f' Piinre Rtiprrr Dniiy Now Fritlay. November 23. 1951 & o udinete & P4 mm CARPENTERS 111 (ClOSl'KE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c pe Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards vi Thanks, Death Notice, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement. Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE l'RICE. MARGARET Mdi Hav ll nt your wi ftltrj Mil uir jm-eiHion nun-itine. IftM'liJiiiit'aJly mcurnU- ji.iiit,. inif, liiti'tf l 4 mt-Umg, 1 iff'W cut clt- anrr, irur I' I FUR SALE 1 SOYS' SWEATERS and boys' J Dams, real bargains. V-necK ; PRECISION SAW FILING 1315 MfiC.OTT PLACE nox 1011 Station B A(-rnt: Bus Ternilnal) Terrace liuililert Supply 'PERSONALIZED '!'i'!r-'i'C t See our large selection of Holiday Cards in imaginative designs Dibb Printing Co. KESNER BLOCK Da iforiig jor Ladies acd Gentlemen LING the tailor 220 Sixth St. rhone 649 John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR ilrs .: 10:311-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Eesner Rlock Tlione Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTEP.ED ACCOUNTANT Tamea Block C08-3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. hone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, CA. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 Colussi's Music Store Agents for tire ffne-st In Musical Instrument PIANOS TUNED AND KECONDITIONED 210 4tn fit. Ph. Black 3R0 GEORGE RORIE & CO. ACCOUNTANTS fi AUDITORS Besnpr Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches (M 4'h Strwt Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worj Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214 -4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes. Slcl Alexander oi'TOMrm Room io TllOKE BLUE 593 LLECTRolvi S.dM and Servlt, R. W. COLUt Fhrme Blup 970 5, ( "u"ie paruirii Ph"ne or write it TERMINAL MESSENGER Phone w All deliveries fully 11 Phone K. S0EES Blue 8'J9 after J; Brick, Stone and Tile Setting and P: HANDYMA' HOME SERV GENERAL C0STW. E'uiiding and Rep.-kinds R(X)F3 - CIIK OIL BURSE. PHONES: P.O. Box 1070 MATTSON UPHOLSTER'' Phone Blue 116. PC 234- 3rd Aw Prince RupciV h. g. helge; LIMITED REAL ESTATE t K Phone 96 Evening! Oil HeatinaSe LAWR1E MACKl': Blue 187 - Bi Complete service in' burners and Ri: Stoves, Healers, 5: Eddie's Beaut) PrTiuaiK'iits and B-133 2nd. A'': PHONE REE floor? West . 1: - v 1 r -.; VANCOUVER VICTORIA Cliilcolin 8 p.m. November 11 and 23 Chilcotin midniuht, Nov. 18 Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coqiiit lam, 11 p.m. FOR NOKT1I 0 I EN CHARLOTTE ISHNOS November 23 ss. Chilcotin mldiiii'ht FOR SOCTH QI EHN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Nov. 1G and 30 midnight FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aitent Third Avenue Phone 5C8 JOHN H. BULGER 0,.u lorn p: frhl John Sulgcr Ltd. Third Avenu Chinese v-- dishes Chop Sucy - Chow Mein Open 6 p m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Ordern Phon 133 Service Ltd. Phone Green 217 1 A fine quality Real Rye Whisky mo de from choice grains including tpecially selected Rye Grain, Fully aged ond matured in oak casks. iviscoimT I 4 YEARS OLD twig? 1 e s , Limited Millinery Manocuvers! ILL BET YOU J) (ILL BET YOU A A Hf.W HAT y i r NEW HAT THhRE .r ThERE IS linn 1 fc r If you want to solve your transportation problem see our used cars . . . these cars are older models but they aie in good condition . . . and most Important of ail they are priced so that you can afford to buy. 1947 Austin 8 Sedan 1950 Prefect Sedan 1948 International Pickup in very good shape 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1938 Ford Coach For good transportation a 1936 Chrysler Royal RADIO DIAL rppR 1240 Kilocycles s i (Subject tc Channel j FRIDAY 00 Sunshine Society 30 Shipvume Storyteller :45 Stuck quotations; Interlude So CHC News 00 International Commentary 10 Kt title The Lone Hunger