' 1 - i PRIDE OF DURHAM l 21,740 pounds 0f DURHAM, England Moors days more than 2f , Pacified Diana, an eight-year- own weight, she ?s old Jersey cow, is the pride of Dr. R. W. Wheldnn this district. She has produced University dean 1 Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, January 23, 1551 i- ' V;' W' It i See li n independent daily newspaper d-evoted to the upbuilding ol Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association 0. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O.. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, ,$8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 ttiggp Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. mm mm it m By ELMORE PHILPOTT FRENCH CANADA STIRS. MONTREAL. Ever since the outbreak of the war in Korea I studied the press of French Canada to see whether there w:ts any change in the tradi' tional isolationist tendencies of Quebec people. So Tar as I couid judge, from the printed word, there was little if any difference. The Best of British Thermos Bottles and Lunch (C r-", l--i f nn-i!" " tMk-m im-------' f P Despite the fact that the Vatl- can line. Is so ardently antl-Communi&t, neither the back-countrv parish priest nor the executive of the Association of Consumers TALK RENT CONTROL-The national -CunaHian Ottawa, Left to right are: recording secretary Mrs. talked rental controls at a recent meeting in Wvnc Plumotree of Ottawa; vice-president Mrs. Walter Rean of Toronto; president Mrs. W R. Walton Oakville. OnU treasurer Mrs. B. T. Richardson of Ottawa, standing; vice-president Mrs II E. Vautelet, Montreal; and cont-sponding secretary Jean Hamilton, Toronto. ELECTS; LIGHT ELECTRIC WIRING TOOLS Wffl BUU A WEATHER STRIPPING habitant family of French Canada had shown much disposition to abandon the firm teaching of three or four centuries that s, that the surest guarantee of ihe security of the Canadien (not to be confused with Canadian) way of life is for the Canadiens to Stay home, work hard, marry and raise large, healthy families hi peace, and for peace. I So far as I could Judge fiom' the newspaper comments, French ! . Canada was willing to go along! Victoria Report ' " " 1 h I 111 Aluminum Site AN IMPORTANT factor the all-important for that matter !r the detarmination of the site for the great new ahiHnum plant, which now appears to be settled for Kitimaat, was that of wate? power, the only resource or material required for the manufacture of this essential commodity which cannot be moved from one part of the world to another. It so happens that, after a world search, British Columbia was found to be the most advantageous location from that standpoint and the Kitimaat site, with the necessary power close by in the Tweedsmuir Park area, was selected. There was world competition f')r the industry. Certain interests in Alaska and the United States appear to be up in arms over the selection of Kitimaat, charging that, by some machinations, a site in the Skagway area was scuttled in favor of Kitimaat. A very important point that is seemingly being overlooked is that, even at the Skagway site, operation of such a plant would be dependent on water from British Columbia or the Yukon for development of the ne;'tssary power. Had sites in Alaska been chosen for power plant and mill drawing their water from Canada, We can imagine the hue and cry that might have been conversely raised on this side of the line. More Canadians Needed Canadians are coming, perhaps slowly, to MOST the realization that there are dangers in being both a weak and a favored nation, observes a Toronto politico-economist. They are remembering the record of history, that nowhere has a nation been permitted to control, forever, vast resources that have not been fully possessed. They are realizing that we too are citizens of one of the most richly endowed countries in the world; that we have barely touched these riches; that today we face the alternatives of developing these resources or losing them. ... by J. K. Nesbitt Why Should 18, 19 and 20-Year-Olds Not Vote? They IVy Taxes and Tight VICTORIA. If the Provincial Elections Act is to be opened in the con ing session to bring in the with the Vatican line in such things as non-admittance to the o Ui t!. Communist government of China. But it as :iot at all eager to go along with any outside authority's lihe if that single transferable vote --woukln t it be a good Kua arjffffl to bring in the vote for 18, 19 and 20-year-olds? A lo Long before the Korean war of people think it Wollld. started, influential papers like How much lon f are we g0-Le Devoir were warning against , to ke the v0le rom nu.in such embroilments. Since the fd of ,8 19 am) 20? Ray... effect i and Jfeminiicei C(Q)M FOOTHILLS 'HARD ALBERTA ' TELKWA COAL IN ALL SIZES Lump . . . Cobble . . . Egg Nut ond Stoker PHONE For Immediate Delivery increasinyly unhappy outcome of ltg something like the dark aasa , that confict, there has been A wnen tney wereh't supposed to restrained, but nevertheless be intelligent enough to vote.i pointed lnailnation to say "We Maybe---ohf;e upon a time 18,! told you so." 19 and 20-year-olds were chit-1 ooo dreti but they're hot today. IN TALKING personally with The government, of course, Is representative French C &h a- afraid that 18, 19 and 20-year-dians, however, I do find a sig- olds