Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, April 24, 1951 HUMPHREY BOfiADT M,.j Put Stewart Office Moved to Rupert Engineer is Reclassified Coalition Not Breaking Now As a two-fisted district attorney the under "THE ENFORCER 1240 Kilocycles RADIO DIAL ECFPR (Subject to Change) Provincial pubic works ctu-parUnent affairs lor Atlin District will in future be directly administered from Prince Rupert in conjunction with the divisional .headquarters in the court houie here under L. E. Smith, divisional engineer. Mr. Smith explained that tile new plan will speed up commun MdNUAY TO WEDNESDAY D. C. Stewart, known as city engineer, last night was reclassified by city council as "suxr-Intendent of work," following a complaint of the Association of Provincial Engineers that Stewart was being described as "city engineer." Aid. George Casey, public works chairman, said Stewart TUESDAY P.M. 4:00 Sunshine Society 4:30 Tall Tales 4:45 Stock Quotations & 7 p..n. - 9 p.m. gP .Liberals and Conservatives will definitely remain In the coalition government during the life of current Legislature although there is every Indication that the next time the government goes to the country they will go as separate parties. Session of the advisory council of the British Columbia Liberal Association has been called for June 18 by President H. O. T. Perry. Mr.' MCRae, as a vice-president of the provincial party, will be In attendance. Int ications between headquarters and the district, since it has been "should be directed to apply 1 necessary to use Prince Rupert a certifi- as the outlet, for Atlin, tlier? himself" in acquiring oTi James . NE SHOHriSQ EH NIGHT T: RUPERT PEOPLE'S STORE Booking list at the Capitol Theatre for the month of May is announced by Manager J. Harry Black. Such pictures as "Branded," with Allan Ladd and Mona Freeman; "The Miniver Story," with Greer Garson and Walter Pidgcon; "Call Me Mister," Betty Grable and Dan Dalley; "I Can Get It for You Wholesale," Susan Hay ward and Dan Dailey; and "Toast to New Orleans," Kathryn Grayson and Mario Lanza, are outstanding. Following is the May list: April 30 May 2 "Three Guys Named Mike," Jane Wyman and Van Johnson; "The MGM Story." May 3-5 "Branded," Allan Ladd; Mona Freeman. May 5 "Bad Boy." Audio Murphy. Lloyd Nolan, and "Kill or be killed, Lawrnnce Tienvey. May 7-8 "Cure for Love," Robert Donat. Renee Asherson. May 9-10 "Mad Wednesday," Harold Lloyd, Frances Ramsden. ind "Kefaurcr Crlm-j Investigator." May 11-12 TTca For Two," cate of competency within the being no other link from Stew-next six months. '. art. After the chairman of the' Records and the office staff board of works had made certain Of Jack Storrie, chief clerk, and statements Aid. H. .S. Whaleli Violet Manojlovieh. steno-'.ra-accuscd Aid. Casey of "badger- pher. arrived here lvom Stevwl ing." , on the Camosun today. m Barbara UNUSUAL ACCIDENT GAttSTON, England r A nine-year-old girl In this Hertfordshire town was taken Into hospital with injuries suffered when a tube o Icing sugar exploded in a kicoitn grate. "l think it is totally umair t-lrici suoci'intendent in to set a lime limit like that for charge will be D. S. Love, who Mr. -Slewan to quality. It you will continue to work out of this CLEARING; '.BARGAINS! can show me a qualified engin niliff.'' said Mr. Smith. $fmt ifetvky A. I whs 4:55 CBC News 5:00 International Comty. 5:10 Rawhide 5:30 T.B.A. S.uo supper serenade 6:15 Jr. Chamber of Com. P:30 Mr. Glencannon i:uu CBC New, 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 They Saw It Happen 8:00 The, Commodores 8:15 The Nation's Business 8:30 Record Album 9:00 Piano Playhouse 9:30 Ray Norris Quintet iU 'JU -CBC New (0:10- CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Nocturne 11:00 'Voithei' ficpor' U.u. -Sim (' WEDNESDAY-A.M. 7:00- Muneai Ci.-ck 8:00 CBC News 8: 10 -Here's Bill Oooa i 8:15 Morning Kong 8: 30 -Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert :00-BBC News & Comty. 