Supper bereuude PeiM.m.tl Album ;10 Musical Varieties femiluy Bnrnctte Show 00 CHC News CHC Ni'V.s Roundup Guy Lombardo Show Whatcha Know. Joe? ;i0 Vancouver llicatie Chuckwaon Canadian Short Stories Talks by Canadian Winers CHC News CBC News 15 Pas-int: Slop. Wutch and Listen Weather Report unit Slim-off SATURDAY' 00 Musical Clock CBC News 10 Here's Bill Good B.lo Hits and Encores H0 Mornint; Devotions 45 Little Concert 9.00 BBC News and Commentary 15 Saddle Serenade :) CBC Stamp club 45 Sonus of the West Time Signal ,J0 Children's Theatre World Church News CBC News; Weather Report. Saturday Date Weather Report Message Period Recorded Interlude Scandinavian Melodies Come Into the Parlor Folk Solids With Ldllh Fowke London Studio Melodies 3:00 This Week 3:15 CBC News 3:25 Recorded Interlude .30 Saturday Pops Concert 30 Sports Coileiie 4:45 On the Record f'ANl'CKS OVERSEAS (Continued from page 3) for conversation, for recollections, for swapping of experiences. Of all the bonds across bitter years. Lili Marlene is most subtle, the most pervasive. It NOBODY JEALOCS Germans and Canadians share Lili wihtout Jealousy or hesitation and. indeed, take mutual plea-sure in her charms. There a number of veterans of Rommel's Afrika Korps anions; the more than 100 Germans in the crew. They seem content to 1 have their Lili wooed in song by 1 young Canadians many of whom were 10-year-old schoolboy.s when Lili was sung at El Ala-moin. One of these Germans, a blond former NCO, plays the cello in the ship's four-piece orchestra. No other song run.s through the ship as often as this j soft, haunting; tune about the girl who waits for her soldier underneath the lamplight beside the barracss gate. The Germans play the music, tne soldiers sing and Lili steals aboard, a tender, mystic wraith. As the music of her mystery spreads, men pick it up and hum sing it in English or German. Some of them just look out across the sea or stare into the ceiling and let the gentle Lili murmur in their blood. For, with all her new and broadened achievements, Lili remains strongly personal. POLICEMEN TOO TOUGH BELGRADE 1 Reuters 1 Bel- radp .,.,. are comnlainine ' " against the liberal use of night sticks by local polecmen who were recently issued with sticks instead of pistols as part of Mar- shal Tito's policy of "democrati zalion." WITLEY, England fl" Spectators at a plowing match figured the 13-year-old boy who took, second place must have had a good teacher. The boy turned out to be the sonof the winner,' who had Dten champion for four 1 years. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT (Section 27 NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE NOTICE Is hereby given that on v.e '3rd (loy ,' next the u Contml Board for cin.int to ; transfer of Beer Licence numtx-r 9270. issued in respect of premises belnts part of a building known fts havoy Hotel, situate at CIB Fraser Street, in the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of Britiah Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots 1 1 . 13, 14 and 15, BlocK 33. Section 1, City of Prince Rupert. Map number 113, Prince Rupert Land Registration District. ii the Province of fantish Columbia, from Willis I.. Woods to Hart Investments Ltd.. of 48 Standard ButlduiK. 610 West HasttiiKs Street. Vancouver, British Columbia, the transferee. DATED at Prluce Rupert, British Columbia, this 5th day of November, AD. 1951 AXXOINCEMENTS Registered Nur.ses's Association dance, Friday, Nov. 23. ot. Peter s Fa;: Bazaar, Nu- "ember 29. FOR . Catholic card party. Nov. 29. U.F.A.W.U. W.A. will hold a dance November 30, Oddfellows' Hall. Dancing 10-2. FOR Job's Daughters Scotch dance, Friday, November 30, Armories. FOR Lutheran Fish Dinner, Dec- 1. Salvation Army Home League sale and tea, Do;. 