r Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, April 6. 1951 CFPR a Oir How ft, Ann, A. A- Pour .-. , BricL manding officer HMCS Chatham, has made facilities at the ad-; ministration office for boys to "sign their names to a growing: list." he said, and reported today ; 25 had done so. S. P. Woodside, president of the Navy League of Canada branch hvre. said as soon as 50 names have been received, the list with an application to form a Sea Cadet Corps will be sent to re- i gional headquarters in Vancou-I ver.' I "We expect to do that next Sea Cadets Enrolling Encouraging Response With 25 Boys Joining During Week Within a week enough Prince Rupert boys to man half a corvette have given their intention of joining a revived corps of Sea Cadets. Lieut. Cdr. James Colby, com Black' K 1 M J By Usually when leading 9:30 CBC Stamp Club 9:45 The Answer Man 9:59 Time signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Minuet 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weauiei and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date 11:30 -Weather Report 11:31 -Message Period ll:33-Kecorded Interlude :45 ;;candinavlar. Melodies SATURDAY P.M. 12:00 Saturday Magazine 12:30 BBC Bandstand U V Eosley Blockwood from the weak hand to lit J a- Chop Sucy - Chow Mein HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 "PP" on to t'. then warmatert0.; Q- H,, . can & Place the water (or a short ,; ward the strong hand to finesses, you should lead the smallest card of -the suit. But unusual situations re- , . . i i - i i would have done him no good as the jack would have blocked the suit on the third round. But there wa.s still hope. If Mr. Masters had three diamonds l:00-Folk Songs with E. Fowkc fill the veZ Hilt, W l:30-London Studio Melodies ! Q. H ,1 "i. am can the i 01 a garment k. A. Sponge it 2:00 -Trans-Canada Uandst'd 3:00 This Week 3:15 CMC News 3:25 Rec. Interlude 3:30 NBC Spring Cwikuil i : l " ; e teaspoonin , to one (!Uarl 0 , ' i" on the wront the queen and Mr. Abel held the doubleton ten, the entire 'suit could be brought in with-,imC Iosa. Not much of a chance, But when the adverse carda must lie in a certain way for you to make your contract, you may as well play as though thi y hire that way. Mr. Masters opened the deuce hearts, Mr. Abel won the ac? land returned the eight on which Mr. Champion played the nine. Mr. Masters won with the jack and shifted to the Jack of club 1240 Kilocycles RADIO DIAL (Subject to Change) FRJDAY P.M. 4:30 Sleepy lime Storied 4:45 Stock Quot. & Int. 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Int. Comty. 5:10- Rawhide 11 5:30 Ndw I Ask You 6:00 supper Serenade 6:15 Personal Album 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Saddle Roekin1 Rhvtlun 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Guy Lombanlo Show 8:00 -London Cavalcade 8:30 OiH'nins Ni(;ht 9:00 '-Burn!-, niurkwaiym" 9:30 Canadian Short Stnvl 9:45 Christianity mid Literature 10:00 CMC News 10:10- CBC News 10:15- Ncstiitt Rcpoitinf! !0:3U- Riverside Itiincho 10:55- Interlude I :(() Weather :i:i;G -Sien atf SATURDAY A.M. (:00 - Musical CUiek H AM CMC Nev a 8:10 -Hen 's Bill Good 8:15 - Hits and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotion 8:45 - UU1h Col,',n 9:00 -9:15 BBC News and Comty - Saddle Serenade I I I I I I II I I 1 I Tth aJvcrtiirmffnl II not puMtthtd at dHUyid bf tk Liquor Caivrel Bowd1 by llw Oovcrnmt t B.,.K Colwmbi.. J i 0 JOHNNY COME TO! 0 Johnny conic to llilo, () wake her, O shake Iter, 0 skh ihat nil I with the blue dress on. O Johnny come to llilo, poor oil , M For over a century Lamb's N quire unusual plays. East dealer ; None vulnerable ! Oll-s Itl.l-ll) I s J 9 5 ' H 4 3 l A K fl 4 I to C 9 3 (Mr. Mlc'i-) (Mr. AIm'I) H K 10 4 i: - 3 ii q j u a H A II 5 i u y 3 a l 10 H V J H L' K 10 7 5 i (Mr. 'haniiitm) H A 7 H K 10 (I 7 i D-J 7 5 C A g 04 i Till' IjuUlin: lof Knot Snill II ! nrlll l c Pass 1 1) Puss 1 H Pass 1 8 ! Pass 1 NT Puss a nt Pass 3 NT All p You have to be good when you're playing with Mi.ss Brash She really puts her partners in fome tough contracts. Mr. Champion looked the dummy over in today's deal and wondered where Miss Brash got her two no trump bid. Well, it was too late now to do anything about the bidding and Mr. Champion started concent rating on the play. It was obvious that he had to bring in a IOl of diamond tricks or else go set. If there had been ;an entry to dummy outside of diamonds. Mr. Champion would have considered playing the ace and kin of that suit, hoping the queen would drop. With no side entries, however, that play R ECIPES TJlnnfii MEAT I.OAF 2 pounds ground lean beef 4 pound ground suet or salt pork 1 egg, slightly beaten 1 cup canned or cooked to matoes or thin