liiit ik. jMit-nU witii ciiimivii , ratted bv Stalin's plan to shiinl Cliiu.-hin but even with anlmata. Many of ; the 50,000 top Nazis and gen- lnteliinPn to I),, "'"ce: -iv. As I See It: Prince Rupert Daily NewshETTERBOX the religions of idol worship erals. write -.lntf.r '. . it j wro connected with organized i In some spins vie appendix Is is t, ri ., I human debauchery. Hence Moses i better than the main book. Here read Fowf ": t I had, to be tough and the book ; is a priceless luciiio from the usw , ,t:t, Friday, November 23, 1351 I.IKEI) EDITORIAL shows how tough he could ut 0 ;(; hli OVtrlsfmris time T sav In nil sincerity Come to Him as a sinner and accept we baivation that He purchased for you in His agony on the Cross. For He says: "Him that cometh Unto me I will in no cast out." If all found the only and true joy that Christmas brings, the beer parlors would remain closed and the limior store would soon have to close. The people and the country would carry on and be a thousand times better off fin- pi Conor a independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince j Ett'tw Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. j rea(Hllg Uw spenAM Member of Canadian "'ess Audit Bureau of Circulations artlc!e in the NoVember 13 edi-Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Ition'of The Daily News I Killing 3. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director c'hristmasi I was compelled to GENERAL Reading iliis book reminded me of the account of Caesar .1 linrilngs in BriViln- W'H'ii 1 '. a high school boy we all had to translate that little boon beginning: "'All Gaul is divided into three parts." It imprests nie now to note. Now on Disploy SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Bv carrier, per wvek, 20c; per month, 75c; per year, ! write and congratulate you on printing such a true picture of (he i.eriible desecration of what by mail, per month, 75c; per year, SS.00. $8 00; . . . ..i,..u u. tUa mnct 1 a:iL,iiinij tw 11 evriy-uuici Hooks "NOMA" XMAS LIGHTS :,rnr wonderful day tha : 1 l '-' Some New Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenire, Prince Rupert. that the sex habits of the backward people of Britain were Just Inbuilt the same as those in Euypl CO ITl-ilwo thousand years earlier when : , , . " . j want 10 oe in euner ine manu- : 1 -tUre of the power that advo-!ERE ARE some vLLime-i-iii! (lav when He. the Babe . "'". , f , t,,,,,!.-1 , i , Moses led out the slaves. ,l,l.imilH seated J""B""-"i. "1 " ........ - - -. m, ol,, who is now ,.,,,,, ,,,, of Bethlehem, Shop early and ovoid disoppoinime Many new novellv decoration x, from 135 up G.d beloie which all who die in , read. h rt.cer,tlv transported back to those an- Zs:Z ANORY RiVER, by Die o W times we would be revohed ttt" ,., a Zm o " Vlt, RevnokK of Vancouver. Is a I. v-!to our very sums at me riaoiu beaten with many ly siory lor leeii.igt'is. " is Di' u -"- ....... . -., on the recent Frasfr River f ln,nl ,1he whole history of man is on.; shall be siripes." ; iii glory at. the Father's right I hand, comes again into reign on the ear::i for (This same Jesus, shah so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into Heaven. " Afts I:III.l j Thank God born-airain Chris-! linns ev.'iywhere have no part in lj ut rather loath the disgusting ANGUS THOMSON .and is in Mrs. Reynolds'.'; fcjostjof Increasing consciousness, style. There Is a mystery ilj Today the customs that pr.