1 Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, January 23, 1951 OCIAL AND Red Pamphlets For Britain PERSONAL In Calls hd ceilings N , 4, CNR Carmen Enjoy Party CNR carmen of the local union enjoyed supper and dancing Friday evening at the Broadway Cafe. Following supper, there was dancing until after midnight to the music of M. Hauser and G. Pierce. Convener of the committee One Year Insurance with separately during unfinished business. The sale of lots 5 and 6, block 23, section 1, to H. G. Helgerson, on behalf of Edward Reil for their assessed value of $2500 was reported by the committee. HULL, England 0) When the freighter Katy docked here from East Germany, stevedores unloading her cargo of lumber uncovered a new technique In The preliminary hearing of Larry Disher, charged with manslaughter in connection with the traffic death of Mrs. Jennie Ritchie, has' been advanced from Friday until Wednesday. One year In the Insurance The committee also reported business was accepted by last that the dtv solir-itir had con- technique in "Iron Curtain' propaganda. Hidden among the night's meeting of the city coun- j sidered the claim from Mrs. An- making arrangements was I. umDer tney lound several par- ou",ucl" w enaoie an nette Mansell regarding damag m Ischabold. J. McNaughton was - Cels, addressed to the dockwork- insurance agent to be allowed master of ceremonies. ers of Britain, Canadian Legion "Bring Your Missus" night, Saturday, January 27, at 8 p.m. Members may bring guests. Phone 116 or 117 a recognized broker for the city's Inside were bundles of leaf' ed stock allegedly due to faulty sewer and had written her disclaiming any liability on the part of the city. The report was approved and-adopted. , insurance. . That portion of the finance committee's report was dealt bert & McCaffery Mrs. N. Thomas returned to the city on the Camosun Sunday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Regular Moose meeting Tuesday, January 23, 8 p.m. Initiation of candidates. (19c) First United Church Congregational meeting tonight at 8:15 in the church hall. (ltc) Mr. and Mrs. C. Jackson sailed on the Chllcotin Sunday night for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mr. Jackson Is lighthouse keeper at Lawyer Island. Notice to members of the Prince Rupert Burns Club Banquet being held in Broadway Cafe Thursday, January 25, at 6:30 p.m. SHARP. Contact Alex Hatg for reservation. (It) t Ladles and Gentlemen, now is the time to make your choice for that new spring suit. The Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. 8. "Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Quick, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. D. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. I. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. R. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. A. Foss-heim, Mr. and Mrs. I. Ischabold, Mr. and Mrs. F. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. W. Page, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wozlowski, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bugyinka, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sharpe, C. Davidson, A. McFadden, M. Blair, Mrs. E. Blair, J. Long, P. Laporte, Miss M. Shrubsall. J. Bugyinka and J. McNaughton. WLai s-Pensions lets urging their support of "Port Wismar Peace Committee." Sketches of bombed houses, captioned "War and Misery," were also included. In large block letters, the leaflets urged: "Refuse loading and discharging of ammunition and arms and you will give the best assistance to .all those who are endeavoring to avoid a new war. Be on your guard, for the Imperialists are trying to find a way for a new fearful conflict. Defend with all means the peace of the world." rITY OUNCIL hnge Likely oRIA-Tlie federal gov- Refreshments and, entertainment. ... (23e) Rt. Rev. Bishop J. B. Gibson sailed Sunday night on the Chilcotin to attend the meetings of the Provincial House of Bishops at Vancouver. He will also be present at the consecration of Rev. O. P. Oower as new Bishop of New Westminster at Christ Church Cathedral January 26. Announcing The formation of a Women's Auxiliary to the Prince Rupert Local United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union. A meeting will be held