1 I MALL TALK ' . 1 - Prince Rupert Doily News Friday, November 23, 1951 DURING A FAMILY ARGUMENT By SyiTIS Health Stamps Allow Holiday For Needy Child reaQers Sons of Norway whist drive and dance on Friday, November 23 mo Dance in Valhalla Hall. Vikings, Nomas, giffesls and Bards. November 24, 10 p.m. (275c) Pulp Lectures Started Here Lectures on pulp and paper making, sponsored by Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd., began Tuesday night at Booth Memorial High School, 60 persons attending. R. WORTHING. England P Sid- CANTERBURY. England t ney Jones, 56, has worn a spinal The famous Canterbury Calhed-frame for 25 years but keeps ac- ral was the centre-piece of a tive. He works for a building mock air laid in connection with firm, plays chess and is a keen i military exercises. Red search-stamp collector. i lights gave the effect of flames. By J. J. GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP) For several months in every yea: most New Zealanders voluntar Winners of the I O D E. raffle, preserves No. 954, doll No. 531, contact Green 503. ltc Whist drive and tournament L. Johnson, In charge of the company's woods department, delivered the lecture on woodland operations. ily pay 50 per cent extra postage in order to give poor children a V Twenty of those attending were others than company em ployees, said Ran Doswell, per ut up . . a" uie neign scan hear va" and that gores for your . yes. dear yes, dear "Yes, dear . yes, dear , yes . . ." sonnel manager. mother, too.1 Perfect tea is so easy ! to make with TEA BAGS Next Tuesday's lecture, again . by Mr. Johnson, will cover trans holiday at a health camp. With the summer season now starting here, they buy health stamps which are on sale alongside normal stamps, costing haif the regular price. The receipts from the health stamps go to maintain a chain of camps for children at beaches and holiday resorts throughout the country. This year's target from the health stamp campaign is $330,-000. The stamps are issued by the government and are on sale Saturday, November 24, Moose Temple. Everybody welcome. 275c) Annunciation home and school bake sale, Mrs. McLaren's Music Store, Saturday, November 24. (274c) Regular meeting of International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 510, Carpenters' Hal!, Friday, November 23, 8 pm. (274c) The Lutheran Sunday School Is providing transportation beginning this Sunday for children living across th bridge out Seal portation In woods operations. Lectures are about an hour In length, followed by a question period. "Interest was spontaneous and there is every indication that this plan will be well received," said Mr. Doswell. The Dally News will publish a condensation of each of the lectures, first one to appear in tomorrow's edition. ,,id Mrs. J- HigEii'S, leav-iniorrow on the Chilcotin Ucm Charlotte Islands, ex- nuke their future home at all post offices. The design is' different each year and the at- j tractive appearance of the stamp; has made them popular (?o(orfu( 'bazaar information with philatelists throughout the Cove way. For phone Black 610. Dude" Robertson was a 1275c) world. Some of the earlv Issues in access Good Things Come in Small Packages Visiting Home Three nrimnru rknntore ir. kt rv i Canucks Overseas Find Famous Song Becomes New Link Korea the years after the system was begun 22 years ago now are very valuable. A recent one was the first stamp bearing portraits of Princess Elizabeth with her son. This year's Stamps show the yacht "Health" with a smiling boy at the helm against a typical New Zealand coastal scene. ?Lrr0nd CombrQi' Qnd a Junior chapter Before IMMLb Haida) oined together in a successful bnrnnri r 10 vuncouvri uuoara ap:ice George last evening ijinliday trip and to visit fs some ol whom he has or about thirty years. parkes fell from a ladder ii,y, breaking a rib, and I it necessary to remain at ,Mr. Parkes Is a pioneer In I t int; in the service of Fi iind along the water- and tea Thursday afternoon in the Auditorium "uwllum of OT Tne the'i Hcre ? a weck'8 embarkation Civic Centre . , leave, Cpl. Lawrence