 - y. . V 1 , $ , - f Wednt-sriay, February 28. 1951 ! E - . , . - . j There aj between 20J an:l St. elena, made famous bv 25U ;slets in the Fiji Islands, east Napoleon's x;'.e, is 1.200 m:l.s of Northern Auit.alia off the ws.'.t.cca.'.;. of Africa. iNOGUE "t ... ocTTE V Taper Hoop Finals Next Brownwoods Knockout Gordon and Anderson lxcitrim-nl Rife in Closing Moment of Hectic Senior Contest IJnnvmvootls last niht won Ihe riht to play Co-op in Hit; city basketball finals. Tbey took a 53 to !)() victoiy over tho (lordon and Anderson entry. It wan a noetic gutnk from start to finish. Players, spectators, referees and coaches were, all involved in arjrurr.orits before the final bell sounded. 1 J (TM fiAIVFRT m i NV WHITE 1 1 5 J JLWMS MJMVM. J I i' ..., i ; , , , . ' , , v , -1, - - ' ' - ' - ' for Brownwoods started out In the ' " " lead as thy scored 6 points, tmly were Just too touch a team to have the hardwaremen Mine the hardwaremen. back strong tu uvei take Uiem and IvrKKMEDIATK- SEMIS r. Srveil with nriilft Pi 11 1 - ------ a on those special occasions 1 Krl MANITOBA VIWNER9-Rov For.wth and his Winnipeg Strathcona rink will represent Manitoba in U.-j Canadian wirlmg championships at Halifax next, month. It will be the first time any member of the rink has participated In the Dominion classic. They won the provincial crown by defi-af:ng Jimmy Welsh of Winnipeg Dser Lodge, a former Canadian titlist 15-4 In a sudden-death final. Left to right, they are: Forsyth, skip; Lorhe Stewart, third; Alistair MeDiai mid, .second; and Art Mots, lead. (CP PHOTO 1 J I Will J ILII llllLSi v if ' 1 1 1 . ii ..ff; l:l ;,. 1 to 18 margin. of their thiwe-Kame series with Kxfitement ran liieh in tie "le HiRh Greens by a 35 to 25 final haii. Brownwooris put up a "'" Another win would put lusl-dilch fight to tie the game i In the finals of this league at 30 all. only to have O & A vMi IHf.h Golds, again take over the lead at 42 to' The Greens were outplayed as 41 a few moments later. The both teams worked hard for a lead chunked hands rapidly on 1 win- Fashion had the edge in three oeea.slons berote Brown- ,he shiwUiig, and nllhnugh the Woods pulled ahead at 55 lo 49.' Oixens worked hard, they could ii'. yy w 11 - -a i i i i 'Xa ,-1 Wa I I 1 I I 1 510 & APPLIANCE ;ales & SERVICE $ 1AS AM) 1 1 r f TKtr itANf;i:s I'ln, in- Itlue OO'J Acinc rtccTRic ! 'mf ixiV 11 1111 Blackwood on &;tLc CPORT OHOTS G Hi A scored the final point of no'- Kt"P them. 0 Jim Hebb of Fashion played his best game of the season. 1 1 For the winners Hebb and Hill By Cosley Blackwood Mr. Muzzy looked like a man with a secret pur the rrume on a free throw. It aJ lluriiV; Hie -.f-; f,.v minutes 01 this Imlf ihni, nay ftpiinft Was Imnned from the floor hy referee Jolmhy ' Cohiiullna. 1 his oeeasloned :ui argument he-t.-erii lilliWnwomls nfueh Alex led In the scoring will) 9 points earl), Danny Dill scoring 8. pose. Jlo had asked Mr. Judge, for his hook of laws rnnNi: GREEN 884 I on a iiiiicn improved mil Meeker . .. 1 . . : ... . . 1 .. 1 I I Ml " ' oJ H I led Ihe Greens with 7 points, and IM" w:,s ' I'Uiniiiritf through it, smiling slyly. Filially ..Baseball's most flyhaniis personality, John J. M G:aw, c"j at New. York 1 years ago. tiase-feall's 'iil tie Napt !(!)!)" wiio piloted t:ie New York Giant lor 3t) y ars tin ned over the man-a."