Thursday, January 25, in the Metropole Hall at 8:00 p.m. All Interested are cordially Invited to attend. - (20c) 2); Referred to the traffic com. its ora-age peuoiuu mobably will be accepted lish Columbia, It was ln-i today. .? of the contributory mlttee for Investigation and re- j TIP TOP TAILORS have lu3t received their latest spring sam port a letter from Ideal Cleaners asking for a loading zone In front r.s program now are being of their establishment on Mc Bride Street. Woman Pioneer Healthy at 109 SASKATOON, Sask. m Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels of Perigord, Sask., who celebrated her 109th birthday last October, is still in good health and says she "gets by the cabinet. irogram proposes a $40,- City Adopts Police Pact After hearing a thorough report from the police committee ples and style books. Place YOUR order now. (22c) Mr. and Mrs. M. Mitchell were passengers aboard the Camosun Sunday night going through from Vancouver to Alice Arm. J pension to everyoooy u regaraiess 01 means. Columbians 70 or over around very well." She recalls Norman Brown, managing dir- Mrs. Mitchell has been on a trip helping her husband haul freight to New Mexico and Mr. Mitcheil ector of Bottled Gas Ltd., Van-jof tneir investigation of the pro- Instructed the city clerk to Inform J. H. Malr the city did not have the power to grant a lease for property on a roadway. This was in reply to a letter from Mr. Malr asking for a lease on the property on which his house stands. 50 a month after a st, with B.C. contribu-extra $10 on top of the couver, sailed by the Camosun I Psed contract with Royal Can- by ox-cart from Fort Garry ho. today on his return south after uU. mumiveu run, uie city """r;? r r ' a vklt nf a ten dava " Jipfp with council voted last night to enter 1 Qu Appelle, Sask., 87 B years ago. ,.,Ir; , L,:Jinto the contract. The commit-She now lives with her daughter, s indicated B.C. would went to Vancouver to meet her. He is In charge of transportation for the Torbrlt mine at Alice Arm. Passengers arriving In the city on the steamer Camosun Sunday afternoon from the south were 7 thi,tee was authorized to spend ! Mrs. Mary Genaille, at Perigord, Co distributo of mj, local aistnouiors ui uit . . . , u v-iit, nn for 17 miles north .!, of moans test for the over- to determine the need $1,000 the purpose of cou- 1 Kelvlngton. Rockgas propane product. Mr. nent of the current $10- a 10-year-old great- verting the present caretaker's She has Received and acknowledged a letter from Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. thanking the city for i bonus and of hospital great-great grandchild. quarters into police barracks. Brown said that Prince Rupert had had the highest percentage of new customers for his product of any city In British Co- sending out a fire truck and Mr- ana Mrs- rosier, Mrs. w. e premiums. Provincial ent now pays premiums -Id-age pensioners. . Thomas, J. L. Costella, L. Cam- crew the night fire threatened their plant at Port Edward. The report stated the-expend-Hure for car operation was approximately the same in the 1951 contract as it had been in 1950 and that the total saving in men's salaries would be be jlumbia during the past year. pagnolo, J Basso. Norman Brown, Miss R. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. R. "Chocolates? No! New Dress? No! Flowers? Nope! Negligee? No!" -. Tabled for consideration with C. Phillips and child, A. E. Jones. -COULD YOU BE A FULLER T. Bentham, Mr and Mrs. C. J. BRUSH MAN " Permanent od- TOUCHLINE FROLICS DULVERTON, Somerset, England Ti When Dulverton soccer team plays at home, huntsman Charlie Hoskins, 72, rides his horse up and down the touch-line. For every goal he gives a "Yoicks tally-ho" and blows a hunting horn that Is, if Dulverton scores. the estimates a request from the tween $15,164.28 and $17,691.66, ,1rtStowork17- 42 SKONDS i Salvation Army for a grant to-'Carter ancl children Passengers ! portunity for man with boat for depending upon how many con- i . . A. j i pnlnff t.hrniicrh lnp!nril Ttn r n.ii. nf ' . . . . wara maintenance oi me loage ; - uueau i ai, dch kuui, run siaDies were employed I ne num for young women. iicn, n. nuucraju ami u. -. ' Alice ana Qisincis soum oi ron ber will range from 12 to 14. Canadian Mothers Discover Steam