rlliiCc Mjpci'( Uuny inc. Saturday, Augusc 23, las. Girl Supervisor L Blackwood on End, 0(H While You EARN By Eotley Blackwood It would be an exaggeration to say that Mr. Dale Paddled Long Way To Teach Indians f f si '51 SUPER! w PROFESSIONAL STATUS l Accountancy I HIM planned the exact pattern of play which would defeat this contract. When he selected his opening lead he had no idea it would turn out no well He deserved my credit nevertheless for the thoughtful play which brought about Mr. Champion's downfall. POWER CHAIN SAW A Light ONE-MAN SAW with a HEAVYWEIGHT'S POWER IU endurance and dependability are "field-proven." Whatever the Job, your ... , , il AwnuntanH Aiaorlatlon of Hrttlih Columbia . fertifl'"1 '"' , .menu with the Ki hool "if Oiiamene of the , . iviiiinibl tu ionilu.1 UK aluily program. Night , ,v..i lor fenUenla "I Viimiuht anil New Weat-m " ,i l B.C. will i f-ei'ved by vorieiipomleme. .,.. iiy draigned tor aturiy Ui your apare time, i " ,v; and aplil V"" Iwtin. I On lead against the (our spade J MOOSE FACTOR V, Ontario (CP) Getting In the mood for a ; new jpb as supervisor of BO small Indians and Eskimos, 17-year-jold Jennifer McVlcar of Toronto paddled a good part of the way I to her post in a canoe. It's some 360 miles between Ottawa and ; AbKibi and many more by canoe. Jennifer, daughter of Mr. and dian weddings, with a dance Mrs. Kay McVlcar of Toronto, after each one," she said. "I was decided she would like a change very disappointed to find that j this year from previous summer the bride wore satin and not (jobs on the farm or at summer native costume. I camps and hotels. She obtained "Thpri lu nn nnlnt In (rnincr In contract, Mr. Dale's natural inclination would be to lead the ! jolHnt to ewurt) promotion T 1)0 deuce of hearts. Good playeu South dealer Aleitlier side vulnerable N.a-IU (Mr. Muay) ti None A K J M Dia S 6 2 C-Jt 10 t '51 SI.PER PIONKKR takes it in its stride. Some of th features arc: nam i .-want to juaalif y for mure rexponitlhllity? Investigate Now! Dyna-Torque single engine UN Mat always lead the lowest card rum a holding of three to an honor In thel" partner's bid suit. But In thts cane the old master decided to open the queen of hearts. Thin was not art attempt to cuiilu.se the declarer, but to (Mr. f'hamilu) :a og temnorarv surjervlsor ...h,h,,,. v,f it i,.i, A IT LJ jail ' " ' H ll'fi WtlU't Al V HULR ' SEE IT! ,iic Ur rt4MTMUve dooklm ui rrtirt-(l ;n-rul aW'UHt..tta AueHitt.on, 4tiiiiK lrrl, B.C. HArium J at the Bishop Horden Memorial they Just start then and dance 4 Mr. Maitrrx) H s 6 a IS i 7 U A J 7 C J 6 3 H 3 I) K U C A 6 ocnooi nere irom me uepari- until dawn. They dance a form ment of Indian Affairs. '0f square dance with six cou- Because her Job didn't start ple.s. In between sets the men until August 1, Jennifer, who do what Is called a step dance, TRY IT! I" SHERIFF'S SALE avoid confuting Mr. Muzzy. In I other words Mr. Muzzy conslsl-Untly tearts the honor from three j to au honor Ln partner's suit. For purposes of clarity and sim i plilicauon, Mr. Dale was trying goi her senior matriculation trying to ounasi one anovner. m THK COUNTY tXlUMT OF FKINCS KUPkKT last spring, accepted a chance Automatic hoiilh 4 Mr. IHllr) 8 JO 7 U H-M 4 D 8 3 C Q 7 3 The bUMlog: auiul an) Siirlll . iVaaa fwm 1 H Paaa 3 C Faaa Fau 4 8 All paaa UllPtN'UiO FMU'i' Hot' AMI Kll Uui v i 1 to travel from Ottawa to Abitibi F.at canoe. From there she came GOLD SEAKCH AMI in UK TKAIkKKhat clutch and rewind starter. to play his partner's game. ill ddi on by