LOG TOTTING (Continued from page D Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, April 6, l'J'A Comedy is Actionful Was Cousin of Famous Nurse strum for lots of sleam :rom th-' two boilers kept alive by six oil furnaces. (Alex Munroe is a former well known CNSS chlvf 8 1 IliO's ( thirst Refiifsvo to Settle in VSA - . sw-i? jJSfSfr '.'II. . .,jpgpJp(WWJ Funeral service for a pioneer ' engineer.) I'llONE GREEN 884 WELDING OF ALL TYPES Industrial Welding COMPANY ; Red Skclton comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this Friday and Saturday 1 in what ls said to be as hilarious a picture as any of the many howlers in which he has been seen. i Skelton lias the part of a woman, who was a cousin to Flor- Soon the powerful Scottish en-ence Nightingale, was held at the I gines are starting their haul Grenville Court Chapel yesterday ' south for the Brooks is heading afternoon. I to Powell River this trip. Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Taylor, "From Captain's Cove to Powell 91, who died at her home, 519 Rjver we double up with the logs Eighth Avenue, 'Sunday had re-!taking two rafts," said Capt TheBMh 41 : 4 . A , ceived a me memoersnip pin ior ; ohman. being with the Church of Eng i zany, bungling cameraman en-! deavoring to pay off a family ; indebtedness. He runs into a 'swindling plot involving Arlene FRIDAY at 7 . 9:05 SATURDAY 2:00 - 4:10 - 6:40 - 9 p.m. UMOUS rimns tmim Wollacc's Dept. Store SALE NOW ON- LIGHT UP IDahl, lovely heiress to an un-l ; completed real estate project, in I the course of the piece, he plays ! ; the part not only of himself but i of his father and grandfather, j Miss Dahl has her most stren-! uous film experience during the; picture's climactic cha.se se- i quence in which she and Skel-' ton elude the villains in a hectic j With sometimes 30 feet of loc.s dragging below water, the raits are loaded high with spruce and hemlock. With the hemlock used for the most part in the Powell River pulp mill, and spruce for building purposes, sometimes a raft of cedar logs will be taken on to Vancouver. Other members of the crew are Ole Olsen. first mate; W Visser, Cameron McNeil, oilers; Jake Tors. W. Lumsdcn, firemen; Sam Walbourne, Nels Madsen and Tunning Orre, deck hands. at Drapery and HOTEL FRASER HOI) land Women's Auxiliary for 35 years. Representatives of the Canadian Legion and Rebekahs women's auxiliaries attended the funeral, at which Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter officiated. Rebekah lodges from Ontario sent flowers. Having livjd in Prince Rupert for the past 20 years, after coming from Parry Sound. Ontario, all but the first 21 years of her life were spent in Canada. lrs. Taylor was born in Lancashire, England. Her husband predeceased her 29 yv?ars ago at Parry Sound. C h 11 d r e n are Mrs. Mabel Thompson, Humpback Bay, B.C.; Mrs. J. H. Jones, Trenton, Ont.; Mrs. Margaret Dalton, Vancouver, B.C.; W. S. Taylor, Parr Harbor, Ont.; Sidney Jukes, Parry Sound, Ont.; and Frank Jukes, Indiana, U.S.A. "Lead Kindly Light" and "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" were the Try a Daily News ffe i - I ride aboard a two-.storey straddle truck. Anne Miller deserts her dancing shoes in this picture for an out-and-out comedy role as a beauty-prize winner with more looks than brains. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fraser Mrs J D Fri have returned to the city follow- Prince Rupert to ?' mg a six weeKs motor inp which vears k i,. i . Housing Men Coming Here ranlina Wilsdorf, the oldest ward of the International Refugee Organization (IRO) one of L'.N.'s Specialized Agencies recently celebrated her 105th birlhdqy in a refugee camp near Salzburg, Austria. Her adopted daughter, I'.lizavita, aged 5, reads the inscription on the cake which says happy birthday in English and Polish. On her anniversary Mrs. Wilsdorf received the most treasured gift she had ever hoped for the news that she would be resettled In the United States of America, as soon as arrangements can be made. I took them from Vancouver to Vancouver uhL I " Disembarking from ss Camosun, Florida and on which they were take up fmu 1 Capt. William McCombe, which accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. her daughter M i arrived In port from Vancouver; Kenwood Green of New West- Vancouver 1 wCT, , Is l Plus YAM) (iUOD.'i s hvf B "-31; J1,, ' "'? " ADDED SPECIAL J thi nftPrmifin frnm ! w . inm Witt at 12:45 iniiinLii . mi. r i ddt'i i ruin im iiit urasnr reside t ui i .v. .- ......... : : "u.u.8iW Mayor G. W. Ruddeiham said today top officials of Central ! Mortage and Housing Corpora- i tion and provincial government ! hnnsincr rnnimiKsinn nrn rim1 'i'.,h TJ iiiiuuBnoui, nas been active v..'nt V r- c,.i ..ff i- i t V , -Uu,., v...,uihk:,,.,Ui ie lflp ana everywnere iney canad an 1 Cluh m tfnknurhka R Mivs M . I . j . , , Llu0 "till ... v. ., .... wiTub uuiiuibiuna otcuicu uius- circles anrf a wide t friends will regret her xuajs,- v. w . uaiuui-i, ivir. perOUS, Douglas, K. Koyanagi. J. W. Garde amid t J hymns sung to the organ accom- here fhur.sday April 12 T B. ' paniment of Mrs. J. C. Gilker. B.C. pickcrsgill, regional super-Pallbearers were Frank Lock- lntendent of CM & HC, and J. E. wood, Tony Ordal. John Clausen, Brown h0Using commissioner, ! John Kempster, D. Green and will arrive by piane t0 ..e.,lab. . John Judge. lisn the 0ver-all need" of homi.s i Burial was in the Oddfellows' here and to investigate proposed ! plot of the Fairvicw Cemetery building sites. They will stay, with graveside services by the three days. ! TOP QUALITY AT LOW COST GROWN IN SMALL GARDEN 1 Sleep, Miss Glenna Moore, Mrs. i J. Cross, J. Underwood, J. Mc-Swaln, M. Stewart, R. Lester, R. G. Gllfoy, J. Ollenberger, P. i McGuiie, A. Boness, W. Harris, J. Sturret, W. Smith, W. Burnett, ' A. McKimmie, W. Johnston, F. Hampton. One hundred and thirty-five tons of general cargo ! was brought by the vessel which : sails tonight for Queen Char-i lotte Islands. Friday and Saturday In tlie home vegetable farcli ii legion ana ttetreican mages. , And it ls exnected thev will i With B.C. Undertakers in have with then, Dlans of the ; and flower borders, fertili y retiuires a temperature of at OF 2 RIAL RYE WHISKIK of fine quality and priced to suit your pocket You pay for age St that yon g,l ill change. ! I II. I SMlOM.Uff arrangements for the type of homes that would be 1 need not be a problem. A ueiv least 70 dgree.s. . black loam is a joy to work an:l To get the mast Qut of plant luueiai were mane ny Mrs. Maoei buill Eaid the mayor H VI ON 1! V.i. suits : iniiiipti ii 01 numoDacK. oay, daughter of deceased. "Too often in the past fake hopes have been raised regarding extra housing here. This time it looks like the real S AT WALLACE'S The Gee -ge and Vulture Inn E. D. Forward ls leaving on tomorrow's plane for a week's trip to Vancouver on Civic Centre business. at London was the first house ! goods." iciiaiinsiiicaiiieii in tngiana to sen conee to m"! Meanwhile government at will grow beautiful plants, b:it food, the following methods cf any porous top soil into which application are recommended by an adequate amount of cummer- researchers: cial plant food and what humus 1. On soils which are acid, we can obtain are spaded will plant food should be conccntrat-do as well, even though it is not cd in bands or pockets, not black. ! touching plant roots but within Four to six pounds of a bai- easy reach, anced plant food mixture !o, 2. On sweet soils, spade plant each .100 square feet of garden ; food thoroughly into the soil, area will be sufficient in most evenly and deeply, cases. To give an extra finish i To apply the first method public, in 1652. A fin quality R.al Rrt Whitky made from choic grains including specially ulcered Rye Groin, fully aged end matured In oak casks. 