l ,::.v.t. IT. '! okmes DRUGS NORTilERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ! DAILY Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone VOL. XL. No. 274 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1951 , . PRICE FiVS CENTS Var V CABS VniKI OISPAT( IIKI i n B a DELIVERY 81 Canada If jj0ru,uu 2)i sBBoe vie CM i IflVaSDOBl orases'va' lor C i IVS Gas Found In Second Wildcat VICTORIA CP More optimistic reports flowed in Thursday from o:' marchers in British Columbia's Peace River country. i tresis) From CCF Almost - . if ? ' Wiped Out in Impact of Third World Ontario Vote A report to the Department of Lands said that a second Kort Here war woui TORONTO. - Premier Peace by Christmas St. John "wild cat" has found gas. Progress at Fish Parley TOKYO ? Fisheries Minister Robert W. Mayhew of Canada told the current three-power fisheries conference today that he would have to return home OTTAWA (CP) Senator John T. Haig, Progressive Conservative leader, told the Senate Thursday that, if a third world war comes, P.ussia will invade Canada from the north. ' Leslie M. Frost and his Progressive Conservative government were swept ;ack into office in the Ontario general election yesterday with a landslide .'ictory. It said the Peace River Allied Fort St. John No. 2, in its fourteenth diill stem test, recovered 130 feet of "slightly sulphurous gassy mud" In an Interval be-ween 3.931 and 3,972 feet. The hole is not far from Fort 3t. John No. 1 which struck British Columbia's first oil November 1 at about 5,655 feet. Korean Negotiators Arree on Thorny Htiffer Zone Issue MUNSAN. Korea O Truce in j because the Canadian Parlia- ment Is in session. I The sub-committee on prin- "There is no doubt about that," Haig said. If fats happened Canada would see great forces of Unit- Korean Troops j rinies unr! riraftine 'askert for Korea by Christmas became a , another day to complete itl re- The triumph for the govern D.'. T j B. Williams, oil and gas possibility today as negotiators 1 Dort and another meetiiie was ment meant disaster for the . ! ed States arms and men based i within her borders and she i should be prepared to accord ! United States' troops rights and Get Gratuity controller, saw me finding oi reached agreement on the first ; scheduled for Saturday. CCF eas does nnt nec.pssarilv Other progress was reported the in sessions of the conference at ssctlon 01 an the wild cat will hit oil. "But," he said, "It's a pretty : 'horny buffer zone Issue. The Liberals also lost ground. The government, which had 53 OTTAWA P Canadian troops : privileges. .,ATES CONFER Thomas A. Slime, Canadian minister to tended by the United States, serving in the Far East will get Opposition leader was speak- seats in the last Legislature, won good Indication that there is oil If agreement U approved, as, Canada and Japan. It seeks tojwar sesrvice gratuities similar to j in" to 79 79 seata seats vesterdav yesterday. tearbv." if if CXDected. expected, bv by full full trtir truce delega,- riplooa. j get agreement .nm.nt on n imth North Pa d , . . . ... ., 1 a 6 government " measure incaou.c up those paid Canadian servicemen implement agreement about 12 tions, the negotiators will have i who has been elected chairman of the Fifth Adminlstra- ii Budgetary committee of the General Assembly of the Nations, chats with External Affairs Minister Pearton a Dicik in the Paris conference. This Is a United Nations (CP PHOTO) cific fisheries rights in the second world war, the Mr. Mayhew has been accom- Almy announced today thirty days. in which to solve ! their tough problems supervl- panieo at tne conierence Dy jt. i . Ision of armistice, exchange of i Applewhaite, MP for Skeena. I war prisoners and recommenda- I nations of tiie North Atlantic Treaty for reciprocal treatment of their forces when stationed In territory of one or another of the signatory countries. The Senate gave the measure second reading and sent it to committee for further study. The CCF, which was trie official opposition before the election with 21 seats, now has qn'.y two. t The Liberals had 11 seats before and now have seven but will be the official opposition In the next house. The