get the vote they'll all rush tiiflfnnt mnrltfifhHn nf ihri tnr. out and vote CCF. The govern- WITH SADLER'S WELLS Jean Gilbert, pianist with the Sadler's Wells Bullet Company now nearlng the end of Its North American tour, Is the only Canadian with the group. A native of Calgary, she became permanent pianist for the company two-and-a-half years ago. She joined Sadler's Wells after the death of her husband whom she met while h was an R A F. instructor at Calvary. (CP PHOTO t Seven Shiploads of Johnsons mer attitudes ' ment, believing this and Shak- ' , ., - Ing in Its boots about it, merely The Instinct of the French fa?ia iot hfno a .n nf Canadian stems to be just as Iear There.s absolulely no rea. ardently "ttnti-fomgn-war" as son w beUeve a majorlty o Dur ever. But, on the Intellectual youth Is CCF arrived In Alaska and Yukon j during the gold stampede and this may help explain why so many of the name still dwell in the north. There are plenty in Bkeena as well. When Alaska was sold to the United States in 1807, the name of the president was Andrew Johnson. In Dawson in 1901, there were 143 Johnsons, Johnstons and Jonsons and hundreds of Johnston Mountain) and Johnston Creeks and Johnstone Islands. Alaska and Yu- IMIII nATT rifITT O t level of French Canada, there is But there is the danger that rnlLrUI I . tVIM 6r U mucn more advanced leaaersnip jg, 19 and 20-year-olds, forbid-than there is in English-speak-! den to vote. Will vote CCF when Train Housewives By British Plan LONDON (Reuters) Jean Wyatt, 16, has just become a LlMiirn Bl'ILDING Sl'PPMES ing Canada that world wars are they're 21, to get even With the the inevitable product of the lack government that denies them of world law. I the first right of citizenship cause, face other dangers ; the danger that in bringing new people to our shores they may bring with them thejr animosities and prejudices and sectional biases. Against this hazard there stands the record of their will to come; the evidence that the welfare French Canada will be power- when they're 18 I fully qualified housewife at a ' masters had their little net ikon post ih ho. niri is 19 fully represented at next April s PRINTING cost of about $588 to the British government, She is one of the youngest graduates of the state-sponsored National In.-iilute of House- conference in Rome of all organ-' and 20-year-olda should have the : perplexities. izations in the world which hope vcte. Liberals and Conservatives,! and plan to transform the UN though they court young peo-l General Omar Bradley says the into a world parliament, em- pie's interest, insist that 18, 19 1 United States air defences, with and 20-year-olds not wijc lh Canadians, could "avert com-ril4.inm.iM powered to make actual law, as are ; fn,m mnitincrnwp enoush to vote. FUahtv that's ' P'-ete disaster. ' And it also might teffr u Expcrir PURPOSES Highest Quality 1 recommendations to sovereign ' what 18, 19 and 20-year-olds" are : be well to avert complacency in 1 nations. ' j say Liberals and Conservatives Canada. I oo much too flighty and irrc-, I FATHER RICHARD ARES Is a sponsible to vote. One of the most staggering workers Ltd. in suburban Easl I Croydon. j During a nine-month course ! at the institute, Jean learned I how to plan and cook thrie-! course meals twice daily, do a I big wash and ironing. hsiuc-1 rlenn lnnlr aftr lnvnlMn nnri' Dibb Printing Co noted Montreal Jesuit who is iner a siap 1x1 uie iuue im': muws iu uic ucciuuicut ui maa- that 1b it wonder lot of ,,ivw mnh nf t.h intoiw. any a Ka nas come in tne loss 01 a PHONE 231 state, in its various manifestations of socialism and communism, has faiWi to satisfy them. One does not f.ccept new hazards just to exchange one form of paternalism for another. They seek a country that is;more free, more secure, more politically stable. Their obvious, if perhaps unknown and unstated, ideal is to regain the captaincy of their own souls the right to work where and as they wish; to retain Fome measure of the advantage of whatever they create; to be free to move and act as they see fit; to assume the personal responsibilities that are theirs. ' It in people of such thinking that we need, pepple who are ready to contribute to the sort of citizenship that we hove found good. We do not want groups or classes or ideologies that are foreign to us We want men and women with eyes open to a nvonf fntnvn artrl l will ir Vio tvirt rf if We want rn $30C.OOC,000 aluminum plant near make 0wn clothe3 she Skagway, comments a northern also ta..h, hnw fn ,,.. hlIS, BESNER BIjOCK 21-year-olds CCF? tual leadership and drive in Que- go 1 Let s look at tne Picture eal" bee Deo for lor the tne principle pnndpre 01 of world worm lsttcaUy Most 18 19 and 2Q. ness letter and basic fact3 of parliamentary procedure and in a briiliant series of articles '"LT "V ! civic government in a key monthly publication, Jj thDro. ' ,or ThoU,rl, paper, tias anyone ever heard of the United States developing a natural resource In Canada when one of the 48 had an equal resource available? History shows Alaska always gets the rind when the United States slices a melon. FISHERMEN . . . Labor Minister G-eorge Isaacs Action Natlonale, Father Ares demonstrated that modern wars noi too immature, physlcarry, to Hio fnr thoit jnnntnj Rut. an- the inevitable product of the are 1 pawnUyi