Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, April 6. 1951 IN SPHERE OF OSLO CP . iil Norwegian schools have "adopted" nearly 600 ships of the Norwegian merchant marine, remi- I Towing live Job ij( . S. ! Brooks flhman , AUCTION SHAW LETTERS innnrm rpi tmuhi'.. larly exchanging letters with the I lectors' items, 37 letters written seamen. To the seamen it means I . .. . , an an imlmafo intimate annlonl contact u.lfu horn? SPORTS ! Fastest Swim Is Recorded Sugar Ray Is Winner with folks and children are improving their knowledge of the world. : Dy me late George Bernard Shaw between 1905 ami 1907 j brought $350 at an auction here Victoria Wins Final Opener m Intrirsti" Careers 140-foot, long Brltlsh-bullt tug. MVCll TRAVELLED VESSEL With a crew of H, the B. D. Brooks' log shutfs a deep set history reaching as far away as Jamaica and South America. She wus built as a Royal Navy tug "and is meant for this kind of work," said her skipper. Sometimes hauling rafts of los as far south as Vancouver, the Brooks usually brings her tows to Captain s Cove across Hecate Straits from Cunifhewa Inlet in Otfden Channel where smaller tugs pick them up for the tow to coast mills through the Inside Passage. Due to the rough waters, only one Davis raft Is brought across at a time. "f '.m tw'T t three pni orx; quarter million board feet are in "each raft," explained the skipper, who has experienced trouble in northern galv.s. For this reason MIAMI. Florida (CP) Sugar the north, ijt tuts in B'J'K" Capt. Alex eft port lust night after " ' - V West Final Ray Robinson nounded out a 10- ; i round unanimous decision nvor "Captain Morgan's m town: ic up hre: , . COLUMBUS, Ohio (CP) -Yale's tough and aggressive Holly Mims . sensational nophomore, J oh n of Washington, D.C., last night In Marshall of Australia, last night 'hi first fight since winning the 1 swam the fastest 1,500 meters in middleweight championship.! history when he negotiated the Robinson had to go all out to win ! free -style marathon in 18.10.8. (and the decision was not com-, The time far under t.ha umeiH pletely popular with the crowd. I out New Westminster 4 to 0 last night in the first game of their best-of-seven Pacilie Coast! Hockey League championship, . series. j j The second game will be plav-ed at New Westminster tomorrow. I Neither team could .score in the first period of la.'.t niylit'.i game. l Victoria broke through for two goals in the second period and added two more in the finale ; while putting up a defence that New Westminster could not , dent, record of 1819 set by Hironosht Furuhashi, of Tokyo, cannot be! .The Ru.ssian secret poPce tit'e recognized as a new mark since has altered from OGPU to NKVU it was made over the bl-.oi'l uoutae tu tne present MV1, meanln' of the Ohio States 25-yard pool. International Affairs Ministry Eliminate Edmonton Mercuryu From Allan Cup Playdonn NANAIMO (CP i The Western Canada Allan Cup final putting Naiiainio Clippers against Fort Fram es Canadian was engraved on the sports menu lust night. K'lmontnn MTcurys, forrrrer world amateur hockey champions, bowed to the talent-loaded British Columbia club, losing 8 to 1 in tlie fourth game of the best of live Western Canada .semi-final. The victory gave thi! Clippers three wins to one loss. Now they travel lo Winnipeg where they will meet the Canadians April 12 in the opening game of thv; best of .seven series. ' mftof 1(.rs. the 420-ton pl'lf, unviuation Ltd. tug , the islands for another i,rs iir cut on the Iliarlotte Islands. , , w leave Vancouver we ,,,f on tHiig away for ',;!. Cure we had to ll( the I amis lor :i lor the I.,.