Conservatives received 49 Accidents In Quebec i. Plane Over Vladivostok tions to belligerent governments, j The fighting will continue in j the war, now seventeen months B of M Warns Of Inflation !':ik'st by Moscow U.S. Announces Loss oia, until an these points are i Vancouver Fog Holds Flights MONTREAL (CP) Accidents settled. WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) Russia has pro- Er lh CfonA0f,th,e( lQdu Alc..Mt-iii P0P.,ilar than l1!' VaH Al i itoolt . heavy toll in Quebec to i tii the united States that an American plane ii the Siberian border by flying over the naval MONTREAL The Bank of Montreal warned Thursday tha J defence spending and industrial j growth are signs that the pres- j sure of inflation may increase. The Bank's monthly review also says that the average citizen I Ex-Alderman Black Dies Resident of more' than forty Korean War For Canada Heavy fog which enveloped Vancouver until late this morning again delayed air service to and from Prince Rupert as it did yesterday. The regular flight from the south, which had not been able ... t day. 1 per cent. , j s members of tne Royal Premier Frost and all the Canadian Air Force were kllied members of his cabinet were re-when an aircrat crashed about; 6 t? n' ,,, J 15 miles from St. Hubert airport. B Jolliffe t CCF r-u. i leader, lost i Namea of the vlctim5 were"not his seat in York South. He may j immediately released, seek a recount i At Val Morin four workers The Progressive ConsenraUves were kllled and M were mjured won 18 seaU from the CCF, Umhpn Q , .lH,Uk. r. i if Vladivostok. (rum Moscow said the in fired on by Soviet To Investigate may find the cost of financing years standing and former city the new no-means-test system ! ;,rirtY1Ilr, T . n;k asul,M il Wailiiiiiiton today th to land at Vancouver last night IRed Complaint Id States Navy announced because of the fog, left Abbots- of old age pensions more costly ear; tnis morning at the than thought at first glance. Frmce Ru'ert General Hospital, nirprt. smpndinfir for rearma- it., i i i ; . u v. of these in the metropolitan llinir of its plarn-s had ' Means Security for This Country, Returning ' Church Head Says ford at 10 o'clock this morning H ... "i. j " ' 'riding skidded off the highway. Near Sherbrooke one man was j killed and two Injured when a u ...t iln with the crew pARis oRUssia today filed Th. connecting night from here, met and..the dually impor-1 'ZT area of Toronto where it had been thought the Socialist party might run strong. i VANCOUVER P People of 1 I a lormal complaint with the learned today and ; united Nations, charging the ,!P .I bp T ! tanl dema"ds of a vigorous and ccld but it was cerebral hemorr- Canada" are not fullv aware of and should be k back about a 4 two-engine CPR freight train left the rails. One engine t.a.r, a Moscow Dress .n-! t, '..,, ?u l Walter Thompson, the Liberal growing program oi resource oe- hage wr.ich brought death sud-velopment" will be felt in the deniy Mr Black w.as tne father what fighting in Korea nreans to o clock The fog also delayed the de- their own future security," Rev economy at the same time partnrer of. new LfendMiau'e emphiblan on its lnauguaral flight from Vancouver and It is expected to reach here shortly KOfmart D. Kennedy,- moderator of the Presbyterian Church- ln Canada, said Thursday night. "It Is our own security as much Winnie to Sail ! On Queen Maryj of Aid. Thomas B.Black, general m'anagei" of "the" Northern B:C" Power Co. Born seventy-nine years ago last month in Muirhead. Lanark-shirr, Scotland, Mr. Black was an engineer at Western Glasgow .Hi,t f the decoration ! a..mcH Rr:"7on L' ZVrlUrrs " i leadcr- was also defeated, com-i P territory, ,n tw d ln the whete he S 'Wi N ' ivv y fliers for V . rWlng I J Ji Ior,a!mtd. t ..overthrowing Prime. h"rt l.,- . had aourrt iectlon. f ifstandlni; pcMormance : : 7 M,HU.r statin's government , Koveuiniem. 