5 YEARS OLD j j Victoria has promised this cily full support in a joint federal- 1 provincial housing scheme. Premier Johnson, Minister of Lands Kenney and Jack McRae, MLA. Prinrp Runprt thic upplr ViparH city aldermen Doug Frizzell and ! t0 tne crop' do not net;itale tu stretch the line to mark the row nnn Fitr-h nrpspnt th hniiRinff j use more, applied as maturi'y in which seeds are to be planted. PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE HANDLER'S STUDIO 510 - 1th Street Box 645 I lump Green 389 Prince Rupert VIEW-MASTER KEELS Reduced 50c each WRATHALL'S j rimlo riiiishing 320 Third Ave. W. i . ,. . . ... . ,,. . approaches. If during the sea-i Then, not less than two inches .situation to them at Victoria. i T . . . . , ci . ,,ri, .' u, oi0 ,r A REAl RYE WHISKY, .p.. ciollyfelctd for its full body and xquistta flavour from old rirvd locks. i viscoui j whaite, MP for Skeena, is ap- ! ency, this should be corrected. ; row four inches deep. Pour plant j Deficiency symptoms include j food into each furrow at the j the following: When leaves tu.n rate of one pound (or pint) for ' light green or yellow, but do not , 50 feet, and cover it with earth. pealing for special consideration regarding the housing emergency here. 4 YEARS OLD ';i - ml) J "Hospitality and Good Food" That ls Our First Aim I'hone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe aiien neri FROM COAST TO COAST IT'S 1 all off, nitrogen is lacking. : Then make the drill in which1 ; When leaf margins brown, es- .seeds are to be sown and pro- j pecially the lower leaves, polish ceed with planting as usual. ; is needed. Plants stunted in ' The standard application of a growth probabiy need more , balanced plant food is four , I phosphorus. . j pounds per 100 square feet ia j It is rarely necessary to get space 10 x 10 feet square). You a soil test for a small garden. ! may figure one pound per pint, A complete plant food will take! so' an area 10 x 10 feet requires. ! To Vancouver (today) R. j Thickett, A. Dunlop, W. H. or, R. Anderson, R. D. Andrique, G. F. McLaughlin, E. R. Labby, MELCHERS DISTILLERIES, LIMI Ladies and Gentlemen j LING j ihe tailor ! This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Ik Control Board or by the Government of British Cotab care of deficiencies without giv- i two quarts. One quart will feed ! mg a harmful overdose of any, j 50 .square feet and one pint two i if used according to instructions, .square feet. 1 The point is being stressed Where smaller quantities are ; that well-fed crops do not re- j required, use a rounded table- j duce the amount of humus in spoon per square foot, the soil, since more humus is - - ! J. L. Adshfad, Mr. Falls, B. Campbell, H. K. Wells, Mr. Miller. To Port Hardy (today) D. McDonald. From Vancouver (Thursday) A. K. Savandra, R. MacDonald. M I'SKRATS, AS HIGH AS S4.50 SOUIRREL S1.00 BEAVER AND OTTER $50.00 These enormously HIGH prices offered, while existing strong demand prevails. We want ALL British Columbia Furs in unlimited quantities and for the TOP GRADES of other wanted Furs, are paying UP TO; WEASEL $5.00; MARTEN $100.00; FISHER $175.00. Regardless of WHERE you have been in the habit of selling, we suggest you try "SHUBERT." We are certain we can PROVE to YOU that "8HUBER T" pays MORE. Gather all the Pelts you have and send a trial shipment IMMEDIATELY the results we are certain will reveal that it PAYS' BEST to ship ALL your Furs to Dept. 194, A. B. SHUBERT CO., Winnipeg Ship to our VANCOUVER Receiving Office (NO export Permits Required) FISHERMEN . . 