they.re too lmmature, is to present Jean with a diploma ' showing she has completed the course. The diploma will be her passport to standardized domes- j tic working 'conditions literal lack of law governing re mentally, to vote. In other There still can be found in words, the government says 18, 19 and 20-year-old are adults lations between nations. j So long as there is no higher authority than the sovereign na- I tion, he argued, the World will For complete overhaul of your High Speed Gasoline Engines, see Rupert Motors Ltd. Wo have the trained mechanics and specialized equipment to perform this work for you . . . efficiently and economically. To avoid delay this spring when the rush is on, let us have that job now. when it comes to paying taxes Uhl Mea 7J I i"8 the C0Urse are and offering their lives, but B?aSlSL Vr? m.!P(aW fUt TOkly hilc A mere scatterbrained juveniles1 "e,fitgJ' ,' L T trainlnB n a'e guaranteed jobs when it comes to voting. ,"u? lly' ? Jt ?J aftor they finlsh- Aim of u P"Ue'art they a ei that!""' Is' it any wonder, then, whrtne ls t0 glve unlvmal tl.aln doin8 wel1-, Mor PeoI,le cou' 1 lng to household 18 19 and 20-year-olds take no workers. inrBt. i n.ihii nffatr. Would mean crowds and expenses and , get no relief from power politics. In the last ananysis, power poll-tics is always played by war, or the threat of war. one who leaves his f i''st loyalty at home, but rather those who are ready to sink their sectional identities, as we have done, in a passion for a new land. We want those Who atv ready to join with us in hewing out Canada's manifest destiny. Under world law, made by a not time for Jaywalking. enouBn Of vou, if vou couldn't voter democratic world parliament, the Daily Health Hint A window display of old pic- to make war against any other vear of high school you'd be interested in public affairs and' tures in Juneau keeps drawing a nation (unless ,of course. Hie vou'd eo out into the world pre-1 lot oi attention, where, years s Rupert Motors ZWfej gaily attacked on Its own territory). National armaments are reduced, b world law, to a point mired to nlav vour tiart And ago, it would not have meant so i then wUha shock you'd find much. The oldest photograph in' ff a urishing breakfast-- L. v,' I rm on t.h. in-oiirt wa taken in lRno the first meal of the day should only sufficient cut to LU maintain limuimm in 111- "'c i". o ;-."-r r nmilri. nt loo-t nl (h,. ternal security. The function of .opinion of you that you can't wnue wince ttuperi cannot go " n7ri'T ",T: m"V" A. day s food requirements As a keeping the oeace between the' Vote. .back that far, there are many Sl conterM So it is that plenty of 18, 19 scenes here that already can TooeZlf In- command Interest. It is kin g t period af 1 Hsn "tinR-backed parliament-who.se decisions are' and 20-year-olds, frustrated, deep pro- Jays by a world police force. I clignant, insulted, bitter, Ignore bably true that the majority of therefore, it Is unfair to ask he w ALLACE the public questions or the aay. present day residents fenow out " "J"1"' j By the time they're 21 they're uttle what Prince Rupert looked out el no longer willing or able to uke forty years ago. ' ' - - Diav their Dart. f Pharma ooo A FEW HOURS after the outbreak of the Korean war, our Canadian Senate passed a strong resolution calling for American-BrltisH-Frenoh initiative In strengthening UN into a limited world government. In this de bate, only one French Canadian HOURS: WEEK DAYS: senator spoke in opposition. The Dr. Kicnmona uarDour, rn.v., Any wild animals found on famous advisor to young people Kalen Island always appear as on their modern-day problems lf having been tamed. Bears have (and they're m6re complex thun been seen and trrey kept the problems we had 25 years caimiy eatlng berries. Saturday ago), says this: ' I've been peti- evenihg ,a couple driving out the tloning and agitating votes for hlghwayi pagsed tw0 iarge black 18-year-olds for many a year If woives whlch leisurely crossed you want to help, wf lie your ne road wlth tQ Cdhgfessman, your senators and be pguggj you state legislators." I . ' That's good advice. We cana i, , ,,. uj ,,,, Back in 1945 called .. ,! somebody dlahs d can follow ii... tv, the same; we , . . out "Cease Fire." Only It's taking 9 a.m. to 9 Pi great majority of French Canadians Vied With English-speaking senators In supporting the principle of world federation ek-tending the principle of Canadian confederation. p ,H O N E 7 9 SUNDAYS: 12 Noon to2P t-ngnsn-speaKing, f roiesiam, , ftan u hnnu bombar(1 hr our m M p P;S . and n-.ir 0lir M.L.A.'s. If we think 18, 19 and helluva lot lonBer wanaaa win nave to siep iiveiy If it wants to keep up with 7 D.m. to 9 P Ask your Investment Dealer or Broker for prospectus. r - Catholic French Canada in this. 20-year-olds should have . the Vote, it's our duty to let bur elected representatives know. OLD FRATERNITY The Kappa Alptia Society founded In 1825, is the oldest The Panda bear, found only In Greek letter fraternity in the j CALVIN BULLOCK ltd. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVF.M PIONEER WORK An average Of five acres of land had been cleared for every person in New France by 1700. the Himalayas, is an almost ex- j United States with continuous clusively vegetarian animal. v existence. ; "Who said you passed a red light?"