wife x ...t:.L . 3 Daily Phone 81 V CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSrATER Published at Canoda'i Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL, No. 81 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS n DRIVING? njI!5iSl mm ily Highway Report riesy of B.C. Public Works Department) jj:y cmr e Daily News has arranged with the D(-0f fulilic Works to provide a weekly report mdition of the highway between Prince ;;1h1 Smithers. The report will be published M fwr 4"0wwfm0 Cam Next Week Urged Vancouver Meeting Refuses, However, To Call For Minister's Resignation VANCOUVER (CP) Twelve ' hundred labor jnen at a rally of trade unionists last night pledged support to 200,000 British Columbia workers in a petition movement to protest new hospital insurance Canadiens Lead Again Staged Big Comeback To Defeat Detroit MONTREAL Montreal' Canadiens went back into the lead In the National. Hockey League play-offs with a five to two victory over Detroit Red Wings. The game count in the best of seven series now stands at three to two for Montreal. ;,lav for the benefit of week-end motorists trips to the interior. The first report today warns against such trips, the road from Gajloway Rapids to Terrace be ing officially closed on account of continued snowslide hazards i :t i- . . ...... P 4,'-,A-i,tA4''.M-''-f;--; V.S-: --.. y- ,-, : v Lf . A .Ltii ii Villi i1Tvrnlll1IW llt-tM.llltl,iM rates. in the Kwinltsa area, Here Is the report: Prince Rupert-Terrace The iing is king up (,ulc h. Silvan and I railing Parade girrs District Withdrawal By Chinese Detroit got off to a strong start with two scores In the first period. Montreal then made three in the second period and two in the third. The Canadiens were manned by only a few veterans and ten eager rookies in moving ahead In highway Is open and generally in fair condition from Prince Rupert to Port Edward. Galloway Rapids to Terrace is officially closed and will remain so until conditions at Kwtnitsa A resolution was Introduced by IWA delegates calling for a one-hour work stoppage next Thursday. Another calling for immediate resignation of Health Minister Turnbull was thrown out. A drive will open soon to get 300,000 signatures to the petition, which asks the government to withdraw provisions for additional hospital Insurance premiums or, alternatively, to place Surprise Move In Korean War UMUOIKTau.maa.c H.m imp.u.c. ! lne semi.final series by staging to an impressive re- Terrace-Smithers Frost com their spectacular comeback. lining acnvuy in me jng 0ut. Road conditions are can The Flying Frenchmen need only one more win now to land TOKYO (CP) A surprise Chinese withdrawal on the central front last night left a "no- them In the finals Hit' Oiacier Gulch from Terrace to Copper River Lid on the east side with traffic being assisted Bay Mountain, the through bad frost boils near fuiTly on the west side copper River . i,ntam and the famous General A washout has oc- the question before the electorate of B.C. man's land" in front of United Nations forces today north of Parallel 38. Associated Press Correspondent John Randolph said Chinese who have been fighting stub Sentence. Of Death BRITISH JET SUCCESS Three British airmen recently flew the world's first jet bomber -tha Canberra B.2. from Northern Ireland to Gander, Newfoundland, without refuelling, breaking all Atlantic records with a 2,100-mile flight in four hours forty minutes at an average speed of 450 miles per hour. The 'Canberra' was piloted by Squadron-Leader A. E. Callard, D.F.C., with Flight-Lieut. E. Haskett as navigator, and Flight-Lieut. A. Robson as wireless operator. bornly for two days suddenly broke contact Thursday night and retreated. Applewhaite And Doulcs "After inquiring into the question of the Doukhobors, I find that the re-location will be conducted by the provincial gov mme in the Bablne curred at Dorreen between Ter-- niiHs northeast of race and Hazelton, making , through traffic impossible. Im-ro. surerintenient of mediate steps are being taken r Gulch operation, to repair it and It is anticipated civ. told the Daily .the road will be open by Satur-,i 400-foot main haul- day afternoon. Due to critical s just bee n completed state of roads between Terrace r the main lead-zinc- : and