- in-what itl.1 Kwarni hnve. 1 -id-l vailed 4H0O years aco seem re- Rupert Radio & Ektin Ontario Election "THERE is little surprising about the result of the I provincial election in Ontario unless it might hi the size of the landslide re-mandate of the Progressive Conservative government. Premier Frost and his colleagues have been giving good sound government. The province has been prosperous and progressing and the people have had little to complain about. No major issues were involved. The people e- , , , '. . P 4.1, n.l t...,ir en In his cabin, which no jik; vulting. Hut a century ago siav-cuuid enter till the M cmne? l'lv was still upheld, even in one (Nelson's, $2.i)0. i of the must enlightened nations CALL IT TREASON, by Getrire ,n earth. A century or two fr.(;n Ho A'e. This is an InexpeiY-ivc now people will, wonder why v.e oaner covered uocket booK. I t is backwaru l'Jjl humans tolerated ray.. Reflects and Reminisces habit; of drunkensss and all thei filth and depravity that goes; Willi it and, as a rule, send Scrip- j tare cards to each other but we we could no doubt make better j use ot the mon.-y we spend on ; '-. presents by giving it to true; 'missionary endeavor that thei inilliions who are crying out fur I ar fur iuiiR to e did. f HIE LATE.ii- vi.;...e in tm ; Churchill series on 11 ith r'.i ' uie best tinuif r-ailler 1 " ave read for many a moon. It is jo-i viously true lire stuff and ttt-als I with the exploits ol the "cr on- 1 pressed tneir satisiaction witu uie u ami of reason to take chances with the promises no "Lc't us encourage not nly in verted" German war pri.sox ices war is ;lhe Gospel CT.OSIMU THE KlN'i The m( Interesting tr- ijii.ijiii. ,, c,,, r,nr,t dividuals but whole communities wiio consented to spy, In ,. , ' , ' 1 onrt (h.,i to migrtte to western Canada," man uniform, behind the Cier- KVelation in the book, to me, 'T, ,f said George Murray, Liberal man lines, tor the U.S. Army. was that Mr. Churchlll-aml u.,l fn the e u n. need , :J1 .. . L, V.rZt f,r, i,, ,w" member for Cariboo, speaking in l MR. SMITH is by Louis Brora- Stalin was the authr..- of Ih.' i n , 11 parliament. Canada did that j f let J, but lar from his best. A plan to shift uie entire Polish ana ioousn uiki (.iiipiy 1 ,' V, onc0i about flf,y years ago. pot mortem confession by an nation west, at Germany's tx- thints oi the wonu. ' ' I American business man lor prase. In short all these things be- (iM OLD IIOOT I wncm war was an escape fr-ouv The mast fascinating chap!-r fuddle the mind, destroy the body sneakinir of beer, or the lack the "successlul" status in wtiicli Is on the Tehran coiiferent-e ; Liberals and CCF of more paternal legislation and lower taxes. Evidently the voters were realistically dubious about these undertakings. The result, from a genera! view, shows a continuation of trend in Canada from left towards the right. It was a great triumph for the Conservatives and a disaster for the CCF who even lost the official opposition to the Liberals. The latter, while gaining' nothing, did not lose as heavily as did the Socialists. imprisoned. iHarix-r'.-.nnd how Mr. Ciiurciiill was out- : and go a long way to ciamning Qf H we can recall a boyhood ' he was the soul, whereas he or she who b,.velag(!i the delight of many a, $3.) acrpts the Salvation of the Lord Cnristian home The drink was Jesus Christ finds life and that made on the premises. It was MOSES, by Sholem Asth, is iul jttd moij aounaanuy as (.nrisi piu-- caI;ed root beer, had a gentle' lished by Thomas Allen Clean-up Needed nuses and simply does not neeo kl(,k anf, dPServed whatever 'sells for $4. It expands on to seek for satisfaction in sin. ; praJse came its way. familiar Bible story of Muses As for merchants making such ihow he created a nation on t b. wonderful