train to Moosonee. What a fatal illusion this lead TMH KL'l'KEMB COUBT OF UK1TIMH COLUMBIA Slfafts nearly 7,000 feet deep have been sunkjn the gold minvs ax created in Mr. Champions Her first days were busy, help ulliiUJ erll I'll" VMI l-HVhtKK mind. Mr. Mu.y overtook the of South Africa. ing to prepare for the centennial celebration of the settle- and Uia .Supreme Court (Ueen Of hearts With his king Balanced design for easy cutting and carrying. Only 25 lbs. without cutting attachments. Cutting attachments from 14" to 16" " u u.ui.t, Court uf Frlnca Rujiart unl'-iiuoi" r 'hkiuvwij. ! 11 . v HMuim ur kuoo.i inn aim lata uuwxi wic vc ui uic with the-Jack of spades made ment o the mission and watch-Mr. Dale's thrice-guarded 10 lne ,h infm of Indians wna m, wa iio.mu. r.., ... '". " I suit. (UU W second UIC Mr of spot ft sure winner. It was also came from far as 2oo miles PRINCE RUPERT dropped -the deuce , ....-ii .., ,,. . - ,a, - lmpossiDle lor Mr. unampion 10 3way in war canoes. trick avoid the loss of a club Tj um trw. I rtii, au. a ton truck: I Forgo, lata, i ton true; 1 l'earts. "Z luini' ","'1 lw4i' 1 J!" pwk-up trmk: i Ford. Now when Mr. Muzzy contin- "ii tri.K i Krii. iihi. um it tick: i Fowl. line, a . truck: Ued with the Jack ol hearts, Mr. In a letter to her mother she Fill ln and mail for full particulars: Name Address and he was down one. He was also fit to be tied. This was the third makecble game noted that there Is only a day school during the summer, but In winter the Indian children Champion" lost no time ruffiii DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS jj,. aMtv- vrlii' i's. wilij b n t- enjyinr niouir with the Jack of spades. hniiiK '" ooldir At Mccuii.ich ui. KeimiiKU.a He lelt sure Mr. Dale had hanH ho harl nl.iveri In the cur- stay here while their fathers Mll ,. -. .n. omce 'uftarted with the doubleton queen rent rubber and he still wasn't move off to the bush. he has Dealer: thr!of nearts- And homing a totar vulnerable. 'been keenly interestd In the In- i6i. at thf hour of i so in indiiv Ui- Tli d' etepiOTber, RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Prince Rupert, B.C. Dist.: Pl'RVES E. RITCHIE & SON LTD. 658 Hornby St., Vancouver. B.C. t I will 'fflrr lr KUie ai punm: auriion ail in riglll, title and i v v.w.j.o " itv wruinru ail unjaAjiuiini jiu tiuuinaw auuut , me uvii iHiiinu ifi the above K.xKia. jane! dummy, it appeared fairly lecture, pointing out that the events. m ui s..i.- cat.ii; ami una suie anan ue aunject to me bix-ui i ceriam inai me ac-King -queen "rlgnf lead from Mr. Dales An evening service ln ine wee and Mviiim -ipul Alii lux. Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding r SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY of spades would oe sumcient to heart holding was the deuce language that she attended "wis pick up the outstanding trumps, not the queen. He added that very beautiful to listen to," ui- CHAIN 5AWS .1 at Ffim K.iM"rt. DC. tlila 20th day of August. 11)51. M M MIKI'HKNS. MtieriH of the County of Prince Rupert i IAZZ.26.2fl.J.S leading the queen wouldn't gain though she knows only a few As you see, however, trumping " anything more than once ln a words of the Cree language, thousand times. "There have been three In k ir-vir "AkirTni i t-i -n w i i in i 1 I I Ipop VlAV . awCfT' GREAT SCOTT- ask v' " I MAVE TWO J V?U CHILPPEN . ,JSZLT . go to the ) JWX,, 3jJf)(.03roFM0Ney Modern Methods Make Poor Land Grow Good Crop and REPAIR WORK SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. BRADFORD (CP) An impover ished lUO-ucre farm near he:e Is 'paying off fa; Jim Steers, a 31- year-old farmer with a firm be- 1 I lief in modem meUiods of agrl- 215 1st Avenue West i culture. I'hone 0!) P.O. Ilo 721 The land wasn't much for yield wlien Jim started woi-kin- It 12 years ago. Most of 11 was J i 1 i ., slopiug and every lime it rained the tousuil started heading for -- ' "' 1 '"" " "I f ' '.e.. .','Ti,0"fiiCCfn Usi. f l-JaJ TUlG IS " Unusual Values the hollows. The cops didn't have a chance. Jim. who had taken short courses at the Ontario Agricul tural College at Ouelph, Invited Uie Oullege expel to help hira. Ihey told lilm Jiw to map out wmm met'-' MEN'S Brogues Jus larm. how to follow contours. seed graos waterways and what crops hould 4ae planted wliere. Ihey also gave lilm a five-yea." and prof, i am that has proved L a 0 U NrmJv7feR W lsl.ii, A", V UI ' Soruce-mead, as lie calls his Oxfords holding. Is actually a dairy farm. i . . i - i 1 1. " 1 1 ' ' All the crocis are planted wltn that In mind. Mixed guins audi FROM f UX. HEPES A PICTUBE ) I AND ON THUBSPAV . VhoW lOi WE J f"t-ErS HAVE AN - , ulenly ol hay are the main ttms. ENGLAND He oiave planted a corn orpp butj Jiad to ive it up. It ptoed dif-1 licult to handle on hilly Jaudi even when planted on a cor.uui. SCIEN'TU'IC I'SE fashion footwear i un one side of his sloping fields this yea'. Vre hiis four or, five acres of alfalfa planted ln ! two-year .rotation with grain.; , The lower areas are kept in hay crops as much as possible to 1 prevent erosion. Grass water-i ways are provided to drain iff iraln wiUiout removing soil. ', ( 10TORISTS... As well gs being a successful I hay and srain farmer, Jim hasj followed the latest methods in cuttle raising. Last year he K..UI n lnflnci- ,e.e,n anrl milkinffl I 7 OU(?SELVES FCOM MOSN LLIrS rJS A 'TU. NIGHT WITHOUT J , Sr-"V JlT -i spending a pennv jr -sr y m y m v ja t i - m -r . a nkm - r v . parlor for his dairy iherd. He Is also something of a con Come j.n today and sw-trv? thiWnrrtg newl PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE In tne IlKLVEDERE you may (njoy the breezlnest ol a Convertible or the snug comfort of a Coupe. THE PLYMOUTH BELVEDEDE IS THE SMARTEST HARD TOP ON THE ROAD . o you know that the depreciation on Chryslrr-built cars Is less than most other makes? Current I scil Car prices prove this to be so. niKYSI.KR-Bl ILT CARS ON DISPLAY AT Rupert Motors Limited tour missionary. Other farmers In the district have started work ing their farms across tne slope. FAMOUS TENOR John Coates, famous British tuur who died in H4l, stariea i his professional career us it of Srroiul Ave Si 1st St. Phone 86B and 586 LIGHTING PLANT , MM i I"" ( "" CLEAN "T ': - 1 ( I f-iGuPE .WITH THE Vfc?SE!Kfi " "T THOUGHT LOF TMlS) PAMAGE AND ALL.THAT . . 115 I aV. IK1 TWC F4RST . - ' T COST US FIFTEEN DOLLAPS' JX' .. . S IS PLACE yj ' GOOO IDEAS ?r JrI pfTl ! I ThrfT - li- Com m.H,?TIOII g i am . f - If will pay you to Intlall a 0itl Morriion Aufomafic plant on your form. Cwilifwam aaaiallan al Hm S R.W. Marrawa Oiaarf- rannina cel 11 IKaia af aotallna madliaa caaa Sita-l,iiy manay In yaur ackat, Pawai warklnf ar 9 aarvka Ufa and lawar maintenance calta . 3 4arti(", lha caaiawl Irlliih ajam aaaiM fvHv aajlptl aaaa!r far a. Pika tamplalai S0O0 MMa SiM JJ00 want $1176j NO IXTIAS. ImwaClata aMIawa. Madala auaplM aa la 95,000 want. S ' ik'ik: n -r w i I 1.- , TSM WAK5l 1 '' '. ' 1 I Cupr. 19i I. King F1U. SynjKa.e, Inc., Weld ntht, rocrved. t. LLUAlliJ I 1 T J; w - - JPt i r ' -