HIPWI.HIIW"Tnm-l I ' A- Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, January 23, 1951 (f All Female Play Grim Production Police Court At Hospital Assistant To C.N. Head Dies i i. i. NEW YORK (AP) Broadway occasionally sees plays with all ', Magistrate W. D. Vance and city police court visited Prince Rupert General Hospital to haar I MONTREAL G. W. V. Shaw V feminine casts, but they ie , assistant to the president, Can- allv on the comedy side, sue ri. ri I the evidence of Anthony McDon- U1CU ! , - r...i i adian National Railways - IM Wf aid in uie case in ijuxne iviuuay 5S . I last night In the western divi Clare Booth Luce's "The en" which had a good run a few LeBlanc charged following a ..m7 traffic incident on Christmas p flip sion of the Montreal General hospital. He was in his fifty-j Eve when McDonald and two I other men. were allegedly struck I on Hays Cove Avenue by a car Tropicanas Are Here! $4-98 Sizes 1 2 through 44 sixth year. Mr. Shaw was born In Worces years back. The latest all-feminine play however is completely in the opposite mood. Newly-arrived on Broadway, "The House of Bci-narda Alba' 'is a drama of a do G3 driven by LeBlanc. McDonald has been in hospital ever since receiving treatment for injuries. Ths charge against LeBlanc i- i- i.i. ' r .v-i tershire. England, and, after experience in chartered accountants' and legal offices, he entered the service of the Grand Trunk Railway In 1916 in the general passenger department at mineering mother and her five ( v w v m r , t - frustrated daughters, a story oi Spain 50 years ago. As the new presentation of the American National Theatie one that has never been laid in Prince Rupert before is that he unlawfully did drive a motor vehicle on a highway without rea Montreal and acted as secretary to the passenger traffic manager and in other capacities until late In a scintillating array of colors and styles sonable consideration for ether "Bernarcia Alba" is a grim production. It does not seem likely to attract more audiences than IP Cartoon News i those small groups who support the usual art movements. persons using said highway. T. W. Brown is defending LeBlanc. The case stands adjourned lcr eight days. HIGH LIVING ENDS Henry Ripka, 21-year-old Montreaier, surrendered to police and returned nearly half. of $10,000 which he took from a Bank of Nova Scotia branch where he was employed as a teller. He used some $5,000 to finance a tour of United States cities with a chum but got bored with high living and decided to return home and give himself up. (CP PHOTO) p.m. - a p.m 1 WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE in 1922. Upon the formation at that time of the Canadian National organization, he Joined the staff of the chairman and president and, after experience as assistant chief clerk in that office, was made assistant secretary to the president. When the board of trustees took office in 1934, he was appointed secretary to the chairman of trustees, and in October, 1936, was promoted to chief clerk to the chair STARTS TOWORtfW I TODAY ONLY I written Dy rreaerico uiiiciu Lorca, a distinguished Spanish dramatist who was killed by Fascists In 1936, the play presents a harsh, morose and brooding story of Senora Bernarda. With her five marriagable daughters confined almost like prisoners in small, austere rooms arranged like cells, she rules with a hand i "M0,NTANX Journal Spurns Bulletin Deal ! i Plumbing & Heating fl lilt 25 YEARS AGO man and president. Two years Arena Deal Not Favored "-cnelor cousin, sunpllet pi-of comedy which is interspf-with catchy j.ongs, plus dan dance .sequences featuring I Neagle and Michael Wilding later. Mr. Shaw was named as-! Delightful British Film January 22, 1926 An electrician and a from the Radiotelegraph Ser sistant secretary of the company and was appointed assistant to of iron. The reason Senora Ber- i nardo gives for this suppression is they must remain In strict; mourning ? for eight years for EDMONTON The management of the Edmonton Journal announced yesterday it had not bought the Edmonton Bulletin which suspended publication on Saturday. The Journal said it had been offered the Bulletin several vice vi wumua aruveu at oitiue- Jamea H. 1tlompsn Kate en luute iu ijt'au iree i-uiui mu ianici. ivuty Lime in iviaiai, wuu,, ; business man who enters pital about a week ago, k ing a good recovery. He k A proposal made to the city president In August 1945. council recently by a joint com-' Mr. Shaw assisted Rt. Hon. mittee of the Civic Centre Asso- David Lloyd George for the dura-ciation arena committee and the