Treatment for Colds Offsetting that financial ad vantage were expenditures that avans ior oiewaro ana m. uun-1 Haray. Yearly income irom levy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mitchell $4,000 to $6,000. Opening Febru-and daughter, P. Danyluk, J ' ary 15th. References required. Carlson, William Leduc and F. Apply evenings to G. A. Gustaf-Mclntosh for Alice Arm. 1 son, 140 Ninth Ave. E. (21p) Referred to the finance com-mlttte for consideration when estimates for the year were being drawn up a request from the Civic Centre Association for the annual grant. nnouncemen would have to be Incurred: The erection of a lean-to garage for public vehicles; Purchase of furniture for police quarters. Some alterations to the. existing caretaker's quarters to make W.O.T.M. Tea at Mrs. A Ritchie's, 146 7th East, January 25, at 2:30. More mothers now use steam soothing, medicated vapors. " " treatment for colds than ever Relief comes in a hurry be-before, according to recent stu- cause every breath carries Vapo-dles. Today this special way to Rub's special medication deep relieve nagging coughs, bron- into stuffed up, congested large chitis, and chokey stuffiness of bronchial tubes. It relieves colds Is highly praised by thou- coughing spasms almost Instant-sands of Canadian mothers. ly, eases miserable stuffiness, Those interviewed find that and brings soothing relief right Presbyterians Coming Back Card party, Catholic Hall, Thursday, January 25, 8 p.m till BtlUR FAST! 4 - them suitable for police barrack3. It was estimated $1,0C0 would oc required for that task. In addition it would bs neces as follows: Ladies' Aid Mrs, Presbyierian Burns Banquet, Agreed to pay annual fees of $112.50 for membership in the Union of British Columbia Municipalities and of $25 for membership in the Canadian Federation of Mayors and William Frid-a". Jan. 26. Legion Card Party, Jan. 31. Bremner. Women's Missionary Society Banner Year Is Reported sary to give the city hall janitor additional remuneration ' for Women's Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Nurses' Home, February 1. Mrs. winium opum. ( : Mission Band-Mrs. W. H. WU-' looking after the puohc , , lavator Congregation In Annual Session Last Night Adopted the, report , qf , the i Pioneers' Home "committee re- St. Andrew's Cathedral Tea. Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 430 4th Ave. West, Feb. 6. Conrad P-TA Valentine Mas son -Murrav l I some points that Burning Bush Guild-Mrs. Concerning 1 needed clarification, the renprt W son-Murray. !Baid tnac the hild this special treatment brings where worst miseries of colds quick "deep-action" relief from are. worst miseries of colds witr every Then to keep up relief for hours single breath. Most of these just rub VapoRub on throat, mothers now use Vicks VapoRub chest and back. It keeps on in steam . . . the same Vicks working even while you sleep. VapoRub that brings such grand No wonder Canadian mothers results when you rub It on. use Vicks VapoRub as a rub and All you do is put two good use it in steam too. It's the best spoonsfuls of Vicks VapoRub in known home remedy they can a vaporizer or bowl of boiling buy to really relieve miseries of water. Then breathe In the colds. women s Missionary en advised that the RCMP querade Party, - Conrad School, Treasurer's report, Mrs. J. A-.'wouid defray the entire cost of i February 10, 8 p.m. commending Payment ol ! ac- departments showing of for groceries. counts $304.24 renewed lnterest and acUvlty and $',95 Jr Weat ?nd, the financial situation much im- The sUted milk. report that, proved whUe marled of thanks had been sent , letters , ments have been math church Teng 120th H.A.A. Valentine Dance, prisoners' meals and bill the city Choir Mrs. J. A. Teng. Sunday School, showing an in only for those accruing to municipal prisoners before conviction. jHospitolity and to those who had made donations Good Food to the home during the Christmas season. property, the congregation of First Presbyterian Church, at Us annual meeting last night, heard that 10ft haH Kson iYtt mrtcf cu Ifit is Our First Aim February 10, Armories. United Church Valentine tea, Mrs. L. M. Greene's, February 15. Rupert Rod and Gun banquet, February 15. . (p) Legion masquerade party Friday, February 16. Conrad