Prince Rupert Daily News Mens' SuiM, Raincoats onH T.. 1 LETT RBOX As I See It inn nrirec U n C-... i Bt ff Friday, April 6, 1951 . jururaay an(l i, ' M for these i APPRECIATE CAPTAIN ANOTHER "DISGUSTED" I people moved in. But it isn't nil the landlords. It's Mr. and M.'.s. ; Storekeeper too.You buy a levy sacks of coal but mast of it is coal-dust. The whole set-up look like "get all you can while the going Is good and give little in 1 return." j I have travelled a lot from the 'Continue! on page 4) f 34 h 1 Editor, j . independent daily newspaper aevoted to the upbuilding of Prince j Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. I ' SUBSCRIPTION HATES: j Editor, Daily News: Through your columns, I would Daily News, like to express the thanks of; I hope that I will be allowed those who took the navigation space in your paper so that I course this past winter, to Capt. "'ay be able to bring to the at-Wllliam Koughan, local harbor tention of Prince Rupert some master. Through Capt. Kuup.h- of 'he things that are hard to an's diligence, hard work and put up with. In a recent issue unfailing good humor, the class of vour PaPer someone had a arrived at a very successful con- lter Signed ' Disgusted.- This elusion, much more so I c;m was right about the com-urevou, than me, the candidates. Plat of nigh rents. I have also had ever honed for seen iteias where certain writers JUST ARRIVED! "x-vjuins. MEN'S WEAR GAItARDINE RAINCOATS, fully lined. Tailored to fit in. all the .. latest styles ilegular $32.00 Now $25.(M "j,. M'Otil. Sl'ITS. double-breasted, all ijif. wool suits. These are real buys, i t Regular $49.50 Special .... S35.(i(i 1 :?$ TKOl'SFItS, Gabardines, Worsteds, f j Tweeds etc. Fine materials, ex- pertly tailored. i.' ( Now frnm $C.C0 tu $12,011 pr. , "' '' DRFSS SHIRTS, fine broadcloth in j white and ;rey. AM sizes. Regular j ' : ' V Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A. HUNTFR, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director v Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, -gjpfc,-B8.00; By Mail. Per Month, 75c; Per Year. $8.00 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. The Wheat Argument MEETS SHEIKH 3AIIIH F Y 0 J I s JAMMU, Kashmir. j Eome of us had fol'.cw-t? th thought that the rents were Rfli rnr - -nn timp nm :: n.v mti wiivj I t s As you fly north over the 1 pays rent at $30 per month surprising and. at some times. Pllll i-iK tm.i U51, "U, I niMl... disfnnrertini in finrl mil. Mipply lH.S OWil light and l'Ui-1? wcial $3.85 'mi.' ' i s TV 7 how httfe we kn about the he or .she have a ,, ,11 mucll like W Western t ;U rudiments of navigation. To those room with only one window and adaitis" jfollowitiR the sea, and who have lni whitlow riM lose to never taken a rn-n-se. another hull.lins, .w that yon STORK SHOPPE THF mat unpessinn deepens wlwi, n,,,. i.w have U. have the Uhl.-i all Hie of such a course, p..rticular!y Muyl"' 11 "tl writer is a when being In the position of se- landlord who too Ls mil, tor ail curing the services of such an '''' ('a" R''au-able instructor In the nerann .if; Mv wlt" a"(i 1 livP in al1 Pri-our local harbor master Capt. lWil h"liW Ulul u concU-iiuif l "Bill" Kouhan. al"' V'1 ''"""'"-ly Is allowed BOYS' WEAR Pants, Shoes, Sweaters, Shirts ami Winillireakers al real bargain prices. Al.l. WOOL I'AXTS, Hiys' pants nicely tailored of pine wool. All ..i.cs. SM'i i:il $3.25 to $1.50 SCHOOL I'ANTS, linrOwi-urliir; sclionl pants In all sizes. Niw $2.75 l $3.10 IW.I K OI A'IMS, Heavy 8 m. Dcnlnis Now at per pr. $2.35 tu $3.1111 you land at Amrllsar. For, while the mid-morning March temperature is more like a May dav in Alberta, i'nc land looks much the same. But I cannot stop just yet, at Amr.tsar, fo.- I am on m way to Kashmir to keep a date with the Prune Minister ShelKli 3 OITDOOH PLASTIC SHINS Wauled-A n )reKei,utUve to hun-illp mir Hi'cUie outiloor Mt:ns. I'l't-tt-rciMV will Im- i;lveu to un I'sl.ablt .lied kIkii 1 'nujiuiy mil. In inc imoii .sii'ii lu:,ineK;i. AildreN; nil ciirreNpondenee u: ChAXMM I'ltlllM ITS I III. Ilii I'rilH-tsi SI.. Wllllilpi'lv. Mali (Hl'lH io enarge just uijoul wnut . -lie "GRATEFUL' iikes. Nothing is done towar ls Mchammed Abdullah. tiVe military he uiivv cleaning the wulls and they are tillliy. Yes, I most certainly i!u W land at Jammu, the winter i holds. "Onoe bitten twice r.hy j capital of Kashmir, and a tall grave-faeed, slim, blue-turban- believe that Prince Rupert 1-. made up of greedy money grabbers from, the working peop.'e. It's been u lung time since this his motto. How does Ku'lmiii' kn w Ilia! tribesmen r even the P:iki .1: ed officer drives me to tlui gov hop and ernment guest 'I here is one other guest, a army would not again sweep in ' has seen a much money 'ave