Smithers, the public works wdy at mill level and department should be contacted raise Is being cut tn- before undertaking trips in that )dy. area.' ' vsi ins announcement A field dispatch said Allied units along the central front WASHINGTON (CPi Oscar Collazo today was sentenced to die in the electric chair October 26 for slaying a White House guard in an attempt last November on the life of President Truman. At his trial, Callazo contended pushed ahead Friday against Relief is Increased Conversion of Administration Building to Apartment Coming resistance ranging from stiff to none. The Reds threw 56 rounds of ernment on recommendation of a special committee which it set 105 ram. fire at one American division. VICTORIA (CP Boost of $5 iy Mr. Munro that the - about to build a 50- " Final working plans for the conversion of the former United States Army administration building up to look into the Doukhobor monthly to social welfare reelp Thai and Greek soldiers forc 1 4 nnn..A 1 c-f nWKf I ratine mill at the out-I Kathlyn for the pur T,, 4 a n i i ry, ii r t 'i. lcHLS was annum iicia iaav mim Six Dead in Texas Crash ed ahead against intense Communist rifle and automatic on first Avenue opposite oevenui oireec w a ict-uiiti, ln tne Legislature by Hon. A. D he and a companion, Grisello Torresola, were only demonstrating lor Puerto Rican independence when they attempted to storm Blair House last November 1. Torresola and the White House guard. Leslie CofPelt, were killed in a furious exchange of pistol shots. weapons fire. British Common apartment house are expected to be completed by the " SSSSSS suing ore from small .ing properties. This h it is hoped to have wealth units, driving northwest April 1. ... of Chiinchon, scored ia?abu. problem," says a message received by the Daily News from E. T. Applewhaite. MP for Skeena. "Some suggestion has been made about their being sent to Graham Island but I do not think a definite decision has been reached concerning this step. "If the province should Involve the Dominion government n by Chrirtman, will EL PASO. Texas (CP) Six men oier Gulch ore at the died yesterday in the crash of gains against surprising lack of end of April and two weeks-later a start should be made on the actual reconstruction work. Following purchase of the Single persons will now get $40 per month while units of two opposition. v f in addition to a larger a C-54 Air Force transport hiRti f Glacier Gulch con (man and wife, brother and sister, mother and son or father and daughter) will receive $60 On the extreme east sector of the western front, one American division ran into two fire night on the steep slopes of rugged Oregon Mountain. Search party radioed last night it had reached the wreck rieht at the property of Hudson Bay Mounting Lake Kathlyn. sixteen men has been in this matter I have arranged as it fought ahead through hilly country. It will be discussed with me." Israeli-Syrian Situation is Held Serious by U. Nations age about 9000 feet up the rocky rampart, about 40 miles north of monthly. Children will receive a $1 Increase, bringing the child's allowance to $9.50 a month. , Mr. Turnbull said the municipalities are being asked to share El Paso. Report said all aboard m Glacier Gulch de-work during the past ual mining Is expected n now and ore will be were dead. the increase on a 50-50 basis. building recently by a local syndicate from Frank Kaftel, Toronto promoter, negotiations with Central Mortage and Housing Corporation for financial assistance on the reconstruction are reported to be nearing completion which will permit the work to get under way. Sam Collins, architect, and R. P. Cameron, representing the Vancouver financial concern of Boultbee, Sweet & Co. Ltd., returned south yesterday after a brief visit here on business in connection with the conversion project. It.til the customs mill. Municipalities will be expected the mill on the pro-'. is completed. It Is to pay one-half of the $5 monthly increase for their cases. l"i into production this BASEBALL Scores Pacific Coast Hollywood 4, Seattle 1. Sacramento 10, Oakland 3. Los Angeles 12, San Diego 4. Portland 6, San Francisco 2. Jet Crashes Two Killed KOMOKA, Ontario (CP) A iulrh recently property-the Wade Ice Arena Project Is Being Shelved Restrictions