!'hip (o liill Teny in but com inner as vice-president .f 'the club with v.i'.--h he won 10 Nat.ior..il Leai'iii' pcnna'its and t hri wo-ld ,t r!,"s. ELDING a look of deep satisfaction came over his face. Ho handed tho book back to Mr, Judee without saying what he had found t lint pleased him so much. None vulnerable , " " " Hill and O At A sponsor Giinnar I MOI,''- u- Aiirlrrsoil, with Doe Monfgoniery i l-Xltll'.ITIoN li-yiilft in bring jieaee bclwven1 1 he Inlennedlat.e III - G il ls theni. Then'comudina look com- Imstle l aM the way in the exhi- mand of Ihe sllllalldn and chased b't'"" name and Just about Ihcm all buck to the bench. ; eau-lit the Senior Co-ops, who OF ALL TYPES Justriol I Welding I f M l A N V North dialer v.ii a ( lr. h:tmpmh ) 37-35 score. High I 111 early lead but i It was the last game of the "J" h Wlunn fill- D.11 1 r,,ilho .f n,.,.,, n n'illllll tOOK -?3f 1 -. - - ....bjii 1-3 A 9 :1 were tied at the quarter mark and from then: on Co-op held ai woods a.s he leaves for the interior today. ii i -v - a q cr, s 7 3 2 A K 10 Kiiiiberley Dynamiter:: fcol-.slen d Canada's ho.-k y :;t.itui abroad when they defeated England 3r0 in the Wtirld Amateur champlonohips at London 3-t y(ars ago tcday. Kiniberley won!. I 'f LRI ..U",'i?'; od lite a., Co-o didn't playl "',u'. ' their usual came. With nothing ,in after the day native series Is at stake they weren't driving the West (Mr. hair) B-fl 4 117 3 2 I) J 111 3 0 C 7 0 4 2 I'.akl (Mr. Wlizzv) S 5 2 H K 10 0 4 1) A K Q C V J 5 3 CALVERT DISTILLERS (Canada) LIMITED AMHERSTBURG ONTARIO I concluded. In the meantime all I .REAL ESTATE j INSURANCE INCOME TAX iltmN.S PREPARE!! play. Syd Cchei k seemed to be ; At thLs point Mr. Muzy said: "I want to review the bidding." "Yoti can't," snapped Mr. Champion. "Not after the open-ini; lead Ls made." 'What's trumps?" Mr. Muz'iy asked iiext. "Mr. Judge, do we have to te;l him what trumps are?" grum bled Mr. Champion. "IMtiht here in clause 43," replied Mr. Judge, "it says that any player is entitled to be in-iormed what the contract is and whether, but not by whom, It was doubled or redoubled." So Mr. Champion told Mr. tniitis ill be out of action while in a slump. Letourneau for the' on to win tha title with a 2-1" overlinr? Victory over smartly with! fl'lus advertisement is not published or displayed hy the Liquot Gintrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia, plenty of trickiness displayed for i.iiui wim iu Liu nauiu UMU I lie ilcrks are cleared at the Civic 1 the short time he was on the I Don Scherk was hlglvl Centre for the three-day Native: 1 noot floor. R. E. Mortimer mlAe. (Near CFPR) 01111 nunieiu next weeK. Stiiitli (Mr. Mid) 8 K Q .1 10 9 7 H J 8 I) -!) S 4 C 0 a The bil(lln': Norlll l.;IHt Hoillh 1 H DDI. IB 2 H Puss 3 S 4 8 All pm B A few hands later VlPit Puss Pass Muw.y that the contract was scorer 01 me Riinve wn.11 iz points, followed by McChesney of tho Golds, and Arney of Co-op, Who each scored 8. JIMOIt There was no argument over which junior team won the bye into the nlavoffs. Hith School four spades, not doubled. "Just a minute," said Mr came up. Mi-. Dale opened the Muizy with a cagey gleam in his jack of diamonds and Mr. Muzzy Last hi Kill's emit writes finis tot tl & A litr lite season. They tlrserve a great deal f credit fur the fight thev have put up in senior