- v lilim; i , cnjit. Ohman. Oh'man is an old-time .;lt man, besides being pioneer Prinze Rupert , He came here to live and has worked on the i,r since, v.'ith headquart-in Vancouver, miiilnt? was on at Surf Princess Royal Island, t man was skipper of the in, which serviced (he When minim: stopped, Dr. Hvreiii the yacht, M h, liioi'.s lo Dr. W. 8. NOTICE weather conditions are cherkerl carefully by Radio Officer I). F. Nicol, anil the captain's experienced, eye, The crew Is well quartered, with separate messes for officers and men and sleeping cabins. With the warning to "wash vonr dishes!" at mug-up lime. Cook A. Angrasrh and 'mess boy" J. Wetmore keep the men happy with .such tasty pies as pumpkin filling and eeg-while Icing, An-graseh's skill for variety la challenged in the long slow hauls the tug makes, i Once they haw crossed Hecate ?t:aits. Cam. O'muin vgnn!'; front the t;'': !; In t.- t, - fv. engine room under Rnglnecrs ; Alex Mimroe and Gordon fim- i('o:iiluie l on paffu Hi 1,1 ' y-',i."w...; mmmjuii a ar performer in any gathering , . . Captain Morgan is Canada's largest selling rum. Black Label is extra smooth and fUvourfnl r.ol.l I i,l Urftulmiim l oiiili anil Hprrd on th Nurlliern Tnui-ITmlu lul mIcIihiiv from IVI KIMAV HAClllS In TVKK The Tlnrtersigned. beinR n person authorlid by the Minister of Public Works, In wrltmK. to eu-rcise the lowers vested in Hie Mlniiler in Purt 11 ol ths Hieliwuy Act." and being of the opinion that that port km of tlw Northern rnms-ProHnclul Highway from f'mlloway Hupld.-i to Tyee is II;, I,' to uiimnin ilirmiah extraordinary truffle thereon, hereby m.ikes the tollow'-liiK IteKiilallon puriiaunt Uj Section .ift of Hie Highway Ai t. The following load and (speed limitations are Imposed on the roil hli'hway until further notice: No person shall operate an vehicle over the Northern Trans-Provln-elal Highway from Oulloway Unpins to Tyee having a miudnnmi urnu weight or loadlni? in nn of fifty per rent of that allowe.1 in the Iti'KUlatlons made pursuant to Hectlun ,'lt) of the "Highway Art," It.S B C, 1948. ' The Ked limit of vehtrlen with pneumatic tires is restricted to twenty miles per hour. Vehicle with solid tires are prohibited frmi iifilm; this lllr-liwiiy during such times as this regulation Is in force DATED at Hrinre Rupert. RC, this 21st day of March. 11151. I.. E. SMITH. Divisional Knglueer. . Department of Public Works. (tf) ris rich and full-bodied. Both brands make taste-tempting drinks. wits u nice 111 Up boat," .,! i-.i-n I. master of the To Air Hockey Sunday as Well Saturday's Stanley Cup hockey game between the Boston Bruins and the Toronto Mapm Leafs will be broadcast as uj.tiul over stations of CI1C Trans-Canada network beginning at 6:05 p.m. If Toronto wins, brin idg the game ,s:-ore to Toronto 3, Boston 1, Sunday's game will be broadcast over the same network. If Toronto there will be no broadcast. Beginning time of Sunday's broadcast, if any, will be 7:05 p.m., one nour later than the Saturday night Broadcast. T! . - ' W W Ml pe lime i India J agsat& fKlS AOVBIlSiMBSI IS NOT WSUSHfO OS OlSrlAVEB Y Tf tlOOOS CONIIOl SOASO 0 ar XV TMl OOVWNMENI Of UITISH COtUMSIA Hil nilvertiscniMti i- not published or cJl.sil:iyeU by tin:' L.lqutu Control Hoard ir by the Cioveinmrut of ,'trtt.Lsh lJolum!i is Due iiily r