School P-TA card ' party, February 18, 8 p.m. St. Patrick's Tea and card party. Catholic Hall, March 17. Orange Ladies' Tea, March 21. Accepted a tender of ! Rupert cessful year the last twenty-Motors to supply a three-ton fiW. credit was given to the new ''"e 17 for Orders To Take Out Broadway Cafe Fargo trucK Wim ine equipment t D . crease in attendance from 49 to That would make the net cost 82, E. J. Smith. I of prisoners' meals the same as Treasurer E. J. Smith. j before. There might be some ad- Budget Committee Fred Con-' ditional cost for matrons' serv-rad. - - . ices, but the city would be requir- A vote of thanks was tendered ed to provide matrons for city Mr. Smith for his consistent and prisoners only prior to convic-effective work for the church, ition when no other matron was THE PASTOR I cn duty. This should be a rare The pastor, Rev. Dr. E. A. occurrence, the report said and Wright, expressed his gratifica- should not exceed $100 per an-tion over church progress and num- Tnet. comlnefr; continued had definitely thanked the congregation for as-! reP?rt asked for by the city at a cost oi $3,310.56. delivery promised In podore Cafe 4 - April. "human dynamo," for his progressive activity. Support was pledged to the pastor and optimism was expressed that 1951 would be another banner year as the church moved toward its old Dim Finest Cooking ' tin! strpnath a an aetlv tarlir Li.t .. m u ' unaeruiKen to restrict me num- Job's Daughters Easter tea and sale, Masonic Temple, March 22. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 4. St. Peter's Spring Sale, April 28. Sonja tea, May 12. o I 313taill.C ailU VU'VUCIAMUII. ber of single men on the city In the religious and spiritual life emphasized 'T""? that " the church " Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. tl force to 30 percent oi tne community. siooa lor wie .u8ucsi una nouira.,, Thp f odnnt.Prt aft? Tradition Changes At Famous School ETON, England (Ctl Access to the famous playing fields of Eton Is becoming more difficult than ever for prospective students. Old Etonians have discovered that the tradition which For take home orders Phone 200 approval. The attendance at the annual things in life and called for con-congregational ' meeting was one tinued harmony and fellowship of the largest In years. George to the end that there might be C. Mitchell presided. Reports further growth In grace and lOlVKR-VICTORIA covering the various departments knowledge. They're amazing good Made with Amazing New Fast DRY Yeast! ;ay.8p.m., Chilcotin and activities of the church were Our January Sale Means pesday, 12 Noon Camnsun KM, STEWART AND in the past has meant almost certain acceptance of their sons by the school no longer holds good. The reason for the change in presented by the officers concerned. OFFICERS Officers were elected as It was announced that Dr. Wright would be going to Vancouver January 31 to be Inducted as pastor of the church. At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served by the ladles of the church. '0RT SIMPSON iy. Camnsun 1 1 r, m policy Is that the waitmg-nsi fnr admission to the 500-year- 'R NOItTH QI KEN Board of Managers Robert old school for "blue-bloods" is strachan, G. C. Mitchell, N. S. K. MILOTTE ISLANDS :iiMtin. Dec. 22 and m. 19 and 31 9 p.m. already filled up to laoo. nui despite a boost In the school's RJimeiu ECIPES Jit SOI TII QUEEN Brewer, John McLeod, Dr. Duncan Black. William Bremner, Captain A". Davidson, J. D. Mc-Rae, Fred Conrad, James Had-den, J. W. Eastwood, S. 1. Hunter. William Spark, James Bremner. Robert H. Parker, J. A. Mc- SALE DATES January 22 to 27 w.OTTK ISLANDS tuition fees to nearly ?iuuu a year. Robert Birley, Eton's 46-year-old headmaster, says every effort Is being made to take In any boy who has family associations with the school. Prima r- FOR YOU ! ! "un, Jan. 12 and 26 5 D m. f'UNK J. SKINNER Rae, Robert Eby, Gordon Fraser and E. J. Smith. Ui, Vnn.oimr ovorvthlntT dPtlPndS '"ce Rupert Agent JELLY BUNS Measure into small bowl. 1 c. lukewarm water, 3 tsps. granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 2 envelopes Flcischmann's Royal FastRising Pry Yeast. Let stand 10 min.. THKN stir well. Cream 34 C. shortening; gradually blend in 1 C granulated sugar, 2 tsps. salt, 1 tsp. grated