Doily Phone 81 rr.cviciAL VIC :. c. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL, No. 123 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS Unemployment Here m o) HoCo OK mm First Cargo Jobs Men Contractors Getting For Kemano I; Without Any nii from Mean , is no uiieinploy- Prince Rupert. . ii i itional tj rapiu y- iuycuici iO iianuic Big Kitimai Project -r. i a.,, - ; ervice office said r' " f www-. ..a, . . sr-ftr a --4" . - "'-m hat all people who h , L r-sai'ty, '-fTf ' ' ' rk have jobs and still many jobs to be it 5.00O people In the mployed. First direct shipment from Prince Rupert to Kemano Bay, f ile of Aluminum Company of Canada hydro project, will leave Monday aboard the Frank Waterhouse freighter, Island Kin, house freighter. 1 Atut 25 tons 400 barrels ii f carbide, which arrived in port by train, will be loaded for Kemano when the Island King returns from Alice Arm. The rhipmcnt Is consigned to Morris-Knudson Cimpany of Canada Ltd., Frank Skinner, Union Steamships and Frank Waterhouse agrent in Prince Rupert, said today. Other shipments from Vancouver have been unloaded at Itutedale and freighted from there to Kemano by a Northern Construction operated vessel, but this is the first shipment, direct from Prince Rupert, Mr. Skinner said. FLASH .t need Is for skilled the machinist trade Twelve Hundred Men to be Employed This Year r; 1800 After Next March VANCOUVER. (CP) Largest construction contract ever awarded in British Columbia, building of smelter and development of townsite for the Aluminum Co. of Canada, is expected to be awarded to a group of eight British Columbia firms, it was jre. miners and loggers aadly needed. And "you i an ofnee woriser or iier in town," an Ni.3 n Slid. 3 a have no orders hee i .mi 1 1 1 iPtin . i ;i)irbMUis.iwi i i urn. ii. ported today. juminum project," the The contract will total well over $200,000,000 when the whole n revealed. Main rea-Sack ot transportation re to the Kitimat- WELCOME HOME Destroyer Athabaskan is wv co;i-.ea back to Esquimau after 10 months' service in the Korean theatre. She was last to return of the three ships which left for the Far 'East lflst July. Sioux and Cayuga already have b en replaced. Cmdr. Dudley O. King takes over command of the Athabaskan from Cmdr. R. P. Welland. (CP from National Defence) Halibut landings work is completed. The estab jte. lishment of a city of 50,000 peo ple at Kitimat. eigtity miles ns Lake, hundreds of south of Princ Rupert, is e arrived in search of F ML STRIKE SETTLED WASHINGTON The two-year-old dispute between the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and United States railroads has been settled. A statement reporting the settlement was issued by the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and a committee representing eastern, western and southwestern railroads. The agreement provides tor a wage increase of 33c per hour, $2.64 per day for yardmen and an increase of 18 'ic per hour or $1.48 per day for roadmen. NO PEACE FEELERS OTTAWA External Affairs Minister Pearson said yesterday lie has no official information i Alcan. The NES ot-; Eight firms have Joined to Pellmell In Korea Reds Retreating gether under the name of Kiti reived reports that men are living out-"sleeping under trees," or work to begin. I mat Constructors to bid on the AMERICAN Wireless, 17,000; prices I3 60.J 16.50 and 15c, to Pacific Fish. CANADIAN J Santiivella, 20.000, 20.3, 16 and 14.50c, to Royal Fish. J Miss Judy, 18,500; Clipper No 2, 30,000, to Co-op. ' job. The group Includes Emil Anderson, Bennett & White, B. . industry has taken up C. Bridge and Dredging Co., Allies Making Daring jrk in the employment White Sox ' M a shortage of help Campbell & Bennett, Dawson to Wade, Central Construction, j Marwell Construction and Daw- , son & Hall. Title is Toppled jntiflpatert when can-, into operation. uiu i ui vuiviv viviLwiyii TOKYO (CP) United Nations troops today! 1x660 It UD difficulty in obtaining : Address Style i While contracts for the final i , is due to the housing phase of the great project have and the fact that there ' , . , , .....u : n ;.a t..., ,i NEW YORK (CP) James Car i .'thnliivincnt Dlcture i"'e.'