0 Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, April 6, 1951 tion to be held in April in Victoria. Mi's. K. 8. Schcrk was appointed to represent Muiik irial ni,an. Calholic Card Party Held Mrs. Withers I.G.D.E. Head j tcr at the forthcoming Cancer Society meeting. i If. U"ic HlK'Irlo-! Ik., fi hotel arrivals Sixteen tables of briduc were Succeeds .Mrs. ;. K. S. Kiatkahy as Municipal Urgent aid should be given the Music See the new O.E. Steam Irons ln Plav at the fortnightly mixed now in stock at the Rupert card Party in the Catholic Hall Radio & Electric only $24.50. I last night. and Mrs. G. O. Withers has been Pd , Drm rUval though YOUR SPRING SUIT presented by (Prince Rupert) II. K. Wells, J. L. Adshead and "- J" were Mrs. H. " ry chapter, contributing. A O - tl i . , iweea, n. ij. wrlgnt, whist; Mrs. , rs of ,, , . ,,.,,,,, uencious relreshmcnts wcre were j Miss J. L. Adshead, Vancouver; w o.Kj.n. wmst and dance Fri- i U7imm. t r, U1LDSRS' suin sui!." ve-ir served by members of the Queen iay, April 6 Whist. Z. """" "' 1 1 D"B",K' ? Mary Chapter. L. Horncastle, Prince George; S. L. Keith, Williams Lake; A. Jones, Hartsdale, New York; L. E. Cuth-bertson, New Mervick, New York; 3 SUPPLI ES Music by Mike Colusk Re Z brtdgV "J Mar, in Van Cooler, is menu. Everybody welcome. (81c,, i Mrs. Mrg , "wrr T' Col. C. E. Reynolds, chairman ?J.ck5?-. M J I. Biuin urer Vlid s , -of the Ontario Northland Rail- serviteurs; Miss J. Kofoed and, . ,. . rv,, f t '. v,,k.s .u fo. tne way, and Mrs. Reynolds after M Un R on the I ylar are: spending several days ln the city i Weshmant committee. . j ""J1 I-'"y welfare- UNLIKE PRAIRIES A pasture coverins; 2!)t) anres IL'itVimif Iranc 1 1J , . I ., t .... L. Howard, Burnaby; J. Norman, ............ nn.o tJj Ullllllf lljl I, j Ireland, is said to be Eumne's I Nelson Mr. and Mrs. R. Ing, Port PHONE 116 - 117 or 58 1 Edward. largest meadow. . Jv .41,11, uu cue jrrince " Rupert for Vancouver. I J Post -ar-Mrs. G. McLean, i Kiiiiis-Mrs. s. A. Keilback. ' I iniiiii;;raii,in and Canadian-j Nation -Mrs. G. K. S. Ulackaby. Ex-service personnel Mrs. W. Meeting of Job's Daughters,' FOUND IN PEANUTS km I McCaffery pert & general IST. TTl march A veBetable dealer missed a ,i i 81c' .gold ring shortly after he open- Notice Midland Pines re-' ed 8 ack of Peanuts. A few day.s opening on 24 hour service. Im- j lal,er a customer returned the Derial Oil nrnrlnrtji at vnnr umt, I ring. Wedeed inside was a nm- i LlVWItU I w in m iflin nil itTi 4tn inn jt mn Iway entrance rtredit nrH. or. nut. Icepted. (Rieil : HALIFAX (fPl-Records from I w . I m J1 M nCVUIlUG October 1 to the fir.st rin nt'"1- . toward Wilson j a,T,vea nere rrom Vancouver re J. Lmt'iiaiu. ' Div.iiiiii. hi d visitors and ho.spil.alily Mrs. Jcn.i Miuithe. Press and publicity- Mis D.' II. Stewart. In handing over the gavel of' office to Mrs. Withers, the rc-! tiring recent, Mrs. Ill.ickaby, ex-! pressed hojv that the new re- j gent would enjoy a-s happy and: successful a year as Ahe had! had. - j Two minutes si! ncc was ob-l served out of r'-ipect to the! memory the laic Mrs. D. C. .Sliiiirt, wr.o tor many years was' Municipal rcaent. m it'll i . .. ... . . , Hpl-P ,UliS Sh0W''d nly cently- W-Wilson has Joined the UU nn UfJ I'D tC ;34 4 inches of. snow fell in Hall- staff of the Columbia Cellulose party, Catholic Hall Card April 5 iax. Jfie average over a ik.vh Comnanv an on .ii,.ii BISCUITS the the i renod "":" has nas been ueen 70.8 7U.8 Inches, inches, with with man. man. mincuons lor Presbyterian spring gale, April port of U1L rpra low or 28 nches in . 