on material supplies and lack of financial response have caused the ice arena committee to recommend to the board of directors of the Civic Centre that the project be deferred. Jhe committee, for which Dr. L. M. Greene reported to the Civic Centre board last night, felt that it was not timely to build at present. Further, the committee re- ported that pledges toward the , Three men were fined $10 and CF-100 Avro Canuck Jet plane ? away. flthPMtTIKS 4L of other mining op- i the Smithers area, f i mentioned Silvan. TEL AVIV (CPi Prime Minister David Ben-Gurlon declared today that Israel has "no intention of waging war against Syria." Dispatches from Tiberias, on Israeli-Syrian border, said tension was high there. United Nations observers were taking a serious view of the situation, fearing Syria might retaliate for bombing of their troops yesterday by Israeli Air Force. Israel charged that Syrians invaded the demilitarized strip of border territory Wednesday, killed seven Israeli policemen, wounded two and captured one. Dispatches from Tiberias said the whole border was in a state of preparedness lest the Pales described by Its manufacturers as the most powerful fighter in the world, crashed and exploded during a test flight yesterday, killing its pilot and engineering observer. The speedy jet plummeted into of Silver Standard 'hich has been development work In ! drilling on the ore Civic Centre Carnival For This Year Revamped Fuller Line of Daytime Entertainment Planned To Open June 25) . . iil !! 1 Duthie and Mamie, Properties which are f nictated a swamp about 11 miles west of London, Ontario. It was one of two prototypes of all-weather, long-range fighters turned out for the RCAF by A. V. Roe Cana '"v bv shir) from the Pri"fe Runert fnr tine war break out anew. ' rail here is a mill 's. west coast of Van-' which Is tn hn in- costs when found guilty by Stipendiary Magistrate H. F. Glas-sey of "unlawfully carrying fishing rods . . ." without a license. At first confiscated, fishing rods were returned to Mah Chuk, Jack Man and Jack Collins upon purchase of a current fishing license. Game Warden H. Jamieson en- Uivic. uentre uarmvai weeK cms year win ue June 2!) to July 4 and the scope of the affair will be tne "Id Cronln mine da Limited at Malton. Killed in the crash were Fit. Lt. Bruce Warren, 29. of New Toronto .pilot, and Robert Ostrander, observer, of Brampton, Ontario. Mrs. A. P. Crawley left hospital this afternoon after undergoing an operation. extended to something in the nature of an "Exposition of the North" with some of the carnival features project $9000 in cash and $10,-000 in labor were Inadequate. However, a trust fund will be set up to take care of any money towards the project which may come in pending the ultima'e decision to proceed. The committee recommended that property on First Avenue be purchased from the Canadian Legion at a cost of approximately $5800. . While the board of directors did not adopt this particular recommendation, it agreed to refer it to the consideration of a general meeting of the Civic Centre Association. Building of a road property has been In 1 wnter and shortly a 100 tons of high Head-zinc ore from '"P will be made. ! returns to Rmit.hnrn 1 tered the complaints. RETIRING Brig. G. P. Morrison of Quebec City, deputy quarter-master general of the Canadian Army in Ottawa, will retire from that post In June. (CP from National Defence) of the past, while being retained, relegated more to the background. It.was so decided by the Civic Centre TODAY'S STOCKS board cf directors who were in session last night. s train ofi- i i TheWeather (Courtesy 8. I. Johnston Co. I.ltl.)" I citv st T-.....J-?' In the revamping of the whole ! show, there will be co-operation Another Storm Over Hospital Insurance with Port Day (July 2), the an-i nual Dominion Day international baseball series between ! Prince Rupert and Ketchikan, and the proposed Elks' sports day. These events will keep visitors Synopsis A disturbance approaching the northern coastal areas of British Columbia will bring light rain or drizzle to the Queen Charlottes and the northern mainland. It is not expected to affect the remainder of the province. Southern coastal and interior regions will enjoy another two days of pleasant spring