competition, ihey started Ihe season with very few fans giving them a rhance, anil wound up as one of the be teams In the league, although still lacking In finish ami drive. They could win Hie league championship if (hey keep tiigelhcr for another season. "Will see what clans rattled off three diamond tricks you ' won a lop-sided victoiy over 44 says, Judge, old boy?" Mr and shifted to the queen of clubs which Mr. Abel won on the bour.d with the ace. Champion protested that clause 44 was not in question. But Mr. their nrch-rlvals the Rupert Hotel, the score being 32 to 15 when the whistle sounded to end the game. Muzzy insisted and so Mr. Judj.;e -t1 : v 4: t : ' Sit V - :f.::: 1 ' i'i ! &4 ft ' f f I ' : . '" UK Til- f f .; in, The hotel men couldn't do any read it. "Aha," said Mr. Muzzy triumphantly. "You -see? The law requires dummy to put the JHospitolity and thine ritdit. and tire Hiirh team Marshall 11, Holkestad 11, Gill 2, Clirrie l.Flaten 14. Smith 2. Boulter 2, Matthews 7. Total 50. Intermediate mown woods are deserving of was playing one of their best! Good Food trumps to his right. Look, Cham- ZVll N I' 1 Is Our First Aim Fashion Haugan 3, Bill 8, P'on. you're always pulling the Mostad, H"bb 9, Intermela 1 "'in- 17 lor Order In lake Mill full credit for their victoiy In games of the season, the semi-finuls. They won second Rupert Hotel now meets Cooks place In the league standings hi the semi-finals, and they and went Into the playoffs with could well be winners with an-only five regulars, having lost other three game series coming Runbei-g, Hartwig and Carlson, up when they mitt High Juniors during the season. They have again In the finals. On the basis been consistent scrappers, andef past pit iornianccs, these have won many of their games I should be the bftt lunior finals on ability plus a great amount i In many a year. t iniodore Cafe I laws on me. now aooni ooeymg the laws yourself?" Mr. Muzzy was right. In put-ling down the dummy hand, Mr. Champion had followed the practice of many expert players by laying down the different, suits in no particular order. In this case he had placed his trumps to his left. "If you will kindly follow the rules on this point, Champion, I will never again have to ask what trumps are," Mr. Muzzy added. "But what," asked Mr. Champion, "will you do when of drive, under the able manage I JOHN H. Owens 5. Hi'! ), Walsh. Total 35. Hie:h School Green-Clark 1. Becker 7. Tall 4, Sather G, Webber 4, Rhodes, Pellclf 3, Shep-pard, Woods, Petersen. Total 25. Exhibition High School Gold McCHesney 8, Ratchford J, Krlstmanson C, Simonson 4, Letourneau 2, Nick-erson, A. Blackaby 2, Morrison 2, Young 6, H. Blackaby 4. Total 35. Co-Op Holkestad 3, Morgan, MacDonald 6. Scherk (Si,2, Arney R. Scherk (Di 12. Davis 4, Beynon 2. Total 37. j- Junior ' ULGER lmnt of coach Alex Bill. Last night was a typical game for Brownwoods, as on paper thv weren't rated a chance, but with Spring scoring 21, Lavlgne 12, 01: on 8 and Thompson 7, they Chrlstenson was top man for lb w'nnor? as he sicred 9. fallowed by McAfee with 7 and Clc-cone with 6. For the losers, Mckav played well to score 8. High School scored the first basket, and increased their lead In every quarter except the fourth, when they were quite content td hang on while Rupert Hotel fought hard ri II you choose your