0 Sixth St I'honc 649 Ml! a V'! produced by the roots of plants than by their tops. A heavy crop, fed by any sort of plant food, will leave more humus than it found. The heaviest application of plant food should be made al the beginning of the season, and here commercial plant food has a distinct advantage. It is available to plants at low temperatures and will stimulate growth during the cool weather. Organic plant food has to be broken down by bacteria before the plants can use it, and this Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping r ml General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Elfi-cicnt Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 I'honrs CO and Hi PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE 17j Eur Repair ami Alterations Smith SEIkins Ltd. TO. Rox 274 11. D. Dupuis, W. Smith, R. Hapier, j W. MacDonald, L. Rushforth, F. Howard, B. H. Lane, J. Wood, M. Tolmazoff, H. Buss, J. Parker, E. ' Burke, C. Johansen. To Vancouver (Thursday) J. ' C. Genier, W. Priest, W. Katen-inchuk, P. O'Neil, A. Jerstad. 1 To Port Hardy (Thursday) M. B. McDonald. 1 To Sandspit (Thursday) C. Gray, N. Hals, Mrs. R. Couzombe. ! From Vancouver (Thursday) I L..C. Cuthbertson, H. K. Wells, I B. J. McCausland, A. R. Janes, E. Leslie, C. Creedon, D. Dos- j well, Mr. Odshead, L. E. Wood, ' R. Clothert, D. Burgnon. i From Sandspit (Thursday); Kor crmiplelfi overhaul of yum High fjpeed Gasoline Kngiii"i, sec Huprrt Motors Ltd. Wc h'lvo the trained mechanics aild fcporlallznd equipment to pertortn this work for you . . . effWrntly and economically. To avoid delay this spring when the ru.'.li is on, let us have that Job now. VilMOHI It V l( 1UKIA A favour of Rupert Motors Lidd pa.;. M. Nelson, E.. Wilson. : To Masset (today) Mrs. Morrison. Miss Mary Morrison, Miss M. Wolfe, Miss M. Davidson. From Masset (Wednesday! Mr. Renwick, W. Tocker. , To Justkatla (today) Albert Johnson, Bruce Low, J. KuiKl.iy, p.m., eiiilcolin TuuMlay, 1- Noon ( iUllll.Mlll I K i: AltM, STI WAKT AND I'ORT SI.MI'SON .Siimlay. Caiiinsiin, 11 p.m. I OK NdKTII M I N ( IIAKI.dlTi; ISLANDS sr.. Chilrot.in April 13 and 27 9 p.m. I oil sot in qi:i.i: ( IIAKI.OTIi: ISLANDS ss. Chilcotiu, April 6 and 20 8 p.m. i k wk j. skin.m:k I'l iiii e Rupert Agent S' - Tvo Day Specie SAFE BUYS 1950 Monarch Sport Sedan 1949 Ford Tudor SATURDAY and MONDAY --, Avrniie Phnnn 56S SENSITIVE COWS PONTYPOOL, Wales (CP) A farmer," owner of a sensitive herd of cows, sued a nearby cottager for enlarging a window facing the farm. "My cows see their reflection and charge the window," he explained. The window will be cut down from three feet square to 18 inches square. 1950 Chevrolet 1948 Custom Desoto These cars are oil certified safe buys! Bob Parker Ltd. KOi;i - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Kiiprrl. BC ru:. j LwTT' Control Board i.' n,1 PMld " displayed by the Liquo or by tit Gov.ma.wt of Brituk ColumbU. GEESE GROUNDS The Outardes river in Sague-nay County, Quebec, was so named for the Outardes (wild geeset which frequent its basin. J THE BEST J 5M QUALITY L ffl PRINTING CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR SPECIALS Worm Woollen Vests ond Panties. Regular. $1 .25 Now g9c Cotton Vests and Bloomers Regular 60c ond 89t To Clear q SCHOOL PANTS One-Third Off our comolctc stock of Boys' Gabardine ond Wool Pants. ii CMh trVI Perfect tea is so easy to make with Sizes 6 16. Reaular S3. 25 to $7.95. m t r . ' Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 231 SPECIAL JjJk BOYS' BLUE JEANS Regular $3.25 Sizes 4 to 16. fyrtigrjidl twicer Si inling Co. DAILY DELIVERY Phone 31 DOMS' DEPARTMENT STORE BESNER BLOCK