tion of his Canadian and United Canadian Legion that the city states tour In 1923 In a secretar-trade property on the waterfront ial capacity, adjacent to the new Canadian ( He was a member of the Legion building as a site for the Thistle Curling Club, Kanawaki proposed curling and skating Ool Ciub and Canadian Railway arena was turned down by last club of Montreal. better and expects to bt s soon. tu uuuveiu biie I'aiiMiuuti uiei-j ; in uus "6 nnw. ... j to the uapitoi liieatre uus wea-from sparks to continuous wave, ily, sister becomes enemy of sis-, ne;jCiay and Tiiursoay ts a de- iter and eventually the whols , lihtful entertainment which C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles j household is one of bitterness aRam co-stars Britain's most was taken off the pontoons at 1 .that threatens to explode any j popular romaViUc team, Anna the drydock yesterday afternoon second. And it does, ending in a NeaKle and Michael Wildini;. to make way for the Canadian shooting and a suicide. j Supporting their, are Peter Gra- times, the last time only last week. B.C. The funeral service will take place on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Wrays Funeral chap- Relief lief lot I Fast Farmer, which is going up lor i MOURNING WOMEN es. Nicholas ' Ptupps, wlio also RIECUMATIC PAT DuU weariMnw ache- hrs J cleaning and painting. MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS CRANE PLUMBING FIXTURES PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins ltd. PO. Box 274 ora jokili ind mutrlci, in din J night s meeting of the city coun- ; cil on recommendation of the finance committee. j Following was the report of the rura By I empitlon I 1-K-Li.Mb fmri report frnuine nliel in 24 In ; Mr. Shaw is survived by his ; el, the Rev. Dr. Malcolm Camp-wife, the former Edith Foster, of bell, minister of the First Pres-Ottawa; a sister, Mrs. Dorothy byterian Church, officiating. In-Hocklng, of Martinez, Calif., and terment will be in Mount Royal a brother Harold G., of Milner, cemetery. The Kelly Logging Compajiy headquarters camp at Loan In T-R-C'i Uxiir, fet lh nlirl m J . :L.I All J n tonismi ab urugxiM, nc UM llX Naturally in a drama of this! wrote the screenplay, and Thora type, where there are no men on Hii d. j stage for contrast, there Is a Ire- I Produced m technicolor, the ; mendous anxiety and burden on I Ray romantic comedy tells how, an all-feminine cast. They do ltj the Impoverished, but irrepes-l in the style of Greek tragedy, j sible Michael Wilding inherits a even to the point of opening thejMayfair fashu,:. t.uc.n, which is play with a procession of mourn-1 managed by Anna Nengle. He ing women weeping for the death falls in love with her. But the of the father. ' head of a rival establishment, r r c Dolor HMiinc a-Qniu Anna t.n inin finance committee: "Your committ reports that it has investigated the proposals r let is now re-opening, and further extensions of operation ara planned for this season, according to information gained from the Prince John. 10 YEARS AGO REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX ivanna ironr -.vo. , I raxinou, recently several inmressive film nerform.i h'm. and secretly plots to achiev-! placed before the council by the Civic Centre Arena committee and a committee representing the local branch of the Canadian Legion. "The property or land, designated as the first parcel which the Arena Committee has suggested be acquired by the city is assessed at $4810. RETURNS PREPARE Loggers from the Pacific Mills ances in Hollywood, is moving tnis end and ruin. M':nuel- H'JW .. . . . . . . . i IVio lattor en-ins u,-lth PifflVPS RiHl 0 Do you know you can now purchase to-day's NKWS IIUKAI.K to-day? JONKS NKWS STAND Papers are Ilown lr- 1-nly by C P A. camp on the yueen unanoU2 1 and impressive in the lirm, dis-1 Anna ., at the same time pursues Islands have donated a complete i ciplined role of the mother .who R. F. Mortimet ambulance to the Canadian Red 324 2ndA.'e. (Near CP- with his romantic intentions makes amu.slng screen fare. Nicolas Phipos, as Michael's Cross. Loggers of the T. A. Kelly, .1. R. M irgan and A. P. Allison logging companies have also donated one ambulance each. - is determined, to cut off her daughters from the world especially from men. Helen Craig and Ruth Ford are excellent as two of the daughters. But it is an unhappy, disagreeable play, more suited to drama festivals where audiences are in the mood for serious study of theatrical subjects. Have a Good Meal! NEW "The property, designated as the second parcel, which the local branch of