Moore, 66th mviuviy, u.o. iimy, says pouring -were the members of he i looting inrH tn longest standing in each chapter ' Korea, for which he departs De- Six of the camps are maintained all the year round, while others operate in the summer months. Children from poor Mrs. J. A. Teng (Queen Marv cember 5 from Camp Stoncman, Chapter), Mrs. B. Wilson (Cam-brai Chapter), Mrs. J. Ewart (Duchess of Edinburgh ChaD- san f ranclsco. He is visiting his parents here. terj, ana (Mirhla,rba,ra Chapter). Teng Fourth Avenue West. Cpl. Moore In a colorful opening. Standard Bearers Mrs. M. J. Keas (Municipal Chapter),, Mrs. oil-lis (Queen Mary Chapter), Mrs. A. Johnson (Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter), and Miss Sharl Beth Ingalls (HMOS Haida Chapter) marched in to the strains of "Land of Hope and Glory" played by Mrs. J. R. Carr at the piano. After the singing of "O Canada," Municipal Regent Mrs. G. G. Withers welcomed the many guests and introduced the euesl (HMCS Haida has been In the active U.S. Army for little more than a year. id Mrs. Hcrnsby K'.tig, I llicir marriage last tlie bride having trcen .er Miss Betty Stordale, the Pi luce George for a wn trip to Vancouver vhcre in the south. d Mrs. Sieve King, who Serviteurs were Mrs. A. C. Gil-11s, Mrs. F. Hicks, Mrs. D. Black, Mrs. F. De Blass and Mrs. A. By DOUG HOW Canadian Press Staff Writer HANNOVER, Germany (CP) Lili Marlcne is slill haunting tne hearts of soldiers. She is proving more than a successor to the durable siren of another era, the Mademoiselle from Armentiers. For this sweetheart of song of the Second World War not only is as bewitching, as tormenting as ever, but she has become a force for reconstruction. She is a sort of cross between diplomat and nurse of the spirit sue helps heal the wounds and bridge the gaps left by the war, between the Germans who discovered her and the Allies who . i'V H,:. -f. homes and those run down In health are selected for holidays of several weeks at the camps. Some have schools attached, so that the children do not miss lessons during the school year. The stamps come on sale at the beginning of November and remain a.i.',able until the year's issue is sikl. Many districts show great enthusiasm in filling their quota and some towns often buy up the whole local supply in a few days. Johnson, prizes. Preparing the tea were Mrs. ' An electric deep frier was won J. A. McRae. Mrs. M. J. Keavs. ' by H. P. Cahill of 282 West 33rd 4 in the "tty from their i Salt ' jiring Island at Here's a gift that's fun to give him. A Stetson gift certificate and a gay miniature Stetson hat bcx with a bright little p'.astic hat inside. It's practical, too the durable metal hat box can be used for studs and cuff links. The gift certificate will lecivem his favorite Stetson at WATTS & NICKERS0N MEN'S CLOTHING 3rd Avenue Phone 345 Mrs. W. J. Lineham, Mrs. M. Ave., Vancouver, with ticket No. Stewart and Mrs. S. A. Keilback. 203. Cashier for the afternoon was A steam iron won wnn k Mrs Mrs. J. Risdale J. A. Teng with ticket No. 890. A copper dish was won by Mrs. D. Kristmanson with ticket No. U' ol the week to attend uiusua, of wno lned the bazaar. : ling Hcmslcy King !s B.-tty Stordale last Outs were received by Mu-lipcct to return south on nlal ReSent Ml'S- Withers. I The tea room was in charge I of Mrs. C. O. Ham. I r!iompsun. who left for The tea table was covered $ during the latter part with a beautiful embroidered knimcr, may possiblyl re- linen cloth on which was cen- came later but not less devoted ly to her shrine. She descends nightly, for In GtOKOfc IMWtb AUCTIONEER Phone Green 8U and Rer! in A lovely and varied array of gift suggestions was presented for the Christmas shoppers. MANY STALLS In charge of the stall featuring aprons and children's wear were Mrs. M. W. Gormcly, Mrs. 1395. Other prizes won were: Fur moccasins (donated by Fowlie tt Ruttle), won by David Beaton. stance, upon the steamship Can he coast, according to tred a lovely bouquet of white He had gone overseas chrysanthemums and red car- berra which Is shuttling across the Atlantic