12. the ' jrtl1 ,r, h at al lMt 1 the winter of lm ia , See Japanese fo k dancinu , 1 .mounted to $49.- .I.me.rwrl937-38-..... 'sponsored by Job's Daughter! JUe Duchess of Edinburgh collections for the u Cast of Japanese children and ,!pt.er' .,I.(? D-.E ' . honlt,cookig L,t.-,n,,1ioH '.m"""a?li adults. Civic Centre. Saturday. "" uoroon Anwrson. f is j usl .joo ueiow last year s total (k'. Conrari Street. f?e.hn.,l PTA 1 wniiris was appomiea III u: . . : Anrli i nm ,. The The total total to til date date for for th the same samp period norlnH at at $161,000. (Ul nnn , and colorful - Staging innijaic iu inu aiinuai conven-1 (82c) n"'le r-iepnam sale and lea Legion card partv i iwrs. jessie Jacobs sailed last Canadian night by the Prince Runert nn in,n n her return to Vancouver, Jaking i ,nT'.. , ., I ! O TM' bpri" uazuar- A'n" south the remains of her brother, 20W ! Ernest Unwin whose fi Mill Finish and Hard Finish Worsteds in new smart shades and patterns. Check tho fabrics, the linings and pockets, the coat ,ront, workmanship, fit and tyling. You will find , that Fashion-Craft ranks among the first in all the important details of suit making. miC'El, FROM take Dlace next MnnHav f,m I C(nrad School P.T.A. card party, Friday, April 20, 8 p.m. TFFAYtKS OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Grandview Funeral Hame on Monday with Anglican and Masonic rites. j " ' S PA . -v t (.'"...-'..l' . .., I i UUs Us iKlvT.n iKlvr.ri isi-im-nt isi-mcnt -h -h not not publ pubhiiir.l St. Peter's bprmg ciaie. Apu 26. United W.A. Spring sale, May 3 Sonja tea. May ii. Presbyterian Missionary Tea. church hall, May 16. Lutheran tea, May 26. SCIICOL DISTRICT (No. 50 children need new school buildinrjs LET'S GET THEM Current reports indicate that additional excise taxes will be placed on all appliances next week. Buy now and save! Only j Ay J noun I i!i'r) Pe frost . or display d hv t: I.i-iuor Chhiimi Tluard or hv t.),e t invrrtinii-nt ol British Cnluinhiii. $57-50 to $68.00 Watts & Nickerson "3 aown balance up to 12 Polling date. April 14, 1951 Vote YES for the School Bylaw Mark your ballot thus: For the MEAL that REFRESHES Automatically dafreir your rfrigrator rogulorly 135P mourns, mckais bhos. LTD. I (81c) Damage to both vehicles was! done but no injuries resulted at 7 o'clock last evening when a Pontiac sedan, driven by Irvine Martin Hanberg, and a light delivery pick-up, driven by Gusi Soderlund, were in collision at the corner of Fifth Avenue and j McBride Street. Hanberg was driving southward up McBride! Street and Soderland was about 1 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING lT FCESHEtt lONGfH I fifctmc tins ARE YOI! IN FAVOP OF THE SCHOOL MONEY BYLAW? YKS NO X , JOHN H. BULGER Ojflpiiufrist m John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue SET IT-PIU6 IT INfOKGlT IT f!RAEB..-.R to turn off McBride Street from j ROS. l (lt TAKE HT OKDI Its 1'liONi: ::(! BROADWAY CAFE a southerly direction into Fifth 1. Tllb advert lenient sponsored bv the New Masset Parent-Teacher Association I Avenue West. Police officers i were called. -,l.:-Ct.-J6.SSsB'l iinoiuicuia THE OPENING SATURDAY APRIL 7 fin nn a MS LTU Next to Postal Station B Coirying a complete line of era S.-wK Ifl ARDWARI A New Service In Your East End HOUSEWARES Shopping Centre! CI GOODS AND A FULL STOCK OF THE FAMOUS G LID DEN PAINTS and VARNISHES Sin ( M U U ii UU Li U U Li U UU