the Legion has suggested be exchanged for the first parcel is assessed at $5300. Certain encumbrances owing on this property bring up the valuation i to approximately $5560. j "The difference between the Leonard Douglas has bfcn elected chief councillor at Green BAPTONE The Wonder Wall Paint valuation of the two parcels is, therefore, $750. "Both properties are at present ville, Naas River village. Othar ouncillors are Fred McKav, George Mlartin, Samuel Tait, Stanley Wilson, Albert Stevei'S and Jonah Gray. Compensation To $1.50 a quart $4.95 a gallon CITY : CAFE FULL COURSE MEALS Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd IT'S A CONTINENT The area of the mainland of Australia is estimated at 2,048,306 miles. Actually, Kieniger says, he was known to the Nazis as a half-Jew. He spent the last years of the second world war in a conce.i-! tration camp. j Koeniger estimates 60 per cent of the 3,500,000 men and Women sterilized by the Nazis betwe'i I lf?.3 and 1945 were women. Horror Victims By HANS NEUERBOURG Phone Blue 92 FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS -:.. D; ON QUALITY GOOf CAOfV& 8ZO IVCwrpM.HWAil.m.frw.'lne. I C1M rilV-CO ALL THE YtAK I What did It say on the sign, pop? MUNICH, Germany (AP) Thousands of Germans sterilized by the Nazis have organized to demand compensation and to light any future attempt at compulsory sterilization law. taxable. The present loss in taxation should the arena proposal be followed is approximately $400 per year. This is on land alone. If any future improvements were added, the taxable loss will De progressively greater. "Your committee does not recommend that this transfer be approved for the following rea-, sons: "(1) The values of the two I parcels are not equitable. I "(2) The second parcel is cov-I ered by agreement of sale from 1 the City to the Canadian Legion and under specific terms approved by the ratepayers. "(3( The Civic Centre Association has not received or approved the report and proposals of the arena committee. , "Your committee recommends: Many couples were divorced he-cause one partner was sterilized, Koeniger said. There have been reports of some cases where fertility was restored, but Koeniger said Feature Fish In New Stamp The organization claims 3,50!),- ROUND That is what our business depenaVoa We do not believe in a high mark up in order to make cut prices later. Dispersal Plan To Avoid Bombs 0C0 people were sterilized by lJailoriiuj for ) Ladies and Gentlemen ; LING t the tailor opposed personally any new op Hitler, in his efforts to "purify" eration performed oh him even if it would lead to the "master race." There are more than 2,000 in the new "Central Association of i OTTAWA The fisheries will be emphasized in Canada's new one dollar postage stamp The color will be dark blue and the date of release will be February 1. This announcement is made by the Postmaster General, Hon. Mr. Rinfret. The central motif of the design displays a fisherman in open boat hauling In his net. The border shows a number of varieties of fisheries products important in the Canadian economy, i x LONDON ((f) A plan to disperse part of Britain's population and essential armament industries through Commonwealth territories that are relatively safe Phone 849 ; 220 Sixth St "Should the Civic Centre A: Sterilized People in West Germany" and more are joining every week. Chairman Bruno Koeniger says thousands of others are deterred from joining by feelings of embarrassment. Kccnigci''s association demands equal recognition with concentration camp prisoners and war veterans as deserving public as sociation from atomlc attack Is proposed approve the financing by Sir Clifford Heathcote-Smith. Consistent Value and Good Service has stood the test of time. JOHN BULGER JEWELLERS I Luxury Steamer deputy chairman of the Council for the New Era of Emigration. Sir Clifford In a letter to the and constiuction of an arena, that: "(1) The Association purchase the required lands from its reserve funds. France Revives Maginot Line sistance. It asks a life-term pen Times describes the problem as Prince Georgi lieorqe sion of 80 marks $20 a month, LONDON General Elstnhow?r and life-long free medical care "(2i Exemption of taxation be one of the gravest and most ur-granted to the Association as gent for the Commonwealth to long as such land is held solely decide. on his tour of inspection in Europe, was asked by France to examine the Maginot Line. Officers by the Association for the erec-' The council contends that the tion of an arena. I strength or even the survival of feel it could