weather. .... .i TORONTO Athona' Aumaque , -22 Beattie - 55 Bevcourt .44 Bobjo 13 Buffalo Canadian 24 Consol. Smelters 140.00 Conwest 2.36 Donalda 55 Eldona 22 East Sullivan 8.20 Giant Yellowknlfe 7.05 God's Lake --39 Hardrock 23 To Equalize Freight Rates OTTAWA ( CP ) The govern -ment intends to implement re ie Now Peace i to the city busy during the day with appropriate entertainment VANCOUVER American Standard 27 Bralorne 6.40 BRX 4 Mi Car,lboo Quartz 1.30 Congress 07 Hedley Mascot 52 Indian 21 ' Pend Oreille 7.90 Pioneer 2.25 Premier Border 19 Privateer 8'2 Reeves McDonald 4.45 Reno 04 Sheep Creek 1.60 Silbak Premier 35 Taku River .6Vi , Vananda 15 Salmon Gold 314 Spud Valley 4 Mi nightly at the Civic Centre. VICTORIA (CF) A question by Rupert Hag-gen sent a cabinet-level storm steamrolling down on breakaway member W. A. C. Bennett yesterday in Street, dancing is another diversion which It Is planned to offer. commendations of the Royal the Legislature. At one point Premier Byron John- commission on transportation North Coast Reglon Northem (CD Cnn ct,tw1 nt RpnnPtt.- "Sit down, brother. VOu're TZZLH ZJ, '"b'V 'J."! Area-Gale warning cancelled. Hi f ..u- -"bu uuniKr.pr .v. i. ti . .l i tu Lottie time h. going to listen to me." Negotiations will also be opened to bring the British Columbia Products show of the Vancouver Board of Trade to the city. With such events as loggers' snnrt. pxneel.eH f.n hrtnnr manv 10 b"ng peace to! It all started when Haggen, CCF member for Grand Forks- ioLCI uuui wucvitu vu.u "'- rain drizzle occasj0nal light or newspapers were not giving the mons last night. j tnis afternoon. Cloudy Saturday, right impressions and it was , However, he indicated it is not ; Little change in temperature, time the government told peo-j yet known whether legislation j winds northwesterly (20 miles pie the "truth." ; a series of amendments to the per hour), shifting to southerly Rpnnett. (Inrl South Okana- i Railway Act will be ready for , (251 this afternoon: southerly ,uCom; Mlent r""u"isi china Sliver Standard 2.50 Western Uranium 1.70 th , ' lula a Pss visitors from the interior, the Greenwood, asked about a news-runninir of a special train to I paper report quoting Health i Oils " shn countries uun"ies who who stlUld nr. -v.- j on) lumned to his feet id action by Parliament at tne cur- the city for the occasion will be j Minister Turnbull as saying "J bet " Harrlcana H Heva I3 Jacknife 52 Joliet Quebec -65 Vt Lapaska 4 Vi Little Long Lac 77 Lynx 14 McKenzle Red Lake 50 McLeod Cockshutt 2.90 Moneta 34 Negus 82 Noranda 77.25 Louvicourt 20 Pickle Crow 1.72 San Antonio 2.55 Senator Rouyn 18 Slrerrlt Gordon - 3 45 Steep Rock 8.30 Silver Miller 1-70 sought. ter public relations would be charge the government was ere-oiuh. ( introduced so that people would ating a "dangerous situation" in ! The Royal Commission's equal- (15) Saturday. Lows tonight and highs Saturday At Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 40 and 48. Southern Area Cloudy thts morning with occasional drizzle along the shorelines, clear Ht2enHhdWhatever hostilities. -i Drh ( 4r't ly duss the C,n emal Affa,rs instructing civil servants to go i ization proposals, submitted to understand properly the posl out and tell the government's j the government last month, cal led for uniform freight rates side of the story. Anglo Canadian 6.40 A P Con -43 Atlantic 3.00 Calmontr 130 C ii E 1150 Home Oil 16.50 Mercury 1514 Okalta 2.60 Pacific Pete 8-35 Royal Canadian lOVa Royallte 14-25 across Canada as far as is prac ing by midday. Cloudy tonight and Saturday. Little change ln TIdES Saturday, April 7, 1951 High 1:46 21.8 feet 14:13 20.1 feet Low 8:05 2.5 feet 20:07 5.2 feet ticable, wiping out the regional ident "l tlon of the government in hospital insurance. The member said he hoped this did not mean a high-pressure selling campaign. Answering for the minister, Premier Johnson suggested the imh' Vincent Premier Johnson denied the charge and, when Bennett again stood up to speak, he snapped: "Sit down, brother, you're going to listen to me." aompanled to 'dclrei tne Canadian r.i differences that have brought temperature. Winds light. Lows protests from the West and tonight and highs Saturday At Maritlmes for several years. Port Hardy, 38 and 50. t J