1 L Jhe government had promised ..P d,,t.P i , . V, lirStanre, Uni?" last "lg 11 i "continued good government" 1 U'l-'i"xps paraueiea paralleled asKcci ,h the General Assembly to !,,.,. th conservation -nnprvatinn nf of natural natural re- rp- ,iVrn a Soviet lUer who look ilUo charRM ll)at lne Unit. i ! n. an Am,erl1can Nav'y ed States Mutual Security Act j f Llbeiali lotiais had nau campaigned cainpaignea I r pun if early ' last year. ' Wt-s wa. intended ''"P'ictfa to 10 foster loster suover- snhver-i. or increased social services and r cive acts in Communist countries. ,rAer taxes. France Walks Out On U.N. Commif-tee PARIS (P France walked out as a case of United Nations after 3 o'clock this afternoon. A - LONDON (!' Prime Minister i ideals." Dr. Kennedy said in ! fan flight, which was to have Winston Churchill will make his commenting on his tour of the been held here this afternoon of tne united Nations trustee Infirmary before leaving the Old tiip across the Atlantic for a visit: war zone. ! ror a representative local party, ship committee today in protest ; Country in 1910 direct for Prince S. Plane will be held overnight before against an Egyptian speech blast-; Rupert He . was an engineer at aboard the liner Queen Mary, Japan aboard a plane which car- leaving England December 29. i ricd 22 Canadian soldiers, the , returning to Vancouver Jn the lng French control of Morocco. , om city ste amgneratin. , ... v..c ..v.u lne uj,- naa advocated-a itions followed a similar com-!hPalth insurance scheme like ,municalion U. the United States thal m the province of Sask-i government Tuesday. The United atchewan. States Department of States dis- A11 w0nlen candidates were i missed the protest as "groundless defeated including the veteran Thursday night. El Pharaony. had attacked i.ghting men home for paratroop i started, he was the first engin eer there. Later he became iden- Today's, Stocks France in committee meeting for i refusing to give Morocco Its In- propaganda." Miss Agnes McPhail. jot Down t il Diplomatic i lt KcporteU Safe fcnoilavia (i.urt.-y 8. D. l isK.il to. ud.) ' partment of the Canadian ' The French delegation walked ; National Railwav! npr until his ; out after insisting that the com- j retirement fourteen years ago :mittee has. the right to discuss- After retirement, Mr. Black VANCOUVER American Standard i The new standing of parties In the Legislature is as follows: . Progressive Conservatives 79 Liberals , 7 CCF 2 i Liberal-Labor 1 : Labor-Progressive 1 31 Spectators of Fire Injured pouuc.ai maimers RADE. Yugo.siavia Leather continued residence at tlw old family home on Alfred Street until about five years ago, since which time he had resided with his son on Atlin Avenue, West-view. He had b?n afflicted with failing eyesight for some years. Bialorne 6.00 Cariboo Quartz 1.16 Congress 08 Cronln Babine 50 Giant Mascot 90 Indian Mines 24 ' Pend Oreille 9.00 Pioneer : 1.90 Premier Border 33 "i "' r. arriving ln Vien- i Burharrst Thursday,! that an una! med United , iJA.r Force transport plane, i I lor more thnn 72 hours f.-i'ima:ic cargo, had been j f !i in Conununist-ruk'd i aloiiR the Yuuoslav hor- i Large Agenda For Next Municipal Election Here When Prince Rupert citizens go to the polls' next December 13 in the annual civic election they will vote on one of the largest agendas in this city's history. It includes three referendums and a money bylaw passed at a special meeting of city council last night. . A mayor will have to be elect- Art Murray and Pat Forman still ed as well as at least four alder- i have one year to go. men. Two-year terms have; Three vacancies exist on the expired for Aid. T. B. Black, I sehool board. George Casey and Don Fitch. In Passing the bylaw to pre-Ald Mike Krueger s three-month 1 sent tne telephone referndum. term, voted in during Septem-i , aldermen last night supported 1 tYin nam .ri-H i ii (1 nf tho mioct'ftrt Synopsis While fog blanketed Vancouver TORONTO CP Between 50 and 100 poisons were injured Thursday when an explosion of plastic materials shattered a window as they watched firemen fight a blase at Tilly's Dress Shop. . The injured suffered cuts. jThree firemen and five others were taken to hospital. Mr. Black' s wife, Mrs. Margaret and vicinity most interior points : Black, died eleven years ago. .08', i were cold and frosty last night. I In addition to the son here, Privateer Pioneer District Fisherman Dies j A pioneer fisherman of Victory Cove. John Graham, 71, died ! yesterday in Prince Rupert Gen-jeral Hospital. He was single. Born in Scotland, Mr. Graham had been in the district 30 years, j Temperatures were near freezing ! surviving relatives include three Reeves McDonald 6.25 I ..w-:.?t s report Miid its f l"r had been injured .04 Reno Sheep Creek 1.60 al'jng the coast while inland brothers Archie in Vancouver, they hovered near 15 degrees at j William in Dumfermline, Scot-most places. In the Prince George land, and David in Manchester, area the mercury once again , England. .57 Silbak Premier alive and held by Ro- iitiliiirities. !"H was not im.'