Nehru's Budget fUvS.S. HARRISON , DEMIT i APi K.ven If ho Ladies' Bowiino League Results E. Smilh of Annette's (A Division i and B. M.itson of Shen-ton's (B Division) were high individual scorers in the Ladies' Howling League this week. The former scored 313 for the high single, game and G71 for the three-game aggregate. The latter had a high single -U i .' ', uph In eat. Indiu'H John i tur u year of austerity is euvei iitni'iit's 1D51-52 MinLsirr Nvhru and , If f a k li in lo swallow. "I " ""7 SC . X i i ii I ii more people wear of 270 and aggregate of game (134. Following were the team STETSON HATS than any other brand ttl&riti Stetson fafieU $1025 Olh.r Sletion Hon fiom t 9S '1 - - i Wa 1 1 i 4 1 e-i scores: A nivisioN Lucky Klrlkes 3, Belmont 0, C. H. of Coiimieri-e 2, Lyons 1. Annette's 2, WrathuM'.s 1. II IHYISION B.C. O K A. 3, Blarl: Cats 0. . Malleoli's 3, Battlers 0. Shenton 3. Skeoiia Gro. 0. Rocketles 2, Oini'ei'.siiaiis 1. Wallace Pharm. 2, (tonimer-rials 1. Big Si.' tors 2, Savoy's 1. riiii.l Lee 2'. Toilers V Brownwood's 2, McMeekin'.s 1 Siar.s 2, (i. & Anderson 1. M' nl hi w 1. 1 ei 1 11 l'"l ) j llic year-old renublic'.i ' and pay for a 1 ,11(10.200,- j p ii::i;iiiiliinnUi del.-nre I lulf of all national ! ', j iec is tun r,ri ;it for build - ii'iiiniini" yv.v i", I rneture , wli.i ," Nehru told 3(1(1 (100 at a Rninliay- rally. "V,'e ; .! In , 111 e aiill XliCli- I rp In the comim; few , I ii'it for us, for poster- j I , of lar;',c -scale ;?overn-'mwiiii; In lialani e the As, Finance Minister C nukli recommended inlaws on individual in-jiwati(in profits, tobac- ; ir, and such household ' s as the kerosene which dually every dwelling in Jia. hi:vs on tlic j'i,v- ' 'operated railways may 1 lo 25 per cent. ! -' tense political time, of India's first general un a national scale. Al- i he balloting won't come ' vcmber or Docember. ele- 1 pised lo t lie regime In in- busily building tip In the budget, the So-('"mmtmists and iinm-i'Her iiarties think they lire thinr-. ' Hie ruling Conrrress farmer party prcsi-1 arya ,1. H Kripnlanl, now the dissident "Demo-:,1't" faction, has chart;- : iVf. nn,,.,. ...1.1. ... . , . . RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE c;as AM) IT I ( n:ic ltN(ii:S, IMionc I'.lue ntcj PACIFIC ELECTRIC BARGAINS for the home! CEDAR CHEST Dark Mahogany finish, (sliqhtly marked) Regular $6.50 SPECIAL CASH PRICE $30.00 PLATFORM ROCKER Renular $95.00 SPECIAL CASH PRICE 50,50 TILTER CHAIR, with STOOL Regular $72.50 SPECIAL CASH PRICE $39.50 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. I'HONK 1",r, 317 3r.l AVE. WEST A OoikI Place to Buy Over Quarter Century REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 3"a 3rd Ave. W. t;' .' f " burden on the middle t classes. I are ciit rolled on some I s suei, sis groceries and f maiy household com-I ""aiiilrivuilind their Here it new blend so good, so delicious you won't believe it till you try it. Smoother, richer, mellower, it brings you new coffee enjoyment. Every pound gives you full, satisfying flavor in the cup. Order the new Malkin's Coffee from your grocer today and taste the difference. SO RICH SO SMOOTH SO MELLOW I BEST fhJ, 4 lira BLONDIE By CHIC YOUNG -Unfinished Symphony vniiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1' , -r'" 1 .,..!-,' S DRA'N UNDER THi Vrlf, 2HIJt ' - fCti ' ' 1 1 ' fcxS yKf Kr. far lis? M K 4 rrwfi "y, one o C,n.dY, I ' "0 G D E N ,,Rp0Oi item ijga&rmmw& I'.HI.I " "'j' PUbhsherl i . 1