-l " v....... - N w vrinv. ni,,,.u.' ter. virtually unknown New York the province. bolstered their, original bridgehead in l ommUlWl I rhitP snx kpnt richt. behind New i f;0."10' wrenched the world's; Puzzles Expert j MONTREAL (CP) How would, one go about addressing a wo- men's law firm In their official .... . . i - v o-n uPiotir titi f mm iio nr i i not yet, been let and it Is not -known definitely how many men will be needed, contractors said today they expect little difficulty . in obtaining workers for the huge lob. 1 .territory. The Reds continued to fall back all along j York's front running Yankees j uams it nighwitha stunnfng rn reported Communist peace feelers. Speaking of an editorial in the Moscow newspaper Pravda. Pearson said it was unusual tar Communist newspapers to print such editorials without official sanction. CIVILIAN DEFENCE Friday in the American League. i technical knockout victory in the front. EATHER- The Sox ran their string of jtwo minutes 49 seconds of the j United Nations I'orccj rammed : columns swarmed into Red Korea all along the 125-mile SynpNis ur the main central Korean i victories to eight by beating Cleveland Indians 6 to 4 while I louneemn round ai Maaison : Square Garden. j Williams fteieheri 1SK nnnnrts' ie southern coast and .,.,a rfhll,AI,. nf mnt.uredi battlcfront today in hot pur- Reg. Holland, official of a1 capacity, is a problem which ha3 company holding the contract Canada's authority on "etiquette-tor Initial phases, said more ' at-top-brass-level" completely than nine thousand workers stumped. ifrom three countries had applied.) The group in question is t'nn Only 1200 will oe employed Montreal law ilrm of "Mrs." I this year for the first phases of j wilhelmina M. Holmes and n"ns ' British I d,unchon in pouring rain and; uil of beaten and fleeing will enjoy sunny skies i the Yanks overpowered the Phil- antj carter 133. j a delpbia Athletics 7 to 5. j The new champion. 27 years : rolled about two miles beyond i Communists. They were step- week-end. Afternoon ; ; the thirty-eighth parallel. : . . r Red opposition was liBht as ft.out offenslve jres vvill- be a llttlei lnUiose of the past two ' 'lays. I ail imtUlLiy tuiumii oinuiAu w within six miles of Hwachon. Don Lenhardt's rnxmUng bat i old, dropped the old champ four ended a six-game losing streak-! bafwe Referee Patsy Seal-lor St. Louis Browns with the j &JU Brownies nipping Detrclt Tigers i 4 to 3. damming lake ana rivers, build-! "Misu" Joan Gilchrist coilec-ing roads, boring tunnels and ! ti'vely the first woimen's law-erecting powerhouses and power firm in the province of Quebec, lines. and possibly in Canada. Next March the force will be ; Howard Measures, the federal wak rilslurbanee mov-j former key Chinese bastion s the Gulf of Alaska Is ; egnt mHes north of the pre- fumnrss over irre nor-1 war political boundary. OTTAWA Civil defence will 'not be built up at the expense of the armed forces. Health Minister Martin told the House of. Commons yesterday. He was replying to Opposition claims that the government is not putting enough money Into civilian defence. John Diefen-live, said that, to enable municipalities to do their share, there would have to be "very much mre" financial assistance than is being provided in the government s current estimates. Solon Low, Social Credit, agreed with Mr. Diefen-baker that not enough money was being voted. Boston Red Sox crushed the increased to 1800 and will re-, Bnvprnmentv rhw nf nmrntfrti jsU! areas. Little if any To the east Americans and Hon Is ;n oe expected ' .oV, uv,h thrniirjh Chin- Associated Press Correspohd-ent Jim decker says it appears that the Allied commanders "are striking a daring bid for victory." Communists are surrendering in "unprecedented" numbers, Becker reports. Red troops jam the roads lo the north in pell-mell flight. They have abandoned their tactics of waiting until nightfall to move. Allied planes hammer main at that figure until the first phase Is completed. The second phase will be smelter building and townsite development. Agree on Iraq Oil Government and Company Reach New Level of Royalty Payments previously unbeaten C o n r a d o Marrero's bid for his sixth pitching triumph, overwhelming the Washington Senators 14 to 2. I NATIONAL LEAGUE . Over In the National League the enterprising Brooklyn Dodgers staged a 4 to 3 victory over .15 disturbance as it e!ie screening forces and swept riar.d over the coast. up lhe Hongchon-Imje road, ill be some clearing on,Tne tnrust opened a direct sup-h ciiast tomorrow. py route to the Allied bridgc- Furerast head across the Choyang River wast region Cloudy on the east central front. , asiunal showers, clear- Link-up with the bridgehead tveninc. A few clouds tightened the trap on suicidal Newfoundland's first school was established at Bonavista en the east coast in 1726. wants to know how When he finds out this precedent-setthfj bit of information will go into a book he is writing. In the meantime, not evm Holmes and Gilchrist are sufe how they will settle the matter. The familiar "messrs" is