TODAY Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, August 25, 1951 LASSIE 6:50 - 9 LOAINTEDHILLs,, New Code For Rail Traffic Sunday Midnight Monday Moti ray . . Reflects and Reminisces me, 2:Cj WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE WATERFRONT - - WWf A3 DOUOUS i.t JOHNNY WEISSMULLER 'FURY OF THE CONGO" 1 1 'yi Virginia Is one of the original 13 states of the American Union. In colonial days it was referred to hi official documents as "Dominion of Virginia" a name that survives in popular designation. It was given the new colony by Sir Walter , MONTREAL. Although it will be imperceptible to train passengers at the time, a new set of operating rules will become effective on Canadian railways at 12401 a.m. Standard Time Sunday. The new "uniform code of operating rules" is Just what the name implies a revised, universal rulebook governing the operation of all Canadian railways coming under the jurisdiction of the Board of Transport Commissioners. Developed through the last 2'2 years by a seven-railway committee, the new rulebook The Glamor-Fid Raleigh who bestowed it in MONDAY SHOWS 7 - 9:00 REMODELING SALE Storewide Clearance WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Some boat and yacht owners with a taste for fresh crab? have found success in fishing for their favorite delicacy across the harbor, but not so Al Faulkner. With several traps and his trusty yacht. Molly Hogan, Al and two others set out one day lai-t week for the crabs. , Already the former chief of othr crisis! What a relief it Miller Bav Hospital could taste would 1 if the international the delicious white meat and was :'rM cou'd report nothing doing, sure of success, for "the other simply because things were con-fellows" told him of their sue- 1 n'-'"'-8 in the normal way. CSV ! honor of the "Virgin Queen of England." Virginia has had unique and distinguished place in American history. On its soil standardizes the operation of all i in 1607 was planted the first JL - VALtNTINO- Canadian roads, and is based on 1 permanent English settlement what is known as the "standard , on the continent. A leader in code," the recognized authority the struggle lor independence, it for ail railroad rules in North ' gave the America nation its first While there was "nothing do "Lock for a ;uiik"n piling, and j yc'.'ll fir.d the crabs," they had said. PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING. TRINTINQ ENLARGING America. president and seven others. Railway personnel across the country havv been attending FIRST BORN j classes ail summer at which they The first white chiltf born in I have been familiarized with the the New World was born in Vlr- j new book Following instruc- ginia and was Virginia Dare. The 1 tions. all must have passed writ- first exports of iron ore were j ten and oral examinations based sent from Virginia in 1608.1 on the new book tvfore receiving j Twenty thousand pounds of to- ' a card certificate qualifying i bacco were exported in 1619. Fate Era! Mnvinp, Parkins. Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Sri vice. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen. Acetylene and all wvldinsr supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. ?nd and Park Avenues Es .910. riiones 60 and 68 them t j work under the new , The state was at first favorable code. to the liberation of the slaves EXPOSURE METERS ' AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Grcc 136 Sox 478 ' But there was no piling, standing up 'or sunken, acmss the har-hnt so archer was let out anyway, and fishing or trapping began. Baited with cod. the traps w.'re swung overboard and the fi.-him; party sat down to wait i:i the CJniIo.-..i-j.e caoin of the Molly H-san. a mug of coffee n front of oach. "Well, let's have a look at our crab." siigRPslcd the .skipper, and made his way to the stern. But tin-re were no ciabs. and an hour la!'r time still weren't any cabs, nor had the bait been ton -her. Well, belter luck next time. Al, and we hope you find the piling. ing on the waterfront this reporter aws first intrigued by the arrival of the cement mixer truck. It drove under Armour taivage and Towing Co.s elevator and backed in. A lever was moved and down floated the mixture while the mechanic controlled the movement. All the time the container was revolving and tlu mixture was being agitated. Two cubic yards are handled at r. time, and if you stop to figure that, out it would take a lot of manual handling. The gravel brought on the ', hune scows is towed