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Morning Concert H:59 -Time Signal , 10:00 Morninsr Visit 10:15 Barry Wood Show 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Rcbin Hood's Musical lupert i?l s I ' L" uumjvn mw tum 5 v Added Eea,ure (tfirjTr1 LINDA DARNELL In VmtWI 1 1 i w . . A- S w . i Peoples Store "TUE 13th LETTER" ""' ih.ik eer who is doing a better job than Stewart has done then I'll listen to your so-called reason." Stewart asked to speak for himself, said that he had applied fo.- intermediate examinations to be written next February. He had acquired an "extensive library," he said and had been studying regularly. He fell sure he would "pass the coming exams." ' Aid. T. B. Black thought the whole matter should have been discussed between members of the works committee, to which it was finally referred. Stewart was .first appointed acting engineer two years ago and six months later was appointed to take the place of a former city enginetr, thus failing into the title, .t was explained. "Actually, we are not ".".early ' paying for the services of a professional e n g 1 n c e r," Aid. Black added. Dork Dsy, Gordon MacRae. Mav 13 "Saints and Sinners," K. Moore. Christina Norden; "Lucky lasers," Leo Gercey and Hunt', Hall. May 14-16-"Thc Miniver Story." Greer Garson, Walter Fidgeon. -I May 17-19 "Call Me Mister,", Belly Grable. Dan Dailey. Mav 2P -"Angels in F.xitr." Carrol. Adele Mara, and "Rose of lie Yukon," Steve Brodie. Myrna ! Dell. I ISaeNowOnl: FIIIIIRllllllBltll j ul.iHHU n.KL.lwiMj It, mil IM1L Ntftb H I . j This .superb tea guarantees j the flavour of every cup "1MM ! Mav SI -22 "Mv Foolish Heart,", lineal! Hatfu-nl'H nann Anrlnm-c I I Kitchen ' - i 11 :00 Kindergarten of the Ah 11:15 Roundup Time 9 I . ilPUSE PAINT V mf Ur Mav 23-24 "Fortunes of Cap-to in B'nod." Louis Hayward. Pat-! ricla Medina. Mav 25-26 "Only tire Valiant," , Gregory Peck. Barbara Fayton. ! WW s w 2 ' i COLORS Parks Board In Session I May 27 "Military Academy." I FUanlev Clements. Myron Wdton: "Texan Meets Calamity Jane,"j ! Evelyn Ankers. James Ellison, j Mav 28-30 "I Can Get It For I You Wholesale," Susan Hayward, I i Dn Dailey. May 31-June 2 "Toast to New! "J liia advertisement w not puMitilivd ftr displayed by the Liquor (Vin(.nil ' Hoard or by t!ie (loverniueiit of ,. v liritifsh Columbia. 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 1:33-Recorded Interlude 1 :45 Scandinavian Melodies P.M. 12:00 Mid-Da.v Melodies . 12:15 CBC New. 12:25 Pioeram Kr-simw 12:30 B .C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rcc. Int. 1:00 This Week's Composer 1:30 Musical Program 1:45My Own Mother Comty, 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Rrcords at Random 2:45 't oday's Guest 3:00 Music Box 3:15 Don Messer and His Islanders nAflSnALL-UliLLG A delegation of Arthur Murray ' j Orleans," Kathryn Grayson and and P. J. Fo man was n;point?t PAINTS ENAMELS VARNISHES SOLD BY MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE FRASER HOUSE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE . INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Ave. V. Mario Lanza. at last wck's myelins of th Parks Board. They met with th? city council last night to ALASKA DISCOVERER the completion of the old cxhi-Alaska was discovered in 1741 bition building demolition at by Vitus Bering, a Dane employed I Acropolis Hill in Roosevlt Park, by Russia who had explored Chairman of the Parks Boari Bering Strait a few years pre- meeting held in the Civic Cent -e viously. was Aid. George Cas"y. Kaien Co-op Hardware 25 3rd Ave West Phone 179 WINDSOR, England (CP) The census official wno took the of- SCUBYS ficial forms to Windsor Castle ! did not ask the usual questions about accommodation. "Wc already have the information." h said. I ' Moving, Packing, Crating I Shipping r ,id (W-nt-ral , u t'arlage and Storage I I oinplclc, Rciialile uik! Effi-I t lent Service. AIo ajreiits for J .Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. .for Oxy;,ren, Acetylene and all j "welding supplies. "BONDED "J OLead in noPWSTORAGE Magnuson at Atomic Test LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED i - . t Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Bt. 191U Phones (10 and Kj wRiiis. P' SERVICE HONO KONG Senator Warren . i " Magnuson of Washington said , here today that there would bc new atomic tests In the Pacific j which he will attend. He declined ! to give details. Magnuson has' been louring Korea, Japan sndj Formosa. i PHONE 9 74 A Uon.l will cull tr y THE BEST . . . COSTS NO MORE "Wnimimiir , hiwwiwi. '"muni "i" f- Jjtrl .r ; IN RK ESTATE OP EttIC UAHL. ' I" (.t Ot' EK VICTORIA BILL SCUBY FURSi llfX.'MAHED. I TAKE NOTICE that a.i Admillli- j triitor. duly app.jlnlorl by the court. (if the rstnte of Eric Dalil. ho nd nt Prlncf rtniirrt. Brltl ;h Coli'rnbiH. I on the 8th day of Jimuury. 