5, Salvation FOR Army Hall. United Chu.ch W. A. Fall Bazaar, Dec. 6. FOR FINEKAL NOTIC E BLACK In the city Friday, FOR November 23, 1951, James, age 79 years, beloved lather ot Mr. Thomas B. Black, 1927 Atlin ' Avenue. Services will be conducted at First Presbyteriaif Church at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. No- vember 25. with Rev. Dr. E. A. 1 Wright officiating. Interment to 41 lollow in Fairview Cemetery. No . flowers by request. B. C. Under- ; takers in charge of arrangements, FOR (ltd PERSONAL FOR WE DO gold stamping on Christmas cards, wallets and fountain pens. etc. 24-hour service. McRae Bros. Ltd.. phone 6. (279c I YOUR Rawleigh Agent is at your disposal with phone number Green 129. (270pl HELP WANTED FEMALE APPLICATIONS in writing are invited for the position of receptionist, Civic Centre, immediately. Please state age, business experience and names of references. Applications to be sent to General Secretary, - Civis Centre. Box 340. All replies confidential. 1 275c 1 WANTED Reliable woman to look after one baby and three children for on '-month period. Interview at 1440 8th East. (274p) ! . i WANTED Woman to look after small bov while mother works. I Box 242, Daily News. I274: HELP M ANTED. MALE-FEMALE j WANTED Full time messenger) boy or girl with bicycie. Apply Canadian National Telegraphs. 1 278c i WANTED Experienced grocery clerk, preferably female. Apply Skeena Grocery. (tfi EXPERIENCED arocery clerk, female. Apple Biain Bros, (tfi " sTtI ATIONS WANTED . WANTED Work for man and chain saw. Clearing or cord-wood. Apply 933 1st Ave. West or B. C. Messenuer. (273p RELIABLE Girl desires babv sitting position evenings. Green 663. (275pi TOR SALE SIMPSON'S SPECIALS 5 pee . Rvg. Now Chrome Set 110.30 99.75 6 nee Breakfast Suite., 79.50 05.00 6 ne e Breakfast Suite.. 69.95 59.95 2 odd Chrome Chairs, ea. 8,!)!1 5.0(1 One Chrome Table ... 35.95 25.95 One Sectional Chair . 37.50 27.50 3 pee Sectional Suite ... 158.50 120.50 ,POR SALE Remington .35 cali-bre autoloading rille, pood condition, $75. Model 1895 .35 calibre Winchester, 25 rounds ammunition, $30. Write P.O. Box 1474, Prince Rupert, (tf-ncl FURNITURE for Sale-Bedroom rugs, radio-i, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, ehesteriield heds complete, cribs, etc. Low-e.st possible prices. B, C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. Uf NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill. LogMing and Con-tractors' E(i.iipment. Enquiries invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. FOR SALE Wartime kitchen stove. Phone Blue 943. C7Hp PLUMBING end HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins Ltd. P O. Box 74 Moving, Parkins, Crating, Shipping and Oncral ( arlage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. 1 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones (lit and (18 STEAMER Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN HKDNLSD.W .MIDNK.H! Luxury at Low Cost For Rcservat:ons Write or Ciull CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ft. r rttfvx 'Wings over the interior' To Terrace daily To Prince George and Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kilimat and Kemano Daily Except Fridays from TERRACE c I 1 B.C LT D. Crawford Moore, Agent Prince I! 11 pert Terrace Phone Black 007 Phone 133 jfAWTI-jl Boh Parker Ltd. I FOKI) - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 pullovers, all sizes, long sleeve I S1.75 Stronn school panto, S2.75. See B. C. C'loihiers. (tfi SALE 34 bed complete.! .spring tilled mattress; guitttr P M. with "case; portable wnnner. 4 Black 687. (274p 4 BALE Rem m ton portable 4 typewriter. PhoLe 3j2 before 5. 5 I274pi 6 5:;i0 SALE McChiry oil stove, 0:00 ti:15 excellent condition. 1305 1st. 6 Overlook. i 275c i C:45 7 SALE "Sunshine" buggy. 7:15 Apply 735 Fra.ser St. 275)) 7:110 8:0(1 1UK KENT H 9:00 RENT Room and board 9:30 for gentleman. Phone 123 Taxi. 9.45 (274pt 1(1:00 10:1(1 A NEW HERTZ U-Drive 10 phone 530. Bus Terminal, 2nd 10::i0 and 2nd. (233p) 11:00 FOR KENT (jeneral Electric A M floor uolishers. SI ner dav. 7 pnone Blue 992. Pacific Electric. 