job of commercial-; charity begins at home, but it the rabble ot slaves whom I iiit I idij tun u:ill pump Hurler 1 he i .u. nlaia H..niiuf vim IitI nut. nf P ivnl 4 E HKAUTILY AGREE with the protest that " : I ut Seagram's "Hi" to W the water test. Water, v f-fc's Jjlain or sparkling, reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet, Seagram's "83 is made in the House of Commons this week IMStftWM ...3, J v ..... v v. - me im.Mlol. v Um.,v j".. ww. condemnation of God for the , lose perspective. London Free This book is not in the su faerb Wo'd says: "Defraud not one ; press i class as the same author's IM AZ- j another," and let them read also SHol l.l) MISS FEWFR ! AR1NE. But it does claiify some jjames 5. Fur example l saw on jn ten years, the population of ; of the stories which ure lard t more than one occasion last British Columbia Brew f rom i to understand as you get trie;n ; Christmas season merchants dec- ; 817,861 to 1,153,059. When most i right from the Blole and with, j orating the Christmas tree in 0f them dwell, and are born down out any historical badtnrourxd. j their store on the Lord's Day, and j around the mouth of the Fraser i For instance, the laws of 'how that ?ould glorify the Cm. ! River, and Victoria, they are1 Moses which now seem to s of jwhc came to fufni thj law I fail ; niuch easier to count. I -uch extreme severity had to h ; to see. j i severe to strike at the co i(li-j j If anyone wants to really' You cannot go by looks the ! uons a Inch kept human binj."( glorify the Lord Jesus Christ at fe'low may be two-faced. on s moral plane hardly abovo; j w- I inat oi animals. Humans not! ttj;tf tty, Seagram' This odvtrlisement It not pubtivhed or di'.picved by tht Viquor Confrol ftoard or by th Cov(nmn) o finttiKc1- at the profanity which has heen occurring in some of the recent plays broadcast on the CBC programs. Mr. Difenbaker might also have mentioned vulgarities, suggestiveness and near-obscenity on some of the programs. We have been struck ourselves with demoralizing emissions which have been coming in some of these broadcasts. Certainly, we have found it difficult to find ' anything educational, elevating or even enlighten-' ing in a number of these plays. We even wondered how some of them were getting by. .; But, since the CBC chairman himself has &- mitted some faults along these lines, it is to ' bo " anticipated that they will be cleaned up in short order. only had sex relations on a fca,sis JOBLESS insurance In iff what our law calls incest Unemployment Jhr P. aAAentjeri iVancouvei' is not becoming any I less, say recent visitors south. I People are laid off some p 'r- 0 Some haps' indefinitely others are j just out of a job. and the ream i is nobody's business. Anyway, ; J To Vancouver (today i S. L. Pearson. R. McDonald. Sqd. Ldr. j 0. H. Moseasoh, A. Rolston, T. j Wallace. E. Mapson. R. Clifton, i G. G. Flader, W. Korton, Mr. ; Mcuriith. L. M. Felsenthal. D. B. .' Hardie. I winter is here, and in a few , weeks so will Christmas. re born lucky !iS?rJ i I 1 The main fact having becomJ ! titablished that oi! is there, Fort -smart people ISLE OF THANET, England (P-1 St:. John may just as well re- - Horses had their dav at the main undisturbed. The first. annual plowing contest in this j frenzy has passed and now its save R rtpfure PaASage for. OoJatj "I, evon I, am he that comforteth you." Isa. 51:12 Kent counlv town. Entrants who i approaching zero season and brought tractors were slopped by Yulelide. Time for real action I Today Is t gwid (mo to M a iminji acmrt Flying 4 heavy mud. af'er the New Yoai'. NEWS ADS get. RESULTS