at especially since tile CYIIiilo.,e young American lady tourist, Call 363 Kit nrnm ... Planning EuilJing or Repoiring oOo THE PRIME MW3TF1 Kashmir is now 45 yea. s old. t ill keen. Without lib. lu.' Kx' .mm hat he looks like a typical Ann r-kau business man. H ; wear.i a tiny wisp of a black mousta A FEDERAL TREASURY grant of $05,000,000 to western wheat growers has provided the major political storm of the current parliamentary session a storm that may erupt again and again. It was voted on the day Parliament adjourned for the Easter holiday March 21 after an unprecedented Senate attempt to kill it was beaten hack in that chamber. The debate in both chambers added more than 200,000 words to Hansard records, brought demands -that Agriculture Minister Gardiner should resign, and claims that he had implied a breach of faith by the. United Kingdom government. The grant makes possible an 8.3-cents-a-bushel final payment to the growers for wheat they delivered into a five-year wheat pool which the government 3et up in 1946 to fulfil the four-year Anglo-Canadian wheat agreement. This "agreement began operating with the 1940-47 crop year. Opponents of the vote claimed the wheat growers were getting preferential treatment at the expense of all the taxpayers. Critics of the vote, mainly representing wheat areas, claimed it was not nearly enough. Government supporters retorted that if all the various forms of aid to Canadiafi primary industries were taken into consideration this final settlement would not be out of proportion, that it was fair from both angles. , The four-year agreement with the United Kingdom, with the government's five-year pooling plan for stabilizing: wheat export prices through operations Of the Canadian Wheat Board, made up such a complicated situation that it was difficult to weigh and balance the various charges and countercharges at Ottawa, let alone here at Prince Rupert REMODELLING? Menstrual Pains...use PARADOL !He i1, a man who knews what he lis doing. He was eight lime-- in ! jail but in jail and In puhlli ' 'office he hajt stood for! fci- i M I rn-H J determined to get to Srinagai. But the planes have been held up for several days by the heavy snow. I alma'.t have to pinch myself, in the eool air here, to remember that only a week a?o I was literally boiling in B;mi-:-a.y. ofto YOU NEED TWO Blanket to sleep here In Jammu, but th? sun is warm, even In the early morning. Sham at 1C I urn urhered in to see "Sheikh Sahl'j," as everybody calls him here. The Prime Minister's official home, looks out over the Tawt River, and the ripple of the ru'hln water. I the same things. He hus avtual ! delivered -not just t liked. E liave Just received our iiew w . hipmciil, of ,YOUR UUILDERS AND CGhJlRACuV Greer & Bridden Li I My own impre ion rf "Kin ir.M i Sahib" is thit he 1 sir w . ImM I I, personally, w'-nld sire'v a-' cept his wo,'d on a plebi;:'ite face valu. I If the UN really wants a 1 1 h-lscite on Ka'hmlr thev rnn i' no better than to follow the gen ..l. r.,,1 I ' ,1 1., l.i,-,, r-o. K i:ti frnup Itjpi-tl, 111 ROSE BUSHES Dnn't forget to see nur complete lines of CARDFN SLTD3 Prince Rupert Florists rhone 777, 300 3rd W. llo: OK, MITCHELL & CURRIE I IMITI I) liiiilibrs h Coiitraclnrn gives an air of peace anil cheer- H' .. ',' ' ,,,',,,.,' fulness to the place. iiiayuvr nun nut:- ni'iun u ; t lie rnne; they for I have met the Sheikh briefly two or three times before in get the whole thp h- for TTV.T- nrt nlnii f iv o n if."ii ' r-S GARDEN TOOl Delhi but we deliberately ar- mn& ,CQ1ld be lf nw m0P re-ranged the interview here 1 Fistly, I wanted to hear all sid :s , r. r . " " " " " of the Kashmir question befo e coming here and to 'tudy the documents. Secondly, things al Garden ii Broomrc! .f, 1; ways look different when yc i if where our interest in agricultural problems wheat ;are uiscumg them on than they do from far the sp it away. Take ipit flm Mi&i mm &b Am I oOo i 1 THE SHFIKH TCLD ME THAT the plans for Kashmir'1! Constituent Assembly a:'e going ahoad fine. He expects the elcUtni ti lake nlace in lat Jur o" earlv Rakes July, 1351. There will, he reret , be no elected representative from that part of Kashmi;' which K held by the Pnklr.'fi Spades Fertilizers Insecticides armv. (Abrut one-quarter the population! I'he legal power to rule Kash cu least is ihuw eci. The net result is that with the 8.3-cent payment the growers will finally have received approximately $1.83 for each of the 1,435,955,510 bustnls of wheat delivered and sold during the period. During that period there were times when the world nrice was much higher. Had the situation been reversed, however, and the bottom had fallen out of the world wheat market, the Canadian grower wonM have been protected by a