1051. I j require all crmlltorn and others hav- I liiK claims against the said estate to' send the same to me. properly verl- , lied, at the address mentioned below j on or before the luth clay of May. , 1051. after which date I shall pro- I cced by law. having regard only fi I such claims of which I shall then ' have been notified. ! And further take notice that all ! Vox 13G2, rriiii-L' Iluim't. bC d KuiKUiy. 8 p .in., chilcolin j " Tuesday, 12 Noon k V 'CE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Cutiuwun. II p.m. FOR NORTH Ql'EEN , CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ' ', ss. Clillcolin ... . April 27 ; p.m. new ship . . . HELP WANTED persons Indebted to said cstale are required to pay their Indebtedness to ,nie forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this i'JIW day of March. 1B61. fWirdon Fraser Forbes, ' Official Administrator, Trlnce Rupert, B.C. (A3,10,17.24) witr- Permanrnt positions lor suuo" ",'..,, TW' working conditions. Top wap Ass1" after one year employment. 50 Mcuum ck. v FOR OI TII Ql'EEN : CHARLOTTE ISLANDS w. Chilcolin, May 4 and 18 9 p.m. FRANK .1. SKINNER Prtniie Kiipei l Agent lilrd Avenue Phone 50H fees paid by firm. 2 First Closs Automobile Mechonj Body iP 1 Firsr Class Automobile AUCTION BALE Tlmher Sale MJ1I4 ! 'I ln-re will be offered for sale at , Public Auction, at 10:30 a.m.. no I Man for H and Pointer. 1 Helper and Clcon-up garage work. Apply: ; Call 363 I OR BETTER . . . Planning . . Building or ', Repairing Monday. May 14th. 1051. In the offlr.e i of the District Forester. Marine ' Bulldinu'. Vancouver. B.C.. the I.l- I cence X15714, to cut 3.000.000 f.b m ! i of Hemlock, Balsam. Cedar and! Spruce on an area situated on the j west shore of Klldala Arm, and adjoining the north and east boundar- ' les of Indian Reserve No. 4, Range 4, I Coast Land District. I Three years win be allowad for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend I the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as on bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of I Forests. Victoria. B.C.. or the District Forester, Vancouver. BC. (An.24c Rupert Motors crSij rMCTRIB0TORS new cargo . . new progress When the "Imperial Lecluc" steamed into Sarnia this week she made important news for all Canadians. The ship herself was news the world'! largest Jake tanker on her maiden voyage; Even greater news was her cargo the firsfc shipment of Alberta oil into the Ontario market. This new market for western crude will increase Canada's oil production by almost a half. It means a further saving in foreign exchange; 40 million dollars available if needed for other purposes. It gives the Prairies a bigger market in the east and, consequently, the east a bigger market in the Prairies. Above all, it makes Canada surer of oil supplies in peace or war. , Arrival of the "Imperial Leduc," at Sarnk began a new tiiapter in the story of Canada' economic development a nation more prosperous and more secure. CHRYSLER. PLYMUUin m" if mm. AUCTION SALE Tlmlier Sale X.VJ77J There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at II a.m.. on Monday. May I4th. ll8I. In the office of the District Forester. Marine Building. Vancouver. B.C., the Licence X52777. to cut 4.600,000 f.b.m of Hemlock. Balsam. Spruce and Cedar O0 ! on an area situated on the west bank on Klldala River, at the head of Kit Rnge , Coast Land Dia- ( rtala Arm tri-t. Ohe Pioneer MITCHELL & CURRIE -. LIMITED Kuilders & Contractors Three years will be allowed for removal of timber. Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated aa one bid." Further partlculara may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Foresta. Victoria. B.C.. or the District Forester, Vancouver. B.C. (A17 24CI DAILY DELIVERY 0) BSV3PEQIAL Hi. tDEVJITTED i Phone 81 Want Ads, fciure Kesults!