In th. Prince Rupcrf Dully INe-wi Friday, November 23, 1951 f 1 1 ing here and a donation of $25. Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, who 13 organizing a women's curling by Mrs. R. t. Mcintosh, 310 Fourth Avenue West, whose late husband was a pioneer curler here when a group curled on a few sheets of open ice. Mrs. Mcintosh gate several pictures of this early curl Rink Pipe' Arrives; Moore Again Prexy With 16,000 feet of pipe arrived for the refrigeration unit of Prince Rupert's new curling rink, members of the Curling Club last night met with enthusiasm to line up working parties. The entire membership of 1 : more than 130 was divided Into j L. M. Greenback Laurie and rinks of four persons each for .Bill McKenzie, two-year direc-work parties. When the rink is j tors; Earl Gordon, Harold Thorn Spirited Play Marks jCliib, announced the first meet-jing will be held at her home I November 27. fee-wee Hoop loop Ry LARRY SiANvVuon i-umpieiea, me groups may be and T. G. Bateman one-year M directors. Rame In the second Pee-Wee League basketball let-day afternoon, Borden Street School I by A secretary will be chosen the executive. team out t-ivic centre Arrows 15-12 after an tin silently revised for curling. Meanwhile, Neely Moore remains to head the club as he was unanimously returned as president at last night's election. Other officers are: Ted Boulter, vice-president; Scott McLaren, treasurer; Dr. 'r t Pi: ' ' "I! Ill Hi M IMMIL The club's constitution was adopted as presented by the executive. During the meeting, a presentation was made to the club I ntin: battle. Jnilc nearly a hundred sup-.:.:i'4 spectators (Borden j.fc t pupil.1;--mostly girls) I :1 and root-d, Won? and ', vniti 1 oniDini'd In the 1 quarters to pin down the with two points each. Kens- This Xmas GIVE ELECTRICALLY Be vise and lay away your gift now while stocks are complete. "Give Electrically" N0RTHERH B.C. POWER Co.,Ud. was men Mcuirr wun 11 ; Gul bra rid son and Leman (iT(,w.- fach shot five re not high and PLANE FOR NEW curling jink in Prince Rupert, shown here, include three rinks, and an adequately-spaced club room complete with lounge, kitchen, washrooms and committee room. The far shows the plpo--llne for refrigeration leading from B.C. Packer;.' cold storage .plant. xperlenced, ol scores wer J pl.ivin;; ine; ,.f, but there e was more en- p - - I , k.iw amoiiK those kids aged Besner Block Phone 210 Prince Kupert, B C. Stewart, B.C. Ten Straight For Wings perlmp-s it, man one will .1, :i many a .senior hoop .show, just was no holding them I h player on his team was 4 ,.sk1 with the one thought ji , lining. Passing was fast, i .hms terrific, even it rough I trictly beyond the rules at I But it was .seen easily I where Prince Rupert's Anion all-stars have come This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY 1TKW3 BRINGS RESULTS. r i I J fcjW .... ?-,.,B.vt. . - J ... I THAT MENACING rinht (dove belong to lichtweipht Chuck Place, another of Trainer Joe Ward's prfce fighters who wiil j :rum where this city's f u-1 ,'ar.s will spring. J, aivdiiie, the Borden Street i i oh'-tT sang was no less oirci a rrince Ueoree enn- ti nder he re :his month -end. . Chicago Black Hawk 25 went Into a tip with the New York Rangers for last place in tha National Horkey Leagu? by whi pping the Montreal Canadiens 5 to 1 Wednesday night. Detroit Red Wings rang their unbeaten streak to ten straight by .squeezing out the Iiew York Rangers 2 to 1 in trv; circuit's other contest. Jimmv McFadrten scrored two goals within less than ten minutes of the first period t o give the Hawks a lead they never lost. Montreal escaped a shut-out at 119:38 in the first nei-iod when i. Mastic than the players, i 1 may have been the edge ! n Street