cigarette lor mildnett j the dummy is out of trumps?" j Mr. Muzzy still appeared pleased , with himseif, even though Mr. you II choose Millbank Cigarettes I Rupert Hotel McFarlane 2, nn Bulger Lid. to get the ball through the hoop, i Mcintosh, Smith 2, Stacey, Par- Abe wen alleait and made four I bird Aveniife spades by a nice play. nell, Sankey 2. McKay 8. Helin. Individual scoring: Donaldson. Lelghton 1. Total 15. High School Martin. MacAfee 7, Ciccone 6, Mathews 5, Kwst-mansoh, Civi.stenson 9, Blackaby 5, Menzics, Williamson. Total 32. Senior Brownwoods Olson 8, Thompson 7. Lavlgne 12, McChesney 4, Bill 2, Spring 21, Pierce 1. Total 55. Gordon & Anderson Dumas, W-MASTER Figuring Mr. Muzzy for the king of hearts by reason of his take-out double, Mr. Abel disdained the heart finesse. He led the ace of hearts at trick four and then ran all of his spades. Dummy's last three cards were the queen of hearts and the ace, ten of clubs. Mr. Muzzy had the king of hearts and the jack, five of clubs. Mr. Abel had lelt ; Vancouver Boy P'Year" Swimmer 1 I TORONTO, CP) Gerry Mc-jNamee of Vancouver, n j champion at 18, has been named swimmer of the year by the Canadian Amateur Swim-; riling Association. The dominion j Junior champion, who .smashed ; two Cunadian records a fi w eiays ago. Will receive the Sir Kdward Rutty trophy, the C.A.a.A. announced. 1 The trophy was won prevlmu ;l.V by Vancouver's Irene BUMIig, who wasn't forgotten in the awards for 1950. The Beatrice I Pines trophy for Canada's 0U1- REELS Reduced 0c each A straight cut for a TRULY MUD SMOKE ! the jack of hearts, the nine of clubs and a trump. He led the VRATHALL'S riiolo I'inishiiijr Third Ave. W. trump, throwing the queen of hearts from dummy, and Mr. Muzzy was squeezed. To discard the king of hearts would allow declarer's jack to win and to throw a club would make both of dummy's clubs good. BLONDIE J I standing woman swimmer will be. shared jointly by Irene and Norma Btewait of Victoria, a ! Junior who .swims for the YWCA. Another member of the Mc-Namee clan, Kay, was listed among the "strong contenders" for the woman's trophy. TC10 -No Pooch Smootcher! By CHIC YOUNG ue Plus! Tgood night ' . N V, COOKIE t- GOOD 1 GOOO MIGHT, ) I NiGHT. VV I' MO!) ? W c v i u J - WELL FACE IT ) 1 N. 74ihV PEOPLE DON'T rz j i 1 ;i'-h -s FORD Tudor ?0RD Sedan Oupc pESOTO Custom idan tHIV, Sedan fo-tone fORD Custom rdor Parker Ltd. ONAKCII DEALERS f " Rupert, n.C. others were Evelyn Huclnmm, 1 Tbi'onlo, and Lyiuui Adams llnnl, Vancouver. 1 Runner.s-up for Ihe: ttcatl.y ! trophy were diver Lucien Beau i mont of Quebec, who partici Ipiited in the recent centennial igam.es in New Zealand, and Ron ! Crane of Vancouver. They were followed by Dr. Oeorre Atlians ,of Kelowna. B.C.. emrire games diver; Peter Salmon of Victoria, another games athlete; Splashers from Ocean Falls. Allan Gilchrist and Jim Portelance, and Georue Stulac of Toronto. Young McNamee. a hV'tiiber .if the Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club. receii'UV smashed the 2no and 220-vnrd free.Hvle records for 25-vard dooIs. Ills times ,were 2.02:6 for Ihe 200 y it d .event and 2.21:2 for the 220. The previous marks wre set 13 years I ago by C. Foderineham of Tor-' onto. Tht Crergf Milthf AJimi .ctkf; lhr. "i "Funny ... he was here an hout ago Use "99" HIHYiBY 1L Action Advertise!