obviously out. They can't be referred lo as "mesdames", since only one Is married, and for the sanja reason, "misses" won't do. . So far, tne best solution they have been able to settle on is to use the firm name, without titles of any kind. the Boston Braves, thanks to 1 at these wide-open targeus "We have never seen anvthini? Pitrher Preacher Rraiw gihn ' BALrUAU, Iraq. H-f)- trie Iraq I Sunny over the land Chinese fighting rearguard ac- like it before," one officer said, j iought off a ninth-lnnlng rally. I government, and the Iraq Pet- . ... roleum ComDanv in which toy. Cloudy over the tions to keep open a six-mtie Iran Arbitration Sought TideS I p. t-sourg Pirates won a 10 to Brilisn United gUt and Nelh. V',C 7 vVCr ChlC C?bl "lands Interests hold equal ; thanks v, to home rims by Ralph shareshave agreed in principle Kiner and Georgt Merkovich. , on a new level of royalty pay. Connie Ryan whacked out a ments, it was announced today iter. Little change in escape route in the mountains ure. Winds -- south to near the road. H5i in the exposed Captured Chinese said that shl'llng gradually to some of their comrades had com-sl overnight. Light winds mltted suicide rather than fare Lows tonight and any more Allied fire power or Issue Taken to World Court THE HAGUE (CP) The Anglo-Iranian Oil Co Sunday, May 27, 1951 grand slam nome run to deep by Premier Nuries Said. 6:00 18.0 fret left High centre field seats in the Talks have been going on be- Sunday- at Port Hardy,1 risk being shot by their own. 19:19 Sandsplt 40 and 58; officers for retreating. 17.9 feet eleventh , inning to give the cin-jtween the government and the today requested the President of the International 8.6 feet clnnati Reds a 5 to 1 victory over , company since the beginning of ,. . ,. . . Low 0:05 "Pert 40 and 60. Allied tank and lnianiry Court of Justice to appoint an arbitrator to settle its this' month. 12:39 4.9 feet St Louis Cardinals MAJOR FACTORS PLATE WINNER" TORONTO 0 Major Factor, owned by E. P. Taylor, won the King's Plate today with a great stretch drive before 35,000 fans at Woodbine. Libertine, owned by Jack Smallman, was second and Bear Field was third. dispute with Iran. j The request was announced D PlPHf P rrimOWnrlr' by the registrar of the World ODAY'S STOCKS Canada is Building Court. Co. " l. John -Inn '" (Courtm? 8. The company's communica- TORONTO 7'4 I Hut Dominion Is Not Ready for Showdown With Russia were all that counted. Korea 1 Striking Group, Is scattered tion invoked an article of the changed that completely. Now , across the country. It has never oil concession which provides the news is all about the brigade , trained as a unit. Ottawa ex- that differences between the in Korea, the brigade for Eu- , pects separate elements would parties shall be settled by ar-rope, the destroyers off Korea ' be used to take on small groups bitration. or heading there, plans for an of Russians who might para-1 Failing agreement on a choice By DOUGLAS HOW Canadian Press Staff Writer VANCOUVER 'fan Slnntlard .21 v,u' 5.70 03 "l Quartz .. 1 10 f 07 Mascot 47i2 in Mines ... ' 23 Pr 1R0 G. W. Nickwrson is on a weekend motor trip to the interior, having been gone sinae the Victoria Day holiday. .. nTTAWA Cn Tlin (nt-nua th.,f ,.,,., U ,.f,l air division for Europe. ichute into the northland. of arbitrators, the article says, ' . , ' , , . . , , ,. 1 This assumption of peacetime Defence Minister Claxton has a third or sole arbitrator shall Canada herself and the headquarters for directing obligations overseas has worked said the RCAF has transport be appointed toy the President i - . i . ": t':v. of the World Court at the re ;fr B"i'(ier 28 that defence in war are being built up quietly amid quest of either parties. A'imaque 21 4 Beattle 45 Bvcourt l Buffalo Canadian I8V4 Consol. Smelters 140.00 Cnnwest 2.70 Donalda Eldona 1B, East Sullivan 7.40 Giant. Yellowknlfe 8.70 Ood's Lake 3 llardrock -1 llarricana 8' 10 Heva Jacknife 9' Juliet Quebec -46 t ittlo I.nne Lac 61 leer a revolution in military policy planes to tly enough men into and in the forces.. It has ob- action to handle any attack now scured preparations to defend considered likely. Some people 10 "s McDonald . 3 00 the clamor over creation of forces to go abroad. j In the opinion of informed - Baseball Sunday Roosevelt Park - Season Opener 6:30 p.m. ooitnoN & Anderson:!. COMMERCIALS Canada herself Or- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dion and Ha child leave Sunday on the Co- 1.50 .15 .03 2.28 1.99 quitlam for Vancouver where they will take up future residence. 