tiee'ded and hai,! . !tr r each basket for "our i i Hie timbers resounded to j ill enthusiasm to drive that I through a wall of fire to, his performance. j "Elmer Lach, on assists by Maur ' X t, at least, .seemed the of the pi ay as every nfYi.scle nl. every eye attentive in tition v. Idle beads of permit fui mcd without con- s i 'It . q4. , tin; 1. . v, J rl I . s ice Richard and Douie; Harvey, rcored as Bep Ouidolln of the Hawks sat out a penalty. National Montreal 1, Chicago 5 New York 1, Detroit 2 Okanagan Mest. Int. Vernon 2, Kimberley 1 Week-end games; Saturday-Montreal at Toronto; Chicngo at Detroit. Sunday Montua.1 at New York; Toronto at Boston ; Detroit at Chicago. - b WuiK 2. i ' . J St'ult K Muh. I Rciib-R Eljy. r It. Kl.nin.1, Phillip, ti. h 1 1 W iiwin, SU-warl. O. it Ivrvm, HockeyStaricJmgs Call 363 I'. I'.l.TTMi . . . Planning Building or Repairing DYNAMITE in both hands has Chubby" Stacey, Prince Ru-ptr: E kv' B.ixing Club Weltvr-wciirht entry in the coming I-rmcp Rupert-Prince George lii'ht card. National Leai Detroit 11 2 5 8 9 O 50 29 44 45 31 33 37 50 37 50 Toronto 7 8 Montreal 7 3 Boston S 8 New York 5 3 Chicago 5 3 Curling Rink At Chillivack 17 Jl hi ru v j. Ti fit You give b .,., ' 2X S ij : f prepored and important (avingi in electric HillTJ - ' V Is current, time and work whan you giva a f y&m J 0rh FRIGIDAIRE ElECTRIC , .. . . , 'i-r t t' j;j .' b You give feod .ovin9, , . zzr ' "X . r r ' Jioney-iaving and wonderful everyday w y sIJto. 's'ssv ; 1 I Convenience for yean to come when you w .,. Vf.I ; la give a FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR. ''" f X ' .$ '! f . 11 - Siiet and models for every home. , 5 jr t . . : 1 Prlcei at lew a $345.75 . - K. . t r rv' , ifftst v y . The firs!, curliti'4 rink ever to : br built in the Fraser Valley is j new being put un at ChUliwack. 1 It vl! cost $30,000 The job is hviuK handled by Bill Orr, con- ; tractor. i Tin. building will 180 by 50 j feet, and can accommodate 14- I f'io! rinks. It is so planned that S -' 1 o o uN"'"7r . 1 1 -'I l"r MITCHELL 0 i mnir an additional two rinks can be lidded. j 1HJI ! IIMITII) :nililirs ic t'ontractors arlver;,se tSUji&W If you want tr sell it, It, News cla tsiiicd. 7 W"J wwiyB3wrttraaMg.raftm 5 -jqj I - Xmas Toys and Decorations . ..A VERY LARGE STOCK SHOP NOW WHILE THERE IS STILL A GOOD SELECTION 'ougtva ,avl At last, t faat-cutti ng chain saw thai one man can izde all day without over-working! The new McCullorh weight lensa than 25 pounds, yet develops a foil 3 hp, mrnmmm And look at theae featuret to quantity and In-teaion buyina and preterving and a product of th world't pioneer in low-temperatur refrigaratien when you give a FRIGIDAIRE FOOD FREEZER. Hold 308 lot. of frozen foods. Priced at $57675 meed up woodcutting: aitomatie r,SDecial clutch, built'in chain oil InfroilimiiiQ'. 7 magneto and kickprcof recoil tarter for eaay starlinc optional chains for any type of ood, and McCulloch gaaoline en ffint that operate at any angle. Take the work out f woodcutting with a McCulloch 3-25. 4 MODUS ZuZZ a fine old whisky V "1 V If X I I I AVAIL AILt JO M IS' law SEE A DEM0NSTRIIO aM TODAY Jrince REGENT We carry spare parts for all McCulloch Sas Regent IS Authorized Sal and Service 4ovthc grandest at 4 I1 I ,r I EPaf ' I J ,-4rm fi &W "Special" will fh.irdy be rrplacpd by "Princs Rkiknt", mellow, gnlilrn whinty of uprrb quality ill finest product of Canada's Olilcut Dwlillcry. tamily "gifts of all; Pacific Electric Prince Rupert, afi-C. Box 13M Phone Blue 92 "ODER LIMITED HAM & WORTS, Established 1132 GORDON & ANDERSON Prince Rupert, B.C. - .. v, ,UU,l V. V, K.J.v.,. EOY'S HARDWARE Smithers, B.C. JOHNSTONE & MICHIEL Terrace, B.C. , "Niroi Board or by th Government of British Columbia. M