from Hast- : inps Arm operated by Armour Salvage Co.; the cement com?s from Bamberton. The combina-i tion is very generally used for various cement jobs that make continual demands upon the products of the Rupert Cement i 1 but finally adhered to the policies of the south. She not only furnished the ablest generals in the Confederate Army but be- They had better hurry up or they will be "late for school." IfiNil The unloading of salmon is as came the battleground of the average or probably rather clvl' war- ELEANOR PARKER ( ANTHONY ll FXTFR 11 b.tter than at the correspond Who was it made this wise ing date last year. It certainly has been a good average year in u"esion: "e y home is to stay there sometime. Also CAKTOON NEWS : N Ahlr.e much doing along the watrrfront is the general reply ! to an enquiry about what is lllii Mac Construction Company Products. The Ready-Mix con .'.oii:g on. And yet there is spme-,-., trih.. t Word comes, telling about the mother of 11 children in St. Jerome, Quebec, being charged with stealing a house. A crime, of course, yet there are momenta when one hesitates to go on with the case. spite of an apparent slackness along the water front. And when reference was made to figures comparing the. greatly improved price of halibut as compared with the price twenty years ago. it was pointed out that the increase in the pric-j of salmon was just as great. Even ten years ago the price of a whole salmon, four or five, pounds in weight, is now the price of a similar salmon per pound. " TOMAY JtrF CHANDLER in 7 - 9 p.m. "BIRD OF PARADISE" TWO FEATURES It is seldom, if ever, anyone ever hears of a fire department being called out to extinguish a bla.e in a totem pole. Yet this occurred in Prince Rupert yes- thing doing all tho time and the;and an important factor In the ::;" totaI large. Actually wnen development of the city. ; th-y say that there is nothing doing, they really mean there is "t. thing 'unusual" doing. Per- Of course what isn't happen-i hap- that is Just as well. ing is also new's. And so far ; Vhat pri p'e '.van: is the or- t'vre is no sign of tuna being dinary sequvnee of events in caught. Three boats lrom Prince their daily living, not a series of Rupert are out in search of the 'VlTZ T bCf" h3V" eiusive tuila but so far no re-ii:g on the international scene. p s of si8h,lnB have come in. Feat-? talks start and break down a "crM!- Oil discussions last last year there was tuna in a few days and break down about th eighteenth Qf August. WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Sidirg . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given . .... . ,t, xj uiili; . i . ,,. be Interesting Alder, former ?X7Jht C;lub ?"? marif sinews for w i VICTOR MATURE WILLIAM BENDIX in LIZABETH SCOTT DENNIS 0 KEEFE In Blue 1X2 vu. ....... hi. u.v A 1 ..111.V AbUJ'VIV, whose Interest went far in ob taining the many fine poles seen here. GAMBLING "The Companj manned by a crew of three, who claim that nobody's captain of the craft. It Is northward 'bent towards Ketchikan looking for timber. It is powered with 103 horsepower twin Kermath engines, and the crew members are Howard Tauscher, Glen Brooks and John Graham. BULLETIN Ho. 12 HOUSE j She Keep 7 Miffr? Nearly every day, something appears in the press telling arjout a battle. Or perhaps it concerns an imminent struggle. Anyway, it deals with fighting. Sometimes it's a yarn descriptive of what happened in the past. One of the best recalls what Archibald Forbes of the London Morning Advertiser did during the war against the Zulus in South Africa. Forbes had Tote MON. - THIS. SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. LAST COMPLETE . SHOW :20 Two violations of fishing laws occurred in southeastern Alaska waisrs a lew ciays & ). In let-eisburs Ihs skippe- ai.J crew of ir.e fcidt-r.p-rd seii .t, Spot, pleaded guilty to fishing in -iosed Barr.e Cre?k. The U. S. A FAMOI S PLAYKKS THLI to and Commissioner, Dale Hirt assess- T"; something " 'f. h file, , ' 7 ,u on horse- . ed a fine of $8C0. Fish valued at b.a,Ck' m?de ,haste.' the nearest 350 wtre confiscated. Names of 'n. .i,.,. u T, .u y CREATING AN ESTATE... When you pay the nrat omnium mil! life auranc policy you immlitely cm AIR RAID INSTRUCTIONS (HANG THIS SHEET WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE IT) n ettete of 15,000. If you dia th full is available for your family. If you bn n luce fined "'c,e' aneau OI omer were nat given out.; I The other case took pllce in tho j IT , handed h's u and Craig