guaranteed floor price. Though actually set up in 1940 the pool was made retroactive to the summer of 1915. This was because 19-15-46 production was needed to fill British requirements in the first year of the contract 1946-47. The pool, and the contract, both expired July SI last year. mir and Jammu ?tlll rents with GORDON & ANDERS the Maha-ajah. But In all the events of the past few years nobody In Kashmir and Jnmmu t v' ', I , "A i I ! fi k j 4 (not evjii the Maharajah) hns contested the princinle that "ail power derives from the neople." Thus, even when the Malniratuh "acceded" on a Prn'ted b"Hls 1 1 India, he did si with the clearlv-exprersed oondltion tl" n I. fie neoole them .elv"" "ti-"'rt y"i" the final say as to their pe'lt-ical destiny. : OftO K' ,-1? i SPOTTED FROM AIR . j ) OUR TALK LASTED 55 MIN (ROSE TOWN, CP) tjtfs and w covered a lot of Homer Merritt and Gordon Sea Cadets Now being reorganized under the sponsorship of the Navy League of Cair Those interested apply to H.M.C.S. "Chatham" Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 4-6 and 7-9 p.m. Aqe limit 14-1 B ycnr5 ANIMAL RARITY CORNWALL, Cnt. (CP)-A big black squirrel, considered a rarity tn eastern Ontario, was cautrht recently nea-: Williams-town. The animal was cantured on tre farm cf Mr. and Mrs. Alme Richer by their two sons. Jr , 7 r S 4 ' -i Wickett, hunting coyotes by alrplanei, reported sighting a herd of 125 antelope south of McGee and 47 mule deer In the Harris bushland near here. . t x 1 ( ' i A 1 ground. I shall discuss general government and esp?ciai;y Kashmir's land reform program which is the most advanced in all India-in later articles. Here I want to sum up what Abdullah, the "Lion of Kashmir," told me about the dlspuU' now before the UN. First, he says, the Pakistan forces must withdraw from the areas their armies seized. Then (J- - ' i 4 'i. St w'81 ) the refugees, driven out from Northern B.C. Power C thei;- homes, must be rcstoml and rehabilitated. Then and -"s ""X " J i,-.. aftlteieaio- .imt-utf f tn I , '4 only then the Kashmir-and- Prim .. Rupert ''s WATER tells the truth about.., WHISKY Jammu government aprees to The "sure-fire" gunners of the the actual hokliii" of a UN p!eh- Does Your Car Have Spring iselle for the entire area. But he and the other cabinet ministers are quite as insistent as anybody in Pakistan that the whole stal must eo ti Pakistan or slay with India. oOo SHEIKH ABnUlLAir SEEMS sln??reiv confident that t,he matortty of the people of the ctnu would vote to slay with India. But he is emrhatic that the whole pnvernment of the whole tate will lovally 8"eent the verdict. "If (hew vote to po with The Canadian Army Active Force is on the alert. The highly-trained, expert gunners of the Royal Canadian Artillery stand by their guns ready to defend Canada's freedom. The fighting nun of the Royal Canadian Artillery are expert soldiers. They are trained to work and fight in smoothly coordinated teams . . . and proud of ic ! Canada needs more men like these "surefire" gunners men who prize Canadian freedom enough to fight for it. immediately for training a) a soldier of the Canadian Army Active Force. Canada needi you now! Report today! TO ENLIST YOU MUST - I Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 30 years of age. 3. Be single. 4. Meet Army tost requirements. 5. Volunteer for service anywhere. REPORT RIGHT AWAY TO: H. 11 Puwoml D.,.l, 4OS0 WW fourth Av, VANCOUVtR, SC. Von know Hie riymptoms . . poor Ras "iliKPNlinn," loss t P'P cranky slops ami slarls. We've got the cure. A low coat tune up session in our "operating ronm" will liring about ynur car's fast reruperalloii.' Drive up! $eogramfs : u83m t Fut Seagram' "83" to the water test. For water (plain or sparkling) it your most reliable guide to the whole truth: qbout any whisky. Wgter oddi nothing, detract! nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAM'S . end be SURE . i i of the finest You can take your place Pakistm. T wll p-. too," he sa d. As to Pakistan's dirrmnd trr the wi'drn'! of n'l Indian tronr.! from Washmlr. the Prim? Minute- of Ki.'hml stys: "No lust look at this map." He showed me how Pakistan could rush in troops In two days, whereas it would take India a monlh to rebuild the ccmpra- 'V. 77 beside nun line men: Auto St ' gun's crew by reporting SUPerir IIMITI" "WSis'3 CTiipriAiPR nnd ant AU-" Third Avenue at P:'k HEAVY TOLL An average of 12C0 bush and forest fires are reported annually In Ontario of which 80 pgr cent are blamed on human causes. 5 HithhxH - 4UMmml i .I Thtw advertisement is not published or displayed by fte liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, HHP PML? IN TUB 5 CLASaiFIED AnVRKTlSINQ listen to "The Voice of the Army" IrViilnasday evenings Dominion Network