1 Gol, Z Z ' Slaminrd "m Uranium POSITION REVIEWED This briefly is a picture of Canada's own position: AIR Canada could become a major air battlefield. Seven immediately ahesyl. For that reason, Canada isn't doing what Britain recently did name a trio of military leaders specifically to direct home observers, Canada in a number of ways would not be in a good position if war came tomorrow. What Gen. Omar Bradley said about the United States goes for Canada too; this country isn't ready for a showdown with Rus say the transport situation could become tight swiftly jf the Russians started dropping platoons or companies at various spots. With the Korean and European brigades, Canada now will have three or the equivalent of a division. NAVY The navy is recom-missioning warships from its re defence if war strikes. communities are considered po .13 Lynx Marisrn Red Lake 2.02 Britain must prepare for ten tial A-bomb targets but tney large-scale invasion. ! probably don't rate among the feels this isn't necessary, at 1 top 20 on the continent. sia either.' Canada's air defences are i,tanail;an E t 2 firm 1(13 80 H-MVk ia Canadian 12 1, serve as' fast as it can and is building others. War for it weak. Her navy, reported in the ieast nr the present. There Is .nil By year's end, the RCAF will Mainguy report to fie over-ex- Canadian equivalent of the head 1 be-forming a new fighter squad-tended even before Korea, still of the British trio, Gen. St;- ron every month and arming would mean an even tougher Is committing a relatively large 'Miles Dempsey. a man closely, them with modern Jets built at.M0rth Atlantic battle runs rip portion of its neel tnere. me 1 associated with Canadians in home. Now it has only a few fence of the coasts and harbor McKenzie Red Lake .... McLeod Cockshutt 2.41 Moneta 33 Negus ' 73 Noranda 69 50 Louivcourt -18 Pickle Crow I 60 San Antonio 2.25 Senator Rouyn 17 Sherrit, Gordon 2 85 Steep Rock 7.05 Silver Miller 1 64 Upper Canada !-41 FBALL TONIGHT regular fighter squadrons, their cities against subs that could! planes are not of the best and j lob atomic missiles or fire shells : radar facilities the start of a asnore Mines would be a great i army s airborne Drigaae i. m, the Second World War in Eng-but air transport, for it could land, Italy and Normandy, become a major headache if an Tne responslbmty for co.ordi. enemy struck hard and often. n&Uon . ner rests wjth the Don't say you didn't know! Space is Limited in the Special Edition of the Daily News Princ; Rupert business people desirous of being represented in a special industrial supplement which is about to tie published in connection with the opening of the Columbia. Cellulose plant are urged to have their copy in our hands without further delay. The special sections are now being closed and space reservations should be made at once. The issue will contain new pictures and articles featuring progress of city and district, with special reference to the Columbia Cellulose. There will be jpeHa! natln-wldc rlreulatlpn. Call at Daily News or Phone 718 for appointment 1 Jlie j)aifij rictus K'rk-nft 7pm. ''REENvn 1 1 r. The build-up to buttress ail 1 cnicfsrof -staff committee in Ot- . .1 1 , 1. l.v. A tawa. The committee has under network are not Impressive. headache, too. The air defence headquarters Key shipbuilding of seven at Montreal is the forerunner of new-type anti-sub escort vessels a fighter command, Canada's) is slow. They won't be launch-first, that would be the top tae-,ed until late this year and won't tor in Canadian defence. By ; be at sea for a lot longer. three positions is on. By the end of this year major strides will this time next year, the RCAF In the meantime, headquar it at this stage a series of operational headquarters an air defence group headquarters in Montreal, a headquarters lor the scattered airborne brigade here, naval headquarters on each coast that would direct wartime battles. ' A year ago the forces being built to defend Canada herself ters isn't particularly happy about tying up three destroyers in Korea and a couple more should really have something to fight with although Europe has a high priority in assignment ot have been made but it probably will be at least a year before the forces are really in a , fairly sound fighting position. The basic premise of defence headquarters' thought ucs to be the assumption that I no large-scale land invasion of Canada is likely in the years Member Rot'y Concert Sunday night, after church, My 27, at 9 p.m. - Capitol Theatre to relieve them at a time when new squadrons LAND The airborne brigade, ! a war could make them sorely officially known as the Mobile needed nearer home. .. f