area. Capt C L Arring-! H! ciLspatch ton of the sir,er Aksala pleaded f udde,nly reflected it would not guilty to fishing in closed waters ke long 10 send U- So he Bave and was fined $600. Two of the the Perator Blble. with fr-ciew. r.ed- Erandes and Sam flructlns to send in pages to Burgess were fined $300 each : keep the one wlr Pen unt11 he I i returned with a ionger cable. I Of the army of fishermen and' Hls rlvalfi had tne chagrin of ! fish dealers who have transacted staDdlnB b.v helplessly while he business at Prince Rupert over monopolized until he was all the past fo ty years, one of the throuBh. fir-.t was Billy Shrubsall. He was! Can take at long at thirty vein to pay v Why not crtata your euta today? JOHN T. FOWLE Box 835 rhont BUckt SUM LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANW a real pioneer in the retail sale of fresh halibut. He also showed enterf .ise and initiative in introducing and developing black od. it was he e a Federal cab-net minister tasted black cod Migrants Miss Moms Cooking '1 r t nn !irr tiinp onH hie nraitA . ORMES wa, Uvtsh. Biliy haUd from ! Nellie aifuVour ,7f,,ho ori 1 jL.ndon, and belonged to a lam- m yCn fafrSthfr 'tnlre , jily active in the fismr.g indust.y. I 5y,"h "',,, ,,,ked ma'r SleXnd i-tunstis leel at home ar.d was!.h.., rf,, , .,,. iv,m w.u3CroumlUar figU;e aIng S mir mind ! 1 l' I to travel to New Zealand alter Anew cafe has lust opened ChVsaVdTheTslfnTi near the cannery recently estab-; tr'S.Tk nfihienv'1,6 1',aK-b0r lrota-:ing." She's Peking and up " It is chiefly for the convenience ; laxln supp7ol hr 0WPn nnn1 rh?aen'PeryTtTP!Te!l' whlle crite andans and Chinese. It is well appoint- cd and kept fairly busy. ! The Pioneer Druggists W lien You Have W lien You Have . NO WARNING WARNING c-p attay from HindoHK ami A 1 " 1 ifltrr-,.rrfcral, in the If! muter !., or table. Vm y HOME ' '"" Keep home or car .x,..! ,mrt of the JmkIv. i l!aho ON. K--p away frim winilnwH or - (;0 t pr iiiu-ly aKinted t:la diMirn, and get under A I shelter. OIm v inMrurtionft of desk, tal.le or l n. h. Oner VV O R K Huildinp Omtrol IHrector or WW V II II rxMmrl parln of ImmIv. I'st Wurd.n. iiet in any hhrltrr if near to you. If no sli 1 1 r within a Q fm fo to nrurrsl hhi'ller or public frw Ktrps fall flat on your . buildiiiii. Keep away from Momach and .over fare and STREET plus. Obev the Warden, eyes with urm. Clear i Uar r if-'I't-of-way. Turn off right-of-way. Turn .ff I ftl ' ' "Hl'"' ;" "-r" "hrftw. ignition. Get out and act aS . , m in "on Htreet" above. VEHICLE ' "'m l"y the anleiiH. If voiir Children are at hool, C H I LD R EN If your Children are at school, I YOL utay where you are. AT Vl" "la wn,re 'ou ae Teachers are trained to Ik ' Teachers are trained to look ufter students. SCHOOL after students. l lose your, head n nri'7 . . . U U ll I ) START RUMOURS... . ( USE THE TELEPHONE. , mmls Huron is renarted due I A fishinst vessel called the In Esquimau this week from the PHONE 81 Clarice became disabled and was Orient following service off drifting off Auk Bav sme davs the Korean coast. She will sail a?o, while a Coast Guard vessel 'of Halifax next week. daily news CLA.-iFiisiJ advertisements brino"5 was on its way to give aid. The owner of the Clarice is Lionel V'-tson of Juneau The Clarije, It is thought, broke reduction gear, or lost the propellor. 5P THIS WEEK SPECIAL Good Selection of Townsile engineers were first to repo t the presence of whales in the harbor of Prince Rupert, and eastern papers were quick to feature the unusual news in telling about the terminus of the i orthern transcontinental railway. Whales, pursuing thelt food, were seen here f-equently, but as shipping and settlement increased, they practically AFTER Ail ATTACK 1. Keep ealm and follow inMruetimis. , 2. Don't use your ear keep the hihwing elear. 3. Don't use Food or Water except from CLOSKI) containers. 4. Join Self-Help Parties under the Wardens. (T his is the last bulletin of this series BE SLKE TO HETAIN IT.) LAMP, COFFEE and OCCASIONAL TABLES fci.V. Sidney was in port from Kethikan with three carloads of canned salmon for transshipment cast. at SWO Disco Western Despatch is due In port today with salmon from Alaska. THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA . .iici.iuu.-v ttciKliUKr W illi- . f,?1!!!111 Prt n ay ESSOOH.BI RNER GORDON & ANDERSO HON. W. T. STRAITH, K.C., Provincial Secretary MAJ.-GEN. C. R. STEIN, Civil Defence Co-ordinator w.w.: , DEALER Third Avenue Mm CPS Princess Louise is dui" In port this afternoon.