nutmeg. Gradually beat in 2 well-beaten eggs. Stir in Vi tsp, lemon extract, Vi c milk which has been scalded and cooled to lukewarm, and yeast mixture. Stir in 3 c once-sifted bread flour; beat until smooth. Work in 3 c more once-sifted bread flour. Knead until smooth and elastic; place in greased bowl and brush top with melted butter or shortening. Cover and set in warm place free from draught Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough and cut Into 36 equal portions; knead into smooth balls. Brush with melted butter or margarine, roll in fine granulated sugar and arrange to apart on greased baking pans. Cover and let rise until doubted in bulk. Twist the handle of a knife in the top of each roll to form an indentation; fill with jelly. Cover and let rise 15 min. longer. Bake in moderately hot oven, 375 about 18 min. re Phone 568 Auditor R. R. Strachan. Trustees Mr. Justice A. M. on the boy himself, and not his famllv. To be certain of accept f ance, a candidate must produce Manson and G. R. Nadcn CORN MUFFINS cup sifted flour 1(4 teaspoons baking powder V2 teaspoon salt 'i teaspoon cornmeal V cup prepared apple 1 egg, well beaten xk cup milk Vi cup honey 3 tablespoons shortening, melted IRIFICE SALE OF a good report cara irom nu preparatory school and pass the common entrance examination. J. A. Teng is clerk of the and congregational secretary. The report of the session, pre sented by J. A. Teng. showed a I Kit .VV membership at the end of the year of 120, twenty new members having been enrolled during Lutheran Tea-Sale Success A successful tea and sale was held by the ladies of St. Paul's Business coupe Sift flour nour once, once, measure, measure, aao addi the year. Silent tribute was paid t to thp the followine following members members who whobakln8 PWder and salt, and 1 0,000 miles sift again. Add cornmeal. Wash. 4 CORDUROY DRESSES, regular 4.75 Sale Price 2.95 6 BENGALINE DRESSES, regular 4.15 Sale Price 1.99 Similar savings in Crepe and Taffeta Dresses, Wool and Corduroy Jumpers 5 SNOW PANTS, reg. 4.50 Sale Price 2.95 2 SIZE 8 REVERSIBLE PARKAS, Regular 18.00. Sale Price 9.95 6 ALL WOOL MACKINAWS, reg. 7.25 Sale Price 4.95 3 GIRLS' 3-PIFCE CHINCHILLA SET, Regular 10.75. Sale Price 6.95 7 SLICKERS, reg. 5.95. Sale Price 3.95 Similar savings on One- and Two-Piece- Snow Suits, Raincoats, Flannel Housecoats, Skirts. The Stork Shoppe Lutheran Church at the Churcn Saturday afternoon. Guests were received by Mrs. Earl Soiland pare and cut apples Into eighth. Remove core and cut crosswise into very thin slices. Combine egg, milk, honey and shortening. Add all at once to flour cornmeal mixture, stirring only enough to dampen all flour. Fold RUCK SPECIAL had passed away during the year, Mrs. M. Mitchell, Mrs. Janet McNeill. Mrs. Martha McKinley, J. R. Morin, . George Ferguson, Mrs. O. W. Abbott and Mrs Thomas McCubblnl The report of the board of managers, by E. J. Smith, showed i.il?SBtHMS5iI and Mrs. H. Helland. In charge of home cooking CHEV. PICK-UP tables were Mrs. A. Husoy, con Al nil tfiiin vener, Mrs. A. Martinsen and in apple. Bake In well-greased condition envelope and loose collections, 2.mch m'ufln pans ta not oven during 1951 far exceeded the pre (400" F.) for 20 minutes or un No more disappointments because the yeast has spoiled! Fleischmann's Fast DRY Yeast replaces old-fashioned perishable yeast because it keeps fresh and full strength right in your cupboard! For fast-rising dough and grand oven results get Fleischmann's Fast DRY Yeast to-day! til done. Approximate yield: 8 to 12 muffins. vlous year and years immediately before that. Extensive improvements had been made both to manse and Mrs. A. Dybhavn. In charge of the tea room were Mrs. R. Webber, convener, Mrs. H. Johansen, Mrs. H .Hansen, Mrs. I. Eldsvik, Mrs. C. Berg, Mrs. H. Stangebye, Mrs. G. Mos-tad and Mrs. H. Paulson. Serving were Mrs. M. Hetland, Mrs. R. Giske, Mrs. L. Olsen, Mrs. T. Fossum and Mrs. E. Writer Ltd church and a further program VOLGA BASIN m JONAUCH DEALERS Rupert, B.C. Order a montAb suppy was planned for the coming year The Volga River basin, 531,000 to bring the property up to full square miles, is only slightly standard. i smaller than that of the St. Other reports were presented Lawrence River. Next to New S & 10 Store Blue 810