.-iediat- .114Vi Vananda t.. " 3. K - r Mi. Black was a member of Salmon Gold 02'i ' dipped below zero "!i'(! but it was carried TIDES - - Fiiday, November 23. 1031 High 9:34 188 feet 22:06 17.1 feet chamrels for check- Spud Valley 21 Silver Standard 2.60 Western Uianium 3 45 most of the time fishing. He had nc relatives here. Funeral arrangements, ln charge of B.C. Undertakers, will be announced. oer Dy-etection, expires next "" mn.u because it "does does not not commit commit the the ; Oils 1 'Mincer who made the Low 3:12 7.8 feet !? I as not Identified. ' 16:06 7 0 feot Aid. Harold Whalen has slgni-i city " I A weak disturoance approacn- i.impsean Lodge A.F. & A.M. ing the north coast will bring a , and was prominent in union af- few showers to the Prince Rupert j lairc during his active days. He I area today and cause cloudy j war a Presbyterian, i skies tonight in the northern and Th-3 funeral takes place Sun-I eastern interior. I day afternoon from First Pres- ) Elsewhere little change is ex- byterian Church. pected. . I i . 1 , Forecast j Union steamer Chilcotin. Ca'' North coast region Cloudy j James Hunter, which got behind today and Saturday. A few 1 here l-jst week on account of showers today. Sunny periods ! rough weather on her Queen i fled his intention of running fori Wording Is as follows: t ! mayor and Aid. H. M. Daggett ''Are you ln favor of author- Anglo Canadian 7.95 A P Con 45 Calmont 1.53 Central Leduc 2.52 Home Oil 16.25 OkaUa 2.85 j says he is considering such a ! izlng city council to enter Into move. This could mean election 1 negotiations with Automatic fto Will Supply Power i 16 of two more aldermen. I Mayor H. F. Glassey, elected : at the by-election, says he will Royal Canadian TORONTO Athona Aumaoue Beattle Bevcourt Buffalo Canadian . .08' 2 .22 .17 .52 .78 f iiR Is another of a scries of articles designed to f 10 Daily News readers a better understanding of what voting for when they face the city-held plebiscite ' "Hii: Are you in favor of asking B.C. Power Commis- supply electric energy to this area?'" These articles will tii,' views of Northern B C. Power Company Ltd., of ami facts about the Commission.) run again. dum be held now Instead of after! Nomination day is Decem-the results of the recent Public ; oer g. Utilities Commission inquiry are: Three referendums are as fol-unfounded. 'lows: "The franchise of the com-; Asking for a tax levy of one pany expires in two years. Its mm cacn year for ive years only fair to both the Commls-;to be SDent solelv for improve- Electric (Canada i Ltd, or any other company with the view to acquire a new municipal-owned automatic telephone, system?" Aid. H. M, Daggett, who introduced the bylaw, said this was "merely asking for an expression of opinion from the people. If the majority approves it will show the people want a new telephone system and this will strengthen our hand when we want to borrow money to purchase the new system. "After the referendum, we will Saturday. Little change in tern- Charlotte Island crossing, was pcrature. Wind southerly (15) late in leaving Vancouver and i this afternoon, otherwise light, j is due here at 1:30 tomorrow Lows tonight and highs tomorrow i morning from the south via Ke- at Port Hardy 35 and 45; Sand-' mano. The vessel will leave later spit, 34 and 42; Prince Rupert, ! in the morning on her regular 32 and 40. , voyage to Masset. Threatens All Out War mayor of Prince Rupert and now aklei- KSo,- mii oi the utilities committee, Harry M. Dat--,tne people want the commis-i lty for the cit t0 enter fivmlv 1,p1W,v1 th..,f th n r P-,. r.,,mm5. 