become a very SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. "(3 1 If and when the said, the British Commonwealth may i powerful feature of European arena is completed and should depend on swift action in trans- I defence although Germany was for all sterilization victims. At its first public meeting in Munich, the assoication declared its intention to oppose any future attempt to compel sterilization for any reason even though "medically justified." "Who could control the application of such a law?" aske.l Koeniger. "The Nazi sterilization Hollywood Cafe the Association then desire the f erring the nation s Industrial too f aT advanced when the line City to hold the title to the pro- i strength irom target areas to became established. Today, it consists of 25 huge perty the Council at that date , the chief European-settled coun-consider reimbursing the Asso- tries of the Commonwealth. concrete fortresses. Some are We Specialize in seven stories under ground. Hun- order claims to be based on eu elation for the original purchase "This Is far from being a crisis price of the land only." i measure," he writes. "A better For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Write or Call dreds of smaller. but strong posi- ; genic i;easonSi too, But wnat bs hidden in ;.,. came of . I( it? Hons tions are are carefully carefully distribution of industry tnd population would strengthen DISHES woods and hills. He charged the Nazis used tho I VI Britain and all the Common ilaw brutally to punish or wi'po ! Engineers To CHOP SUEY CHOW ME wealth nations, both economically and as a matter of defence." With migrants from Britain CITY OR DKFOT OFFICE PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT,' RUPERT,' ment when everything depends out "undesirables," and that lis on a situation of strength being application was more political rapidly built up in Western Eur- than medical 11 j.iti'0 ww,Tw..'- .A . it.-' ; mH&it&M iiogiirffiiT - i iifm ii -"nil Northern B.C. i rTil. I i Mm$ I For Outside Orders PUONb u he adds .should go some of the b.c. B.C. ope, he said, in omer woras, a it.n.r jr.w our particular contribution to the Kienisnr, 31, was sterilized 'n I 1 This his advertisement jdvertiierrttnl if t not not published published or or displayed displayed by by i I OPEN FROM 7:30 P.M. to 3:30 A.M. I the Liquor Control Board Of by (tic Government. defence of the free world would j via wnen the Nazis accused him be to stage a gigantic Dunker- ,of hereditary feeble-mindedness. of British Columbia que.' OTTAWA Four Oltawa engineers of the Geodetic Survey branch of the Department of Mines and Technial Surveys are now on their way from Ottawa to the northern boundary of British Columbia and Alberta. There many refugees and displaced persons at present scattered throughout Western Europe. In the younger countries overseas, they would become an Incalculable asset to the whole free world. HAS OPPONENTS SyCWC YCW BLONDIE Invite 'Em Up! are four in the party, headed by IV , Warren D Forrester Two month 1 frmiey i nomas, professor ot If will be sDent makine a nrecLse economics at University College Ine, rat-King, Lraung A The proposal, he added, would . undermine the very foundations of the Atlantic Treaty. "Imagine the effects on the United States and the nations of Western Europe," said Prof. Thomas. "Does anyone seriously 'hink that th1? rule s cf Russia would hold back because the British Commonwealth was redistributing Its population?" !- Britain's destiny, he insisted, Shipping and General survey and placing ground mark- i Cardiff, described Sir Clifford's ings along the boundary. All this proposal at "unconvincing and - Cartage and Storage is necessary in view of the In- i unrealistic." creasing demands for mineral! "This is an extraordinary polcy and oil leases. , to recommend at the very mo , u!il!iiuiji!ii l-jiE 2? njnitHHnuiit r '''IPflF I rwnTT . 'IMAGINE My Si (hEPE APE ) JiiiilJ f!7 "N J y f OWN DEAP WIFE) ( BEAT IT PUPS' f MOPE I ,CC1 1 t VOU KNOW, TREATING ) epp.B' FT .vrT.-.T'au: f?si i.,fi i r, k f 3. - was bound up with the world iomplete, Reliaole and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Lto jir Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. UNDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED nnlinq al wide group of free nations, of which the United States was the1 corner-stone. Any plan treating' Britain's security as a mere: Commonwealth problem would i be "unconvincing and completely i unrealistic." Printers 222 Second Ave. and Park Avenues Phores 60 and 6 - 2nd Est- 1910 Phone 24