8:00 Uf) 8 U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41. 8 ill Grenville Court. tf) 8 RENT Room to share. 9 Red 471. Uf i 9 9 RENT Sleeping room for 9:n working man. Phone Black i 10 232 (274p WILL SHARE home with small family. Phone Red 728. (275ci WAXTKIJ TO KENT WANTED For 4 or 5 months, by government employee, furnished house or suite, 2 bed- , rooms. Rent no object. Box : 237, Daily News. (279pi j WANTED TO RENT Two bedroom furnished house or 4 apaitment for six months. Call t 4 Mr. Pliner at Columbia Ceiiu- ' lose. (275pi , WANTED Housekeeping room or suite by December 1. Box 241., Daily News. (278pi tor WANTED Bed-sitting room for couple. Both working. R. T. Gimi, Red 280. I274pi the UKAI. ESTATE the FOR SALE Neat modern three rooms and bath, large sun-porch. Foundatijn of cement blocks.. Immediate oL'Cupancv. Write P.O. Box 1792. (274ci FOR SALE Four room hottsi centrallv located. Phone 57. are G. P. TINKER & CO. LTD. (tf LISTINGS WANTED ' FOR ' top Market Value for your house, list it with Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. Black 197'eveniiiRS. (277o CARS FOR SAlX FOR SALE 1947 motor cycK Real buy as is. $75.00 cash. Two new tires, few tools. See Nel-I son at 1425 Graham Ave. atj rear. 275pi FOR SALE Half-ton Stude-haker. Call at 1425 11th Ave. East after 5. (274p) FOR SALE 1940 Dodge. A-l condition throughout. Cash or ternvs. 18".5 7th East. I277pl FOR SALE 1951 Ford delux.' or sedan Low mileaac. Box 240 Daily News. (273pi WANTLD WANTED - TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scraD iron, steel, brass, conner. lead, etc Honest eradim? Promnt payment made. Atlas Iron &l Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver B C. Phone PAcific 6357. Uf) CASH for scrao cast, brass, con- nor hot o"'oo onrf r'if intnra 0 Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue I West. City. (tf) WANTED Small arc welder, altn wmall miint. tnrav unit. Phone Black 739. (275p . ' WANTED Twin bti"srv in tair condition. Apply 517 7th Ave. West. Black 8'JO. (275p WANTED Good homes for four beautiful kittens. Phone Black 924. (275pl ACCOINTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax soeciaiist. S. G. Fork-, fit.onp BuilriinPt. Red 593. (20m 1 LOST AM) FOUND LOST Set of tools on highway. Urgently required by owner. Reward. Phone Black 938 or 111 7ih Ave. East. (275pl LOST -from - Wallet and jewellery Civic- Centre dre.SSin room. Finder please return to Daily News. Jewellery valued as keepsake. Reward. (274pi Now Open for Business ACME ROOMS and BOARD One block East of Red Cross Hospital TERRACE hp CANTERBURY, En-Eland (CP)- small boys and girls in a local church choir have asked their vicar for an increase in waues. They said the penny they get for each service just won't meet the rising cost uf living. Superior Auto Third Ave. W. v. i&w, si kt akii n.ia uwfj NEWS ADS get RESU OF 2 REAL RYE WHISKIES of fine quality and priced to suit your pocket Yen pay or age! Set that yen get it! 1 FLOOR SANDING Rent a Sander ... or have your sanded by experts GREER & BRIDDEN LT1 I ( 5 YEARS OLD A REAl RYE WHISKY, ip.-daily selected for ilj full body ond exquisite flavour from old reserved itocki. FROM COAST TO COAST IT'S 215 1st Avenue P.O B Phone 009 Baptone Basic Tone! In 10 deep base colors that" modern decorative color scr.cn easv to obtain. MELCHERS DISTILLER TU rlware Co. I I llVillipjVll I IUI v. - This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbic. - I I PROVE 'T J ( OPEPATOP, guT V ,t, I h- r GWE N'E I N0 5--Hr.f!J'l M rKr JL OtiE million, u.7 NjMjB I I BLONDIE Of COUSOE there is; DID YOU K-iOjc'', '$$jTffif 7' ?UCM NUMBER JtSV' AS OE MILL(ONflp Tv. j hunPED; v 'I .'(, J FIFTY i By: HART INVESTMENTS LTD. Applicant anU 'itansferee. Max Osten, Esq., 4a Standard Building, Vancouver, BC, Its Solicitor. (270c)