I I t:ie royal bank of cakasj You ton bonk on the "Royol" "Open air" elevator Were You Missed in 1951 Enumeration? The Daily News check on the 1951 census, which is being challenged for its short count of 8,465, is revealing established city residents who weiv? missed by the enumerators. They are from all parts 'Of the city. Pe .p'c who were m'ssed are being asked to communicate the WINTER CLOTHES FOR XMAS PRESENTS scrvKf would ;im;re inr,i (oiks, bill at Alian'i I'.rii-.h Columbia irojc(t it's jiisl f:it ol I he job. At Kllllalio h- 1 i-( opters .ire die cli vaiiirs wli i li lili mi n to woik ca f day ti pen he alnp KHI0 lippit 1 1 1 Is. Men. lcm.. drill ii(js,( t laundry and nil llii" tiiany of (amp lite are tl liwiifl it a matter nl iniiiiitcj In r I wliiih (mild noi 1)1' rcailici I in hour1., even days, (if (liinl)i Already 30,11011 liiliiop t -r mile iiiosily vertical h.a e been Ilimii. 1 hat's just our .f the answers to a nmstriu t n prolilcm that will event ti- I ly step up f ain.uia's aliimi r ml output hy a hilhun fumri 1 1 ft yi'ttr. Aluminum Cunijuiriy '! Canada, l td. (Alow). Reasonable Prices Ji's a Few nf the Specials MEN'S FINE INnERWF.AR 'Combl " Penman's, real bargain. .. 3.50 - 3.95 STANFIFLD'S COMBINATIONS. 2-piece each 2.50 MEN'S TOPCOATS All wool, latest Mm I j " ; mviiKX oxlyJ '. omission with as little delay as possible so that bails may be vstablished for the contention that theie was such a serious short count. ' DAILY NEWS CENSUS CHECK A federal census taker did NOT call tit my home and I have checked with each memher of my family to make sure. There are persons in my family. a ..(signature) . (address) styles now 22.50 4 bt i ' II .-. ., n ',.Mr , i WILL DO IWX I - Id. I I p , j MEN'S Sl'ITS Pure wool covert cloth, double breasted,, lots of wear 39.50 MEN'S HEAVY WEIGHT SWEATERS Pullovers, real bargain 4.25 DRESS SHIRTS AND SPORT SHIRTS Large variety, lots of wear. Good fit .... 2.75 to 5.50 .MEN'S DRESS SOX-uality makes, nylons, puid wool, etc. p:iers (. 50c to 1.75 BOYS' SWEATERS- All wool, V-neck pullovers 1.75 BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS 1.75 ' BOYS STOCKINGS 35e BOYS' I N ION Sl'ITS Heavy weight, Penman's 2.25 BOYS' WOOI, JACKETS, plaid, full length. Regular from 7.00 to 9.00 now 4.95 i.'i i otice to General Public I . W.1rL.b..-. . ' J r$ ft f i V . t rs. -'TV-. -Ji BOYS' SKI PANTS AND SCHOOL PANTS Curduroys, etc. New from 1.75 to 5.95 FLANNELETTE SHEETS AND QIILTS 1' SHEETS First quality, real bargain 5.95 Ql'ILTS Double bed S.95 STAiPlK,l.ns Inilerwear in fuif t n warm even nn in-ter'n eolilest dayn. It dnesn't fre-p uj) or liind h nl it's shrink irimf! .Stanfielil'B ITn-ierear is ituile fmin specU ally jiriM'esHcd wool, ami coirectly tailoreil fur snug romfort. Lpailing stores carry Slanlield's RM hihj and Blue Lnltil the name quality lint (if heavier weight, linth kin.l are made in emnliiii-alioim and separate liirt ami drawers, the drawers having extra-heavy seat and crotch for dmtlile wmr. Staufieuts Underwear Be Sure You Due to the misunderstanding regarding increased taxi rates we wish to announce that there is no rate change as yet but we are making application to the City Council for a taxi rate increasa due to the increased cost of operation. Any rate changes will be published by the undersigned. P.R. Taxi Owners' Association TAXIS 653, 123, 80, 112, 65, 537, 32, 77, 349, 70, 456, 646, 235, 75, 67, 555 Ride in Association Cah Look f:r the stickers on the Windshield ARE . VI mmm Sfl i ; ; Worm ; : . Durable VMM TOtrfSBH This advertiMnent i not publisl.r.1 or ihm . Board or by th Govemuit"' 3E