to bring shiploads of Canadian 27th Infantry Brigade soldiers to Europe. Aboard, she receives the joint homage figurines, Mrs. F. Chinese Hicks. idea of remaining but nations flanked by white tapers. iJlDURlil may be given re-1 Each small tea table was gay tation. I with a red paper carnation. Saturday and Monday Specials G. P. Lyons and Mrs. O. W. Charlton. The embroidery and knitted goods were In charge of Mrs. J. Stewart, Mrs. M. Houghton, Mrs. Fruit cake, Mrs. J. Clark. Blanket, Mrs. E. McCaffery. Electric kettle, Mrs. A. John and fealty of former -jemies. Germans in the Canberra's crew and the Canadian soldiers CRFAM CHEESE FROSTING son. J. R. Carr and Mrs. E. Burton. I Two prizes on smaller raffles , ' . wK I who are her passengers have found that the war, rather than perpetuating their differences, provides a common denomina-(Contimipii on yaae 4i noveiues ana aons ciomes were unclaimed. A large basket were presided over by. Mrs. of preserves awaits the holder James and Mrs. A. A. Miller, and 0f ticket No. 954 and a doll the a "white elephant" stall by Mrs. holder of ticket No 531 C. Anderson. i Ladies Evening Gowns 25 DISCOUNT This is your opportunity to be the real star of your holiday night life if you wear one of these new dance dresses. Boys' Striped Broadcloth Shirts Regular 2.00. To Clear 1.29 i A iish pond was In charge of I Mrs. W. E. Halllwell and Mrs. A. Duncan. A stall at which children could purchase their own refreshments was in charge of Miss lona Hardy and Miss Sharl Beth Ingalls. Presiding at the home cooking booth were Mrs. H. Breen, Mrs. A. Slater and Mrs. J. Wol-stenholme. In charge of raffles were Mrs. L. Griffiths, Mis. F. Wilson, Mrs. P. Forman and Miss Vivian Wrathall. K.UH.K I'KIZKs At the close of the afternoon a drawing was held for raffle SAVE 50 on fuel bills with the new improved patented "BOOKER" Folder showing 4 models of BOOKER heaters or furnaces free on request at t trusting capable of transforming the simplest of to party festivity is cinnamon cream cheese frosting. BE SURE TO VISIT OUR DOWNSTAIRS TOYLAND DOMS DEPT. STORE Island City Builder's Supply i'mg made with mild cheese to which the proper amounts and confectioners' sugar and seasonings are added. No Phone Blue 820 I III 505 McBridc Street 1 required. Nothing so good to eat was ever so simple. i i r . . tt. i Phone: Red 846 McBridc and 4th Ave. are some unusual frostings to make a party of the amilv dessert. !k. crram cheese x teaspoon cinnamon "on milk 3 cuds sifted confectioners' sugar Her a Gift the Home Ihc ci earn cheese and miik. Add the sugar gradually, it In well. Add the cinnamon and mix again. ' STRAWBEHRY CREAM CHEESE FROST1NO Nin strawberry preserves 4 drops red coloring I'led confectioners' sucar Dash of salt BURNETT'S f S. cream cheese LONDON DRY DON GIN the cream cheese and sugar. Add the strawberry pre-t and coloring and mix again. DATE-NUT CREAM CHEESE FROSTING 5. erram cheese '4 cup chopped dates milk i cup chopped pecans !fd confectioners' sugar 'i teaspoon vanilla Uie cream cheese and milk. Add the sugar gradually, it in well. Add the dates, pecans, and vanilla and blend Because Burnett's is an EXTRA DRV (unsweetened) Gin, you can add or leave out sweetness, when mixing drinks, and suit every individual taste. m .mml puce M'llllt'ini, miiiH iiui!arva!B 11c a wise host serve Burnett's. mm &m You know you've picked her prize present when you give her a Hotpoint Floor Polisher 69.50 Terms 13 down Balance within a year i Dresser Sets for Christmas "Buy Hera gift of lasting beauty" Hiram Walker's Special Old USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN NOW! CANADIAN WHI Next time buy BURNETT'S fORGE COOK JU I PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE grnt osmujts of rs fjimousffmuzcttan ftuJrivwsxv J McRAE BROS. LTD. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by th This adverut'ien: is nut puou&m.. or displayed b the uquor Control Board or by tie Government of British Columbia. Oovwiinu iil of Bi illsli ColiuiUiiu. l!!l!'i(!ni: fciiiiilililiil NIT i '-'"I.Jhfcillllllllililliliill.illllllillilllili