tomato soua or catsup) 2 cups coirse dry crumbs 2 tablespoons chopjied onion l'ii teaspoons salt . ' teaspoon dry mustard, if desired 'i cup skim milk Pour all Ingredients Into bowl in order given. Mix well. The mixture will be sticky. Shape into a loaf in a shallow pan. Bake uncovered in 350" F. oven about l'2 hours. Eight servings. STEAMER n n I K f IIMIV, nCG IIUUCII KUnPrt RAILS FOR Va ncouver anil Intermediate IWIs Each Thursday "t 1I:1S p.m. For KETCHIKAN vi:ii.m:siv MIDNH.IIT i Luxury nt. Low Cost 4 For Reservations Write or Call 'Try OIt DKl'OT Ol I K K PRINCE RUPERT, ii ir has been the call of those uhoi good rum. Smooth and mdl is matured, blended and bottl Britain of the finest Dcmerara : Kl Lamb's Wavy I v x. This KivfrtiMTncni is not pubitsbcU ih JispUvcd b fr Control Board or b' the Government U BnushCuIr which was won in the clased hand with the queen. Now Mr. Champion led a low diamond to dummy's ace in ca;c Mr. Abel held the lone queen. He returned to his hand with the iack of diamonds Mr Mas - - ters covered with the queen and the king was put up in dummy. As you see, this play trapped Mr. Abel's ten, making all of dummy's diamonds good. Another long shot winner for Miss Brash. Another ill-earned reward for her slapdash style. But she saw nothing out of the ordinary in the bidding or the result. "Just as I thought, I partner, she said. I felt sure u wouiu oe a layuown. Mr. Champion only groaned. I.KTll RBOX Continued from page 2i east coast to the west coast during wartime to now, and this city is 'the worst I have ever seen. Sure, I work at the Cellulose plant and I make good money, and it galls me to have! to pay such rent as I do. The landlords or landladies know that they have you at their mprfv T iln nnt pvnppt tn h VVff much longer and If I never see Prince Rupert again It will not hurt my feelings at all. Prince Rupert is one of the dirtiest cities I've ever been in. When I leave here I'll have! memories of greedy, selfish money grabbers. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to change the name of this city to "Swindlers' Paradise" such as I've heard it called so often. Yes, everything that I've heard of this city Is true, all too true, and the money grabbers know it. A lot of these apartment houses are unfit and unsanitary to live in. Why do the health authorities allow such condi- tions? Or has Prince Rupert got U health centre? ANr.Ti-ir.-n nianTrc-rirn TENANT. If you want to sell It, advertls IN HE ESTATE OP RICHARD MILLAR. DEC'EAHKD. TAKE NOTICE that us Administrator, duly iippnimrd by the cuurt, of the esiiitu ot Richurd Miihir who died lit Prince Rupirt. Drltish Co-lumhia. on the 29th dny of Jiinuury, 11)61, I require all creditors Knd others having claims against the tuild estate to send the same to me. properly verilied. at the address mentioned helow on or before the 15th clay of May. 1951. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law, having rt'Kard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notl-Ned. AND further take notice that all persons Indebted to said estate are required to pny their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 5th day of April, 11161. Gordon Fraser Forbes, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B C. (A6.13.20.27l c week,' he said. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS , OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 752 Red 804 P.O. Box 1G70 II. G. HELGERSON LIMITED ' REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Thone 80 Evenings Black 899 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Hwls and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Avn. MAC SHOE IIOSriTAL coLussrs MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In 'Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 ERNIE SINCLAIR PATNTINO AND PAPERIIANOINQ Phone Bine 901 Box 1819 241 West 5th Avenue BURNETT'S fadjfrkfi LONDON DRV GINS Distilled in Canada and distributed by The House of Seagram j . rm Thh advortisient is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Governmentof Biilish Columbia, Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Citt word per In.sei tion, niinlinum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards ot Tluinb, t Funeral Notices, Marriage and Encasement Annuuncemenls $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE FOB Sl FOR SALE -pj: in simil condiHu JJCCOIM Miiitjc Accorr Si.me uuiiame. ci voe&iionai PFKS'iM CASH tor srrao c Phone City. ered. 24c P f. i piuiiie i A Oti Sea Shortly 5 Em FOB SALE FOR SALE One 9-ft. clinker-built rowboat, like new. Phone Blue 23(i or call at 9B4 (ith East. ' 83c i FOR SALE Pot burner oil ranae, verv Rood condition. 