5lon.-, A.nd t.nat:!, wh,at we..want . negotiations to obtain a new , t -v i vti kiitti liiv 1 1 . J. v"'""" tn f mn nil i. urir.n rn a rpiprpn. ... . .... au . ephone system. i'liilil Kive Prince Rupert "the best power deal 'i'l .Slnmn,.t .!.! i nut In U'hpn Aid Inff- too, what chance a money ui course. aaas Aia. iag- Askin approval that know, "ln the final stage we will p,., rnmmk.i .ibylaw will have. Acquitted of Manslaughter I Vandcnberj; Hints at ! Operations Beyond Valu i. , j WASHINGTON. D C. if Ocn- j eral Hoyt S. Vandenberg inti- i mated Thursday night that the i United States may decide fight an all-out air war in Korea ! 't he present truce negotiations 1 In .n,, a iiluhi o.rt a in n iun ' 1 coun- Consol. Smelters 164 50 Conwest 3.59 Donalda 35 E!dona . 18 East Sullivan 9.15 Giant Yellowknife 10 25 God's Lake 36 Hardrock , 13 Harricana 07"2 Heva 10 Jacknife 06-' 4 Joliet Quebec 40 Little. Long Lac , .76 Lynx II 1 2 Madivn Red Lake 2.05 McKenzie Red Lake ... 46 McLeod Cockshutt 2.65 Moneta 30 Negus 67 Noranda 77.25 Louvicourt 33 Pickle Crow 1.61 San Antonio 2.50 . -. (...n, uuj tiaun, ne " -- i nave w mvc ijreum. iu 6"" niv nnwer for this orpa (North- Mayor Glassey ry assured a.vuicu i.uu J .has investigated other ff" still presse ; tne Issue, Com-1 Ule c mission authority to' p rJ ", i.ar '"""".J ell that the referendum, if pass the Commission op- mission representatives did aP" i take over supplying power here.'Vi r hLs p "' in no way tied the council Whpra uliluio. near before the COllIlCil. and clmuM t.hj Pnmmisxinri's ill VERNON f Abraham Dreidi- Th money bylaw will ask the i L ""c ; fail. by the public in other what tho-,e nlen sai(1 convinced llial ratCs be even higher than ? and "i ni sure we win me further that we would get:now charged by the company, I Power at cost without a better deal from them." j -VA still be in favor of the . .. , W1 ailVrinn u..i j 1, i i -i i ger, 22-year-old Aldergrove youth : wa3 acquitted of manslaughter "Air pow.T has not been really people to approve spending ! re"rj",uuc cu",1,a"' $100,000 for reconstruction of! "If the" P"ee is unreason-; existing water mains and for ole' we won't have to take it." , 1 utilized in Korea." the Air Force Thuisday in the traffic death of , cnief of staf said du!lng an in. L J1 ;t uul uuispivpx i nert is nu uuuui hi uiv iuihu untmiooiuii. : t fv, my cierK K. w. Long said ne ?)aRS'U has worked for that the power company here! "The past record shows that ,"""' "u " " ince 1945 when as has let us down. I think a lot the Commission works hard to PARKS AND SCHOOL BOARDS thought a positive vote on the referendum would further in-1 his financee. terview. Dreidiger's car left the high- ; "Outcome of the present truce way July 6 between Penticton negotiations holds the key to and Princeton, resulting in the ! whether we will continue to fight ' 'he city, he first sun- of people feel that way and I reduce rates. I Three park commissioners will;fluence the coniDanv to eive to resolution to approach believe they should have a I Mayor H. F. Glassey did not ( have to be elected, one to re- the city a manual board which io.,.. their opin J ""ussiun. The Coinmls- chance to express Senator Rouyn 15' 4 death of Anne Heppiu-r of Al-ia war of half-way measures in auu w m. 4oSi5cn.o pmce ma. oeorge uasey, wnose would add 500 phones to the but supported all of them, main- term expires, and two move to present system. That was a term talning that "we certainly j be added to the present three- in the proposal of the company should have an expression of j man commission, authorized by i if the city docidrd to purchase opinion at this time." ;a recent bylaw. Commissioners a new system. , nowever, was in Its 'ons' ' C0U'J not entertain 1 Meanwhile, said Aid. Daggett 'w lare companies, he in an interview with the Daily Sherrit Gordon 3.65 Steep Rock 6.65 Silver Miller 1 33 Upper Canada 1.50 I dergrove. Korea, a war which, at present. 1 The youth, i a statement to halts our air power at the Yaiu ' poller, anliS lie ' u.st have dosed River uini gives the enemy 1 off at the. wheet.' , sanctuary in Manchuria." ,News, objections tlat a referen- J , . ' 'r' 17"?