1043 7th East. '82pi t -' FOR SALE Dining; room table and chairs, verv reasonable for Quick sale, Phone Black 130. LBI NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES -- LiiiK-belt Speeder Shovels; Cranes: Dranlines; Adams Road Graders; Littleloid Bros Black Too Road Maintenance Kuuinmeiit; Owtli Clainsliel Buckets and Rock Grapples; T L. Smith Concrete Mixers. Clark Forklift Trucks'. Nelso: Bucket Loaders lor Stockmli and Snow Removal; Rice Portable Centriiimal Pumps: Na: tional Dragline Scrapers anc Buckets: National All Sice Gasoline Hoists; Nations Portable Sawmills; Nations Rotary Screens and Conveyor.'-Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited Vancouver. B.C. I"1 LADY'S BIKE, slishtlv smallet than standard sie. P''1''''''1 condition. Phone Black 949. i82pi FOR SALE New and used fur niture, hardware, clothes am loeuinc bonus. National rasr ret-lster. GilchiLst lousln' lacks and scores of other article at verv low prices, H. I Furnil lire, 3rd Avenuejw. U1 FOR SALE New 15 tube transmitter and receiver coveriiH all bands, suitable for marim installation. Also Ballicrallci all wave receiver. Offers invited. Blue 979 after 6 P-m. I81P1 FOR SALE Lawe "Good Cheer coil pnd wood henler In e"" cellent condition. $40 00. Cat-be seen at 233 4th Ave West or nhone Blue 899 after 1? noon. Jl' FOR. SALE One chesterfiej" and chairs, one kitchen table and chili's, bedroom suite ano snare bed hi pood condition Phone 21 davtime or Oree'J 253 evenincs. l" FOR RATE Wick burner stove Also kitchen china cnni-ret Pulh wod condition. Can at 1348 Pissott Ave., fven(g20s) FOR SAIE -Household furnlsh-hi"s. Sulle 2, Summit Ants Applv between 6 and 8 n m. 1 1 1 2&Jr&rr 1 ( Al!l OF THANKS Mrs. Mabel Thomson and family wish to express their heartfelt thanks to manv friends on the occasion of their bereavement in the death of the late Mrs. Annie Tavlor. Particularly thanked are the Canadian Lc- eion. Kebekah Lodue, Ur W . Kernin and Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter. (ltpi LOST LOST Blue-crev lovebird on Se-al Cove Circle. If found please phone Green 825. He-ward. (82c REAL KSTATE FOR SAI.E-Wartime Four. Seventh Avenue East, three blocks from McBride Street, furnished or unfurnished. Prince Hu-pert Realty Co. (83c) FOR RENT FOR RENT Partly furnished 4 room house for seven months. Applv Box 74. Daily News. (82pl FOR RENT Newlv furnished home for six months from April 20, Also new 4 room suite "it h electric stove readv now. Phone Green 717. i8iipi FOR PENT 2 rooms unfurnished Will consider rentinn as suite. Box 73, Dailv News 18,1)1 FOR RENT-Li'iht hnnspkeemns room. Close in. Box 72. Dailv News. I81pi ROOM FOR RENT Black" 7K5 " . (82pl ROOM for Rent 800 Fraser SI.. after 6 p.m. (Bin) 41 U-DRIVE CARS? Phone 4t. 711 Grenville Court. (tf) CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE- 1947 Ford tudor. Excellent, condition. Radio, heater defroster. Low mlleime Call cveniims 217 1st Ave. East ii2v' FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth "se-riaa with heater Reasonable. Annlv Me Kirkham Bnh Porker's. 3rd Ave., or evenhr's Blue 527. 85pi FOR SALE FOR SALE Oood second-hand stoves radios, ohesterfields, berK wasliiii" machines tvna-wrlters. rifles, Ice cream machine and nvmv other articles nt.:ir'nin nice Come in nd look oroiind. Fnternrie Pe-nTir Shon. 144 Tlllrd Ave W. Phone 343. (84o) anc MATTSON'S UPIIOLSTERINO rhnne Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 .Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733- 5th Ave. W. Black 503 .scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 008 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Bc-aier Block Phone 3H7 P.O. Box 130 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Thone Blue 442 uiuieii MARGARET MeLEOD I OPTOMETRIST Room 10 I jtonk building I PHONE BLUE 503 P.O. BOX 1184 , SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis " OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Th. 212 A. I GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. ROY SIIAND, C.A. 353 3rd Ave. W. Box 203 Phone R8 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branch 204 4th Street. Phone B55 ELECTPOLUX Sales anc. Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1020 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. II I , i mc liver; ,wrvi;8 PASTY TEA KOI! I he Kin'rl.Br 643 Wt ulu HANTS Sicel brass, Honest Metals cotiver. B.C. 6357. TO F n A MTKD wife-Dailv Nr - i!i.-' 1 . 1 ,u. Write J-""' CUV. -.,ufR Si umve sri'llf f) liniisi"1 toed .- ' Ii"- salarv -p. I ! Thli tdvcrtlsement It not publisher or displayed by the Liquor Control Botrd or fay (he GovwruMnt ct British ColuaU LOOKING FOR DOG . . . COLLARS HARNESSES LEASHES ARE YOU DROP viim f7irr ri! MUZZLES OR CHAINS? mi n IN TO MM ! LDJLU